87 research outputs found

    The economic impact of the event Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta 2015

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    This thesis is a Field Lab project requested by the organizer of the Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta 2015, Podium Events. Its purpose is to determine the economic impact of the event for the 21 host economies and Portugal as a whole. The Volta started in Viseu and ended in Lisboa, and lasted for two weeks from the 29th July until the 8th August. Results were computed by accessing data provided by the different economic agents involved in the event (spectators, attendees and organizer), through face-to-face surveys and contact via e-mail. The Volta generated a total economic impact of €76.261.876. Keywords: Cycling

    Hearing Loss in Infectious and Contagious Diseases

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    Hearing loss can occur for various reasons, whether it is of a genetic, congenital or acquired character. Infectious diseases stand out among those causing this type of deficiency and account for approximately 25% of all cases of profound hearing loss. Of these, one-fifth are due to congenital causes. As to classifying hearing loss, this can be done according to where this is in the hearing system, to whether the loss is unilateral or bilateral, and to its intensity or degree. Regarding where the hearing system is affected, hearing loss can be about transmission (or conduction), perception (sensorineural), or mixed. Hearing losses arising from any affection of the outer and middle ear are called transmission or conductive losses. Sensorineural losses occur due to lesions on the hair cells of the cochlear organ of Corti (inner ear) and/or of the cochlear nerve. When there is concomitant conductive and sensorineural affection, the loss is classified as mixed. Hearing loss can interfere in the lives of affected individuals, since besides affecting communication, it can influence the quality of life, when the loss leads to feelings of sadness and anxiety, or even to social isolation. In children, it can moreover represent consequences for development. Thus, appropriate treatment and/or monitoring of infectious diseases is important, the purpose of which is to see to it that hearing loss is prevented or diagnosed early

    Harvest timing, drying and storage effects in the grain quality of common and hard wheat

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    The objective of the present work was to analyse the effects of initial moisture content, drying parameters and storage period in grain quality. The experiment was installed in Campinas Agronomic Institute (IAC), using two genotypes of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L), one with spike dormancy (IAC 24), harvested with 30.0%; 21.4% and 12.2% moisture content and the other without it (IAC 289), harvested with 35.0%; 23.4% and 12.5% moisture content; additionally, one hard wheat genotype (Triticum durum L.) without dormancy (IAC 1003), harvested with 31.6%, 22.2% and 11.7% moisture content was also analysed. Drying operations were performed at 40, 60 and 80 ºC under an air flow of 20m³ min-1.m-2. Dried grains were then stored in polyethylene packets for a period of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8-months at 20±2ºC. Grain quality parameters analysed were number of falls, viscosity, general force of gluten and hectolitre weight. The genotype IAC 289 presented an increase on alpha-amylase activity due to harvest delay. Harvest anticipation and drying process had no effect on grain quality, whereas storage period improved the technological quality of the wheat flour.O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a influência da época de colheita, secagem e período de armazenamento na qualidade de grãos de trigo comum e duro. Os experimentos foram instalados no campo do Núcleo Experimental de Campinas, IAC, usando DOIS genótipos de trigo comum (Triticum aestivum L), um com dormência na espiga (IAC 24), colhido com 30,0%; 21,4% e 12,2% de água e um sem dormência na espiga (IAC 289), colhido com 35,0%; 23,4% e 12,5% de água; além deum genótipo de trigo duro (Triticum durum L.) sem dormência (IAC 1003), colhido com 31,6%; 22,2% e 11,7% de água. A secagem foi realizada a 40, 60 e 80 ºC e um fluxo de ar de 20 m³ min-1.m-2. Após a secagem, os grãos foram armazenados em embalagens de polietileno por um período de 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 meses a 20 ± 2 ºC. Os parâmetros de qualidade de grãos analisados no Laboratório de cereais, raízes e tubérculos na FEA/UNICAMP foram os testes de número de queda, viscosidade, força geral do glúten e peso hectolitro. Observou-se no genótipo IAC 289 um aumento significativo da atividade da enzima alfa-amilase, com o atraso da colheita. Com antecipação da colheita e da secagem não foi reduzida a qualidade dos grãos e, com a armazenagem, houve melhora na qualidade tecnológica da farinha do trigo.127137Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Application of machine learning methods in forecasting sales prices in a project consultancy

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    The objective of this article is to apply a comparative analysis of machine learning techniques to predict project sales prices for a consulting company in the South of Brazil. The company is involved in various fields such as strategy, production, quality, and innovation. Due to this diverse range of projects, the company managers face challenges in accurately determining the sales value of new projects, as they deal with different types of predictor variables such as consultant type, project type, and number of hours. Hence, there is a need to utilize a method that can predict sales values through multivariate analysis and yield results close to the company's expectations. To achieve this goal, the article conducted a literature review on two research topics: Production Planning and Control (PPC) and machine learning techniques. Subsequently, the current sales prospecting process of the company was mapped out. Data were collected, analyzed, and prepared, followed by testing and selection of the best model. Finally, the proposed improvement was discussed with the organization. The results revealed that the application of Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) technique achieved the lowest error rate among the tested machine learning techniques. The error rate was approximately 22%, which is deemed acceptable within the analyzed segment. Consequently, this study successfully met stakeholders' expectations by demonstrating the potential of utilizing computational algorithms for demand forecasting and project pricing.The objective of this article is to apply a comparative analysis of machine learning techniques to predict project sales prices for a consulting company in the South of Brazil. The company is involved in various fields such as strategy, production, quality, and innovation. Due to this diverse range of projects, the company managers face challenges in accurately determining the sales value of new projects, as they deal with different types of predictor variables such as consultant type, project type, and number of hours. Hence, there is a need to utilize a method that can predict sales values through multivariate analysis and yield results close to the company's expectations. To achieve this goal, the article conducted a literature review on two research topics: Production Planning and Control (PPC) and machine learning techniques. Subsequently, the current sales prospecting process of the company was mapped out. Data were collected, analyzed, and prepared, followed by testing and selection of the best model. Finally, the proposed improvement was discussed with the organization. The results revealed that the application of Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) technique achieved the lowest error rate among the tested machine learning techniques. The error rate was approximately 22%, which is deemed acceptable within the analyzed segment. Consequently, this study successfully met stakeholders' expectations by demonstrating the potential of utilizing computational algorithms for demand forecasting and project pricing

    Crescimento de juvenis do apaiari alimentados com diferentes níveis de relação energia:proteína

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    O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da relação energia:proteína da dieta no desempenho de juvenis do apaiari, Astronotus ocellatus. Trinta e dois juvenis (4,99 ± 0,63 g; 2,64 ± 0,74 cm) foram alojados em 32 tanques rede de polietileno com sistema de filtragem mecânica e biológica, aeração constante e fotoperíodo de 12:12 horas. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro dietas isoenergéticas (3.850 kcal kg-1), com níveis crescentes (38%, 43%, 48% e 53%) de proteína bruta (PB), obtendo-se, dessa forma, relações energia: proteína de 7 (T-1), 8 (T-2), 9 (T-3) e 10 (T-4) kcal g-1 de energia digestível (ED). As dietas foram administradas diariamente, até a saciedade aparente, as 10 e 16 horas, durante 75 dias, em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso (DIC). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Ao fim do experimento, o tratamento dois apresentou o melhor valor para o ganho de peso acumulado (10,92 ± 0,3 g), diferindo significativamente dos demais (P0,05). Pode-se sugerir, com base nos resultados obtidos, que a relação de 8 kcal g-1 de PB atende as exigências nutricionais de juvenis do A. ocellatus, proporcionado melhor desempenho zootécnico

    Qualidade microbiológica e físico e química de peixes congelados comercializados em supermercados de Cruz das Almas, Bahia/ Microbiological and physical and chemical quality of frozen fish commercialized in supermarkets in Cruz das Almas, Bahia

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    O pescado é um alimento que se destaca nutricionalmente dentre os produtos de origem animal, porém muito suscetível a deterioração microbiana. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química de peixes congelados em supermercados de Cruz das Almas, Bahia. Para isso, foram realizadas 12 coletas de sardinha, merluza e corvina em seis supermercados e realizados testes microbiológicos (bactérias psicrotróficas cultiváveis (BPC), Salmonella spp. e Pseudomonas aeruginosa) e físico-químicos (temperatura, pH, gás sulfídrico e amônia). Os peixes apresentaram contagens acima de 106 UFC para BPC em 8,3% das amostras, e presença de Salmonella spp. e P. aeruginosa em 50% e 83% dos estabelecimentos, respectivamente. A temperatura interna dos peixes variou de -15 °C a -1 °C, o pH de 5,9 a 7,5, com positividade para amônia e gás sulfídrico em 86% e 77,8% das amostras, respectivamente. Os peixes congelados comercializados em Cruz das Almas apresentaram contaminação por Salmonella spp. e amostras com valores de pH e teste de gás sulfídrico e amônia em desacordo com os padrões legais de conformidade

    S-Nitroso-N-Acetylcysteine Ameliorates Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury In The Steatotic Liver

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    BACKGROUND: Steatosis is currently the most common chronic liver disease and it can aggravate ischemia-reperfusion (IR) lesions. We hypothesized that S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC), an NO donor component, can ameliorate cell damage from IR injury. In this paper, we report the effect of SNAC on liver IR in rats with normal livers compared to those with steatotic livers. METHODS: Thirty-four rats were divided into five groups: I (n=8), IR in normal liver; II (n=8), IR in normal liver with SNAC; III (n=9), IR in steatotic liver; IV (n=9), IR in steatotic liver with SNAC; and V (n=10), SHAN. Liver steatosis was achieved by administration of a protein-free diet. A SNAC solution was infused intraperitoneally for one hour, beginning 30 min. after partial (70%) liver ischemia. The volume of solution infused was 1 ml/100 g body weight. The animals were sacrificed four hours after reperfusion, and the liver and lung were removed for analysis. We assessed hepatic histology, mitochondrial respiration, oxidative stress (MDA), and pulmonary myeloperoxidase. RESULTS: All groups showed significant alterations compared with the group that received SHAN. The results from the steatotic SNAC group revealed a significant improvement in liver mitochondrial respiration and oxidative stress compared to the steatotic group without SNAC. No difference in myeloperoxidase was observed. Histological analysis revealed no difference between the non-steatotic groups. However, the SNAC groups showed less intraparenchymal hemorrhage than groups without SNAC (p=0.02). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that SNAC effectively protects against IR injury in the steatotic liver but not in the normal liver


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    As micotoxinas são metabólitos secundários com variado grau de toxicidade e produzidos por diversos fungos. Por serem extremamente comuns e afetarem gêneros alimentícios em larga escala, a preocupação com sua ocorrência e com o desenvolvimento de métodos para descontaminação tem sido crescente em todo o mundo. Além disso, o pequeno conhecimento acerca de suas formas de ação e seu evidente potencial como agentes de guerra ressaltam a importância de maiores estudos na área. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para inativação da patulina, uma micotoxina produzida principalmente pelos gêneros Penicillium, Bissochlamys e Aspergillus, além de estratégias para evitar sua ocorrência. Foram utilizadas como ferramentas a irradiação gama para inativação e óleo essencial de noz moscada para controle da proliferação de cepas de fungos. Para análise dos resultados de inativação e composição das amostras de óleo essencial foram utilizadas a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e a cromatografia gasos

    Educação do Campo e da Floresta: análise do Plano Estratégico da Avaliação do Desempenho do Estudante (ADE) com turma do 3° ano da Escola Municipal Professora Neuza dos Santos Ribeiro

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o Plano Estratégico da Avaliação do Desempenho do Estudante com turma do 3° ano da Escola Municipal Professora Neuza dos Santos Ribeiro. Este trabalho fundamentou-se nas obras dos autores Gombert (2003), Maluf (2005) e Mota (2009). Assim, utilizou-se o método dedutivo, de forma de localizar por meio do levantamento bibliográfico, pesquisa ação e resposta dos questionamentos dos sujeitos entrevistados a partir da observação das atividades das práticas pedagógicas com os alunos. Como resultado, percebeu-se o fortalecimento das ações frente a organização de um ambiente alfabetizador, organização de ambiente de leitura, frequência dos alunos na escola, trabalhando texto com apoio da imagem em adivinhas, atividades de localizar informação explícita em texto