1,584 research outputs found

    Effects of low-level dietary microalgae supplementation on the distal intestinal microbiome of farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)

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    In this study, high throughput 16S rRNA sequencing was used to investigate the effect of a novel whole-cell dietary microalgae meal (Schizochytrium limacinum), on the distal intestinal microbiome of farmed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Heterotrophic microalgae are rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, can be produced sustainably and have been shown to have beneficial effects on host health. After a 15-week trial period, microbial community profiles were compared between the distal intestinal contents of fish fed either a control diet or a treatment diet that partially replaced fish oil with microalgae meal, at a substitution level of 5%. The results of this research showed that the microbial communities of both fish populations were composed of similar microbial taxa, however, the treatment group fed the microalgae supplement possessed a greater level of microbial diversity than those in the control group. A limited number of bacterial taxa were discriminatory between diets and were significantly elevated in the treatment group, notably operational taxonomic units (OTUs) assigned to the genera Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Weissella. However, the overall structure of the intestinal microbiome between control and treatment groups was not found to be significantly different. The treatment group displayed a heavier mean weight and condition factor at the end of the trial period. The results of this study suggest that the tested microalgae meal can be used as a replacement for a proportion of fish oil in aquafeeds, with minor changes to the intestinal microbiome of farmed rainbow trout, and positive effects on growth

    The Dust-to-Gas Ratio in the Damped Ly alpha Clouds Towards the Gravitationally Lensed QSO 0957+561

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    We present HST/FOS spectra of the two bright images (A and B) of the gravitationally lensed QSO 0957+561 in the wavelength range 2200-3300 A. We find that the absorption system (Z(sub abs)) = 1.3911) near z(sub em) is a weak, damped Ly alpha system with strong Ly alpha absorption lines seen in both images. However, the H(I) column densities are different, with the line of sight to image A intersecting a larger column density. The continuum shapes of the two spectra differ in the sense that the flux level of image A increases more slowly toward shorter wavelengths than that of image B. We explain this as the result of differential reddening by dust grains in the damped Ly alpha absorber. A direct outcome of this explanation is a determination of the dust-to-gas ratio, k, in the damped Ly alpha system. We derive k = 0.55 + 0.18 for a simple 1/lambda extinction law and k = 0.31 + 0.10 for the Galactic extinction curve. For gravitationally lensed systems with damped Ly alpha absorbers, our method is a powerful tool for determining the values and dispersion of k, and the shapes of extinction curves, especially in the FUV and EUV regions. We compare our results with previous work

    Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: A time-series analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: To use interrupted time-series analyses to investigate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We hypothesized that the pandemic would be associated with higher rates of HAIs after adjustment for confounders. DESIGN: We conducted a cross-sectional study of HAIs in 3 hospitals in Missouri from January 1, 2017, through August 31, 2020, using interrupted time-series analysis with 2 counterfactual scenarios. SETTING: The study was conducted at 1 large quaternary-care referral hospital and 2 community hospitals. PARTICIPANTS: All adults ≥18 years of age hospitalized at a study hospital for ≥48 hours were included in the study. RESULTS: In total, 254,792 admissions for ≥48 hours occurred during the study period. The average age of these patients was 57.6 (±19.0) years, and 141,107 (55.6%) were female. At hospital 1, 78 CLABSIs, 33 CAUTIs, and 88 VAEs were documented during the pandemic period. Hospital 2 had 13 CLABSIs, 6 CAUTIs, and 17 VAEs. Hospital 3 recorded 11 CLABSIs, 8 CAUTIs, and 11 VAEs. Point estimates for hypothetical excess HAIs suggested an increase in all infection types across facilities, except for CLABSIs and CAUTIs at hospital 1 under the no pandemic scenario. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 era was associated with increases in CLABSIs, CAUTIs, and VAEs at 3 hospitals in Missouri, with variations in significance by hospital and infection type. Continued vigilance in maintaining optimal infection prevention practices to minimize HAIs is warranted

    Continuous 1.3-Million-Year Record of East African Hydroclimate, and Implications for Patterns of Evolution and Biodiversity

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    The transport of moisture in the tropics is a critical process for the global energy budget and on geologic timescales, has markedly influenced continental landscapes, migratory pathways, and biological evolution. Here we present a continuous, first-of-its-kind 1.3-My record of continental hydroclimate and lake-level variability derived from drill core data from Lake Malawi, East Africa (9–15° S). Over the Quaternary, we observe dramatic shifts in effective moisture, resulting in large-scale changes in one of the world’s largest lakes and most diverse freshwater ecosystems. Results show evidence for 24 lake level drops of more than 200 m during the Late Quaternary, including 15 lowstands when water levels were more than 400 m lower than modern. A dramatic shift is observed at the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), consistent with far-field climate forcing, which separates vastly different hydroclimate regimes before and after ∼800,000 years ago. Before 800 ka, lake levels were lower, indicating a climate drier than today, and water levels changed frequently. Following the MPT high-amplitude lake level variations dominate the record. From 800 to 100 ka, a deep, often overfilled lake occupied the basin, indicating a wetter climate, but these highstands were interrupted by prolonged intervals of extreme drought. Periods of high lake level are observed during times of high eccentricity. The extreme hydroclimate variability exerted a profound influence on the Lake Malawi endemic cichlid fish species flock; the geographically extensive habitat reconfiguration provided novel ecological opportunities, enabling new populations to differentiate rapidly to distinct species

    Ageing Intensifies the Care Needs of Adults Living with Parkinson ’s Disease and their Carers

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurological disorder in Australia typically affecting people over the age of 65. Few studies of people living with Parkinson’s disease have estimated current hours of home support and unmet needs. In addition no studies have been found that estimate hours of unmet need in terms of functioning or care arrangements or examined whether these estimates differ depending on the viewpoints of carers and the people living with PD whom they care for. In 2007, we surveyed the home care support needs of adults diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in Western Australia (WA). The survey revealed that adults living with Parkinson’s disease prefer, and can be supported with, home care support services in lieu of residential care placement. As expected, required services increased as functioning decreased. In addition, unmet needs were found to be greater for those with carers irrespective of their level of functional dependency. Unmet needs for weekly services, for people that require home support services, are estimated at 38, 33, 55 and 47 min for personal care, cleaning, social support, and gardening and home maintenance, respectively. The survey also found that most carers and people living with PD agreed that current levels of different types of home care support including nursing were either adequate or insufficient; some carers preferred more services even if the people living with PD were satisfied and some people living with PD wanted more services even if their carers reported needing no extra help. Respite was used by 29 % of people living with PD with carers with two thirds wanting more opportunities for respite. Of the 71 % of people living with PD with carers who had not used respite, less than half stated that they would like to use respite. The 2007 survey was followed by interviews with a sample of survey respondents at different stages of their disorder. In the interviews, most of the people living with Parkinson’s disease commented that continuing to remain at home depended on the rate of degeneration of their disorder as well as the ability of their carers to continue to care. Most of these people and their careers were living day-to-day with a hope that enough support would be made available if and when they need it. As vocal Baby Boomers age, policymakers would do well to acknowledge the diversity of care needs for people with Parkinson’s disease and address the quantum and type of support to meet these needs

    Smoking remains associated with education after controlling for social background and genetic factors in a study of 18 twin cohorts

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    We tested the causality between education and smoking using the natural experiment of discordant twin pairs allowing to optimally control for background genetic and childhood social factors. Data from 18 cohorts including 10,527 monozygotic (MZ) and same-sex dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs discordant for education and smoking were analyzed by linear fixed effects regression models. Within twin pairs, education levels were lower among the currently smoking than among the never smoking co-twins and this education difference was larger within DZ than MZ pairs. Similarly, education levels were higher among former smoking than among currently smoking co-twins, and this difference was larger within DZ pairs. Our results support the hypothesis of a causal effect of education on both current smoking status and smoking cessation. However, the even greater intra-pair differences within DZ pairs, who share only 50% of their segregating genes, provide evidence that shared genetic factors also contribute to these associations.Peer reviewe

    IGEMS: The Consortium on Interplay of Genes and Environment Across Multiple Studies

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    The Interplay of Genes and Environment across Multiple Studies (IGEMS) group is a consortium of eight longitudinal twin studies established to explore the nature of social context effects and gene-environment interplay in late-life functioning. The resulting analysis of the combined data from over 17,500 participants aged 25–102 at baseline (including nearly 2,600 monogygotic and 4,300 dizygotic twin pairs and over 1,700 family members) aims to understand why early life adversity, and social factors such as isolation and loneliness, are associated with diverse outcomes including mortality, physical functioning (health, functional ability), and psychological functioning (well-being, cognition), particularly in later life

    Application of In Vivo Induced Antigen Technology (IVIAT) to Bacillus anthracis

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    In vivo induced antigen technology (IVIAT) is an immuno-screening technique that identifies bacterial antigens expressed during infection and not during standard in vitro culturing conditions. We applied IVIAT to Bacillus anthracis and identified PagA, seven members of a N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase autolysin family, three P60 family lipoproteins, two transporters, spore cortex lytic protein SleB, a penicillin binding protein, a putative prophage holin, respiratory nitrate reductase NarG, and three proteins of unknown function. Using quantitative real-time PCR comparing RNA isolated from in vitro cultured B. anthracis to RNA isolated from BALB/c mice infected with virulent Ames strain B. anthracis, we confirmed induced expression in vivo for a subset of B. anthracis genes identified by IVIAT, including L-alanine amidases BA3767, BA4073, and amiA (pXO2-42); the bacteriophage holin gene BA4074; and pagA (pXO1-110). The exogenous addition of two purified putative autolysins identified by IVIAT, N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidases BA0485 and BA2446, to vegetative B. anthracis cell suspensions induced a species-specific change in bacterial morphology and reduction in viable bacterial cells. Many of the proteins identified in our screen are predicted to affect peptidoglycan re-modeling, and our results support significant cell wall structural remodeling activity during B. anthracis infection. Identification of L-alanine amidases with B. anthracis specificity may suggest new potential therapeutic targets