36 research outputs found

    The northernmost haulout site of South American sea lions and fur seals in the western South Atlantic

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    We present estimates of the seasonal and spatial occupation by pinnipeds of the Wildlife Refuge of Ilha dos Lobos (WRIL), based on aerial photographic censuses. Twenty aerial photographic censuses were analysed between July 2010 and November 2018. To assess monthly differences in the numbers of pinnipeds in the WRIL we used a Generalized Linear Mixed Model. Spatial analysis was carried out using Kernel density analysis of the pinnipeds on a grid plotted along the WRIL. Subadult male South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) were the most abundant pinniped in the WRIL. Potential females of this species were also recorded during half of the census. The maximum number of pinnipeds observed in the WRIL was 304 in September 2018, including an unexpected individual southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), and a high number of South American fur seal yearlings (Arctocephalus australis). However, there was no statistically significant difference in counts between months. In all months analysed, pinnipeds were most often found concentrated in the northern portion of the island, with the highest abundances reported in September. This study confirms the importance of the WRIL as a haulout site for pinnipeds in Brazil, recommends that land research and recreational activities occur in months when no pinnipeds are present, and encourages a regulated marine mammal-based tourism during winter and spring months.Fil: Procksch, Natália. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Grandi, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Ott, Paulo Henrique. Universidade Estadual Do Rio Grande Do Sul; Brasil. Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos Do Rio Grande Do Sul (GEMARS); BrasilFil: Groch, Karina. Instituto Australis de Pesquisa E Monitoramento Ambiental. Projeto Baleia Franca; BrasilFil: Flores, Paulo A. C.. Centro Mamíferos Aquáticos, Currently at Área de Proteção Ambiental; BrasilFil: Zagonel, Marcelo. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Crespo, Enrique Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Machado, Rodrigo. Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos Do Rio Grande Do Sul (GEMARS); BrasilFil: Pavez, Guido. Universidad de Valparaiso; ChileFil: Guimarães, Murilo. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Veronez, Maurício. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: de Oliveira, Larissa Rosa. Grupo de Estudos de Mamíferos Aquáticos Do Rio Grande Do Sul (GEMARS); Brasil. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; Brasi

    Microcephaly prevalence after the 2015 to 2016 Zika outbreak in Tangará da Serra, Brazil: a population-based study

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    Objective: Prenatal infection with the Zika virus (ZIKV) can lead to congenital Zika syndrome (CZS), characterized by microcephaly and brain injury. However, there are questions regarding the prevalence of microcephaly/CZS after the ZIKV outbreak in defined geographic areas. This study aimed to identify adverse outcomes in live births of fetuses exposed in utero to the ZIKV, compared to unexposed births, as well as maternal sociodemographic, delivery, and birth characteristics. Methods: Here, we conducted a cross-sectional observational study to investigate the characteristics of all live births in the city of Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil, in 2016, after the outbreak of ZIKV infection in late 2015. All live births of children to women residing in the municipality of Tangará da Serra between January 1 and December 31, 2016, were evaluated, and head circumference was measured at birth and after 24 hours. Children born with microcephaly or a maternal history of confirmed or suspected prenatal ZIKV infection were evaluated by a multidisciplinary team. The outcomes of the exposed and non-exposed children were compared. Prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated for sociodemographic, delivery, and live birth characteristics. Results: Of 1,441 live births, 106 (7.3%) were from mothers with confirmed or highly probable exposure to ZIKV. The prevalence of severe congenital microcephaly (41.7/10,000) in Tangará da Serra in 2016 was ten-fold higher than that in Latin America before 2015. Conclusion: This study may serve as a model to investigate possible outbreaks of infections in a defined geographical space in the future

    Survey of Bancroftian filariasis infection in humans and Culex mosquitoes in the western Brazilian Amazon region: implications for transmission and control

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    Introduction: The aim of this work was to identify possible lymphatic filariasis foci in the western Brazilian Amazonian that could be established from the reports of Rachou in the 1950s. The study was conducted in three cities of the western Brazilian Amazon region - Porto Velho and Guajará-Mirim (State of Rondônia) and Humaitá (State of Amazonas). Methods: For human infection evaluation thick blood smear stained with Giemsa was used to analyze samples collected from 10pm to 1am. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to examine mosquito vectors for the presence of Wuchereria bancrofti DNA. Humans were randomly sampled from night schools students and from inhabitants in neighborhoods lacking sanitation. Mosquitoes were collected from residences only. Results: A total 2,709 night students enrolled in the Program for Education of Young Adults (EJA), and 935 people registered in the residences near the schools were examined, being 641 from Porto Velho, 214 from Guajará-Mirim and 80 from Humaitá. No individual examined was positive for the presence of microfilariae in the blood stream. A total of 7,860 female Culex quinquefasciatus specimens examined were negative by PCR. Conclusions: This survey including human and mosquito examinations indicates that the western Amazon region of Brazil is not a focus of Bancroftian filariasis infection or transmission. Therefore, there is no need to be included in the Brazilian lymphatic filariasis control program.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Proj no. 2007/00848-

    HLA haplotypes and differential regional mortality caused by COVID-19 in Brazil: an ecological study based on a large bone marrow donor bank dataset

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mortality rates varied among the states of Brazil during the course of the pandemics. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is a critical component of the antigen presentation pathway. Individuals with different HLA genotypes may trigger different immune responses against pathogens, which could culminate in different COVID-19 responses. HLA genotypes are variable, especially in the highly admixed Brazilian population. In this ecological study, we aimed to investigate the correlation between HLA haplotypes and the different regional distribution of COVID-19 mortality in Brazil. HLA data was obtained from 4,148,713 individuals registered in The Brazilian Voluntary Bone Marrow Donors Registry. COVID-19 data was retrieved from epidemiological bulletins issued by State Health Secretariats via Brazil’s Ministry of Health from February/2020 to July/2022. We found a positive significant correlation between the HLA-A*01~B*08~DRB1*03 haplotype and COVID-19 mortality rates when we analyzed data from 26 states and the Federal District. This result indicates that the HLAA*01~B*08~DRB1*03 haplotype may represent an additional risk factor for dying due to COVID-19. This haplotype should be further studied in other populations for a better understanding of the variation in COVID-19 outcomes across the world

    Decifrando o “mistério dos gêmeos”: Vinte anos de pesquisa em Cândido Godói, Rio Grande do Sul

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    Cândido Godói (CG) é um pequeno município brasileiro localizado no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul e é conhecido como “Cidade dos Gêmeos” devido à alta taxa de nascimentos gemelares na região. Diante de um fato tão notável, muitas explicações foram sugeridas. Entre estas teorias, a que mais recebeu atenção da mídia, mesmo sem base científica, foi a de que a gemelaridade seria fruto de experimentos de um médico nazista alemão foragido após a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A convite da própria comunidade de CG, nosso grupo de pesquisa trabalha para resolver este mistério desde 1994, analisando diferentes fatores possivelmente relacionados, em especial suas características genéticas. Aqui, nós sumarizamos os principais resultados obtidos em mais de duas décadas de pesquisa, com foco nas particularidades do processo de comunicação dos resultados, aspectos éticos e como os achados científicos naquela comunidade contribuem não apenas com a resolução de um mistério histórico e local, mas também com o estudo de outras questões, como a reprodução humana e as bases biológicas da gemelaridade.Palavras-chave: INaGeMP; gêmeos; efeito fundador; isolamento reprodutivo; fertilidade; genética médica populaciona

    Population medical genetics : translating science to the community

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    Rare genetic disorders are currently in the spotlight due to the elevated number of different conditions and significant total number of affected patients. The study of these disorders is extremely helpful for the elucidation of physiological processes related with complex disorders. Isolated populations are instrumental for the study of genetic disorders, considering their homogeneity and high proportion of affected patients in a small geographic area. These favorable conditions lead to the creation of a new discipline, known as "population medical genetics", which integrates medical genetics, population genetics, epidemiological genetics and community genetics. In order to develop practical activities in this new discipline, the National Institute of Population Medical Genetics (INaGeMP) was created in 2008 in Brazil. INaGeMP has developed several tools and funded numerous research activities. In this review, we highlight three successful projects developed in the first 10 years of INaGeMP activities (2008-2018): a newborn screening pilot study for MPS VI in Northeast Brazil, the study of Machado-Joseph disease in Brazilian families with Azorian ancestry, and the high twinning rate in a small town in southern Brazil. The results of these projects in terms of scientific output and contributions to the affected communities highlight the success and importance of INaGeMP

    Admixture in Latin America: Geographic Structure, Phenotypic Diversity and Self-Perception of Ancestry Based on 7,342 Individuals

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    The current genetic makeup of Latin America has been shaped by a history of extensive admixture between Africans, Europeans and Native Americans, a process taking place within the context of extensive geographic and social stratification. We estimated individual ancestry proportions in a sample of 7,342 subjects ascertained in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México and Perú). These individuals were also characterized for a range of physical appearance traits and for self-perception of ancestry. The geographic distribution of admixture proportions in this sample reveals extensive population structure, illustrating the continuing impact of demographic history on the genetic diversity of Latin America. Significant ancestry effects were detected for most phenotypes studied. However, ancestry generally explains only a modest proportion of total phenotypic variation. Genetically estimated and self-perceived ancestry correlate significantly, but certain physical attributes have a strong impact on self-perception and bias self-perception of ancestry relative to genetically estimated ancestry

    Análise geo-espacial de sobrenomes em genética médica populacional no Brasil

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    Os sobrenomes são traços culturais transmitidos a partir de um ancestral a seus descendentes através de um mecanismo vertical, formando um sistema de herança único de nossa espécie. As bases de dados de sobrenomes conferem a vantagem de dispor de grandes amostras cobrindo grandes grupos populacionais, com rápida manipulação e o baixo custo nas análises. A análise da distribuição espacial de sobrenomes nas mais diversas escalas geográficas (distritos, município, estado, pais ou continente) pode servir como indicadores da estrutura de populações. Por outro lado, a análise geo-espacial ao longo do território ou em diferentes momentos históricos, contribui significativamente para as pesquisas em genética e saúde, pois permite ter uma dimensão espacial de variáveis em estudo. A presente tese teve como objetivo utilizar a análise de sobrenomes e geo-espacial para fazer inferências sobre a estrutura populacional de comunidades no Brasil. Nossa proposta é de que estudos deste tipo podem ser importantes ferramentas auxiliares no campo de genética médica populacional. Utilizamos como modelo municípios da região noroeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Cerro Largo, Santo Cristo e Cândido Godói), especialmente o município de Candido Godoi, onde historicamente se conhece sua colonização por descendentes de imigrantes europeus, principalmente alemães. Nesta mesma região também foram desenvolvidos estudos em genética médica populacional fatores relacionados à ocorrência de altas taxas de gemelaridade ao longo do tempo. Utilizamos a análise de isonimia e distribuição sobrenomes para identificar subgrupos populacionais dentro de 5.316 habitantes e 665 sobrenomes diferentes em Candido Godoi. De uma maneira geral, a análise de sobrenomes forneceu uma estreita e adequada aproximação de fundo histórico e socioeconômico descrito para esta comunidade. Grande parte das famílias com histórico de gêmeos morava inicialmente em Santo Cristo e Cerro Largo, antes de se fixar residência em Candido Godoi Desta forma, o presente trabalho analisa a distribuição de sobrenomes também nesses dois municípios geograficamente vizinhos, antigas colônias que passaram pelo mesmo processo de criação. Baseado em análise de heredogramas, foram selecionados os dezoito nomes de família com maior frequência de nascimentos gemelares na cidade de Cândido Godói. Para cada sobrenome foi associada uma origem geográfica mais provável. Com o objetivo de verificar se as mesmas variáveis históricas e culturais que determinaram agrupamentos populacionais em Cândido Godói agem também no contexto geral dos três municípios e no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foram empregadas duas ferramentas geoestatisticas: auto correlação espacial e a técnica de Krigagem. Os resultados mostram uma clara diferença entre os três municípios da região, sendo Santo Cristo e Candido Godói formando um grupo com maior grau de isolamento, onde os índices de consanguinidade são maiores e Cerro Largo com menor grau de isolamento. Os sobrenomes das famílias que possuem registro de gêmeos apresentaram uma distribuição muito restrita ao nível do estado e também dentro dos municípios estudados. A explicação provavelmente está relacionada ao processo formador destas colônias. A comparação do dados de nosso estudo com outros usando analise isonimica na América Latina, mostra diferenças entre os resultados obtidos que podem ser interpretados por diferentes processos históricos de colonização, com fortes implicações na estruturação genética das populações.Surnames are cultural traits transmitted from ancestors to their descendants through a vertical mechanism, forming a heritage system unique to our species. An advantage of surname databases is that they possess large samples covering large population groups, which can be quickly manipulated, and the analyses can be performed at a low cost. Spatial distribution analysis of surnames at various geographical levels (district, municipal, state, country, or continent) can serve as an indicator of population structure. Moreover, geospatial analysis throughout the territory or at different historical moments, significantly contributes to health and genetics research, since it enables a spatial dimension of the variables being studied. This thesis aimed to use surname and geospatial analyses to make inferences about the population structure of communities in Brazil. Our proposition is that such studies can be important tools in the field of populational medical genetics. Municipalities of the northeastern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Cerro Largo, Santo Cristo, and Cândido Godói) were used as a model — in particular the municipality of Candido Godoi which is historically known for its colonization by descendants of European immigrants, especially Germans. In the same region, studies of populational medical genetics factors related to the occurrence of high rates of gemelarity over time were also developed. We used isonymic analysis and distribution of surnames to identify population subgroups for the 5,316 inhabitants and 665 different surnames in Candido Godoi. The rate of surname diversity according to Fisher’s (α), and the rate for consanguinity, had low and high values, respectively — this is consistent with what is expected for isolated communities with high levels of genetic drift. In general, the analysis of surnames provided a close approximation of the historical and socioeconomic background described for this community. Most of the families with a history of twins originally lived in Santo Cristo and Cerro Largo, before taking up residence in Candido Godoi. Thus, this paper also analyzes the distribution of surnames in these two geographically neighboring municipalities, both former colonies that went through the same creation process. Based on heredogram analysis, the eighteen surnames with the highest frequency of twin births in the city of Cândido Godói were selected and a most likely geographical origin was associated to each surname. In order to verify if the same historical and cultural variables that determined populational groupings in Candido Godói also act in the general context of the three municipalities and in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, two geostatistical tools were employed: spatial self-correlation and the Kriging technique. The results of this analysis show a clear difference between the three municipalities of the region, with Santo Cristo and Candido Godói forming a group with a higher degree of isolation, where the consanguinity rates are higher; and Cerro Largo, with a lower degree of isolation. The surnames of the families who have a record of twins showed a very limited distribution at the state level and also within the municipalities studied. The explanation is probably related to the formation process of these colonies. The comparison, using isonymic analysis, of the data from our study with other data in Latin America, shows differences in the results obtained. This can be interpreted by different historical colonization processes, with large implications for the genetic structuring of the populations

    Análise geo-espacial de sobrenomes em genética médica populacional no Brasil

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    Os sobrenomes são traços culturais transmitidos a partir de um ancestral a seus descendentes através de um mecanismo vertical, formando um sistema de herança único de nossa espécie. As bases de dados de sobrenomes conferem a vantagem de dispor de grandes amostras cobrindo grandes grupos populacionais, com rápida manipulação e o baixo custo nas análises. A análise da distribuição espacial de sobrenomes nas mais diversas escalas geográficas (distritos, município, estado, pais ou continente) pode servir como indicadores da estrutura de populações. Por outro lado, a análise geo-espacial ao longo do território ou em diferentes momentos históricos, contribui significativamente para as pesquisas em genética e saúde, pois permite ter uma dimensão espacial de variáveis em estudo. A presente tese teve como objetivo utilizar a análise de sobrenomes e geo-espacial para fazer inferências sobre a estrutura populacional de comunidades no Brasil. Nossa proposta é de que estudos deste tipo podem ser importantes ferramentas auxiliares no campo de genética médica populacional. Utilizamos como modelo municípios da região noroeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Cerro Largo, Santo Cristo e Cândido Godói), especialmente o município de Candido Godoi, onde historicamente se conhece sua colonização por descendentes de imigrantes europeus, principalmente alemães. Nesta mesma região também foram desenvolvidos estudos em genética médica populacional fatores relacionados à ocorrência de altas taxas de gemelaridade ao longo do tempo. Utilizamos a análise de isonimia e distribuição sobrenomes para identificar subgrupos populacionais dentro de 5.316 habitantes e 665 sobrenomes diferentes em Candido Godoi. De uma maneira geral, a análise de sobrenomes forneceu uma estreita e adequada aproximação de fundo histórico e socioeconômico descrito para esta comunidade. Grande parte das famílias com histórico de gêmeos morava inicialmente em Santo Cristo e Cerro Largo, antes de se fixar residência em Candido Godoi Desta forma, o presente trabalho analisa a distribuição de sobrenomes também nesses dois municípios geograficamente vizinhos, antigas colônias que passaram pelo mesmo processo de criação. Baseado em análise de heredogramas, foram selecionados os dezoito nomes de família com maior frequência de nascimentos gemelares na cidade de Cândido Godói. Para cada sobrenome foi associada uma origem geográfica mais provável. Com o objetivo de verificar se as mesmas variáveis históricas e culturais que determinaram agrupamentos populacionais em Cândido Godói agem também no contexto geral dos três municípios e no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foram empregadas duas ferramentas geoestatisticas: auto correlação espacial e a técnica de Krigagem. Os resultados mostram uma clara diferença entre os três municípios da região, sendo Santo Cristo e Candido Godói formando um grupo com maior grau de isolamento, onde os índices de consanguinidade são maiores e Cerro Largo com menor grau de isolamento. Os sobrenomes das famílias que possuem registro de gêmeos apresentaram uma distribuição muito restrita ao nível do estado e também dentro dos municípios estudados. A explicação provavelmente está relacionada ao processo formador destas colônias. A comparação do dados de nosso estudo com outros usando analise isonimica na América Latina, mostra diferenças entre os resultados obtidos que podem ser interpretados por diferentes processos históricos de colonização, com fortes implicações na estruturação genética das populações.Surnames are cultural traits transmitted from ancestors to their descendants through a vertical mechanism, forming a heritage system unique to our species. An advantage of surname databases is that they possess large samples covering large population groups, which can be quickly manipulated, and the analyses can be performed at a low cost. Spatial distribution analysis of surnames at various geographical levels (district, municipal, state, country, or continent) can serve as an indicator of population structure. Moreover, geospatial analysis throughout the territory or at different historical moments, significantly contributes to health and genetics research, since it enables a spatial dimension of the variables being studied. This thesis aimed to use surname and geospatial analyses to make inferences about the population structure of communities in Brazil. Our proposition is that such studies can be important tools in the field of populational medical genetics. Municipalities of the northeastern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Cerro Largo, Santo Cristo, and Cândido Godói) were used as a model — in particular the municipality of Candido Godoi which is historically known for its colonization by descendants of European immigrants, especially Germans. In the same region, studies of populational medical genetics factors related to the occurrence of high rates of gemelarity over time were also developed. We used isonymic analysis and distribution of surnames to identify population subgroups for the 5,316 inhabitants and 665 different surnames in Candido Godoi. The rate of surname diversity according to Fisher’s (α), and the rate for consanguinity, had low and high values, respectively — this is consistent with what is expected for isolated communities with high levels of genetic drift. In general, the analysis of surnames provided a close approximation of the historical and socioeconomic background described for this community. Most of the families with a history of twins originally lived in Santo Cristo and Cerro Largo, before taking up residence in Candido Godoi. Thus, this paper also analyzes the distribution of surnames in these two geographically neighboring municipalities, both former colonies that went through the same creation process. Based on heredogram analysis, the eighteen surnames with the highest frequency of twin births in the city of Cândido Godói were selected and a most likely geographical origin was associated to each surname. In order to verify if the same historical and cultural variables that determined populational groupings in Candido Godói also act in the general context of the three municipalities and in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, two geostatistical tools were employed: spatial self-correlation and the Kriging technique. The results of this analysis show a clear difference between the three municipalities of the region, with Santo Cristo and Candido Godói forming a group with a higher degree of isolation, where the consanguinity rates are higher; and Cerro Largo, with a lower degree of isolation. The surnames of the families who have a record of twins showed a very limited distribution at the state level and also within the municipalities studied. The explanation is probably related to the formation process of these colonies. The comparison, using isonymic analysis, of the data from our study with other data in Latin America, shows differences in the results obtained. This can be interpreted by different historical colonization processes, with large implications for the genetic structuring of the populations