1,367 research outputs found

    The Pandemic and Changes in the Self-Perception of Teacher Digital Competences of Infant Grade Students: A Cross Sectional Study

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    URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/9/4756Without having a reaction time, the pandemic has caused an unprecedented transformation in universities around the world, leading to a revolution from structured models anchored in the conception of transmission of training towards a teaching approach-learning saved thanks to the incorporation of technology. This study aims to verify whether the pandemic situation has influenced the digital competence self-perception of students. Comparing two groups during the academic years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, the instrument used is the questionnaire for digital competence “DigCompEdu Check-In” for future teachers. After the educational intervention, group A (before COVID-19) presented higher self-perceptions of competence than group B (during COVID-19); the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 has negatively influenced students’ self-perception of their digital skills in the pretest in the different dimensions under study. Before receiving the training, the group that did not experience the pandemic enjoyed a higher self-perception of their competencies than the group that experienced the pandemic. The data obtained indicate that the difference exists, and that it is statistically significant, and may be a consequence of the clear relationship between selfperception and the way in which students face reality through their personal and subjective vision

    Mitigating energy poverty: Potential contributions of combining PV and building thermal mass storage in low-income households

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    The issue of energy poverty has devastating implications for the society, and it has been aggravated in the past years due to the economic crisis and the increase of energy prices. Among the most affected are those with low incomes and living in inefficient buildings. Unfortunately, the bitter reality is that sometimes this part of the population are facing the next question: Heating, or eating? The declining prices of distributed energy technologies such as photovoltaics provides an opportunity for positive social change. Although their use does not address energy poverty directly, substantial contributions may be made. Measurements of indoor temperatures in a social housing district of southern Spain in 2017 have revealed the unbearable temperatures that the occupants have to endure, both in summer and winter. Using this district as a case study, the present work aims to evaluate the benefits of exploiting its rooftop PV potential to cover part of the electricity consumption of the district (reducing the energy bills), and use the surplus electricity to supply power for the heat pumps in the district. Optimal alternatives regarding maximum PV production, maximum self-sufficiency ratio and minimum investment costs have been found, considering as well different options when sharing the available electricity surplus to improve the thermal comfort of the occupants. As far as the authors know, no previous study has followed an approach aimed at energy poverty alleviation such as the one presented in this work. The results show that using the surplus electricity to heat or cool the whole dwellings would improve the thermal comfort of the occupants in average up to 11% in winter and 26% in summer. If all the PV generation was used or more buildings in the area were employed to install PV modules, improvements up to 33% in winter and 67% in summer could be obtained, reducing at the same time the thermal comfort differences among the dwellings of the district

    Measuring the Subjective Well-being of Teachers

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     Abstract This paper presents an instrument, designed using scientific methods, to measure the subjective well-being of teachers in relation to their work and to variables from life experience. Participant teachers work at the basic educational level in private institutions created by the civil society that attend to the needs of the socio-economically vulnerable populations outside the state’s system. The Cronbach Alfa index and exploratory factor analysis were used to establish the reliability and validity of the instrument applied to 183 Mexican teachers in the pilot test. Conclusions pint out to possible uses of this validated instrument for the design of strategies that favor the integral well-being of the future generations of teachers and a substantial improvement in the quality of education. Keywords: subjective well-being, instrument, teacher, health, and satisfaction

    Folic Acid Homeostasis and Its Pathways Related to Hepatic Oxidation in Adolescent Rats Exposed to Binge Drinking

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    Chronic ethanol consumption and liver disease are intimately related to folic acid (FA) homeostasis. Despite the fact that FA decreases lipid oxidation, its mechanisms are not yet well elucidated. Lately, adolescents have been practising binge drinking (BD), consisting of the intake of a high amount of alcohol in a short time; this is a particularly pro-oxidant form of consumption. The aim of this study is to examine, for the first time, FA homeostasis in BD adolescent rats and its antioxidant properties in the liver. We used adolescent rats, including control rats and rats exposed to an intermittent intraperitoneal BD model, supplemented with or without FA. Renal FA reabsorption and renal FA deposits were increased in BD rats; hepatic deposits were decreased, and heart and serum levels remained unaffected. This depletion in the liver was accompanied by higher transaminase levels; an imbalance in the antioxidant endogenous enzymatic system; lipid and protein oxidation; a decrease in glutathione (GSH) levels; hyper-homocysteinemia (HHcy); an increase in NADPH oxidase (NOX) 1 and NOX4 enzymes; an increase in caspase 9 and 3; and a decrease in the anti-apoptotic metallopeptidase inhibitor 1. Furthermore, BD exposure increased the expression of uncoupled endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) by increasing reactive nitrogen species generation and the nitration of tyrosine proteins. When FA was administered, hepatic FA levels returned to normal levels; transaminase and lipid and protein oxidation also decreased. Its antioxidant activity was due, in part, to the modulation of superoxide dismutase activity, GSH synthesis and NOX1, NOX4 and caspase expression. FA reduced HHcy and increased the expression of coupled eNOS by increasing tetrahydrobiopterin expression, avoiding nitrosative stress. In conclusion, FA homeostasis and its antioxidant properties are affected in BD adolescent rats, making it clear that this vitamin plays an important role in the oxidative, nitrosative and apoptotic hepatic damage generated by acute ethanol exposure. For this, FA supplementation becomes a potential BD therapy for adolescents, preventing future acute alcohol-related harms.Junta de Andalucía CTS-19

    Age at natural menopause among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to estimate the age at natural menopause in women with SLE. Methods. One thousand and thirty-nine consecutive SLE patients <60 years of age were surveyed. Demographic and clinical data were queried by a single investigator. SLE characteristics and co-morbidities were retrieved from their medical records. Natural menopause was defined as amenorrhoea ≥12 months in the absence of previous hysterectomy, CYC exposure and severe chronic kidney disease (SCKD). Pregnant women and those with menses during the 12 months prior to interview were considered premenopausal. Median age at menopause was estimated by both logit and survival analyses. In addition, mean age at menopause was calculated for patients aged ≥40 years. Factors associated with age at natural menopause were assessed by Cox regression analysis. Results. A total of 961 SLE women were analysed. At interview, most patients (81.6%) were premenopausal, 7.9% had natural menopause, 6.3% were postmenopausal previously exposed to CYC, 4.1% had undergone hysterectomy before menopause and 0.1% presented with SCKD and amenorrhoea. The mean age at interview was 35.2 years (s.d. 10.1), the mean age at SLE diagnosis was 26.9 years (s.d. 8.6) and the mean duration of disease was 8.2 years (s.d. 7.1). The mean recalled age at menopause was 46.4 years (s.d. 4.7). Median age at menopause estimated by logit and survival analyses were 50.7 and 50.8 years, respectively. Only the age at SLE diagnosis was associated with age at natural menopause. Conclusion. Median age at natural menopause in women with lupus is 50 years. This is consistent with the age at menopause reported in the general populatio

    Problemas do empreendedor imigrante na Espanha: avaliação de políticas trabalhistas e sociais espanholas nos últimos cinco anos

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    This paper is a critical approach to the labor and social History of immigrant workers, who pretend to become « entrepreneurs » in Spain, during the last years. The paper studies the evolution of several immigrant entrepreneurs and it evaluates the public policies on the topic and the current risks and troubles (in legal, economical and sociological terms). Also, it pais attention on some violations of Spanish and European Union Law and Policy.Este trabajo es un estudio crítico de la historia social y laboral de trabajadores inmigrantes, que pretenden llegar a ser “emprendedores” en España, durante los últimos años. Este trabajo estudia la evolución de varios inmigrantes emprendedores y evalúa además las políticas públicas sobre el tema y sus problemas y riesgos actuales (en términos jurídicos, económicos y sociológicos). Incluso, se denuncian ciertas violaciones de Derecho y Política española y comunitaria.Este trabalho é um estudo crítico da história social e laboral dos trabalhadores imigrantes, que almejam tornar-se “empresários” na Espanha, durante os últimos anos. Este trabalho examina a evolução de vários imigrantes empresários e também avalia as políticas públicas sobre o assunto e seus problemas e riscos vigentes (em termos jurídicos, econômicos e sociológicos). Ademais, são relatadas certas violações da lei e da política espanhola e da Comunidade

    The Challenge of Initial Training for Early Childhood Teachers. A Cross Sectional Study of Their Digital Competences

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    The scarce presence of technologies at the early childhood education level today is a cause for worry. This study aims to provide information on the training of future early childhood education teachers and their relationship with technologies. The work is based on a pretest–posttest methodology through a cross sectional descriptive study. The sample is made up of 535 4th year students of the Degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Seville. Descriptive and contrast analyses were performed as well as contrast statistics and effect size. The results show that the training received by the students was a key element to improve self-perception of digital competence. There were statistically significant changes between before and after receiving the training. The changes produced always meant an improvement in the students’ self-perception. In the study of their profiles, relevant changes were also identified. Whereas before training subjects were grouped into newcomer and explorer categories, after training they were grouped into the highest profiles: integrator, expert, and pioneer. For this reason, it is necessary to manage training plans to allow future teachers to position themselves at an expert level.This research was funded by Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain grant number RTI2018-097214-B-C31

    Visual system and motor development in children: a systematic review

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to review the available scientific literature on the possible relationship between the visual system and motor development in children.MethodsThis study was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) statement recommendations. The review protocol is available in PROSPERO (CRD42021245341). Four different databases, namely Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL and Web of Science, were assessed from April 2005 to February 2021. To determine the quality of the articles, we used the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Quality Appraisal Scale, and a protocol was followed to define the levels of evidence on the basis of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels of Evidence. The search strategy included terms describing motor development in children and adolescents with visual disorders.Results Among the identified studies, 23 were included in the study. All selected articles examined the relationship between the visual system and development in children. The quality of most of the studies was moderate–high, and they were between evidence levels 2 and 4.ConclusionsOur systematic review revealed that all included studies established a relationship between the visual system and development in children. However, the methods for measuring the visual system and motor skills lacked uniformity

    Evaluación de la competencia emocional en niñas/os con trastorno del espectro autista a través de una APP novedosa

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    Los niños con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) tienen dificultades en el área decompetencia emocional. Existen distintos instrumentos no estandarizados para evaluarlas habilidades emocionales de los niños/as, sin embargo, se suelen centrar enaspectos parciales de esta competencia, descuidan el componente motivador y nosuelen estar adaptados a las características específicas de los niños/as con TEA. Elpresente estudio pretende demostrar cómo es posible evaluar la competencia emocionalen niños/as con TEA mediante una app novedosa de reciente creación por partede investigadores de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón: Emocionatest. Esta APPtiene cinco niveles de dificultad basados en hitos de desarrollo emocional típico de 3a 12 años. Para ello, 33 niños/as con TEA fueron evaluados con la app. Los resultadosmuestran que los participantes presentan dificultades en la mayoría de niveles que asu edad deberían superar, teniendo mayor dificultad los niños/as más pequeños/as.Además, la app ha permitido conocer el tipo de error cometido, por ejemplo: confusiónde emociones con valencias distintas (p. ej. felicidad y enfado) y valencias similares(p. ej. miedo y tristeza). Se concluye que la app Emocionatest es una herramienta queválida para evaluar de una manera efectiva y comprensiva la competencia emocionalen niños y niñas con TEA. En futuros trabajos, se validará la herramienta en poblacióninfantil con desarrollo típico para ser comparada con la ejecución de niños con TEA, yasí poder ser usada por los profesionales del campo psicoeducativo.Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have difficulties in the emotional competencearea. There are different non-standardized tools for evaluating the emotionalabilities of children, however they are usually focused on partial aspects of this competence,they use to forget the motivating component, and they are not usually adaptedto the specific characteristics of children with ASD. The present study aims to show howit is possible to evaluate emotional competence in children with ASD through a novelapp created by researchers from the Jaume I Unviersity of Castellón: Emocionatest.This APP has five difficulty levels based on typical emotional development milestonesfrom 3 to 12 years. To reach that aim, 33 children with ASD were assessed with the app.Results show that the participants present difficulties at most levels that they are expectedto perform successfully according to their age, with smaller children having moredifficulty. In addition, the app has made it possible to know the type of mistake committed,for example: confusion of emotions of different valence (e.g., happiness and anger)and similar valence (e.g., fear and sadness). It is concluded that the app Emocionatestis a good tool to make an effective and comprehensive assessment of the emotionalcompetence in children with ASD. In the future, the app will be validated in children withtypically development to be compared to the performance of children with ASD, andtherefore it could be used by professionals in the psychoeducational field

    Actividad de albendazol y los aceites esenciales de menta (Mentha piperita) y manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla) frente Anisakis tipo I

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    Objetivos: Estudiar la posible actividad sinérgica de los aceites esenciales de Mentha piperita y Matricaria chamomilla frente Anisakis tipo I. Material y métodos: Se ensayó tanto in vitro como in vivo, la actividad larvicida de la mezcla de los aceites esenciales utilizando albendazol como fármaco de referencia y midiéndo su eficacia mediante un modelo estadístico. Resultados: En los ensayos in vitro, a las concentraciones de 250 y 187.5 μg/ml, la mortalidad de las larvas fue del 100% mientras que albendazol no mostró eficacia. In vivo, la mezcla de aceites esenciales fue más eficaz, reduciendo las lesiones en ratas en comparación con las tratadas con albendazol y control. Albendazol no redujo de forma significativa el porcentaje de lesiones producidas por las larvas frente al control. Conclusión: La mezcla de aceite esencial de menta y manzanilla podría ser candidata para su uso en el tratamiento/profilaxis de la anisakiasis humana.Aim: We have studied the possible synergistic activity of the essential oils of Mentha piperita and Matricaria chamomile against Anisakis type I. Materials and methods: the larvicidal activity of the mixture of essential oils was tested in vitro and in vivo, using as a reference the drug Albendazole and effectiveness measured through a statistical model. Results: The in vitro and in vivo experiments both evidenced that the larvicidal activity of essential oils, was higher than the Albendazole activity. In the in vitro assay, at concentrations of 250 and 187.5 μg/ml, the mortality was 100% with the mixture of essential oils while albendazole was ineffective at the concentrations studied. In the in vivo assay, the mixture of essential oils, was significantly more effective in the reduction of numbers of lesions with rats in comparison to albendazole treatments and control. Albendazole did not significantly reduce the percentage of lesions caused by larvae vs. control. Conclusion: Considering the results, we have come to the conclusion that the mixture of peppermint essential oils and chamomile could be used in the treatment/prophylaxis of human Anisakis.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto: P07-CVI-03249