38 research outputs found

    Determining the impact of economic activiy in Asturias on greenhouse gas emissions

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    To fulfil the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, public authorities with responsibility for the environment, need to design and implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, whose pollution impact is highly relevant. Hence it is necessary to develop reliable data bases, indicators and tools in order to determine the reach of such an impact. In Spain, the Autonomous Communities have powers and responsibility for dealing with environmental affairs. Thus, the aim of this paper is the construction of an environmental Input-Output Table for the Regional Government of Asturias, with useful information with respect to environmental aspects of the regional economy. Concretely, the consequences of economic activity on the greenhouse gas emissions will be studied. The specific targets will be: to define and calculate the emission coefficients for every production sector and the final demand of the Asturian regional economy; to account for the quantities of the greenhouse gas emissions by sectors for a specified year; and to construct an environmental IO accounts system for Asturias starting from the pollution coefficients matrixes. Once these matrixes have been developed, it will be possible to carry out a conventional IO analysis, including the environmental aspects. As a result, the quantity of the pollutants generated directly in the economy by each of the production sectors and by the final demand will be determined, as well as the additional indirect emissions belonging to the output production. Finally, the multiplier analysis will be extended to obtain the induced effects resulting from consideration of household consumption, financed by incomes from the domestic production sectors, as endogenous.

    Conocimiento y crecimiento económico : una estrategia para los países en vías de desarrollo

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    El crecimiento económico de los países se basa, cada vez más, en recursos que difieren ampliamente de los tradicionales. La tecnología, la información, el aprendizaje, las capacidades y experiencia de los trabajadores, la cooperación, la formación de redes, entre otros, son factores cada vez más importantes dentro de los procesos de producción, confiriendo una ventaja competitiva a las empresas localizadas en aquellas zonas geográficas que disponen de estos recursos. Los países en vías de desarrollo deben ser capaces de adoptar estrategias que refuercen el acceso a los mismos, insertándose de esta forma en la economía del conocimiento. En este trabajo se analiza el modo en que estos países pueden acceder al conocimiento y las innovaciones necesarias para lograr una mayor competitividad y dinamismo de sus economías, definiendo las restricciones y/o oportunidades a las que se enfrentan en este proceso. ____________________________________________National economic growth is increasingly based on resources different from the traditional ones. Technology, information, learning, labour skills and experience, cooperation, networks are, among others, more and more important for the production processes. In this way, they give a competitive advantage to firms localized in geographic areas in which these resources are available. Developing countries must be able to adopt strategies to reinforce the access to these ones in order to insert themselves in the knowledge economy. In this paper the way in which these countries can access to the knowledge and innovations to achieve increased economic competitiveness and dynamism is analyzed. The constraints and/or opportunities they must deal with in this process are presented as well

    La incidencia de la política de la competencia comunitaria sobre la cohesión económica y social

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    El estudio de las ayudas regionales a empresas se enmarca en el ámbito de dos políticas comunes de la Unión Europea: la política regional y la política de la competencia. Ello implica la intersección y, en ocasiones, el conflicto entre ambas políticas. Por otra parte, existen otros tipos de ayudas estatales que también tienen una repercusión regional. En este artículo se analiza la incidencia que la aplicación de la normativa comunitaria sobre competencia puede tener en el logro del objetivo último de la política regional europea, esto es, la cohesión económica y socia

    Identifying learning patterns in the upper-intermediate level of English through large-scale testing

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    In this paper we will summarize the rationale and validation process of a multiple choice test developed at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) to regulate the students? access to the subject ?English for Professional and Academic Communication? for which a B2 proficiency level, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), was established as a minimum level. Item difficulty and item discrimination are studied and analyzed from the large-scale application of the test to 924 students. The aim of the study is to reach preliminary conclusions about possible areas where sequential learning on the part of students could be studied

    La innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico en la política regional de la unión europea, 2000-2006. Un análisis de las regiones menos desarrolladas

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    El “triángulo del conocimiento” formado por investigación-educación-innovación está en la base de los esfuerzos europeos para lograr los ambiciosos objetivos de la Estrategia de Lisboa: convertir a la economía de la Unión Europea (UE) en la “economía basada en el conocimiento más competitiva y dinámica del mundo”. La UE aplica diferentes políticas para alcanzar estos objetivos, entre las cuales se encuentra la política de cohesión económica y social. Esta se dirige a reducir las disparidades entre las regiones europeas, especialmente promoviendo el crecimiento de las regiones menos desarrolladas y de todas aquellas que experimentan serios cambios estructurales. El ámbito del estudio que aquí se presenta son precisamente las regiones menos desarrolladas de la UE-15 (antes de la ampliación hacia el Este de Europa), prestando una especial atención a las de España y Portugal. Para estas regiones se analizan los programas operativos de los Fondos Estructurales correspondientes al último periodo de programación finalizado: 2000-2006. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el impacto del esfuerzo realizado en la creación y mejora de capacidades regionales de investigación e innovación, incluyendo las nuevas TICs, sobre el crecimiento económico regional. Pero el desarrollo de la sociedad del conocimiento no es la única partida de gasto contemplada en los programas operativos de desarrollo regional analizados, por lo que se estudiará el peso de los distintos ejes de actuación, entre los que se incluyen, la mejora de la competitividad, especialmente de las PYMEs, la protección del medio ambiente, la inversión en infraestructuras de transporte y energía y el desarrollo local y urbano o rural

    Aprendizaje asistido por dispositivos móviles: UP2B2

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el enfoque denominado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) y presenta un prototipo de juego de preguntas y respuestas de opción múltiple que revisa la gramática, el vocabulario y el uso de la lengua inglesa del nivel B2 (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas-MCERL). La aplicación se caracteriza por presentar una componente de gamificación cuyo objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes a que la usen mediante un sistema de puntuación que los sitúa en un ranking global y que considera tanto los aciertos de cada uno como el tiempo en completar los tests. Se definen distintos índices para la monitorización de la plataforma e indicadores tanto de carácter cualitativo como cuantitativo para la medida de los resultados. ABSTRACT This work is framed within the approach called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and presents a game prototype consisting of multiple choice questions and answers that assess the grammar, vocabulary and the use of the English language at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The application is characterized by a strong gamification component that aims to motivate the students using it. Therefore, response time, correct answers and a ranking with the punctuation centre the most prominent aspects related to its playability. Different indexes are defined for the monitoring of the platform as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators for the study of the results

    Gentrification and health in two global cities : a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552In global cities, the impacts of gentrification on the lives and well-being of socially vulnerable residents have occupied political agendas. Yet to date, research on how gentrification affects a multiplicity of health outcomes has remained scarce. While much of the nascent quantitative research helps to identify associations between gentrification and determined health outcomes, it tends to draw from static datasets collected for other studies to draw a posteriori and non-longitudinal conclusions. There is little attention in traditional public health research to purposely understand the health impacts of the complex, multi-layered, and rapid change produced by gentrification. Moreover, few studies examine the pathways and socio-spatial dynamics of the association between gentrification and health. In response, we use qualitative data collected in Boston and Barcelona to comprehensively identify how the health and well-being of long-term residents may be affected by gentrification and to call for new multi-methods research. In this initial assessment, we find a range of potential detrimental factors and potential pathways associated with gentrification, including individual-level physical and mental health outcomes such as obesity, asthma, chronic stress, and depression; neighborhood-level health determinants such as safety and new drug-dealing/use; and institutional-level health determinants such as healthcare precarity and worsened school conditions

    Experiências de um programa formativo em alimentação saudável: o caso de docentes universitários mexicanos

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    Introduction: Universities, as work centers and managers of change, are responsible for contributing to the formation of healthy communities through the implementation of policies such as healthy eating, considering the effects that transcend beyond the individual. Objective: To study the individual, social and institutional effects of the educational program Alimentación Como Estilo de Vida Saludable from the point of view of the participants of said workshop in order to propose actions that favor healthy living at the university. Materials and methods: This was a qualitative study of a single case carried out with the participation of the academic staff of the Universidad Veracruzana who attended the workshop. A discriminated theoretical sample was used and gender and academic area were established as attributes. The strategies to collect the information were the episodic interview and selective direct observation. Results: Participation in the course had positive effects on the personal, social and institutional dimensions, such as the development of self-care skills, social cohesion, the creation of healthy networks and the recognition of health promotion as an integral axis of life; however, some aspects of the food culture and working conditions have a negative influence on people’s intention to take care of their health and generate tensions. Conclusions: The course allowed the development of intentions for change and personal skills for healthy eating. However, further effort is required for consolidation of changes given that the social environment and, mainly, the work environment have a negative influence. Actions are required that consider the food culture, the physical environment and the working conditions of teachers.Introducción: las universidades son centros de trabajo y gestores de cambio que pueden contribuir a la formación de comunidades saludables mediante intervenciones, como la promoción de la alimentación saludables, las cuales pueden tener efectos más allá de la individualidad. Objetivo: indagar los efectos individuales, sociales e institucionales del programa educativo Alimentación como estilo de vida saludable, desde el punto de vista de los participantes para proponer acciones en favor de una vida saludable en una universidad. Materiales y métodos: estudio cualitativo de caso único realizado con docentes de la Universidad Veracruzana que asistieron al curso-taller Alimentación como estilo de vida saludable. Se utilizó un muestreo teórico discriminado y se establecieron como atributos el sexo y el área académica. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante entrevista episódica y observación directa selectiva.  Resultados: el curso propició efectos positivos en las dimensiones personal, social e institucional, como el desarrollo de aptitudes para el auto-cuidado, la cohesión social, la creación de redes saludables y el reconocimiento de la promoción de la salud como eje integral de la vida. Sin embargo, aspectos de la cultura alimentaria y las condiciones laborales influyen negativamente en la intención de las personas por cuidar su salud y generan tensiones. Conclusiones: el curso permite gestar intenciones de cambio y aptitudes personales para la alimentación saludable, pero es insuficiente para consolidar los cambios, dado que el entorno social y, principalmente, el laboral influyen de manera negativa. Se requieren acciones que consideren la cultura alimentaria, el entorno físico y las condiciones laborales de los docentes.introdução: As universidades como centros de trabalho e gestores de mudança podem contribuir para a formação de comunidades saudáveis através de intervenções, tais como a promoção de uma alimentação saudável. Estas intervenções têm efeitos para além do individual. Objectivo: investigar os efeitos individuais, sociais e institucionais do programa educativo “A alimentação como um estilo de vida saudável” ponto de vista dos participantes para propor acções para promover uma vida saudável na Universidade. Materiais y métodos: estudo qualitativo de caso único de docentes da Universidade Veracruzana que frequentaram o curso-workshop. “A alimentação como um estilo de vida saudável”. Foi utilizada uma amostragem teórica discriminante e foi estabelecido o género e o área académica como atributos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevista episódica e observação directa selectiva. Resultados: O curso teve efeitos positivos nas dimensões pessoal, social e institucional, tais como o desenvolvimento de competências de autocuidado, a coesão social, a criação de redes saudáveis e o reconhecimento da promoção da saúde como parte integral da vida; contudo, aspectos da cultura alimentar e das condições de trabalho têm uma influência negativa na intenção das pessoas de cuidarem da sua saúde e de gerarem tensões. Conclusões: O curso permite a gestação de intenções de mudança e competências pessoais para uma alimentação saudável, mas é insuficiente para consolidar as mudanças, uma vez que o ambiente social e, principalmente, o ambiente de trabalho têm uma influência negativa. São necessárias acções que tenham em conta a cultura alimentar, o ambiente físico e as condições de trabalho dos docentes

    Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities : the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAlthough cities globally are increasingly mobilizing re-naturing projects to address diverse urban socio-environmental and health challenges, there is mounting evidence that these interventions may also be linked to the phenomenon known as green gentrification. However, to date the empirical evidence on the relationship between greenspaces and gentrification regarding associations with different greenspace types remains scarce. This study focused on 28 mid-sized cities in North America and Western Europe. We assessed improved access to different types of greenspace (i.e. total area of parks, gardens, nature preserves, recreational areas or greenways [i] added before the 2000s or [ii] added before the 2010s) and gentrification processes (including [i] gentrification for the 2000s; [ii] gentrification for the 2010s; [iii] gentrification throughout the decades of the 2000s and 2010s) in each small geographical unit of each city. To estimate the associations, we developed a Bayesian hierarchical spatial model foreach city and gentrification time period (i.e. a maximum of three models per city). More than half of our models showed that parks-together with other factors such as proximity to the city center-are positively associated with gentrification processes, particularly in the US context, except in historically Black disinvested postindustrial cities with lots of vacant land. We also find than in half of our models newly designated nature preserves are negatively associated with gentrification processes, particularly when considering gentrification throughout the 2000s and the 2010s and in the US. Meanwhile, for new gardens, recreational spaces and greenways, our research shows mixed results (some positive, some negative and some no effect associations). Considering the environmental and health benefits of urban re-naturing projects, cities should keep investing in improving park access while simultaneously implementing anti-displacement and inclusive green policies