1,903 research outputs found

    Concepciones de contabilidad en estudiantes de la instituci?n educactiva Manuel Murillo Toro jornada diurna grado once tres en la modalidad de administraci?n financiera

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    102 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn la actualidad se puede percibir que la mayor?a de estudiantes cultivan sentimientos negativos por el ?rea de las matem?ticas, y todo lo que implica el uso de los n?meros, entre ellas la contabilidad; lo cual impide conocer las diferentes concepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre la misma lo que a su vez en muchos casos se debe a que tienen un concepto errado de la misma, o no tienen unos fundamentos s?lidos en Matem?ticas dificultando el aprendizaje y todo lo que se derive de ella. Todo esto puede deberse a diferentes factores pedag?gicos, did?cticos, motivacionales, personales, sociales entre otros. Pues en cualquier carrera t?cnica, tecn?loga o universitaria incluye en su pensum acad?mico las Matem?ticas o la Contabilidad; por consiguiente se espera que estos conocimientos le permitan desempe?arse de una forma calculada y mesurada en cuanto a su vida personal, y el manejo de su dinero. Lo anterior llev? al equipo investigativo a plantearse la siguiente pregunta problema: ?Cu?les son las concepciones de la contabilidad en los estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro, jornada diurna del grado 11-3 de la ciudad de Ibagu? (Tolima)? En vista de lo anterior el presente ejercicio investigativo tuvo como objetivo identificar, analizar, modificar y fortalecer, la concepci?n de Contabilidad en estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa INEM Manuel Murillo Toro del grado 11-3. Para lo anterior se us? la Metodolog?a de investigaci?n ? Acci?n, la cual permite intervenir directamente en la situaci?n probl?mica. Como primera medida se seleccion? la instituci?n Educativa, seg?n las modalidades de profundizaci?n se escogi? la instituci?n Inem Manuel Murillo Toro por su modalidad de Contabilidad, en el programa de Administraci?n Financiera en articulaci?n con la Universidad del Tolima y un convenio interinstitucional con la Uniminuto, y en especial se escogi? el grado 11-3 puesto que estos estudiantes desde el grado 9? han escogido esta modalidad y est?n en proceso de culminaci?n de su formaci?n escolar, lo cual permite tener una visi?n general del programa y en particular los conocimientos de la asignatura de Contabilidad. En conclusi?n est? investigaci?n busc? servir como referente y como documento de consulta sobre el ?rea de la Contabilidad, el papel relevante del docente en la formaci?n de esta ?rea, las posibles herramientas a implementar dentro del proceso y su papel decisivo en las concepciones de los estudiantes sobre la Contabilidad. En vista de lo anterior se resalta la importancia de investigar en el aula, partiendo del contexto en que se encuentran inmersos los estudiantes, con el fin de dar respuesta a al desconocimiento de las concepciones que se presentan en el aprendizaje de la Contabilidad y de esta manera contribuir y facilitar el aprendizaje de la mismas de tal forma que estos comprendan la transcendencia de esta ?rea en su cotidianidad.Currently, it can preceived that the majority of students cultivate negative feelings in the area of mathematics, and everything that involves the use of numbers, including accounting. These negavie feelings toward mathematics impede the students from understanding different mathematical concepts or have the wrong idea of the concept or they do not have a strong foundation in Mathematics, and thus it makes it very difficult to learn anything that arises from the mathematical concept. All of this is due to different factors such as: pedagogical, educational, motivational, personal, and social factors among others. In any University, as mathematics is included in the curriculum, technical career or technology. Therefore, this knowlege of mathematics will allow you to enhance your personal life as well, including how you manage money. This, therefore lead the investigative team to ask this problematic question: What accounting concepts do the students from the Inem Manuel Murillo Toro School grade11-3 in the city of Ibague, Tolima have? In view of the above, the present investigative exercise was intended to identify, analyze, modify, y strengthen the conception of accounting for the students in the Educational Institute Inem Manual Murillo Toro from grades 11-3. The technique of research was used for the above action, which allows you to intervene directly in the problematic situation. The first step was selecting the educational institution according to the deepening modalities the Institution of Inem Manuel Murillo Toro was chosen due to its model of accounting, financial management, in coordination with the University of Tolima, and an interinstitutional with Uniminuto, and in special we chose grades 11-3 given that these students have chosen this avenue and are in the process of completing high school, which therefore allows to have a general vision or overview of the program and in particular the accounting.In finding, this investigation sought to serve as a reference and consultation document in the area of accounting, the role of the teacher in the training in this area, and possible tools to be implemented within the process. In view of the above highlights, the importance of research in the classroom, on the basis of the context in which they are immersed students, in order to respond to the various problems which arise in when learning about accounting, and in this way contribute and facilitate the learning of the same so that they understand the significance of this area in their daily lives. Keywords: Accounting, Research-Action, Conceptio

    Evaluation of the efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae against the Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus in Phoenix canariensis

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    The red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), is an important pest of palms. It has recently colonized the Mediterranean Basin, where it is a serious problem on ornamental Phoenix canariensis (Chabaud) palms. The efficacy of Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) in a chitosan formulation (Biorend R¼) against this weevil in a semi-field trial including both preventative and curative assays has been studied. Our results prove the potential of this nematode to control R. ferrugineus. Efficacies around 80% were obtained in the curative assay, and up to 98% in the preventative treatment. Applications repeated every 2–3 weeks during the critical flight periods could prove effective to protect palms from this weevil in the Mediterranean Basi

    Plantas arom?ticas que vivifican mi ser, la yerbabuena, limoncillo, cidr?n, or?gano y manzanilla

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    63 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLa sociedad actual frecuentemente se desvincula de los conocimientos te?rico-pr?cticos referentes al empleo de las plantas arom?ticas, olvidando los beneficios en los ?mbitos educativos, familiar y social; como objetivo central se definen estrategias pedag?gicas que favorezcan el reconocimiento y comprensi?n del beneficio con la utilizaci?n de cinco plantas arom?ticas: yerba buena, limoncillo, cidr?n, or?gano y manzanilla, en los estudiantes del CER Socorro de Sabanas del Municipio de Santa Fe de Antioquia y de la I.E. Atanasio Girardot del Municipio de Bello; con Metodolog?a de Investigaci?n Acci?n (IA) considerando los intereses del colectivo frente a la utilizaci?n y beneficios de las plantas arom?ticas, sus efectos curativos, y su empleo en emplastos, bebidas, ba?os, laxantes, entre otros usos. Se cumple con el perfil de la Licenciatura en Educaci?n B?sica establecido por la Universidad del Tolima; se aprecian hallazgos referidos a un grado de concientizaci?n respecto al empleo y uso de las plantas arom?ticas. Result? gratificante para la poblaci?n beneficiaria la adquisici?n de las nociones impartidas, la distribuci?n de macetas y el disfrute de tisanas en cada encuentro para la recolecci?n de informaci?n y socializaci?n final de los resultados. Es gratificante, como evidencia del trabajo y para afianzar los saberes tradicionales, enriquecidos con el enfoque te?rico-pr?ctico de la propuesta, la elaboraci?n y distribuci?n del M?dulo Sembramos la salud. Amerita resaltar la recuperaci?n del patrimonio generado a trav?s de los conversatorios con la comunidad adulta y los educadores de ambas instituciones educativas vinculadas.ABSTRACT. Today's society often split with the theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the use of herbs , forgetting the benefits in education , family and social spheres; like the central objective of teaching strategies that encourage the recognition and understanding of the benefit with the use of five aromatic plants: good grass, lemongrass, Cidr?n , oregano and chamomile in CER students Relief Sheets Municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia and EI Atanasio Girardot Municipality of Bello ; Research Methodology in Action ( IA ) considering the interests of the collective over the use and benefits of herbs , their healing effects , and their use in plasters, drinks, bathrooms, laxatives, among other uses. It complies with the profile of the Bachelor of Primary Education established by the University of Tolima; findings related to a degree of awareness regarding the employment and use of aromatic plants are appreciated. Gratifying for the acquisition target population received notions, the distribution of pots and enjoys teas at each meeting for the collection of information and socialization of end results. It is gratifying, as evidence of the work and to strengthen traditional knowledge, enriched with theoretical and practical approach of the proposal, development and distribution of sow health module. Amerita highlight the recovery of assets generated through community conversations with adult educators and educational institutions both linked.INTRODUCCI?N 15 1. ANTECEDENTES DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.1. T?TULO DEL TRABAJO 16 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 19 3. FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 20 3.1 PREGUNTA MOVILIZADORA 20 3.2 PROBLEMA 20 4. OBJETIVOS 22 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 22 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 22 5. MARCO GENERAL 23 5.2 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 24 5.2.1 Contexto comunitario 24 5.3 COMPONENTE PEDAG?GICO 27 5.3.1 Categor?as generales cultura 27 5.4 COMPONENTE ESPEC?FICO DE ESTUDIO 29 5.4.1 Categor?as espec?ficas 29 5.4.2 Plantas arom?ticas 29 5.4.3 Formas de uso 31 5.4.4 Beneficios 32 5.5 CONSOLIDADO DE LAS PLANTAS OBJETO DE ESTUDIO 32 6. DISE?O METODOL?GICO DEL PROCESO INVESTIGATIVO 40 6.1 POBLACI?N BENEFICIARIA 40 6.2 METODOLOG?A DE TRABAJO 41 6.3 UNIVERSO Y MUESTRA 41 6.4 TIPO DE ESTUDIO 41 6.5 ?REA DE ESTUDIO 42 6.6 PROCEDIMIENTOS DEL DISE?O METODOL?GICO 43 6.7 ESTRATEGIAS DE TRABAJO 43 6.8 INSTRUMENTOS PARA LA RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 44 7. AN?LISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N 45 7.1 ACTIVIDADES POR DESARROLLAR 45 7.1.1 Etapa inicial 45 7.1.2 Etapa de ejecuci?n 46 7.1.3 Etapa de finalizaci?n 46 8. CRONOGRAMA 47 9. PRESUPUESTO GLOBAL DE LA PROPUESTA 50 10. RECURSOS 53 11. CONCLUSIONES 54 RECOMENDACIONES 55 REFERENCIAS 5

    Treatment with a new peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist, pyridinecarboxylic acid derivative, increases angiogenesis and reduces inflammatory mediators in the heart of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice

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    Trypanosoma cruzi infection induces an intense inflammatory response in diverse host tissues. The immune response and the microvascular abnormalities associated with infection are crucial aspects in the generation of heart damage in Chagas disease. Upon parasite uptake, macrophages, which are involved in the clearance of infection, increase inflammatory mediators, leading to parasite killing. The exacerbation of the inflammatory response may lead to tissue damage. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR\u3b3) is a ligand-dependent nuclear transcription factor that exerts important anti-inflammatory effects and is involved in improving endothelial functions and proangiogenic capacities. In this study, we evaluated the intermolecular interaction between PPAR\u3b3 and a new synthetic PPAR\u3b3 ligand, HP24, using virtual docking. Also, we showed that early treatment with HP24, decreases the expression of NOS2, a pro-inflammatory mediator, and stimulates proangiogenic mediators (vascular endothelial growth factor A, CD31, and Arginase I) both in macrophages and in the heart of T. cruzi-infected mice. Moreover, HP24 reduces the inflammatory response, cardiac fibrosis and the levels of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-\u3b1, interleukin 6) released by macrophages of T. cruzi-infected mice. We consider that PPAR\u3b3 agonists might be useful as coadjuvants of the antiparasitic treatment of Chagas disease, to delay, reverse, or preclude the onset of heart damage

    Validation of an IGF1 Screening Method for Retinopathy of Pre-maturity

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    Retinopathy of pre-maturity (ROP) is a retinal disease that causes arrest of vascularization of the retina and can result in retinal detachment and blindness. Current screening protocols may not be sufficiently accurate to identify all at-risk patients. The aim of this study is to validate a method for improved identification of newborns at risk of ROP. We conducted a prospective clinical trial of pre-term newborns <32 weeks of gestation and/or <1,500 g birth weight during a 6-year period in a tertiary care hospital. We applied our new method based on measurement of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) levels at 3 weeks of age and the presence of sepsis during the first 3 weeks of life. Our screening protocol allowed exclusion of 121 (79.1%) patients for whom American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines recommended screening, had a negative predictive value of 100%, and correctly identified all patients with ROP. Following retrospective assessment of our data based on these findings, we propose further restriction of the current AAP indications for screening to <1,100 g and <28 weeks of gestation in order to improve diagnostic efficacy while ensuring optimal use of restriction of human and material resources

    Born too early and too small: higher order cognitive function and brain at risk at ages 8–16

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    Prematurity presents a risk for higher order cognitive functions. Some of these deficits manifest later in development, when these functions are expected to mature. However, the causes and consequences of prematurity are still unclear. We conducted a longitudinal study to first identify clinical predictors of ultrasound brain abnormalities in 196 children born very preterm (VP; gestational age 32 weeks) and with very low birth weight (VLBW; birth weight 1500 g). At ages 8–16, the subset of VP-VLBW children without neurological findings (124) were invited for a neuropsychological assessment and an MRI scan (41 accepted). Of these, 29 met a rigorous criterion for MRI quality and an age, and gender-matched control group (n = 14) was included in this study. The key findings in the VP-VLBW neonates were: (a) 37% of the VP-VLBW neonates had ultrasound brain abnormalities; (b) gestational age and birth weight collectively with hospital course (i.e., days in hospital, neonatal intensive care, mechanical ventilation and with oxygen therapy, surgeries, and retinopathy of prematurity) predicted ultrasound brain abnormalities. At ages 8–16, VP-VLBW children showed: a) lower intelligent quotient (IQ) and executive function; b) decreased gray and white matter (WM) integrity; (c) IQ correlated negatively with cortical thickness in higher order processing cortical areas. In conclusion, our data indicate that facets of executive function and IQ are the most affected in VP-VLBW children likely due to altered higher order cortical areas and underlying WMThis study was supported by the Spanish Government Institute Carlos III (FIS Pl11/02860), Spanish Ministry of Health to MM-L, and the University of Castilla-La Mancha mobility Grant VA1381500149

    Should phenotype of previous preterm birth influence management of women with short cervix in subsequent pregnancy? Comparison of vaginal progesterone and Arabin pessary

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    Pessari Arabin; Coll uterí curt; Progesterona vaginalPesario de Arabin; Cuello uterino corto; Progesterona vaginalArabin pessary; Short cervix; Vaginal progesteroneObjective To investigate whether the classification of a previous spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB) as preterm labor (PTL) with intact membranes (IM) or as preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) impacts the efficacy of cervical pessary or vaginal progesterone for prevention of sPTB in pregnant women with short cervix on transvaginal ultrasound. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study of asymptomatic high‐risk singleton pregnancies with a short cervix and history of sPTB, treated using Arabin pessary or vaginal progesterone for primary PTB prevention, conducted at four European hospitals. A log‐rank test on Kaplan–Meier curves was used to assess the difference in performance of pessary and progesterone, according to history of PTL‐IM or PPROM. Linear regression analysis was used to evaluate significant predictors of gestational age at delivery. Results Between 2008 and 2015, 170 women were treated with a pessary and 88 with vaginal progesterone. In women treated with a pessary, rate of sPTB < 34 weeks was 16% in those with a history of PTL‐IM and 55% in those with a history of PPROM. In women treated with progesterone, rate of sPTB < 34 weeks was 13% in those with a history of PTL‐IM and 21% in those with a history of PPROM. Treatment with a pessary resulted in earlier delivery in women with previous PPROM than in any other subgroup (P < 0.0001). Linear regression analysis showed a clear effect of PPROM history (P < 0.0001), combination of PPROM history and treatment (P = 0.0003) and cervical length (P = 0.0004) on gestational age at birth. Conclusions Cervical pessary may be a less efficacious treatment option for women with previous PPROM; however, these results require prospective validation before change in practice is recommended. Phenotype of previous preterm birth may be an important risk predictor and treatment effect modifier; this information should be reported in future clinical trials

    Rapid Phenotype-Driven Gene Sequencing with the NeoSeq Panel: A Diagnostic Tool for Critically Ill Newborns with Suspected Genetic Disease

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    New genomic sequencing techniques have shown considerable promise in the field of neonatology, increasing the diagnostic rate and reducing time to diagnosis. However, several obstacles have hindered the incorporation of this technology into routine clinical practice. We prospectively evaluated the diagnostic rate and diagnostic turnaround time achieved in newborns with suspected genetic diseases using a rapid phenotype-driven gene panel (NeoSeq) containing 1870 genes implicated in congenital malformations and neurological and metabolic disorders of early onset (<2 months of age). Of the 33 newborns recruited, a genomic diagnosis was established for 13 (39.4%) patients (median diagnostic turnaround time, 7.5 days), resulting in clinical management changes in 10 (76.9%) patients. An analysis of 12 previous prospective massive sequencing studies (whole genome (WGS), whole exome (WES), and clinical exome (CES) sequencing) in newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) with suspected genetic disorders revealed a comparable median diagnostic rate (37.2%), but a higher median diagnostic turnaround time (22.3 days) than that obtained with NeoSeq. Our phenotype-driven gene panel, which is specific for genetic diseases in critically ill newborns is an affordable alternative to WGS and WES that offers comparable diagnostic efficacy, supporting its implementation as a first-tier genetic test in NICUs

    Acylcarnitine profile in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: The value of butyrylcarnitine as a prognostic marker

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    Optimal prognostic markers evaluating early neuroprotective interventions in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) are lacking. This study was designed to assess the prognostic value of acylcarnitines in neonatal HIE.An observational cohort study was conducted over 10 years in 67 HIE. Variables analyzed included sex, blood cord pH, Apgar score, hypothermia treatment (yes/no), neuron-specific enolase (NSE) levels, and clinical outcome (neurological examination, brain magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], and electroencephalogram) before discharge and at 6 months. Acylcarnitine profiles were analyzed by tandem-mass spectrometry on dried-blood spots collected on day 3 for newborn screening. A cohort of healthy newborns was used as control group.HIE patients had significantly increased C4, C5, C5:1, C6, C6-OH, C8 levels (all P < .01) and decreased long-chain acylcarnitine levels (P < .03). Hypothermia treatment was associated with a decrease in C4 levels (p = 0.005) and an increase in most long-chain acylcarnitine levels (P < .01). A significant association was found between C4 levels and NSE on day 1 of hypothermia treatment (P = .002) and abnormal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at discharge (P = .037). In the hypothermia group, C4 levels decreased in patients with favorable outcomes but remained high in those who progressed unfavorably.C4 appears to be a good prognostic marker in HIE, as blood levels correlated with NSE levels and abnormal MRI findings. Furthermore, hypothermia did not lead to decreased levels in patients with adverse outcomes

    Sildenafil restores cognitive function without affecting ÎČ-amyloid burden in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) affect signalling pathways by elevating cGMP, which is a second messenger involved in processes of neuroplasticity. In the present study, the effects of the PDE5 inhibitor, sildenafil, on the pathological features of Alzheimer's disease and on memory-related behaviour were investigated. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Sildenafil was administered to the Tg2576 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease and to age-matched negative littermates (controls). Memory function was analysed using the Morris water maze test and fear conditioning tasks. Biochemical analyses were performed in brain lysates from animals treated with saline or with sildenafil. KEY RESULTS: Treatment of aged Tg2576 animals with sildenafil completely reversed their cognitive impairment. Such changes were accompanied in the hippocampus by a reduction of tau hyperphosphorylation and a decrease in the activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3ÎČ (GSK3ÎČ) and of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) (p25/p35 ratio). Moreover, sildenafil also increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein (Arc) in the hippocampus without any detectable modification of brain amyloid burden. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Sildenafil improved cognitive functions in Tg2576 mice and the effect was not related to changes in the amyloid burden. These data further strengthen the potential of sildenafil as a therapeutic agent for Alzheimer's disease
