101 research outputs found

    Use of sensitive robots for rehabilitation purposes

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu aplikace pro účely rehabilitace horních končetins využitím průmyslového senzitivního robota KUKA LBR iiwa. Rešeršní část práceobsahuje přehled výzkumů zabývajících se robotickou rehabilitací s využitím průmyslovýchrobotů i jednoúčelových zařízení. Dále se tato část skládá z popisu vlastností průmyslovýchsenzitivních robotů od známých výrobců, včetně jejich vzájemného porovnáníz hlediska využitelnosti pro účely rehabilitace. Závěr rešeršní části obsahuje přehled současnýchtechnik robotické rehabilitace spolu s popisem hlavních účelů a funkcí rehabilitačníaplikace, jejímž návrhem se zabývají další kapitoly.Hlavní komponenty systému tvoří kooperativní robot LBR iiwa komunikující s počítačem.Robot slouží jako nástroj pro provádění fyzioterapie, včetně záznamu a vyhodnocenísil, kterými pacient na koncový efektor robota působí. Aplikace v počítači sloužíjako uživatelské rozhraní umožňující kromě vizualizace a sledování průběhu fyzioterapietaké například správu složek pacientů. Pro kontrolu pokroku pacientů jsou data z rehabilitacepřehledně prezentována a ukládána. Uživatelské rozhraní je vytvořeno prostřednictvímprogramovacího jazyka C#.This thesis deals with application design for the purpose of upper limb rehabilitation usingKUKA LBR iiwa Industrial Sensitive Robot. The research part contains an overview ofresearch on robotic rehabilitation using industrial robots and dedicated devices. Further,this part consists of a description of the properties of industrial sensitive robots fromknown manufacturers, including their mutual comparison in terms of usability for rehabilitationpurposes. The conclusion of the research section is an overview of the currenttechniques of robotic rehabilitation together with a description of the main purposes andfunctions of the rehabilitation application, whose proposal is dealt with in other chapters.The main components of the system are the LBR cooperative robot iiwa communicatingwith the computer. The robot serves as a tool for physiotherapy, including recordingand evaluating the forces that the patient exerts on the end effector of the robot. Theapplication on the computer serves as a user interface allowing, in addition to visualizingand tracking the course of physiotherapy, for example, patient folder management. Tomonitor patient progress, rehabilitation data is clearly presented and stored. The user interfaceis created using C# programming language

    Interests of parties to the Sino-Vietnamese War 1979

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    Diplomová práce Zájmy aktérů v čínsko-vietnamské válce 1979 pojednává o méně známém konfliktu z období studené války, který byl zvláštní tím, že zde proti sobě bojovaly státy, které byly ještě před několika lety spojenci. Cílem práce není popis samotné války, která 17. 2. 1979 začala masivním čínským útokem přes vietnamské hranice a skončila 16. 3. téhož roku. Netrvala tedy ani celý měsíc a měla formu "limited war", tedy války s omezenými cíly. Když jich bylo dosaženo, útok byl zastaven a Čínská lidová osvobozenecká armáda se vrátila zpět za hranice. Cílem této práce je však analýza vzájemných vztahů a zájmů jednotlivých aktérů, s cílem ověřit platnost formulované hypotézy, že tento konflikt byl ve skutečnosti "proxy war" tedy válkou v zastoupení mezi ČLR a SSSR.Diploma thesis Interests of parties to the Sino-Vietnamese War 1979 deals with the lesser know topic of the semi-forgotten war which had been fought during the Cold War era. The most interesting in this conflict is, that it had been fought by former mutual allies. The thesis isn't focused on the course of war, with the beginning on the 17th of February 1979. The form of war so called "limited". It means, that the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army, had its objectives, when they had been reached, the Chinese military units turned back to China. The last Chinese soldier crossed the border on the 16th of March 1979, after four week of harsh fighting's. But the aim of this work is to analyze the interests of the parties involved in the conflict and to prove the hypothesis, that the war was actually proxy war between PRC and USSR.Katedra mezinárodních vztahůDepartment of International RelationsFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Carsharing Web Application

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu aplikace pro efektivní plánování společnýchjízd autem. V rešeršní části práce jsou detailně popsána a zároveň mezi sebouporovnávána obdobná již existující řešení. Hlavním obsahem celé práce je naprogramovánívlastní aplikace pro plánování společných jízd autem, včetně jejího popisu. V prvníčásti je popsán návrhový vzor zdrojového kódu, požadavky na aplikaci a základní princip,na kterém je software založen. Další část práce se zabývá návrhem šablon, registrací uživatele,mechanismem soukromých zpráv a vytvořením samotného systému pro plánováníspolečných jízd. V závěru práce je popsáno dokončení uživatelského profilu a postup připrogramování hodnocení uživatelů.This thesis deals with the problems of proposal application for effective planningcommon rides by car. In the theoretical part of this thesis there are described and comparedin details already existing solution for planning common rides by car alike. Themain content of whole thesis is to programme its application for planning common ridesby car, including its describtion. In the first part is described proposal application ofsource code, requirements for application and basic principle, on which the software isbased. Farther away It is concerned with proposal stencils, users registration, mechanismof private messages and creating as such system for planning common rides. In conclusionof my thesis, there is described completion users profile and in the process of programmingevaluation users

    FH3, A Domain Found in Formins, Targets the Fission Yeast Formin Fus1 to the Projection Tip During Conjugation

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    Formins are involved in diverse aspects of morphogenesis, and share two regions of homology: FH1 and FH2. We describe a new formin homology region, FH3. FH3 is an amino-terminal domain that differs from the Rho binding site identified in Bni1p and p140mDia. The Schizosaccharomyces pombe formin Fus1 is required for conjugation, and is localized to the projection tip in cells of mating pairs. We replaced genomic fus1+ with green fluorescent protein (GFP)- tagged versions that lacked either the FH1, FH2, or FH3 domain. Deletion of any FH domain essentially abolished mating. FH3, but neither FH1 nor FH2, was required for Fus1 localization. An FH3 domain–GFP fusion protein localized to the projection tips of mating pairs. Thus, the FH3 domain alone can direct protein localization. The FH3 domains of both Fus1 and the S. pombe cytokinesis formin Cdc12 were able to localize GFP to the spindle pole body in half of the late G2 cells in a vegetatively growing population. Expression of both FH3-GFP fusions also affected cytokinesis. Overexpression of the spindle pole body component Sad1 altered the distribution of both Sad1 and the FH3-GFP domain. Together these data suggest that proteins at multiple sites can interact with FH3 domains

    Invasion of Wolbachia into Anopheles and Other Insect Germlines in an Ex vivo Organ Culture System

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    The common bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia manipulates its host's reproduction to promote its own maternal transmission, and can interfere with pathogen development in many insects making it an attractive agent for the control of arthropod-borne disease. However, many important species, including Anopheles mosquitoes, are uninfected. Wolbachia can be artificially transferred between insects in the laboratory but this can be a laborious and sometimes fruitless process. We used a simple ex vivo culturing technique to assess the suitability of Wolbachia-host germline associations. Wolbachia infects the dissected germline tissue of multiple insect species when the host tissue and bacteria are cultured together. Ovary and testis infection occurs in a density-dependent manner. Wolbachia strains are more capable of invading the germline of their native or closely related rather than divergent hosts. The ability of Wolbachia to associate with the germline of novel hosts is crucial for the development of stably-transinfected insect lines. Rapid assessment of the suitability of a strain-host combination prior to transinfection may dictate use of a particular Wolbachia strain. Furthermore, the cultured germline tissues of two major Anopheline vectors of Plasmodium parasites are susceptible to Wolbachia infection. This finding further enhances the prospect of using Wolbachia for the biological control of malaria

    Wolbachia Stimulates Immune Gene Expression and Inhibits Plasmodium Development in Anopheles gambiae

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    The over-replicating wMelPop strain of the endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis has recently been shown to be capable of inducing immune upregulation and inhibition of pathogen transmission in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In order to examine whether comparable effects would be seen in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, transient somatic infections of wMelPop were created by intrathoracic inoculation. Upregulation of six selected immune genes was observed compared to controls, at least two of which (LRIM1 and TEP1) influence the development of malaria parasites. A stably infected An. gambiae cell line also showed increased expression of malaria-related immune genes. Highly significant reductions in Plasmodium infection intensity were observed in the wMelPop-infected cohort, and using gene knockdown, evidence for the role of TEP1 in this phenotype was obtained. Comparing the levels of upregulation in somatic and stably inherited wMelPop infections in Ae. aegypti revealed that levels of upregulation were lower in the somatic infections than in the stably transinfected line; inhibition of development of Brugia filarial nematodes was nevertheless observed in the somatic wMelPop infected females. Thus we consider that the effects observed in An. gambiae are also likely to be more pronounced if stably inherited wMelPop transinfections can be created, and that somatic infections of Wolbachia provide a useful model for examining effects on pathogen development or dissemination. The data are discussed with respect to the comparative effects on malaria vectorial capacity of life shortening and direct inhibition of Plasmodium development that can be produced by Wolbachia