81 research outputs found

    El impacto de la biotecnología reproductiva avanzada en la salud y la reproducción animal

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    La producción in vitro de embriones por fertilización in vitro o por procedimientos de transferencia de núcleos es una herramienta poderosa utilizada ampliamente para propósitos científicos, conservacionistas y comerciales. Sin embargo, las alteraciones del desarrollo son consecuencias impredecibles de tales manipulaciones in vitro, que pueden interferir con el patrón de de crecimiento fetal y placentario y la vida ex utero, que se agrupan en unos síntomas conocidos colectivamente como el síndrome del ternero grande (LOS). La importancia económica del síndrome está asociada con un incremento en las pérdidas gestacionales, aberraciones placentarias y fetales que culminan en aborto, condiciones hidópicas de las membranas fetales, gestaciones prolongadas, disminución en los signos de parto, distocias, y nacimiento de terneros grandes con baja supervivencia postnatal. Las bajas tasas de preñez con las altas tasas de pérdidas gestacionales representan pérdidas económicas significativas por baja prolificidad. El entendimiento de los mecanismos de crecimiento prenatal durante el desarrollo normal y en aquellos relacionados con el síndrome sería muy significativo en la prevención, atenuación de las anormalidades de ocurrencia común en el ganado, con implicaciones directas a nivel científico y económico.The in vitro production of bovine embryos by in vitro fertilization or nuclear transfer procedures is a powerful tool in wide use for scientific, conservationist and commercial purposes. However, developmental abnormalities are unpredictable consequences of such in vitro embryo manipulations, which may interfere with the pattern of fetal and placental growth and life ex utero, in a set of symptoms collectively called Large Offspring Syndrome (LOS). The economical significance of the syndrome is associated with increased rates of pregnancy losses, placental and fetal aberrations that culminate in abortion, hydrops of the fetal membranes, prolonged gestation, diminished signs of parturition, dystocia, and birth of large calves with lower postnatal survival. Lower pregnancy rates with higher gestational and postnatal losses represent significant economical losses for a lower prolificacy. The understanding of mechanisms of prenatal growth in normal development and in those related to the syndrome will be of significance for prevention or attenuation of abnormalities of common occurrence in cattle, with potential direct scientific and economical implications

    In vitro and in vivo survival of mouse morulas and blastocysts following vitrification in 45% glycerol

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    The toxicity of cryoprotectant agents is one of the critical factors for the successful vitrification of mammalian embryos, which depends on the concentration, time and temperature of exposure to the cryoprotectant. Moreover, embryos from different species or stages of development have distinct levels of tolerance to cryoprotectant agents. This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo survivals of mouse embryos after distinct times of exposure to two cryoprotectant concentrations prior to vitrification. In Experiment 1, compact morulas, blastocysts and expanded blastocysts were exposed to 10% glycerol for 10 min (group 1) or to 25% glycerol for 10, 5 and 2.5 min (groups 2, 3, and 4, respectively) prior to their exposure to the vitrification solution containing 45% glycerol for 1 min at 20°C before immersion in liquid nitrogen. Embryos were thawed in a water bath at 20°C for 20 sec, and the cryoprotectant was diluted in 1 M sucrose for 10 min. Then, embryos were morphologically evaluated following in vitro culture for 1 and 48 h. In vitro survivals of compact morulas and blastocysts were not affected by glycerol concentration and/or equilibration time prior to vitrification. However, expanded blastocysts demonstrated a lower survivability to vitrification. In Experiment 2, fresh and vitrified (according to procedures in group 1, Experiment 1) compact morulas and blastocysts were transferred to recipients following in vitro culture for 1 h at room temperature. Pregnancy rates, based on the proportion of viable fetuses, were similar between vitrified and fresh compact morulas (27% and 33%, respectively). However, vitrified blastocysts demonstrated a lower in vivo survival than controls (9% vs. 52%, respectively)

    Ocupação espaço-temporal pelos macroinvertebrados bentônicos na bacia do rio Ribeirão, Paranaguá, PR (Brasil)

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    O presente trabalho visou compreender a estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos da bacia do rio Ribeirão no município de Paranaguá (Pr), com coletas realizadas no período de outubro/2002 e fevereiro/2003 durante as estações de primavera e verão, respectivamente. Chironomidae mostrou-se predominante na maioria dos substratos amostrados, com exceção de Vegetação Marginal onde Palaemonidae foi dominante. A ocorrência de fortes chuvas no período da coleta de verão levou a um aumento da diversidade devido a quebra de dominância dos grupos majoritários. ABSTRACT To understand the structure of the community of benthonic macroinvertebrates of the basin of the Ribeirão river in the city of Paranaguá (PR). The samplings were carried through from October/2002 to February/2003, during the Spring and Summer, respectively. Chironomidae predominante in the majority of substrata, except in the Marginal Vegetation, where Palaemonidae predominates. The occurrence of strong rains in the period of the Summer collection possibly contributed to the increase of the diversity due the decrease of the dominance in the majority of groups in the samples collected in the period from October/ 2002 to February/2003. RÉSUMÉ Le présent travail visait etablar la structure de la population de macroinvértebré bentoniques de la bassin du riviere Ribeirão dans les ville de Paranaguá (PR), avec collectes ayant eté realisé dans les période de octobre de 2002 et fevrier de 2003 au cours des la saison de la printemps et été respetivement. Chironomidae montrait predominante dans les majorité des types ayant été echantillonné, avec la exception de la végétation marginal, où Palaemonidae etait dominant. Locurrance de fort pluie dans le période de la collecte dété portait lune elévation de la diversité dû la casse de la predominance des groupes majoritaires

    Hydrophilic character study of silica-gel by a laser dynamic speckle method

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    This research shows a application of the dynamical speckle laser technique to the characterization to silica-gel with different textural properties. i.e. grain size, superficial area and pore volume. The experimental results show a good correlation with the textural parameters.El trabajo muestra una aplicación de la técnica de speckle dinámico al estudio de hidrofilicidad de sílica gel comercial con diferentes propiedades texturales, tales como tamaño de granos, área superficial y volumen de poros. Los resultados experimentales muestran la evolución temporal de los diagramas de speckle durante el proceso de adsorción del agua de las muestras. Los resultados muestran una buena correlación con los parámetros texturales.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias AplicadasFacultad de IngenieríaCentro de Investigaciones Óptica

    Dynamic Speckle Laser technique for the characterization of electrotechnical-porcelain

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    This work analyzes the quality of two types of commercial electro-technical-porcelain using textural and physical-chemical methods: BET surface area and pore size by gas adsorption, X-ray powder diffraction; Electronic Microscopy and Energy dispersive X-ray analysis, Infrared Spectroscopy and their water adsorption capacity by the Dynamic Speckle Laser technique. Experimental results showed the evolution of the speckle patterns during hydro-adsorption process, permitting to discriminate different behavior for each material. It was determined that it is possible to correlate changes in the speckle patterns with the porosity and chemical composition of materials

    Patterns of cell proliferation and apoptosis by topographic region in normal Bos taurus vs. Bos indicus crossbreeds bovine placentae during pregnancy

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    Abstract Background Placental and fetal growth requires high rates of cellular turnover and differentiation, which contributes to conceptus development. The trophoblast has unique properties and a wide range of metabolic, endocrine and angiogenic functions, but the proliferative profile of the bovine placenta characterized by flow cytometry analysis and its role in fetal development are currently uncharacterized. Complete understanding of placental apoptotic and proliferative rates may be relevant to development, especially if related to the pathogenesis of pregnancy losses and placental abnormalities. Methods In this study, the proliferation activity and apoptosis in different regions of normal bovine placenta (central and boundary regions of placentomes, placentomal fusion, microplacentomes, and interplacentomal regions), from distinct gestation periods (Days 70 to 290 of pregnancy), were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results Our results indicated that microplacentomes presented a lower number of apoptotic cells throughout pregnancy, with a higher proliferative activity by the end of gestation, suggesting that such structures do not contribute significantly to normal of placental functions and conceptus development during pregnancy. The placentome edges revealed a higher number of apoptotic cells from Day 170 on, which suggests that placentome detachment may well initiate in this region. Conclusion Variations involving proliferation and apoptotic rates may influence placental maturation and detachment, compromising placental functions and leading to fetal stress, abnormalities in development and abortion, as frequently seen in bovine pregnancies from in vitro fertilization and cloning procedures. Our findings describing the pattern of cell proliferation and apoptosis in normal bovine pregnancies may be useful for unraveling some of the developmental deviations seen in nature and after in vitro embryo manipulations

    A rare case of heteropaternal twin calves after natural mating in Brazil

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    Twin birth is a complex condition observed in most livestock animals, when the female gives birth to two or more offspring, generally out of the same mating. In cattle, it is a rare condition (3 to 5%) and depends on the genetic background and environmental factors. Twin birth is a result of multiple ovulations, being more common in dairy rather than in beef cattle. Calves could be monozygous or dizygous, with the same or of different sexes. When twins are born with different sexes, a sexual condition called Freemartinism occurs in between 90 to 97% of pregnancies, causing infertility in the female calf. Knowing that the twin rate is rare in commercial beef cattle, here we present an even rarer case of twin birth from two different sires after natural mating, also called heteropaternal superfecundation

    Influência do protocolo acelerado no trabalho da fisioterapia pós operatória de lesão de labrum acetabular

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    The hip joint allows movement in all planes and gives a particular characteristic related to stability. Some structures are responsible for this stability, like the acetabular labrum injury that can suffer pain and difficult to heal. The present study aims to provide physical therapy after surgery, by a applying an accelerated protocol for physiotherapy. It was characterized by a case study with a 35 years old patient after passing through a left hip arthroscopic repair the rupture of the acetabular labrum, which was subjected to a physical therapy protocol consisting of joint mobilization and traction, myofascial maneuver for piriformis stretch muscle, ultrasound and Russian current. The interventions were performed three times per week for eleven sessions in total. The goniometric rating and muscular strength resulted in 100% recovery. The examination of average perimeter resulted of 2 cm circle in the upper thigh and relief the pain between 50 and 70%. The combination of physical therapy techniques can serve to accelerate the rehabilitation process in patient with lesion of the acetabular labrum, with significant effects for physical therapy in the treatment of these lesions.A articulação do quadril permite movimento em todos os planos e confere característica peculiar relacionada à sua estabilidade. Algumas estruturas são responsáveis por esta estabilidade, dentre elas o labrum acetabular que pode sofrer lesão seguida de dor e difícil cicatrização. O presente estudo teve como objetivo apresentar o tratamento fisioterapêutico pós-cirúrgico, através da aplicação de um protocolo acelerado de fisioterapia. Caracterizou-se pelo estudo de caso com um paciente de 35 anos após passar por artroscopia de quadril esquerdo para correção de ruptura do labrum acetabular, que foi submetido a um protocolo fisioterapêutico constando de mobilização e tração articular, manobra miofascial para piriforme, alongamento muscular, ultrassom e corrente russa. As intervenções foram realizadas 3 vezes por semana, em dias alternados num total de 11 sessões. A avaliação goniométrica e a força muscular resultaram em 100% de recuperação. O exame de perimetria resultou no ganho médio de 2 cm de circunferência na coxa e a diminuição da dor foi de 50% e 70%. A associação de técnicas fisioterapêuticas pode servir para acelerar o processo de reabilitação nos portadores da lesão de labrum acetabular, com efeitos significativos para a fisioterapia no tratamento dessas lesões

    Impactos do sistema de pagamento por qualidade do leite em uma cooperativa da agricultura familiar

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    This study aimed to analyze the impacts generated by the implementation of a payment system based on quality indicators implemented in a Family Agriculture Cooperative. It is a qualitative, documentary and field research, with semi-structured interviews with the three representatives of the studied Cooperative and all the producers who entrust their product to it. The analyzes of the interviews were carried out using the Iramuteq software, being the Descending Hierarchical Classification and the Similitude of words. The results demonstrated the importance of the Quality Payment System, mainly because it has socioeconomic and technical impacts, as the quality of the milk delivered has improved, and the producers worked motivated by the implementation of the Quality Payment System. As a contribution this research points out the positive and negative impacts caused by the implementation of this system, allowing a new look for improvement and new ways of using this form of management. Keywords: Rural Development. Sustainable cooperativism. Milk production.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los impactos generados por la implementación de un sistema de pago basado en indicadores de calidad implementados en una Cooperativa de Agricultura Familiar. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, documental y de campo, con entrevistas semiestructuradas a los tres representantes de la Cooperativa estudiada y a todos los productores que le confían su producto. Los análisis de las entrevistas se realizaron utilizando el software Iramuteq, siendo la Clasificación Jerárquica Descendente y la Similitud de palabras. Los resultados demostraron la importancia del Sistema de Pago de Calidad, principalmente porque tiene impactos socioeconómicos y técnicos, ya que la calidad de la leche entregada ha mejorado y los productores trabajaron motivados por la implementación del Sistema de Pago de Calidad. Como aporte esta investigación señala los impactos positivos y negativos provocados por la implementación de este sistema, permitiendo una nueva mirada de mejora y nuevas formas de utilizar esta forma de gestión. Palavras clave: Desarrollo Rural. Cooperativismo sostenible. Producción de leche.Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os impactos gerados pela implantação de um sistema de pagamento baseado por indicadores de qualidade implantados em uma Cooperativa da Agricultura Familiar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, documental e de campo, com entrevistas semiestruturadas com os três representantes da Cooperativa estudada e todos os produtores que confiam a ela seu produto. As análises das entrevistas foram realizadas por intermédio do software Iramuteq, sendo elas a Classificação Hierárquica Descente e a de Similitude de palavras. Os resultados demonstraram a importância do Sistema de Pagamento por Qualidade, principalmente por apresentar impactos socioeconômicos e técnicos, pois a qualidade do leite entregue melhorou, e os produtores trabalharam motivados pela implantação do Sistema de Pagamento por Qualidade. Como contribuição esta pesquisa aponta os impactos positivos e negativos causados pela implantação deste sistema, permitindo um novo olhar de aprimoramento e novas maneiras de uso desta forma de gestão. Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento Rural. Cooperativismo Sustentável. Produção de Leite

    Sperm Cell Capacitation Status of Ram Semen after Cooling

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    Background: The use of conventional artificial insemination (AI) in sheep production is usually associated with lower fertility rates when frozen semen is used. Cooled ram semen has been an alternative over frozen semen due to the higher viability, seminal quality and fertility rates following AI. The semen preservation process promotes sperm cell modifications similar to capacitation (capacitation-like) that causes cell damage affecting viability and seminal quality, but such effects are unclear for cooled semen. The aim of this study was to determine the status of sperm cell capacitation (CA) and acrosome reaction (AR) during ram semen processing and cooling under different extenders, dilution factors, and aerobiosis conditions as a function of storage time at 5oC.Materials, Methods & Results: Two consecutive ejaculates per day per male were collected from 2 adult rams by artificial vagina at 48-72 h intervals, in three replications. After macro- and microscopic evaluations, semen was segregated into groups under 3 extenders (Tris-egg yolk or TY, citrate-egg yolk or CY, skimmed milk or SM), 2 dilution factors (1x 109 or Bi, 100 x 106 or Mi cells/mL), and 2 aerobiosis conditions (aerobic or A, semi-anaerobic or SA). Diluted semen was cooled to 5ºC and stored for up to 72 h, with evaluations every 24 h. Aliquots of fresh ejaculates and of each cooled diluted subgroup, according to extender, dilution, and aerobiosis, were collected at times T0 and T72 for determination ofacrosome status and membrane integrity by the chlortetracycline (CTC) and trypan blue-Giemsa stainings, respectively. No differences were detected in sperm cell motility (M) and motility vigor (V) between fresh and diluted semen. After cooling, a significant decrease in M was observed after 48 h in CY and SM compared with fresh semen and 0 h of cooling, while V started to decrease after 24 h in CY compared with TY. Likewise, M/V from different dilutions and aerobic conditions decreased more significantly after 48 and 24 h of cooling, respectively. The sperm capacitation status did not show differences in the proportion of non-capacitated (NCA), CA and AR sperm cells between TY, CY, and SM extenders (NCA: 75.0%, 71.3%, 74.0%; CA: 15.7%, 17.2%, 15.9%; AR: 9.3%, 11.5%, 10.2%) or between Bi and Mi dilutions (NCA: 74.0%, 72.9%; CA: 15.9%, 16.6%; AR: 10.1%, 10.5%), respectively. However, differences (P < 0.05) were observed between A and SA aerobic conditions, with CA (17.0% vs. 15.5%) and AR (11.9% vs. 8.7%) rates being higher in A than SA, respectively, with no differences in NCA (71.1% vs. 75.8%), irrespective of the storage time. Sperm cell viability decreased after 48 h, especially in CY (P < 0.05). Discussion: Ram sperm cells can suffer irreversible damage due to thermal shock during cooling. Egg yolk-based extenders provide phospholipids and cholesterol to protect the sperm cell membrane during the thermal shock caused by the change in temperature. In this study, sperm cells had irreversible decreases in M/V, with increase in acrosome and plasma membrane damage after cooling to 5ºC. The largest and smallest decreases in M and V over time were observed in the CYand TY extenders, respectively. In addition to the extender type, the semen preservation method and storage time promoted changes in the capacitation status, AR and in sperm cell viability, which per se were associated with a decrease in semen fertility. In fact, the proportions of CA and/or AR sperm cells gradually increased over time after dilution and storage at 5ºC, with a negative correlation between sperm cell viability and M/V over time. In summary, extender and cooling time affected mostly M/V, while aerobiosis condition and dilution factor were more associated with acrosome status and spermsurvival, with the extender having less impact on the acrosome status as a function of time. Keywords: sperm cell viability, acrosome status, cooled semen, extenders, dilution factor, aerobiosis, sheep
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