187 research outputs found

    Procesos psicolingüísticos implicados en la adquisición del inglés en el contexto de la enseñanza primaria

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    [Resumen] Este estudio analiza la producción escrita en inglés de alumnos de la Escuela Primaria (cursos 3°, 4°, 5° Y 6°). El análisis de los datos muestra que mientras los alumnos de los dos primeros cursos limitan su producción a listas de voca- bulario y rutinas o fórmulas memorizadas, los alumnos de 5° y 6° empiezan a utilizar un número limitado de estructuras sintácticas aunque sin mostrar un control creativo de la sintaxis. Unfenómeno a destacar es el uso de segmentos fragmentarios de estructuras practicadas en clase que combinan formando cláusulas idiosincráticas.[Abstract] The present study explores the early written production in English of primary schoollearners (3"', 4''', 5"' anf 6'" grades). The analysis of the data shows that there is a growth over the four years from the use of isolated words and memo- rized classroom routines to the use of several syntactic patterns. The characte- ristics of the written data reveal that learners, rather than relying on analysis and rule, use memorizedformulas and patterns learnt as chunks. Learners may also segment parts of practised classroom patterns and re-combine them to form idiosincratic clause

    Los inicios de la producción oral en lengua extranjera de alumnos de Primaria en Europa

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    Uno de los cambios educativos más importantes impulsados por la Unión Europea ha sido la disminución de la edad de inicio del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. El objetivo del presente trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento de los resultados lingüísticos que obtienen alumnos de primaria de escuelas públicas en lengua extranjera; en concreto, se investiga la producción oral incipiente de 243 alumnos de segundo curso procedentes de siete contextos europeos: Croacia, España, Holanda, Inglaterra, Italia, Polonia y Suecia. El trabajo se centra en el análisis de las producciones orales en lengua extranjera que fueron obtenidas por medio de una tarea controlada de juego de rol. Se utilizan medidas de fluidez, diversidad léxica y complejidad gramatical, así como también se analiza el uso de de fórmulas memorizadas, y el uso de la L1

    Estudio sobre la micoflora atmosférica de Barcelona. II Género "Penicillium"

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    Se estudia la incidencia del género Penicillium en la atmósfera de Barcelona, en el período comprendido desde noviembre de 1976 hasta febrero de 1978. Se expusieron 8.029 placas de Petri identificándose 32.965 propágulos pertenecientes a dicho género. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por otros autores en diversas ciudades del mundo, relacionándolos con las condiciones climatológicas.An investigation about the genus Penicillium in the atmosphere of Barcelona in the period from november 1976 until february 1978. 8.029 Petri plates were exposed, and 32.965 propagules pertaining the said genus, the obtained results are compared with the results secured other investigators in several cities of the world and related to the climatic conditions

    Contribución al estudio de los Hyphomycetes de España. IV

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    Attempting the caracterization of the Hyphomycetes pertaining the fungous flora of Spain, seven species isolated from several substrata were described: Bahusakala olivaceonigra, Curvularia harveyi, Oedocephalum nicotianae, Exophiala brunnea, Helminthosporium velutinum, Alternaria longipes y Zygosporium gibbum.En el intento de caracterizar los Hyphomycetes pertenecientes a la flora fúngica de nuestro país, se describen siete especies aisladas de diversos sustratos. Dichas especies son: Bahusakala olivaceonigra, Curvularia harveyi, Oedocephalum nicotianae, Exophiala brunnea, Helminthosporium velutinum, Alternaria longipes, y Zygosporium gibbum

    Development and experimental validation of an overlay mortar with biocide activity

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    Biodeterioration of concrete by microorganism colonisation may be a problem in several structures, especially in irrigation and hydroelectric canals. The main problem in such structures is the proliferation of algae and cyanobacteria that affect the performance of the structure, increase the maintenance costs and affects its durability. A research was conducted to develop a novel cement-based material with biocide activity that can be used as an overlay mortar in existing structures, such as canals and pipes. With this aim, ten commercial biocides were evaluated in a laboratory campaign to assess the effectiveness of the compounds against the microbial colonisation of concrete. Both mono- and multicomponent formulations were designed from the commercial products, to increase their antimicrobial effect obtaining a set of biocide formulations. The formulations were submitted to a flowchart process to determine their influence on the physical properties of the concrete, evaluate the release of the actives, and their antimicrobial efficiency both before and after accelerated aging processes. During the campaign, some formulations were observed to diminish the strength of the concrete. Such behaviour was normally due to the interaction of the active with the cement hydration process. Other formulations showed a high release of active from the concrete in water, compromising the durability of the treatment. In general, monocomponent formulations did not succeed to fulfill all the requirements, thus multicomponent formulations were analysed. One studied multicomponent formulation presented particularly good results in all properties analysed. This product did not significantly change the properties of concrete and the release of active in water from the concrete was low, while the antimicrobial effects were long lasting.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Emergency Remote Teaching: las TIC aplicadas a la educación durante el confinamiento por COVID-19

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) allows to meet the challenge of continuing the educational process in the state of health alarm. A new term refers to this new teaching, Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). This research aims to offer a techno-pedagogical design model for Emergency Remote Teaching, the ALO model. The ALO model is based on traditional techno-pedagogical design ideas adjusted to new needs and allows schools and teachers to rapidly incorporate ICTs. The results offer the ALO model (analysis, location and organization) to guide principals, coordinators and teachers.El uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) permite alcanzar el reto de continuar el proceso educativo en el estado de alarma sanitaria. Ha sido acuñado un nuevo término para referirse a esta adaptación, Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Esta investigación tiene por objetivo presentar un modelo de diseño tecnopedagógico para el Emergency Remote Teaching, el modelo ALO, que permita a los centros educativos y los maestros la rápida incorporación de las TIC. El modelo ALO está basado en las ideas tradicionales del diseño tecnopedagógico ajustadas a las nuevas necesidades. Los resultados ofrecen el modelo ALO (análisis, localización y organización) para guiar a los directores, coordinadores y maestros

    Mimicking epithelial tissues in three-dimensional cell culture models

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    Epithelial tissues are composed of layers of tightly connected cells shaped into complex three-dimensional (3D) structures such as cysts, tubules, or invaginations. These complex 3D structures are important for organ-specific functions and often create biochemical gradients that guide cell positioning and compartmentalization within the organ. One of the main functions of epithelia is to act as physical barriers that protect the underlying tissues from external insults. In vitro, epithelial barriers are usually mimicked by oversimplified models based on cell lines grown as monolayers on flat surfaces. While useful to answer certain questions, these models cannot fully capture the in vivo organ physiology and often yield poor predictions. In order to progress further in basic and translational research, disease modeling, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine, it is essential to advance the development of new in vitro predictive models of epithelial tissues that are capable of representing the in vivo-like structures and organ functionality more accurately. Here, we review current strategies for obtaining biomimetic systems in the form of advanced in vitro models that allow for more reliable and safer preclinical tests. The current state of the art and potential applications of self-organized cell-based systems, organ-on-a-chip devices that incorporate sensors and monitoring capabilities,as well as microfabrication techniques including bioprinting and photolithography, are discussed. These techniques could be combined to help provide highly predictive drug tests for patient-specific conditions in the near future

    Persistence Partial Matchings Induced by Morphisms between Persistence Modules

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    The notion of persistence partial matching, as a generalization of partial matchings between persistence modules, is introduced. We study how to obtain a persistence partial matching Gf\mathcal{G}_f, and a partial matching Mf\mathcal{M}_f, induced by a morphism ff between persistence modules, both being linear with respect to direct sums of morphisms. Some of their properties are also provided, including their stability after a perturbation of the morphism ff, and their relationship with other induced partial matchings already defined in TDA

    El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y la ética del cuidado

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    El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea implica aprender compartiendo objetivos y tareas siendo las tecnologías mediadoras de dicho proceso. Las personas que actúan de acuerdo con la ética del cuidado siguen una lógica de relaciones que se caracteriza por la interdependencia, la comunicación, la responsabilidad y el cuidado. El objetivo de esta investigación es indagar el discurso del aprendizaje colaborativo en línea desde la perspectiva de la ética del cuidado. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo ha sido diseñado un proceso de metodología cualitativa naturalista, es decir sin intervención de instrumentos de mediada, basado en el análisis de contenidos. Entre los resultados destaca que la presencia del discurso de ética del cuidado en los procesos de aprendizaje tiene importantes implicaciones para la práctica de la docencia en línea siendo necesario el desarrollo de valores relacionales en los docentes en línea