2,575 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre la praxis en arteterapia

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    The paper bellow is just a reflexive exercise about some of the theory-methodological bases in the practice of art therapy. Some of the questions in the text are often a source of debate between art therapists, which are related to the character of dynamics that are activated or the role the artistic object or the body itself play in the therapeutic context.El texto que se presenta pretende ser un ejercicio de reflexión acerca de algunos principios teórico-metodológicos de la práctica arteterapéutica. En él se plantean preguntas que a menudo parecen ser fuente de controversia entre los y las profesionales del arteterapia, en relación con el carácter de las dinámicas que se activan o al papel que el objeto artístico o el cuerpo ocupan en el contexto terapéutico

    La geografía invisible del afecto, tras la huella del ser en el espacio

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    El espacio es mucho más que una realidad geométrica: es el contenedor de la vida, de\ud la memoria, de los deseos y de los ensueños. Una gran parte de lo que el ser humano es\ud depende de su adaptación al marco referencial en el que vive: el espacio, que se convierte así en parte constituyente del sujeto. No sólo la piel, sino también el afecto son circundados por los lugares con los que el tiempo cimenta y articula la existencia. Por esto es importante\ud y hasta urgente reflexionar acerca del carácter y de la realidad de los espacios que\ud habitamos

    Thermophilic and mesophilic temperature phase anaerobic codigestion (TPAcD) compared with single-stage co-digestion of sewage sludge and sugar beet pulp lixiviation

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    The performance of temperature phase anaerobic co-digestion (TPAcD) for sewage sludge and sugar beet pulp lixiviation (using the process of exchanging the digesting substrate between spatially separated thermophilic and mesophilic digesters) was tested and compared to both single-stage mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion. Two Hydraulic Retention Times (HRT) were studied in the thermophilic stage of anaerobic digestion in two temperature phases, maintaining the optimum time of the mesophilic stage at 10 days, obtained as such in single-stage anaerobic co-digestion. In this way, we obtained the advantages of both temperature regimes. Volatile solids removal efficiency from the TPAcD system depended on the sludge exchange rate, but fell within the 72.6e64.6% range. This was higher than the value of 46.8% obtained with single-stage thermophilic digestion and that of 40.5% obtained with mesophilic digestion. The specific methane yield was 424e468 ml CH4 per gram of volatile solids removed, similar to that of single-stage mesophilic anaerobic digestion. The increase in microbial activity inside the reactor was directly proportional to the organic loading rate (OLR) (or inversely proportional to the HRT) and inversely proportional to the size of the microbial population in single-stage anaerobic co-digestion systems

    Forms for the silence

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    The creative act is necessary and healthy, because it puts us in touch with life, with our own biography, our own body and allows to integrate the experience of living us, to show what we are. Artistic creation, when it is understood as therapeutic route, does not mean production of beautiful forms, but transformation of the real world across fusing and to mix experiences, emotions, desires, recollections, with forms and matters (objects, colors, textures, images), making possible that experience of silence, before the limitation of language, gives name to what we feel, and in a healthy way. From this point of view, artists and patients can share a common plot

    How to Disguise Fairy Tales in 21st Century Ireland. A Feminist Analysis of Marian Keyes’ and Cathy Kelly’s Blockbusters

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    Ireland has suffered many extraordinary changes during the last decades that have made the Emerald Isle a geographical point upon which all eyes are fixed. Despite this metamorphosis, the question is if its population and cultural heritage have been able to cope with the times. Known as a traditionally catholic and conservative country, many social aspects remain unchangeable and those that have evolved may still keep an inner glimpse of the old times that is not always easily recognizable. Undoubtedly, women and all subjects related to them have experienced a revolution. However, data show that true equality is still far from being reached. In this context, literature must be taken as a powerful cultural force that helps create stereotypes and a popular conscience. Thus, this article analyses the success of what has been called “women’s literature”, especially Marian Keyes’ and Cathy Kelly’s bestselling books. It also tries to examine to what extent the traditional ideologies of womanhood are present and by which means their female protagonists attach to the old stereotypes under a mask of modernity and economic boom. Finally, their effects on the female Irish population will also be studied in order to demonstrate that globalization and modern capitalism prove to be unable to change the old myths that lie beneath and keep women in a relegated position

    Power, Gender and the Nation: Negotiations of Belonging in Evelyn Conlon’s Short Story “Park-Going Days”

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    In the central decades of the 20th century, the feminine icons of “Mother Church” and “Mother Ireland” were set as conduct models to follow by Irish women. Simultaneously, legal, moral and economic forces collaborated in limiting the scope of their agency. In order to elicit where women situated and how female expressions of belonging and not belonging took shape, this article uses intersectionality to look into the short story “Park-Going Days” authored by women’s rights activist and writer Evelyn Conlon. The plot displays the ambivalent feelings of the newcomer, a childless married woman, towards the other women in the community and her difficulties fitting in. At the same time, this story provides the reader with the unspoken personal experiences of these women in relation to marriage, work and motherhood. Thus, the analysis will show how this situation is constructed and understood by the author. Besides, the use of intersectionality will allow a multi-level analysis to unveil the interdependence of structures, social categories and representations that result in socially constructed forms of differentiation and exclusion for (some) women, and the consequent forms of resistance and consent. Finally, new paths for literary analysis are suggested within the frame of intersectionality.En las décadas centrales del siglo XX, los iconos femeninos “Madre Iglesia” y “Madre Irlanda” se presentaron como los modelos de conducta a seguir por las mujeres irlandesas. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de fuerzas legales, morales y económicas colaboraron para limitar el alcance de su capacidad de actuación. Con el fin de inferir el posicionamiento de las mujeres y cómo se fueron conformando las diversas expresiones femeninas de pertenencia y no pertenencia, este artículo utiliza la interseccionalidad para analizar el relato “Park-Going Days” de Evelyn Conlon, escritora y activista por los derechos de las mujeres. La trama muestra los sentimientos ambivalentes de la recién llegada, una mujer casada sin hijos, hacia las otras mujeres de la comunidad, y sus dificultades para encajar en ese colectivo. Al mismo tiempo, esta historia descubre al lector las experiencias personales silenciadas de estas mujeres en relación con el matrimonio, el trabajo y la maternidad. Así, el análisis mostrará cómo la autora construye y entiende esta situación. Además, el uso de la interseccionalidad permitirá un análisis a varios niveles que revele la interdependencia existente entre las estructuras, las categorías sociales y las representaciones, lo que se traducirá en formas socialmente construidas de diferenciación y exclusión para (algunas de) las mujeres, y las consiguientes formas de resistencia y de consentimiento. Por último, se proponen nuevas vías de análisis literario en el marco de la interseccionalidad

    Burlas y violencia en el Carnaval madrileño de los siglos XVII y XVIII

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