594 research outputs found

    Sobre el estado de conservación de Ranunculus batrachioides subsp. brachypodus G. López (Ranunculaceae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Ranunculus batrachioides subsp. brachypodus G. López es un pequeño terófito anfibio ligado a zonas húmedas temporales mediterráneas, cuya distribución ibérica se limita a varias localidades del C y W de la Península. Su restringida área de distribución y las peculiaridades de sus hábitats (reducido tamaño, fragmentación, alta vulnerabilidad, etc.) han motivado su inclusión en el principal documento técnico de flora ibérica amenazada, la Lista Roja 2008, bajo la categoría de Vulnerable. En este trabajo recopilamos datos básicos relativos a su área de distribución actual, su biología y autoecología, y hacemos una aproximación al estado de conservación de sus poblaciones en la Península.Ranunculus batrachioides subsp. brachypodus G. López is a small amphibious therophyte linked to temporary wet areas in C and W of the Iberian Peninsula. This taxon has been included in the Red List 2008, the main technical document related to threatened Iberian flora, under Vulnerable category due to its restricted distribution area and its particular habitat (limited area, fragmentation, high vulnerability, etc.). In this work, we compile data related to its current distribution area, biological and autoecological features, as well as an approximation to the conservation status of its populations in the Iberian Peninsula (In Spanish)

    Proposal to conserve the name Inula (Asteraceae) with a conserved type

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    [EN] The genus Inula L. as traditionally circumscribed comprises ca. 90–100 species widely distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa; ca. 65 species are Eurasian and North-African perennial herbs and ca. 25 species are Central and South-African perennial herbs and shrubs (modified from Anderberg in Pl. Syst. Evol. 176: 75–123. 1991 and Flann (ed.), 2009+ Global Compositae Checklist Ac-cessed: 11 Nov. 2011). The delimitation of the genus is controversial and has been a matter of frequent discussion throughout botanical history (e.g., Beck, Europ. Inula-Art.: 1–59. 1882; Anderberg, l.c. 1991). The original Linnaean (Sp. Pl.: 881–884. 1753) circumscrip-tion of Inula has notably changed to include further Linnaean gen-era such as Conyza L. (l.c.: 861–863, nom. rej. vs. Conyza Less., Syn. Gen. Compos.: 203–204. 1832, nom. cons.) (i.e., I. bifrons L., I. candida (L.) Cass. and I. conyzae (Griess.) Meikle). Also Inulahas been split into several genera and many Linnaean species origi-nally placed in Inula were subsequently transferred to them, e.g., Pulicaria Gaertn. (P. dysenterica (L.) Bernh., P. odora (L.) Rchb. and P. vulgaris Gaertn.) and Limbarda Adans. (L. crithmoides ( L .) Dumort.)

    Análisis de localización para la instalación de una central de aprovechamiento de energía undimotriz en la costa norte de España

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    Numerosos estudios han revelado que existe un gran potencial energético en la costa norte de la Península Ibérica gracias a que el Océano Atlántico baña este territorio. Con el desarrollo e investigación de nuevas tecnologías, se plantea la posibilidad de construir una central de aprovechamiento undimotriz, que esté integrada en uno de los diques de mayor entidad en el norte de España, como son el dique de Punta Langosteira (Puerto Exterior de A Coruña, Galicia), el dique de Torres y Norte (Ampliación del Puerto de Gijón, Asturias) y el dique de Punta Lucero (Puerto de Bilbao, País Vasco)

    Student Misbehaviour and Teacher Coercion. A Comparative Study of Contextual Factors in Primary and Secondary Education Teachers

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    This study analyses the relation between student misbehaviour and teacher coercion from a teacher perspective by taking further contextual variables into account. Our participants were 480 male/female secondary education and 351 primary education teachers from the Spanish Autonomous Community of Aragón (Spain). This study forms part of the 2017 Coexistence Study in Aragón Education Centres. According to the theoretical framework and the SEM (structural equation modeling), the results revealed a close relationship between student misbehaviour and teacher coercion, although other contextual variables also appeared in the regression equation: in coexistence rules and in teacher competence. We ultimately found a certain degree of difference between the primary and secondary education levels. On the secondary school level, teacher conflicts were associated with student misbehaviour, while coexistence rules and participative and inclusive activities predicted teacher coercion. Conversely, on the primary school level, participative and inclusive activities predict a lower frequency of student misbehaviour, while teacher competence predicts a lower frequency of teacher coercion

    Offshore Wind Farms

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    The coastal zone is the host to many human activities, which have significantly increased in the last decades. However, sea level rise and more frequent storm events severely affect beaches and coastal structures, with negative consequences and dramatic impacts on coastal communities. These aspects add to typical coastal problems, like flooding and beach erosion, which already leading to large economic losses and human fatalities. Modeling is thus fundamental for an exhaustive understanding of the nearshore region in the present and future environment. Innovative tools and technologies may help to better understand coastal processes in terms of hydrodynamics, sediment transport, bed morphology, and their interaction with coastal structures. This book collects several contributions focusing on nearshore dynamics, and span among several time and spatial scales using both physical and numerical approaches. The aim is to describe the most recent advances in coastal dynamics

    Handy or practical student. Objective: to pass or to learn

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    With the introduction of the European Higher Education Area and the development of the "Bologna" method in learning certain technological subjects, a pilot assessment procedure was launched in the "old" plan to observe, monitor and analyze the acquiring knowledge of senior students in various academic courses. This paper is a reflection on culture and knowledge. Will students accommodate to get a lower score on tests because they know they have a lot of tooltips to achieve their objectives?. Are their skills lower for these reason?

    Scrophularia arguta Aiton en el occidente de la Península Ibérica.

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    Scrophularia arguta Aiton in Western Iberian PeninsulaPalabras clave. Scrophularia, corología, Cáceres, CW de España.Key words. Scrophularia, chorology, Cáceres, CW Spain

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Valladolid.

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    Contribution to the knowledge of Valladolid province flora.Palabras clave. Flora Vascular, corología, Valladolid, España.Key words. Vascular Flora, chorology, Valladolid, Spain

    Secundary school profile in science and technology versus the first year at the Technical University of Madrid. Cause of failure or quitting?

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    Se analiza el absentismo, el fallo y el abandono de los estudiantes en los primeros semestres del grado sobre la base de su formación en la educación secundaria

    Comparación y validación de formulaciones aplicadas a cimentaciones monopilotadas en eólica marina

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    Las estructuras monopilotadas son la tipología de cimentación más común en eólica marina, con un porcentaje de centrales del 80 % en Europa, y con diámetros de hasta 8 metros. La tendencia en las construcciones offshore futuras parece estar encaminada al desarrollo de este tipo de estructuras, con lo cual los monopilotes seguirán siendo la principal cimentación en eólica marina, quedando aun mucho margen de evolución en esta tipología y avanzando cada vez hacia mayores diámetros y profundidades. Los objetivos perseguidos en la elaboración del trabajo están relacionados con el dimensionamiento de estas estructuras pilotadas. Para verificar si los modelos de cálculo de longitudes de monopilotes orientados a cimentaciones onshore pueden ser aplicadas en situaciones offshore. Además, se ha querido establecer una relación entre tipologías de suelo y longitudes de los pilotes