236 research outputs found

    Can virtual reality improve dyslexic English students’ reading fluency and their emotional valence towards reading?

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    Abstract. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to compare whether a text read in a virtual environment improves the reading of English students with dyslexia in terms of fluency compared with a text laid and read on a piece of paper. Furthermore, another interest of this study is to identify how the participants’ emotional valence was aroused while reading. This master’s thesis is done with the help of Lyfta Oy, an EdTech learning company focused on 360º photos and VR learning environment. Moreover, the thesis design is based on a Lyfta’s workshops, were one the participants read an entire passage in VR without difficulties being dyslexic. Two research questions are aimed to be answered during this research: (1) Is there a difference in fluency between reading in virtual reality (VR) and on a piece of paper? And (2) How positive and negative emotions were empathized while reading? The study was carried out in the UK, were 23 Year 7, 8 and 9 students took part of the data collection. During this face, the participants were asked to read two short passages, one in VR and the other on a piece of paper, being video recorded and, they were asked to fill in two questionnaires about their emotions while reading both texts. Afterwards, the number of errors, words read per minute and prosody were quantified based on the videos, to analyze the participants’ fluency (which comprises three elements: (1) accuracy, (2) rate and (3) prosody) and to answer the first research question. The results suggested that there is not enough data to draw statistical difference between VR and paper. To answer the second research question, the questionnaires’ answers were analyzed. The results suggested that there is a statistical difference in terms of prosody and emotional valence between VR and paper. This study could have some implications in school children having dyslexia, since it might boost positive emotional valence and hence boost their motivation to practice their reading skills. Moreover, educational companies might find a motivation to research more in depth in some aspects of this research and create educational products that can beneficiate dyslexic students’ academic achievement. Also, this research could not only have an impact in dyslexic students, but in general education and other students, since the current master’s thesis continues investigating and analyzing issues that are important in the school days and everyday life of students, such as the role of emotions in the classroom and how VR can affect their emotional valence

    Una organización mundial para el espacio ultraterrestre: reflexiones jurídicas relativas a su creación

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    El avance y desarrollo de las actividades espaciales ha llevado a la doctrina a plantearse en numerosas ocasiones la creación de una organización de corte internacional que regule y estructure dichas actividades. El especial régimen jurídico de las actividades espaciales de los Estados elaborado en el seno de las Naciones Unidas en las décadas de los sesenta y setenta proclama la cooperación internacional como el medio más idóneo para el desarrollo de los nuevos usos y beneficios que del espacio exterior podemos obtener. En este sentido, la creación de una organización mundial que regule y estructure el crecimiento de las actividades espaciales parece necesaria. En aras de su creación, este trabajo analiza las organizaciones internacionales dedicadas a estas y otras funciones en otras ramas del Derecho Internacional que nos pueden servir como fuente de inspiración para el establecimiento de una institución en esta nueva disciplina como es el Derecho del espacio ultraterrestre

    La solucion de controversias en derecho del espacio ultraterrestre: análisis comparativo

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    La solución de controversias es un elemento clave en todo régimen jurídico. En Derecho del espacio ultraterrestre, sin embargo, adolece de regulación por lo que podemos afirmar que no existe un sistema de solución de diferencias sino que, por el contrario, encontramos diversas formas de evitar que esos conflictos aparezcan. La evolución de las actividades espaciales y la actuación de nuevos y diversos actores hace prever el aumento de controversias para las que ha de existir un procedimiento de solución. Para cu- brir esta laguna jurídica es interesante acudir a otras ramas del Derecho internacional como fuente de inspiración de este régimen que se presenta cada vez más necesario.Dispute settlement is a key element in any legal regime. In Outer Space Law, however, suffers from regulation, so that, there is no a dispute settlement system but, on the contrary, it has been provided a way to avoid such conflicts to appear. The evolution of space activities and the performance of new and diverse actors do anticipate the increase of disputes for which there must be a solution procedure. To cover this loophole it could be interesting to analyze other branches of International Law as a source of inspiration for this system which appears increasingly necessary

    Hemorragia en el tronco del encéfalo: una locaclización inusual del sangrado

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    Las hemorragias intracraneales pueden ser espontáneas o traumáticas. Las hemorragias intracerebrales espontáneas constituyen el 5-19% de todos los ictus, se presentan sobre todo en la edad media de la vida, sin una clara predominancia por sexos. Suele ser la manifestación de una enfermedad vascular cerebral subyacente, siendo la hipertensión arterial el factor de riesgo más importante. Otros factores predisponentes son la diabetes, el alcoholismo o el tabaquismo. Los traumatismos craneoencefálicos también pueden causarlas. Las hemorragias hipertensivas intraparenquimatosas suelen localizarse anatómicamente en el putamen (60% de los casos), tálamo, puente cerebral, hemisferios cerebelosos (rara vez) y en otras regiones del cerebro. La hipertensión arterial y los angiomas cavernosos son las causas más frecuentes. Estas hemorragias son graves y pueden causar la muerte instantánea o de forma rápida en personas sin antecedentes conocidos, en cuyo caso se incluyen en el concepto médico de muerte súbita, y legal de 'sospechosa de criminalidad', de modo que se les practica la autopsia judicial para conocer entre otros, la causas y circunstancias de la muerte. Presentamos tres casos de muerte súbita en adultos causadas por hemorragias intracraneales. En dos casos el sangrado fue espontáneo y se localizó en el tronco de encéfalo o Puente de Varolio; en el tercero, se encontró una hemorragia en el mesencéfalo, que se consideró secundaria y de etiología traumática.Intracranial hemorrhages can be spontaneous or traumatic. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages constitute 5-19% of all strokes, are mostly in the middle age of life, with no clear gender predominance. It is often a manifestation of underlying cerebrovascular disease, hypertension being the most important risk factor. Other predisposing factors include diabetes, alcoholism or smoking. Head injuries can also cause them. Hypertensive intraparenchymal hemorrhages usually located anatomically in the putamen (60% of cases), thalamus, cerebral bridge, cerebellar hemispheres (rarely) and in other brain regions. Hypertension and cavernous angiomas are the most common causes. These hemorrhages are serious and can cause instant death or quickly in people with no known history, in which case they are included in the concept of sudden death medical, legal and "suspected crime" so they were necropsied court to hear among others, the causes and circumstances of death. We present three cases of sudden death in adults caused by intracranial bleeding. In two cases the bleeding was spontaneous and was located in the brain stem or Pons, in the third, was found bleeding in the midbrain, which was considered secondary and traumatic etiology

    Multigene germline testing usefulness instead of BRCA1/2 single screening in triple negative breast cancer cases

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    Producción CientíficaTriple negative breast cancer is considered as the worst aggressive subtype with poor prognosis. Recent studies suggest a hereditary component is involve in TNBC development, especially in young patients. However, genetic spectrum remains unclear. Our purpose was to evaluate the usefulness of multigene panel testing in triple negative patients respect overall breast cancer cases as well as contributing to elucidate which genes are most implicated in TNBC development with respect to the remaining breast cancer subtypes. A breast cancer patients sample comprised of 100 triple negative breast cancer patients and 100 other breast cancer subtypes patients were analyzed by Next-Generation Sequencing using an On-Demand panel which included 35 predisposition cancer genes associated with inherited cancer susceptibility. Triple negative breast cancer patients obtained a higher percentage of germline variant carriers. ATM, PALB2, BRIP1 and TP53 were the most non-BRCA mutated genes. Moreover, triple negative breast cancer patients without family history related which proved to be carriers were diagnosed at significant earlier age. As conclusion, our study reinforces the usefulness of multigene panel testing in breast cancer cases but specifically in those with triple negative subtype regardless family history.Junta de Castilla y León. Dirección Regional de Salud de Castilla y León (GRS/2180/A/2020 y GRS/2351/A/2021

    Procedimiento post-síntesis de modificación de la superficie de nanopartículas superparamagnéticas de óxidos de hierro

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    La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento post-síntesis de modificación de la superficie de nanopartículas superparamagnéticas de óxidos de hierro con grupos hidroxilo, sin espaciador, a las nanopartículas de superficie modificada obtenidas por el mismo, así como el uso de estas nanopartículas de superficie modificada en terapia, diagnóstico y en técnicas de concentración y separación de muestras químicas y biológicas.Peer reviewedUniversidad Pablo de Olavide Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)B1 Patente sin examen previ

    Diseño y plan de implementación de cursos libres que complementen la educación de básica primaria en el colegio Británico de Cartagena

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    La formación de una cultura del tiempo libre es la creación en la población de la capacidad de disfrutar plena y diversificadamente de las alternativas que la sociedad ofrece. Es la formación de una personalidad creativa, culta y sana, que conozca lo que le rodea y su sociedad de la forma más amplia posible, y que encuentre vías de realización y de expresión en campos diversos de la sociedad1 . El Colegio Británico de Cartagena (CBC) reconoce la importancia de hacer una mejor utilización de los espacios educativos, locativos y del tiempo libre en las instalaciones del Colegio debido a que, en horarios extra-clase no se aplica ninguna actividad formativa o académica, a favor de la formación de los niños. Por consiguiente, el proyecto pretende diseñar y desarrollar el plan de implementación de cursos libres complementarios básica primaria en el Colegio Británico de Cartagena, a través de la metodología del PMI, con el fin de desarrollar un programa educativo que facilite la consecución de una madurez escolar en los procesos, de forma divertida y alterna; debido a que actualmente no se dedican espacios que conjuguen actividades lúdicas hacia el mejoramiento de pequeños trastornos de aprendizaje en los niños.Incluye bibliografí

    Los accidentes de tráfico desde el punto de vista de los medios impresos. Guadalajara, México 2011 = The Road-Traffic Accidents from the Point of View of the Print Mass Media. Guadalajara, Mexico 2011

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    Resumen: Introducción. Los medios de comunicación tienen un papel importante en la Salud Pública al informar a la población. Uno de los temas que más ha cobrado interés en nuestro país son los accidentes de tráfico, por lo que nos interesa analizar el papel de los medios en este problema de salud. Objetivo. Analizar el contenido de las notas periodísticas relacionadas con siniestros viales, publicados en abril y mayo de 2011. Material y métodos. Es un estudio de análisis de contenido acumulativo que recabó notas periodísticas de tres diarios con distribución en Guadadalajara, México; las cuales fueron clasificadas de acuerdo al tipo de nota y posteriormente, para la codificación solamente se consideraron las piezas informativas, con los que se conformaron categorías. Resultados. Durante el período se captaron 196 notas periodísticas, de éstas 112 fueron reportes de evento, 78 piezas informativas, principalmente. De la codificación resultaron tres categorías principales: actores involucrados, causalidad y medidas para la disminución de accidentes. Conclusión. Los medios impresos no están siendo aprovechados para ofrecer información a la población sobre medidas preventivas y factores de riesgo, la mayor parte de la notas no exponen las causas de los accidentes de tráfico describen el evento y fincan responsabilidades. Palabras clave: accidentes de tránsito, prevención de accidentes, artículo de periódico, análisis cualitativo Abstract: Background. The media have an important role on Public Health to provide information to the population. In the country, traffic accidents are an important topic, that is the reason for analyze the print media role in the traffic accidents. Objective. Analyze the Content of News from Print Media about Road-Traffic Accidents, published between April and May, 2011. Material and Methods. It´s a Summative Content Analysis that included News Reports of three Newspapers with distribution in Guadalajara, Mexico. Those news reports were classified by the content and then, for the codification only included informative notes, which ones formed category. Results. During the period, we captured 196 news reports, of these 112 were reports on crash, 78 informational pieces, principally. From codification resulted three mainly category: stakeholders, causality and actions for reducing accidents. Conclusions. The Print Mass Media are being underestimate to provide information about prevention and risks factors, because most of news reports did not expose causes of the Road-Traffic accidents but described the road-traffic accident and they looked for responsibilities. Keywords: traffic accident, accident prevention, newspaper article, qualitative analysi

    Evaluation of abdominal gas by plain abdominal radiographs

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    Our aim was to determine the reliability of plain abdominal radiographs for the evaluation of abdominal gas content in patients with functional digestive symptoms. Abdominal CT scan scout views, mimicking a conventional plain abdominal radiograph, were obtained from 30 patients both during episodes of abdominal distension and basal conditions. Physicians (n = 50) were instructed to rate the estimated volume of gas in the 60 images presented in random sequence using a scale graded from 0 to ≥600 ml. The gas volumes estimated in the scout views differed from those measured by CT by a median of 90 (95% CI 70-102) ml, and the misestimation was not related to the absolute volume in the image. The accuracy of the observers, measured by their mean misestimation, was not related to their specialty or the training status (misestimation by 96 (95% CI 85-104) ml in staff vs 78 (70-106) ml in residents; p = 0.297). The accuracy was independent of the order of presentation of the images. Gas volume measured by CT in the images obtained during episodes of abdominal distension differed by a median of 39 (95% CI 29-66) ml from those during basal conditions, and this difference was misestimated by a median of 107 (95% CI 94-119) ml. The accuracy of these estimations was not related to the absolute gas volumes (R = −0.352; p < 0.001) or the magnitude of the differences. Plain abdominal radiographs have limited value for the evaluation of abdominal gas volume in patients with functional gut disorders. Example of three-dimensional reconstruction of abdominal CT scan showing intestinal gas. Plain AP projection (scout view) of the same scan. Relation between objective values of intestinal gas, measured by a validated CT technique in patients with functional gut disorders, and the subjective estimation of gas volumes on plain AP projection of the same CT scans (scout views) by 48 physicians. Individual estimations of 60 images are shown. CONCLUSION: The volumes of abdominal gas were grossly misestimated in the scout views, indicating that plain abdominal radiographs have no value for the evaluation of intestinal gas volume in patients with functional gut disorders