7,498 research outputs found

    On the solvability of the Yakubovich linear-quadratic infinite horizon minimization problem

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    The Yakubovich Frequency Theorem, in its periodic version and in its general nonautonomous extension, establishes conditions which are equivalent to the global solvability of a minimization problem of infinite horizon type, given by the integral in the positive half-line of a quadratic functional subject to a control system. It also provides the unique minimizing pair \lq\lq solution, control\rq\rq~and the value of the minimum. In this paper we establish less restrictive conditions under which the problem is partially solvable, characterize the set of initial data for which the minimum exists, and obtain its value as well a minimizing pair. The occurrence of exponential dichotomy and the null character of the rotation number for a nonautonomous linear Hamiltonian system defined from the minimization problem are fundamental in the analysis.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad / FEDER, MTM2015-66330-PMinisterio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades, RTI2018-096523-B-I00European Commission, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014INDAM -- GNAMPA Project 201

    Peer Victimization in Overweight Adolescents and Its Effect on Their Self-Esteem and Peer Difficulties

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    This study has three objectives: to examine whether adolescents who perceive themselves as overweight differ from others in terms of offline victimization at school, cybervictimization, self-esteem, and difficulties relating to peers; to examine the possible effects of offline and cybervictimization on self-esteem and difficulties relating to peers; and to examine the possible moderating role of perceiving oneself as overweight on those effects. Previously validated questionnaires were applied to a sample of 3145 adolescents in Asturias (Spain). Descriptive, inferential, correlational, and structural equation analyses were performed. Adolescents who perceived themselves as overweight reported being victims of both offline victimization and most forms of cybervictimization to a greater extent than those who did not perceive themselves as overweight. They also reported lower self-esteem and more peer difficulties (shyness or social anxiety). In both groups of adolescents, victimization and cybervictimization were correlated with each other, both types of victimization had direct, negative effects on self-esteem, and self-esteem in turn had a direct, negative effect on peer difficulties. Furthermore, offline victimization had a direct, positive effect on peer difficulties. Perceiving oneself as overweight moderated the effect of self-esteem on peer difficulties. In adolescents perceiving themselves as overweight, low self-esteem was a stronger risk factor of peer difficulties than in the rest of the adolescents. With high overall self-esteem there were no significant differences in peer difficulties between the adolescents perceiving themselves as overweight and the rest of the adolescents

    Li–Yorke chaos in nonautonomous Hopf bifurcation patterns - I

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    We analyze the characteristics of the global attractor of a type of dissipative nonautonomous dynamical systems in terms of the Sacker and Sell spectrum of its linear part. The model gives rise to a pattern of nonautonomous Hopf bifurcation which can be understood as a generalization of the classical autonomous one. We pay special attention to the dynamics at the bifurcation point, showing the possibility of occurrence of Li-Yorke chaos in the corresponding attractor and hence of a high degree of unpredictability.MINECO/FEDER, MTM2015-66330-PEuropean Commission, H2020-MSCA-ITN-201

    Non-Atkinson perturbations of nonautonomous linear Hamiltonian systems: exponential dichotomy and nonoscillation

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    Producción CientíficaWe analyze the presence of exponential dichotomy (ED) and of global existence of Weyl functions M±M^\pm for one-parametric families of finite-dimensional nonautonomous linear Hamiltonian systems defined along the orbits of a compact metric space, which are perturbed from an initial one in a direction which does not satisfy the classical Atkinson condition: either they do not have ED for any value of the parameter; or they have it for at least all the nonreal values, in which case the Weyl functions exist and are Herglotz. When the parameter varies in the real line, and if the unperturbed family satisfies the properties of exponential dichotomy and global existence of M+M^+, then these two properties persist in a neighborhood of 0 which agrees either with the whole real line or with an open negative half-line; and in this last case, the ED fails at the right end value. The properties of ED and of global existence of M+M^+ are fundamental to guarantee the solvability of classical minimization problems given by linear-quadratic control processes.MINECO/FEDER, MTM2015-66330-PEuropean Commission, H2020-MSCA-ITN-201

    Sertularia marginata (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in the Mediterranean: an alien species in expansion?

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    Mature and dense populations of the tropical hydroid species Sertularia marginata were detected in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) and along the Atlantic coast of the Strait of Gibraltar. Until now, it had only been recorded in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. This species has previously been recorded in estuaries and anthropogenic habitats but, in the area studied here, we only found it in natural zones. These observations could indicate early expansion and naturalization in the Mediterranean Sea. Due to its limited dispersion capacity and the history of its records, the observations provided here support the hypothesis of an arrival and a spread by anthropogenic vectors. A pathway of arrival and dispersion of alien species into the Mediterranean Sea is proposed for future monitoring: from Macaronesia (particularly Canary Islands) to the Atlantic coast of the Strait of Gibraltar and from there to the Mediterranean.Financiado por el Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad, proyecto CTM2010-16363. CofinanciaciĂłn con fondos FEDER

    The Invariant Two-Parameter Function of Algebras ψ

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    At present, the research on invariant functions for algebras is very extended since HrivnĂĄk and NovotnĂœ defined in 2007 the invariant functions y and j as a tool to study the InönĂŒâ€“Wigner contractions (IW-contractions), previously introduced by those authors in 1953. In this paper, we introduce a new invariant two-parameter function of algebras, which we call ÂŻy, as a tool which makes easier the computations and allows researchers to deal with contractions of algebras. Our study of this new function is mainly focused in Malcev algebras of the type Lie, although it can also be used with any other types of algebras. The main goal of the paper is to prove, by means of this function, that the five-dimensional classical-mechanical model built upon certain types of five-dimensional Lie algebras cannot be obtained as a limit process of a quantum-mechanical model based on a fifth Heisenberg algebra. As an example of other applications of the new function obtained, its computation in the case of the Lie algebra induced by the Lorentz group SO(3, 1) is shown and some open physical problems related to contractions are also formulated.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn MTM2013-40455-PMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn FQM-326 (J.N.-V.)Junta de AndalucĂ­a FQM-160 (P.P.-F.

    EducaciĂłn : aporĂ­a de lo viejo y lo nuevo ; bosquejos para una tesis

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    El individuo nace en un mundo de cuĂ­tura que lo pre-ex-siste; el lenguaje, en tanto que trama constitutiva, es la condiciĂłn de su ingreso. El sujeto escindido serĂĄ su costo. Y, paradojalmente, esto que opera limitando es su posibilidad de acceso a lo simbĂłlico

    Juan Gelman: poeta de oficio ardiente y ajeno.

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    Presentation de la vie et de l'oeuvre poetique de cet auteur argentin. An d'illustrer comment l'une et l'autre sont une seule, on utilise les paroles du propre Gelman, bien comme poemes, bien comme temoins
