837 research outputs found

    El poder de dirección del empresario y el derecho a la intimidad del trabajador

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    Nos encontramos como las leyes siempre van por detrás de los acontecimientos. Esto hace que el legislador no pueda prever la cantidad de novedades que aparecen con los avances tecnológicos ni la medida en que éstos afectarán a las relaciones laborales y sus circunstancias. El Estatuto de los Trabajadores recoge la regulación del poder de dirección, y en contraposición a éste, se contempla el derecho a la intimidad de los trabajadores y a su dignidad, que ampara otro artículo del mismo texto. A partir de esta regulación legal, surge el conflicto del límite entre el poder de dirección del empresario en su faceta de control laboral, y entre el derecho a la intimidad del trabajador, tanto en el lugar de trabajo como fuera de éste en relación con la prestación laboral. Numerosas empresas han regulado códigos de conducta con los cuales los trabajadores pueden sentirse4 más seguros en el uso de las TIC.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Hacer arte y rehacer el mundo en Venecia: 53 Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte. Biennale di Venezia

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    En este artículo el autor analiza la 53 edición de la Biennale di Venecia. Venecia se convierte cada dos años en uno de los puntos de encuentro más importantes del arte. La clara vocación de mostrar el arte de “última hora” que desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ha venido mostrando la Biennale, la siguen convirtiendo – pese al indiscutible auge de otras muestras – en un observatorio privilegiado de la producción artística internacional. Sin duda, la Biennale continúa siendo un macro-acontecimiento artístico; al Palacio de las Exposiciones y a los treinta históricos pabellones ubicados en los Giardini, hay que sumar otra treintena de pabellones nacionales diseminados por toda Venecia en iglesias, ex-conventos y palacios renacentistas. Además, paralelamente al desarrollo de la muestra, se realizan casi cien exposiciones y eventos artísticos colaterales. En total, no menos de setecientos artistas exponen sus obrasIn this article the author analyses the 53rd Venice Biennale Art Exhibition. Every two years Venice becomes one of the most important meeting points in the art world. Since just after the Second World War, the Biennale’s aim has been to show off "what’s hot” in art and this, despite the undeniable growth of other exhibitions, has enabled it to remain a privileged observatory of what is being produced on the international artistic scene. Without a doubt, the Biennale is still an artistic macro-event. In addition to the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and the thirty historical pavilions located in the Giardini, there are also another thirty national pavilions spread throughout the whole of Venice in churches, ex-convents and renaissance palaces. Furthermore, and in parallel to the show itself, there are almost a hundred “fringe” exhibitions and artistic events. Altogether, no fewer than seven hundred artists put their work on sho

    La risa proteica, el humor y los pesimistas

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    The channels of humour and what’s comical flow into laughter. To delve into its protean nature means a challenge that the aesthetic reflection has only been able to develop from a variety of viewpoints. In this paper, from the main lessons taken from the theories that have gone deeper into laughter, humour and the comic, we will create a portrait of its polyhedral and multifunctional reality. Laughter can get us closer or away of the rest, encourage or loosen our critical sense; it can be subversive or contribute to conformism; and also its comforting potentiality make it a relief against existential disenchantment.Los cauces del humor y de lo cómico desembocan en la risa. Profundizar en su naturaleza proteica supone un desafío que la reflexión estética sólo ha podido realizar desde una pluralidad de perspectivas. En el presente artículo, a partir de las principales enseñanzas de las teorías que han profundizado en la risa, el humor y lo cómico, construimos un retrato de su realidad poliédrica y multifuncional. La risa puede acercarnos y alejarnos de los demás, estimular o relajar nuestro sentido crítico, ser subversiva o contribuir al conformismo; y, cómo no, su virtualidad consoladora la convierte en un alivio ante el desencanto existencial

    Relação entre o estilo de vida de um jovem esportista de alto desempenho e padrões funcionais de saúde Marjory Gordon

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    Estudio de caso que busca conocer y comprender la relación que hay entre el estilo de vida de una joven deportista de alto rendimiento y los patrones funcionales de salud, a través de la valoración realizada a una joven deportista de alto rendimiento, desde una perspectiva holística, para adentrarse en las peculiaridades propias de este estilo de vida y crear un punto de partida para los cuidados de enfermería dirigidos a deportistas de alto rendimiento. En este caso, se observaron factores protectores relacionados con la tendencia a los hábitos de vida saludables (alimentación, actividad física, no consumo de tóxicos) y conductas de riesgo derivadas del esfuerzo y tiempo de dedicación que requiere el deporte a alto nivel.This case study explores the benefits of Marjory Gordon’s health functional patterns in a high performance young athlete lifestyle. Starting from a holistic perspective and through a nursing functional health care plan in practice, I would like to set the basis for nursing care to high performance athletes. The results showed that there are some protective factors connected with healthy life patterns as: balanced diet, physical activity and drug use prevention. Moreover, there are some risky behaviour related with the effort and the high dedication in daily life.Estudo de caso que busca conhecer e aprender a relação que há entre o estilo de vida de um jovem esportista de alto rendimento e os padrões funcionais da saúde, através da avaliação realizada em um jovem atleta de alto desempenho, desde una perspectiva holística, para adentrar-se nas peculiaridades específicas deste estilo de vida e criar um ponto de partida com os cuidados da enfermagem dirigidos a esportistas de alto rendimento. Em este caso, observa-se fatores protetores relacionados com a tendência de hábitos de vida saudáveis (alimentação, atividade física, não consumo de tóxicos) e condutas de risco derivadas do esforço, tempo e dedicação que requer o esporte de alto nível

    Grid Information Technology as a New Technological Tool for e-Science, Healthcare and Life Science

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    Nowadays, scientific projects require collaborative environments and powerful computing resources capable of handling huge quantities of data, which gives rise to e-Science. These requirements are evident in the need to optimise time and efforts in activities to do with health. When e-Science focuses on the collaborative handling of all the information generated in clinical medicine and health, e-Health is the result. Scientists are taking increasing interest in an emerging technology – Grid Information Technology – that may offer a solution to their current needs. The current work aims to survey how e-Science is using this technology all around the world. We also argue that the technology may provide an ideal solution for the new challenges facing e-Health and Life Science.Hoy en día, los proyectos científicos requieren poderosos recursos de computación capaces de manejar grandes cantidades de datos, los cuales han dado paso a la ciencia electrónica (e-ciencia). Estos requerimientos se hacen evidentes en la necesidad de optimizar tiempo y esfuerzos en actividades relacionadas con la salud. Cuando la e-ciencia se enfoca en el manejo colaborativo de toda la información generada en la medicina clínica y la salud, da como resultado la salud electrónica (e-salud). Los científicos se han interesado cada vez más y más en una tecnología emergente, como lo es la Tecnología de información en red, la que puede ofrecer solución a sus necesidades cotidianas. El siguiente trabajo apunta a examinar como la e-ciencia es empleada en el mundo. También se discute que la tecnología puede proveer una solución ideal para encarar nuevos desafíos en e-salud y Ciencias de la Vida.Nowadays, scientific projects require collaborative environments and powerful computing resources capable of handling huge quantities of data, which gives rise to e-Science. These requirements are evident in the need to optimise time and efforts in activities to do with health. When e-Science focuses on the collaborative handling of all the information generated in clinical medicine and health, e-Health is the result. Scientists are taking increasing interest in an emerging technology – Grid Information Technology – that may offer a solution to their current needs. The current work aims to survey how e-Science is using this technology all around the world. We also argue that the technology may provide an ideal solution for the new challenges facing e-Health and Life Science

    Triplet-charge annihilation in a small molecule donor: acceptor blend as a major loss mechanism in organic photovoltaics

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    Resumen comunicación presentadaOrganic photovoltaics (OPV) are close to reaching a landmark 20% device efficiency.[1] One of the proposed reasons that OPVs have yet to attain this milestone is their propensity toward triplet formation. In this talk,[2] the small molecule donor, DRCN5T, is studied using a variety of spectroscopy techniques, and blended with both fullerene and non-fullerene acceptors. Specifically, picosecond and microsecond transient absorption and Raman spectroscopies are focused on. Despite DRCN5T's ability to achieve OPV efficiencies of over 10%,[3] it generates an unusually high population of triplets. These triplets are primarily formed in amorphous regions via back recombination from a charge transfer state. As such, triplets have a dual role in DRCN5T device efficiency suppression: they both hinder free charge carrier formation and annihilate those free charges that do form. Using microsecond transient absorption spectroscopy under oxygen conditions, this triplet-charge annihilation (TCA) is directly observed as a general phenomenon in a variety of DRCN5T: fullerene and non-fullerene blends. Since TCA is usually inferred rather than directly observed, it is demonstrated that this technique is a reliable method to establish the presence of TCA.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) for the study of organic materials for energy conversion

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    Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) is a pump probe technique with the ability of directly probe the photogenerated species and their evolution with time. This technique consists in two light sources, one of them generates the photoexcited species while the other one probe those as-generated species. TAS allows to study energy transfer dynamics in a wide range of materials (organic molecules, metal complexes, inorganic materials, etc) in a wide range of media (solution, solid state, etc). Following the School spirit of this ‘Escuela de Materiales Moleculares’ this talk is going to explain the capabilities and functioning of TAS. This will include both, picosecond and microsecond TAS, with their differences in setup and applicability. This talk will focus on the application of this technique in the study of organic materials used to generate energy. Among the variety of the studied examples, there will be small molecules donors, diradicals materials. And the information that TAS is able to obtain from those.RSEQ. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exploring the Interplay between CAD and FreeFem++ as an Energy Decision-Making Tool for Architectural Design

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    The energy modelling software tools commonly used for architectural purposes do not allow a straightforward real-time implementation within the architectural design programs. In addition, the surrounding exterior spaces of the building, including the inner courtyards, hardly present a specific treatment distinguishing these spaces from the general external temperature in the thermal simulations. This is a clear disadvantage when it comes to streamlining the design process in relation to the whole-building energy optimization. In this context, the present study aims to demonstrate the advantages of the FreeFem++ open source program for performing simulations in architectural environments. These simulations include microclimate tests that describe the interactions between a building architecture and its local exterior. The great potential of this mathematical tool can be realized through its complete system integration within CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software such as SketchUp or AutoCAD. In order to establish the suitability of FreeFem++ for the performance of simulations, the most widely employed energy simulation tools able to consider a proposed architectural geometry in a specific environment are compared. On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that FreeFem++ is the only program displaying the best features for the thermal performance simulation of these specific outdoor spaces, excluding the currently unavailable easy interaction with architectural drawing programs. The main contribution of this research is, in fact, the enhancement of FreeFem++ usability by proposing a simple intuitive method for the creation of building geometries and their respective meshing (pre-processing). FreeFem++ is also considered a tool for data analysis (post-processing) able to help engineers and architects with building energy-efficiency-related tasks

    On the Influence of Shade in Improving Thermal Comfort in Courtyards

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    This study analyzes the thermal performance of courtyards in traditional buildings in the city center of Córdoba (South of Spain), one of them displaying a shading component, to determine the influence of this precise element. The courtyards have been monitored simultaneously during a summer period when temperatures during the day reached over 45 °C. The obtained data was contrasted, and we confirmed that the shading element provided an improvement of the thermal performance of the courtyard which doubled the thermal leap between outdoor and inside the courtyard temperatures when the shading element was installed, in comparison to the courtyard without shade. Therefore, the tempering effect of courtyards can be significantly improved by means of using these simple elements