155 research outputs found

    Características de mulheres com uma ou mais cesáreas anteriores no nascer no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar descritivamente as parturientes brasileiras com cesariana anterior e apontar os fatores associados ao parto vaginal após cesárea (Vaginal Birht After Cesarean– VBAC) no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados de mulheres com uma, duas ou três e mais cesáreas da pesquisa Nascer no Brasil. As diferenças entre categorias foram avaliadas pelo teste de quiquadrado (χ2). As variáveis que apresentaram diferença significativa (< 0,05) foram incluídas em regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Do total de 23.894 mulheres, 20,9% tinham cesárea anterior. A maior parte (85,1%) foi submetida a outra cesárea, 75,5% antes do início do trabalho de parto. A porcentagem de VBAC foi de 14,9%, uma taxa de sucesso de 60,8%. Mulheres com três cesáreas ou mais apresentaram maior vulnerabilidade social. As chances de VBAC foram maiores entre aquelas decididas pelo parto vaginal no fim da gestação, com parto vaginal anterior, indução de parto, admitidas com mais de 4 centímetros de dilatação e sem companheiro. Assistência no sistema privado, ter duas cesáreas ou mais, complicações obstétricas e decisão por cesariana no final da gestação diminuíram as chances de VBAC. Faixa etária, escolaridade, adequação do pré-natal e razão da cesárea anterior não apresentaram diferença significativa. CONCLUSÃO: A maior parte das mulheres com cesárea anterior no Brasil é encaminhada para uma nova cirurgia, e o maior número de cesáreas está associado à maior iniquidade social. Os fatores associados ao VBAC foram decisão pelo parto vaginal no fim da gestação, parto vaginal anterior, maior dilatação cervical na internação, indução, atendimento no sistema público de saúde, ausência de complicações obstétricas e ausência de companheiro. São necessárias ações de estímulo ao VBAC, visando reduzir taxas globais de cesarianas e suas consequências para a saúde materno-infantil.OBJECTIVE: To descriptively analyze Brazilian parturient women who underwent previous cesarean section and point out the factors associated with Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) in Brazil. METHODS: The study used data from women with one, two, or three or more cesarean sections from the survey Nascer no Brasil (Birth in Brazil). Differences between categories were assessed through the chi-square test (χ2). Variables with significant differences (p < 0.05) were incorporated into logistic regression. FINDINGS: Out of the total of 23,894 women, 20.9% had undergone a previous cesarean section. The majority (85.1%) underwent another cesarean section, with 75.5% occurring before the onset of labor. The rate of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) was 14.9%, with a success rate of 60.8%. Women who underwent three or more cesarean sections displayed greater social vulnerability. The chances of VBAC were higher among those who opted for a vaginal birth towards the end of gestation, had a prior vaginal birth, underwent labor induction, were admitted with over 4 centimeters of dilation, and without partner. Receiving care from the private health care system, having two or more prior cesarean sections, obstetric complications, and deciding on cesarean delivery late in gestation reduced the chances of VBAC. Age group, educational background, prenatal care adequacy, and the reason for the previous cesarean section did not result in significant differences. CONCLUSION: The majority of women who underwent a previous cesarean section in Brazil are directed towards another surgery, and a higher number of cesarean sections is linked to greater social inequality. Factors associated with VBAC included choosing vaginal birth towards the end of gestation, having had a previous vaginal birth, higher cervical dilation upon admission, induction, assistance from the public health care system, absence of obstetric complications, and without a partner. Efforts to promote VBAC are necessary to reduce overall cesarean rates and their repercussions on maternal and child health

    Recurrent preterm birth: data from the study “Birth in Brazil”

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    OBJECTIVE Describe and estimate the rate of recurrent preterm birth in Brazil according to the type of delivery, weighted by associated factors. METHODS We obtained data from the national hospital-based study “Birth in Brazil”, conducted in 2011 and 2012, from interviews with 23,894 women. Initially, we used the chi-square test to verify the differences between newborns according to previous prematurity and type of recurrent prematurity. Sequentially, we applied the propensity score method to balance the groups according to the following covariates: maternal age, socio-economic status, smoking during pregnancy, parity, previous cesarean section, previous stillbirth or neonatal death, chronic hypertension and chronic diabetes. Finally, we performed multiple logistic regression to estimate the recorrence. RESULTS We analyzed 6,701 newborns. The rate of recurrence was 42.0%, considering all women with previous prematurity. Among the recurrent premature births, 62.2% were spontaneous and 37.8% were provider-initiated. After weighting by propensity score, we found that women with prematurity have 3.89 times the chance of having spontaneous recurrent preterm birth (ORaj = 3.89; 95%CI 3.01–5.03) and 3.47 times the chance of having provider-initiated recurrent preterm birth (ORaj = 3.47; 95%CI 2.59–4.66), compared to women who had full-term newborns. CONCLUSIONS Previous prematurity showed to be a strong predictor for its recurrence. Thus, expanding and improving the monitoring and management of pregnant women who had occurrence of prematurity strongly influence the reduction of rates and, consequently, the reduction of infant morbidity and mortality risks in the country.OBJETIVO Descrever e estimar a taxa de prematuridade recorrente no Brasil segundo o tipo de parto, ponderado pelos fatores associados. MÉTODOS Os dados foram obtidos do estudo nacional de base hospitalar “Nascer no Brasil”, realizado em 2011 e 2012, a partir de entrevistas com 23.894 mulheres. Inicialmente foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado para verificar as diferenças entre os recém-nascidos, segundo a prematuridade prévia e o tipo de prematuridade recorrente. Sequencialmente, aplicou-se o método de ponderação pelo escore de propensão para equilibrar os grupos de acordo com as seguintes covariáveis: idade materna, classificação socioeconômica, tabagismo durante a gravidez, paridade, cesárea anterior, natimorto ou óbito neonatal anterior, hipertensão crônica e diabetes crônica. Por último, foi realizada regressão logística múltipla para estimar a prematuridade recorrente. RESULTADOS Foram analisados 6.701 recém-nascidos. A taxa de prematuridade recorrente foi de 42,0%, considerando todas as mulheres com prematuridade prévia. Dentre os prematuros recorrentes, 62,2% foram espontâneos e 37,8% ocorreram por intervenção-obstétrica. Após a ponderação pelo escore de propensão, verificou-se que mulheres com prematuridade prévia têm 3,89 vezes a chance de terem prematuridade recorrente espontânea (ORaj = 3,89; IC95% 3,01–5,03) e 3,47 vezes a chance de terem prematuridade recorrente por intervenção obstétrica (ORaj = 3,47; IC95% 2,59–4,66), em comparação às mulheres que tiveram recém-nascidos termo completo. CONCLUSÕES A prematuridade prévia revelou-se um forte preditor para sua recorrência. Assim, ampliar e melhorar o monitoramento e manejo de gestantes com história de prematuridade impacta fortemente na redução das taxas e, consequentemente, na redução dos riscos de morbimortalidade infantil no país

    Prevalence and risk factors related to preterm birth in Brazil

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    Abstract Background The rate of preterm birth has been increasing worldwide, including in Brazil. This constitutes a significant public health challenge because of the higher levels of morbidity and mortality and long-term health effects associated with preterm birth. This study describes and quantifies factors affecting spontaneous and provider-initiated preterm birth in Brazil. Methods Data are from the 2011–2012 “Birth in Brazil” study, which used a national population-based sample of 23,940 women. We analyzed the variables following a three-level hierarchical methodology. For each level, we performed non-conditional multiple logistic regression for both spontaneous and provider-initiated preterm birth. Results The rate of preterm birth was 11.5 %, (95 % confidence 10.3 % to 12.9 %) 60.7 % spontaneous - with spontaneous onset of labor or premature preterm rupture of membranes - and 39.3 % provider-initiated, with more than 90 % of the last group being pre-labor cesarean deliveries. Socio-demographic factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth were adolescent pregnancy, low total years of schooling, and inadequate prenatal care. Other risk factors were previous preterm birth (OR 3.74; 95 % CI 2.92–4.79), multiple pregnancy (OR 16.42; 95 % CI 10.56–25.53), abruptio placentae (OR 2.38; 95 % CI 1.27–4.47) and infections (OR 4.89; 95 % CI 1.72–13.88). In contrast, provider-initiated preterm birth was associated with private childbirth healthcare (OR 1.47; 95 % CI 1.09–1.97), advanced-age pregnancy (OR 1.27; 95 % CI 1.01–1.59), two or more prior cesarean deliveries (OR 1.64; 95 % CI 1.19–2.26), multiple pregnancy (OR 20.29; 95 % CI 12.58–32.72) and any maternal or fetal pathology (OR 6.84; 95 % CI 5.56–8.42). Conclusion The high proportion of provider-initiated preterm birth and its association with prior cesarean deliveries and all of the studied maternal/fetal pathologies suggest that a reduction of this type of prematurity may be possible. The association of spontaneous preterm birth with socially-disadvantaged groups reaffirms that the reduction of social and health inequalities should continue to be a national priority

    Prelabor cesarean section: the role of advanced maternal age and associated factors

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    OBJECTIVE to evaluate whether advanced maternal age (AMA) is associated with prelabor cesarean section and to identify the factors associated with prelabor cesarean section in AMA women, according to the mode of type of labor financing (private or public). METHODS Based on the Birth in Brazil survey, the research was conducted on representative sample of mothers for the country (Brazil), regions, type of hospital and location (capital or not), in 2011/2012. This study included 15,071 women from two age groups: 20–29 years and ≥ 35 years. The information was collected from interviews with puerperal woman, prenatal cards, and medical records of mothers and newborns. Multiple logistic regression modelling was used to verify the association between prelabor cesarean section and maternal, prenatal and childbirth characteristics, according to the mode of financing. RESULTS Our results showed a higher use of prelabor cesarean section for AMA (≥ 35 years) women in the public service (OR = 1.63; 95%CI 1.38–1.94) and in the private service (OR = 1.44; 95%CI 1.13–1.83), compared with women aged 20–29 years. In the adjusted model, we recorded three factors associated with the prelabor cesarean section in AMA women in both, public and private sectors: the same professional in prenatal care and childbirth (OR = 4.97 and OR = 4.66); nulliparity (OR = 6.17 and OR = 10.08), and multiparity with previous cesarean section (from OR = 5.73 to OR = 32.29). The presence of obstetric risk (OR = 1.94; 95%CI .44–2.62) also contributed to the occurrence of prelabor cesarean section in women who gave birth in the public service. CONCLUSIONS AMA was an independent risk factor for prelabor cesarean in public and private services. In the public, prelabor cesarean in AMA was more influenced by clinical criteria. Higher chance of prelabor cesarean section in nulliparous women increases the chance of cesarean section in multiparous women, as we showed in this study, which increases the risk of anomalous placental implantation

    Trauma in pregnancy

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    The priorities for management of the pregnant patient are no different than those of the nonpregnancy patient. It is important to follow a methodic evaluation that ensures complete assessment and stabilization of the mother. The mother should be stabilized before the stabilization of the fetus. The physiologic and anatomic changes during the pregnancy can influence outcome. Continuous fetal and maternal monitoring may be necessary. This article discuss about blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma, peritoneal lavage and indications of exploratory laparotomy. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnancy and perimortem cesarean delivery is considered. Indicators may suggest the presence of domestic violence and should serve to initiate further investigation.Este artigo faz uma revisão das alterações anatômicas e fisiológicas que ocorrem durante a gestação e estabelece os princípios da abordagem à gestante traumatizada, delineando os aspectos da monitorização materna e fetal e as patologias próprias da gestação. Diferenciam-se os traumas contusos e penetrantes, discutindo-se o papel do lavado peritoneal diagnóstico e da laparotomia exploradora. Discutem-se a abordagem da gestante em parada cardiorrespiratória e as indicações de cesárea perimorte, bem como os indícios de violência doméstica

    Lysosomal and vacuolar sorting: not so different after all!

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    Soluble hydrolases represent the main proteins of lysosomes and vacuoles and are essential to sustain the lytic properties of these organelles typical for the eukaryotic organisms. The sorting of these proteins from ER residents and secreted proteins is controlled by highly specific receptors to avoid mislocalization and subsequent cellular damage. After binding their soluble cargo in the early stage of the secretory pathway, receptors rely on their own sorting signals to reach their target organelles for ligand delivery, and to recycle back for a new round of cargo recognition. Although signals in cargo and receptor molecules have been studied in human, yeast and plant model systems, common denominators and specific examples of diversification have not been systematically explored. This review aims to fill this niche by comparing the structure and the function of lysosomal/vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) from these three organisms