23 research outputs found

    Effect of small water retention structures on diffusive CO2 and CH4 emissions along a highly impounded river

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    The impoundment of running waters through the construction of large dams is recognised as one of the most important factors determining the transport, transformation, and outgassing of carbon (C) in fluvial networks. However, the effects of small and very small water retention structures (SWRS) on the magnitude and spatiotemporal patterns of C emissions are still unknown, even though SWRS are the most common type of water retention structure causing river fragmentation worldwide. Here we evaluated and compared diffusive carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from river sections impounded by SWRS and from their adjacent free-flowing sections along a highly impounded river. Emissions from impounded river sections (mean [SE] = 17.7 [2.8] and 0.67 [0.14] mmol m−2 d−1, for CO2 and CH4, respectively) never exceeded those from their adjacent free-flowing river sections (230.6 [49.7] and 2.14 [0.54] mmol m−2 d−1). We attribute this finding to the reduced turbulence in impounded river sections induced by SWRS compared to free-flowing river sections (i.e., physical driver). Likewise, the presence of SWRS favoured an increase of the concentration of CH4 in impounded waters, but this increase was not sufficient to cause a significant influence in the CH4 efflux from the downstream free-flowing river sections. By contrast, this influenced the larger-scale longitudinal patterns of dissolved CH4, which exhibited a clear shifting pattern along the study stretch, modulated by variables associated with the presence of SWRS, such as higher water residence times, higher sedimentation rates, and higher temperatures. Overall, our results show that the presence of SWRS can modify the concentrations of C gases in highly impounded rivers but exerts a minor influence on diffusive C emissions

    Primer C-Hydrochange workshop sobre métodos y técnicas de medida de flujos de CO2 y CH4 en lagos y embalses

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    La distribución de la reservas de carbono (C) entre compartimentos del Sistema Tierra constituye uno de los principales temasde estudio de la biogeoquímica moderna. Lagos y embalses des-empeñan un papel importante en los intercambios globales de Cmediante la regulación del transporte de este elemento desde loscontinentes hasta los océanos. [...

    Nutrient fluxes through boundaries in the hypolimnion of Sau reservoir : expected patterns and unanticipated processes

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    By contrast to many natural lakes, the summer hypolimnion in advection-dominated systems like canyon-shaped reservoirs is not isolated from direct inputs from the river. This has important implications in the evolution of limnological features of the hypolimnion through the stratified period, especially if the river water directly plunges as a density current into the hypolimnion as a consequence of temperature differences. Taking the Sau Reservoir (Spain) as a prototype for this kind of systems, we present data from 11 years of monitoring to show how the river water entering the reservoir during summer is the main factor determining hypolimnetic nutrient concentrations. The empirical regression approach used all through the paper also stressed the effect of the improvement in water quality experienced by the river during the studied period on the improvement of the water quality stored in the summer hypolimnion of the reservoir. Since the change in river water quality was the consequence of the implementation of remediation measures at the basin scale, we advocate these solutions to manage reservoir eutrophication problems in this type of systems, which, in addition, had other unexpected benefits for the hypolimnetic water quality in Sau Reservoir.A diferencia de muchos lagos naturales, el hipolimnion que se forma en verano en sistemas dominados por la advección, como los embalses que inundan valles profundos y estrechos, no está aislado de las entradas directas desde el río. Esto tiene importantes implicaciones en la evolución de las características limnológicas del hipolimnion durante el periodo de estratificación, especialmente si el agua del río entra al embalse como una corriente de densidad directamente en el hipolimnion debido a diferencias de temperatura. Tomando el Embalse de Sau (España) como prototipo de este tipo de sistemas, mostramos 11 años de datos de un programa de monitoreo para ejemplificar cómo el agua del río que entra en verano al embalse es el factor determinante de la concentración de nutrientes en el hipolimnion. La aproximación de regresión empírica utilizada en el artículo también puso de manifiesto el efecto de la mejora en la calidad del agua que sufrió el río durante el periodo de estudio en la mejora del agua del agua embalsada en el hipolimnion. Ya que esta mejora en el río fue consecuencia de la implementación de medidas de restauración a nivel de la cuenca, promovemos estas soluciones para la gestión de problemas de eutrofización en este tipo de sistemas, que por otra parte mostraron ventajas inesperadas en el caso del hipolimnion del Embalse de Sau

    Carbon dioxide efflux during the flooding phase of temporary ponds

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    Small water bodies, such as temporary ponds, have a high carbon processing potential. Nevertheless, despite the global occurrence of these systems, the carbon effluxes from such water bodies have been largely overlooked. In this study, we examined the intra- and intersystem variability of carbon dioxide (CO2) effluxes from a set of Mediterranean temporary ponds during the flooding phase, a hot-spot for biogeochemical cycling in temporary systems. The CO2 effluxes showed higher variability among the various sections of each pond (i.e., inundated, emerged-unvegetated and emerged-vegetated) than among the ponds. The emerged-vegetated sections showed the highest CO2 effluxes per unit area and tended to drive the total effluxes at the whole-ecosystem scale. The mean CO2 efflux (121.3 ± 138.1 mmol m 2 d 1) was in the upper range for freshwater ecosystems. The CO2 effluxes were not related to catchment properties but rather to the organic content of the sediments, especially in the emerged sections of the ponds. Our results indicate that temporary ponds, especially their emerged sections, are important sources of CO2 to the atmosphere, highlighting the need to include the dry phases of these and other temporary aquatic systems in regional carbon budgets

    Biodegradation kinetics of dissolved organic matter chromatographic fractions

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    Controls on the degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) are complex but key to understand the role of freshwaters in the carbon cycle. Both the origin and previous degradation history have been suggested to determine DOM reactivity, but it is still a major challenge to understand the links between DOM composition and biodegradation kinetics. An appropriate context to study these links are intermittent rivers, as summer drought naturally diversifies DOM sources and sinks. Here we investigated the biodegradation kinetics of DOM in the main aquatic environments present in a temporary river. During dark incubations we traced the dynamics of bulk DOM and its main chromatographic fractions defined using LC-OCD: high molecular weight substances (HMWS), low molecular weight substances (LMWS), and humic substances and building blocks. Bulk DOM decay patterns were successfully fitted to the reactivity continuum (RC) biodegradation model. The RC parameters depicted running waters as the sites presenting a more reactive DOM, and temporary pools, enriched in leaf litter, as the ones with slowest DOM decay. The decay patterns of each DOM fraction were consistent throughout sites. LMWS and HMWS decayed in all cases and could be modeled using the RC model. Notably, the dynamics of LMWS controlled the bulk DOM kinetics. We discuss the mechanistic basis for the chromatographic fractions' kinetics during biodegradation and the implications that preconditioning and summer drought can have for DOM biodegradation in intermittent rivers

    Emissions from dry inland waters are a blind spot in the global carbon cycle

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    A large part of the world's inland waters, including streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and reservoirs is subject to occasional, recurrent or even permanent drying. Moreover, the occurrence and intensity of drying events are increasing in many areas of the world because of climate change, water abstraction, and land use alteration. Yet, information on the gaseous carbon (C) fluxes from dry inland waters is scarce, thus precluding a comprehensive assessment of C emissions including all, also intermittently dry, inland waters. Here, we review current knowledge on gaseous C fluxes from lotic (streams and rivers) and lentic (ponds, lakes, and reservoirs) inland waters during dry phases and the response to rewetting, considering controls and sources as well as implications of including 'dry' fluxes for local and global scale estimates. Moreover, knowledge gaps and research needs are discussed. Our conservative estimates indicate that adding emissions from dry inland waters to current global estimates of CO2 emissions from inland waters could result in an increase of 0.22 Pg C year−1, or ~10% of total fluxes. We outline the necessary conceptual understanding to successfully include dry phases in a more complete picture of inland water C emissions and identify potential implications for global C cycle feedbacks

    Does the severity of non-flow period influence ecosystem structure and function of temporary streams? A mesocosm study

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    Global change is dramatically altering flow regimes worldwide. Among the most important consequences are the transition of many permanent waterways to temporary waterways, the increase in duration and frequency of non‐flow periods of temporary streams, and the increase in the severity (i.e. irradiance, temperature and humidity) of the non‐flow period. Nowadays, there is a lack of knowledge on how changes in duration, frequency and severity of the non‐flow period will reflect on biodiversity and biogeochemical changes in temporary streams. We designed a manipulative experiment using artificial streams to evaluate the effects of severity of the non‐flow period on stream biofilms. Sixteen artificial streams were assigned to four treatments: continuous flow, continuous intermittency and intermittency with and without rain events. Effects were assessed on selected features of stream biofilm structure (i.e. bacterial density and basal fluorescence) and function (photosynthetic efficiency and enzymatic activities), as well as CO2 emissions and dissolved organic matter quantity and quality from water column and sediments. The occurrence of rain events during the non‐flow period enhanced organic carbon processing and CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, reducing the sediment reservoir of exportable organic carbon and therefore reducing the dissolved organic carbon exports from streambeds at flow resumption. Given the ongoing reducing trends in the frequency of rain events in semi‐arid and arid regions, we expect temporary streams to process and emit less and to export more carbon to downstream systems

    Ter River influence on Sau Reservoir limnology. Empirical and watershed-scale modeling

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    [eng] The role of the materials coming from the watershed on the reservoir water quality is an emergent area of high scientific interest with many practical implications. In this study we investigated the influence of the materials coming from the Ter River watershed on the eutrophication process of Sau Reservoir, located in Barcelona (Spain). First, we present a new methodology to calculate nutrient river loads, using fuzzy logic and tools from neural-networks optimization algorithms. The new method was more efficient and accurate than classical procedures. Then, we demonstrate the effect of river materials (especially that of dissolved organic carbon) on the development of anoxic layers in the bottom layers of the reservoir. These results are not limited to Sau Reservoir, since other reservoirs in the world have shown the same responses. The second part of the dissertation develops a watershed-scale model for the Ter River and the Sau Reservoir using HSPF. This included hydrology, river water temperature, and river total phosphorus concentration. Results were satisfactory, and the model implementation allowed testing state-of-the-art algorithms to calibrate complex models, based on the Bayesian statistical theory. On the other hand, different alternatives to model river water temperature were tested. Finally, we explored the possibility of using field data collected at the river reach scale, following the Nutrient Spiralling Concept, to parameterize the river total phosphorus model in the Ter watershed, with encouraging results.[cat] L'efecte dels materials provinents de la conca de drenatge en la qualitat de l'aigua del embassaments és un àrea d'investigació amb considerable interès teòric i pràctic. En aquest estudi s'ha investigat la influència de les aportacions de la conca de drenatge del riu Ter en el procés d'eutrofització de l'embassament de Sau, a la província de Barcelona (Espanya). Primer es detalla un nou mètode de càlcul de càrregues de nutrients en rius, fent servir la lògica difusa i eines provinents de l'optimització de xarxes neuronals. El nou mètode ha provat ser més eficient i precís que les alternatives clàssiques. Després s'ha demostrat empíricament l'efecte dels materials provinents del riu (especialment del carboni orgànic dissolt) en la generació de capes anòxiques al fons de l'embassament. Aquest resultats no s'han aplicat només en el cas de l'embassament de Sau, sinó que han demostrat ser extrapolables a d'altres sistemes inundats de diferents llocs del planeta. La segona part de la Tesi desenvolupa un model a escala de conca pel riu Ter i l'embassament de Sau amb HSPF, incloent hidrologia, la temperatura de l'aigua al riu, i la concentració de fòsfor total al riu. Els resultats han estat satisfactoris, i a més la implementació del model ha permès testar eines modernes de calibració de models complexos basades en l'estadística Bayesiana. Per altra banda, s'han testat diferents alternatives per a la modelització de la temperatura d'aigua en rius. Finalment, s'ha investigat la possibilitat de fer servir dades de camp recollides a escala de tram de riu, seguint el Nutrient Spiralling Concept, per a la parametrització del model de fòsfor total al riu Ter, amb resultats estimulants

    Ríos y embalses bajo el sol

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    The importance of water resources stored in reservoirs on a global scale is not matched with a sound knowledge of the possible impacts of climate change on reservoir water quality. This is especially relevant in the Mediterranean regions, where most countries rely on reservoirs to fulfill their water supply needs, and virtually all climate models predict increasing water shortage in the next 20 years. In this talk I summarize recent findings that stress the profound differences between lakes and reservoirs concerning their responses to global changes. The main conclusion is that application of the lake tool kit to solve management problems in reservoirs may lead to the wrong decisions, and we challenge the general empirical formulations and models usually applied in lakes with patterns observed in Mediterranean reservoirs that seem to apply at global scales. To exemplify this, I use long term data collected during 45 years in Sau Reservoir, the location of the most influential studies by Dr. Joan Armengol, and an inspiration for a generation of reservoir limnologists.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec