17 research outputs found

    Ongoing Evolution in the Genus Crocus: Diversityof Flowering Strategies on the Way to Hysteranthy

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    [EN] Species of the genus Crocus are found over a wide range of climatic areas. In natural habitats, these geophytes diverge in the flowering strategies. This variability was assessed by analyzing the flowering traits of the Spanish collection of wild crocuses, preserved in the Bank of Plant Germplasm of Cuenca. Plants of the seven Spanish species were analyzed both in their natural environments (58 native populations) and in common garden experiments (112 accessions). Differences among species observed in the native habitats were maintained under uniform environmental conditions, suggesting a genetic basis for flowering mechanisms. Two eco-morphological types, autumn- and spring-flowering species, share similar patterns of floral induction and differentiation period in summer. The optimal temperature for this process was 23 degrees C for both types. Unlike Irano-Turanian crocuses, spring-flowering Spanish species do not require low winter temperatures for flower elongation. Hysteranthous crocuses flower in autumn prior to leaf elongation. We conclude that the variability in flowering traits in crocuses is related to the genetic and environmental regulation of flower primordia differentiation and elongation prior to emergence above the soil surface. The elucidation of the physiological differences between eco-morphological types of crocuses: synanthous with cold requirements and synanthous and hysteranthous without cold requirements, unlocks a new approach to the flowering evolution of geophytes in Mediterranean regions. Crocus species can serve both as a new model in the study of the molecular basis of hysteranthy and for the purposes of developing the molecular markers for desirable flowering traits.The collection activities of plant materials included in this study were mainly supported by successive Spanish research projects funded by the "Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria" [INIA RF2004-00032-C03, INIA RF2008-00012-C03, INIA RF2011-00005-C03], co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER), and also by means of the European Action 018 Agri Gen Res (CrocusBank). The activities of PhD. TPF were supported by a pre-doctoral grant from the "Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria" within the framework of the project INIA RF2011-0005-C03-01. The preservation of these materials in the facilities of the Bank of Plant Germplasm of Cuenca (CIAF Albaladejito -IRIAF), as part of the Spanish Germplasm Collection of Saffron and other Crocus, is currently supported by the Spanish National Program for Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Agriculture and Food (action INIA RFP2014-00012). Some activities have been also funded by the "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades de Espana" [AGL2016-77078-R].Pastor-Férriz, T.; De-Los-Mozos-Pascual, M.; Renau-Morata, B.; Nebauer, SG.; Sanchís, E.; Busconi, M.; Fernández, J.... (2021). Ongoing Evolution in the Genus Crocus: Diversityof Flowering Strategies on the Way to Hysteranthy. Plants. 10(3):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants1003047711810

    Escarabeidos antofilos de la Sierra de Gredos (España central): consideraciones autoecológicas y estudio comparado de su relación con las flores mediante análisis polínico del tegumento y contenido digestivo (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 17-11- 198

    Plagas clave de la lenteja (Lens culinaris Medikus) en Castilla-La Mancha (España Central): pérdidas de producción e influencia sobre los componentes del rendimiento

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    El cultivo de la lenteja en Castilla-La Mancha presenta un espectro de plagas importante que disminuye la productividad y calidad de las semillas en bastante medida, afectando seriamente a la rentabilidad del cultivo. Como plagas clave podemos citar: áfidos (Acyrtosiphon pisum y Aphis craccivora), brúquidos (Bruchus lentis), trips (Thrips tabaci y Thrips angusticeps) y sitonas (Sitona lineatus). En las provincias de Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara y Toledo se realizaron ensayos durante dos campañas consecutivas, para estimar las pérdidas de producción debidas a los insectos plaga y su influencia sobre los componentes del rendimiento. Los dos años fueron muy diferentes climatológicamente lo que influyó sobre la incidencia de las plagas, produciéndose pérdidas de producción moderadas en el primero (24 % de media, con un máximo del 49 %) y muy altas en el segundo (59 % de media, con un máximo del 76 %). En cuanto a la pérdida media de peso de las semillas, fue del 12 % y del 20 % respectivamente. En definitiva, en ambos años hubiese estado justificado el aplicar medidas de control químico en campo, que sería económicamente viable y serviría de alternativa a la fumigación en post-cosecha que se realiza actualmente, la cual no evita la presencia de parásitos dentro de las semillas que disminuyen en gran medida la calidad del producto. Adicionalmente, las plantas tratadas en campo adquirieron mayor altura (interesante para la recolección con cosechadora y producción de paja), produjeron más vainas y dieron semillas de más peso (interesante para la calidad). En general, estuvieron más vigorosas para hacer frente a factores bióticos y abióticos. Para conseguir una protección completa del cultivo, serían recomendables un tratamiento en estado de plántula (contra sitonas), otro al inicio de la floración (contra trips y áfidos) y otro al inicio de la formación de vainas (contra brúquidos). Para asegurar una mínima rentabilidad, al menos sería necesario el último tratamiento mencionad

    AFLP and MS-AFLP Analysis of the Variation within Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus L.) Germplasm

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    The presence and extent of genetic variation in saffron crocus are still debated, as testified by several contradictory articles providing contrasting results about the monomorphism or less of the species. Remarkably, phenotypic variations have been frequently observed in the field, such variations are usually unstable and can change from one growing season to another. Considering that gene expression can be influenced both by genetic and epigenetic changes, epigenetics could be a plausible cause of the alternative phenotypes. In order to obtain new insights into this issue, we carried out a molecular marker analysis of 112 accessions from theWorld Saffron and Crocus Collection. The accessions were grown for at least three years in the same open field conditions. The same samples were analysed using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and Methyl Sensitive AFLP in order to search for variation at the genetic (DNA sequence) and epigenetic (cytosine methylation) level. While the genetic variability was low (4.23% polymorphic peaks and twelve (12) effective different genotypes), the methyl sensitive analysis showed the presence of high epigenetic variability (33.57% polymorphic peaks and twenty eight (28) different effective epigenotypes

    Determination of γ-glutamyl-S-ethenyl-cysteine in narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) seeds by high performance liquid chromatography

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    A new method for fast and easy determination of γ-glutamyl-S-ethenyl-cysteine (GEC) in narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) seeds was developed as a tool for the selection of low GEC varieties. Samples (n= 20) were analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC, using isocratic elution and monitoring at 215 nm. Calibration curve showed very good linearity of the response between 2.5 and 20. μg GEC. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.013 and 0.049 mg/mL, respectively. The repeatability (average coefficient of variation (CV) = 0.023) and reproducibility (average CV = 0.016) of the method were within the recommendations for the validation of HPLC methods. The method yielded similar results in comparison with a previously established method. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.This study is supported by the Project PAI09-0015-7008, which is funded by the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla–La Mancha.Peer Reviewe

    A colorimetric method for determination of γ-glutamyl-S-ethenyl- cysteine in narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) seeds

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    A new colorimetric method based on the bleaching of the iodoplatinate ion has been developed for fast and easy determination of γ-glutamyl-S- ethenyl-cysteine (GEC) in narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) seeds. The calibration curve showed a good correlation (r2 = 0.9959) between absorbance and GEC amounts from 5.5 to 33 μg (10-59.78 μmol/L). The limits of detection and quantification were 1.16 and 3.55 μmol/L, respectively, and no significant interferences from other sulfur-containing compounds were observed. The method showed excellent repeatability (relative standard deviation [RSD] = 0.28%), reproducibility (RSD = 4.4%), and accuracy (94%). Determination of GEC in 20 narbon vetch accessions yielded values that were in agreement with those reported previously using capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography methods. The method could be especially valuable for determination of GEC during the process of production of new low-GEC narbon vetch varieties. Copyright © 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This study is part of the project PAI09-0015-7008, which is funded by the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla–La Mancha.Peer Reviewe