3,111 research outputs found

    La identificación del ADN se puede utilizar para evitar el fraude en la industria vitivinícola

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    Social representations on homeless persons: an inheritance still not overcome

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    El objetivo de este artículo es conocer las representaciones sociales sobre las PSH a principios del siglo XX. Partiendo de una metodología cualitativa, se hizo una recopilación y análisis de prensa. Basando esta estrategia en la incidencia que los medios de comunicación tienen en las representaciones sociales. El marco teórico partió de las teorías sobre las nuevas estrategias de criminalización del sinhogarismo. En los resultados se resalta cómo siguen vivas viejas representaciones estigmatizadoras y excluyentes. Lo que debe ser considerado en las políticas públicas en un contexto de profunda crisis y vulnerabilidad socioeconómica.The objective of this article is to know the social representations about the Homeless People in the early twentieth century. Starting from a qualitative methodology, a compilation and analysis of the press was made. Basing this strategy on the impact that the media have on social representations. The theoretical framework started from theories about the new strategies of criminalization of homelessness. The results highlight how old and stigmatizing and excluding representations are still alive. What should be considered in public policies in a context of deep crisis and socio-economic vulnerability

    Sobre la localización e identificación de dos epígrafes romanos situados en la muralla del Palacio Arzobispal de Alcalá de Henares

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    La autora nos invita a pasear por los restos de los epitafios romanos, reutilizados posteriormente en diversos edificios de época renacentista en la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares. Distingue dos focos de localización claramente identificados: los que han aparecido próximos a su lugar original de emplazamiento romano, y los localizados en el casco urbano de Alcalá. Los primeros hacen referencia, principalmente a restos funerarios (lápidas y aras votivas), y son los que se estudian con mayor detenimiento en este artículo, a través de ejemplos muy concretos como son su reutilización en el torreón del Tenorio, o en la Iglesia Magistral. En definitiva, un artículo interesante que nos transporta a un Alcalá perdido y que nos invita a detectar estos restos en sus edificios.The author invite us to explore the vestiges of the Romans epitaphs, then reused in many Renaissance buildings in the city of Alcalá de Henares. She distinguishes two locations clearly identified: the ones which appeared near the original place and the ones found within the city itself. The former refer to funerary remains (tombstones and votive altars) and they have been studied deeply in this essay, through specific examples such as their new use in the torreón del Tenorio or in the Iglesia Magistral. Definitively, an interesting work that bring us to a forgotten city and encourage us to detect these remains in the constructions

    Improving the Performance of Low Voltage Networks by an Optimized Unbalance Operation of Three-Phase Distributed Generators

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    This work focuses on using the full potential of PV inverters in order to improve the efficiency of low voltage networks. More specifically, the independent per-phase control capability of PV three-phase four-wire inverters, which are able to inject different active and reactive powers in each phase, in order to reduce the system phase unbalance is considered. This new operational procedure is analyzed by raising an optimization problem which uses a very accurate modelling of European low voltage networks. The paper includes a comprehensive quantitative comparison of the proposed strategy with two state-of-the-art methodologies to highlight the obtained benefits. The achieved results evidence that the proposed independent per-phase control of three-phase PV inverters improves considerably the network performance contributing to increase the penetration of renewable energy sources.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-R, ENE2014-54115-

    Las personas sin hogar y el alojamiento precario. Estudio de las pensiones baratas en la zona Centro de Madrid. Homeless persons and precarious logding. A study of the cheap hostels in the zone of the center of Madrid

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    This article aims to describe and analyse the characteristics and services of the cheap hostels where many homeless sleep, as well as the function that these establishments fulfill in the social insertion process pursued with these persons The study begins with a brief introduction that presents homelessness as the most extreme from of social exclusion, and an illustration of how the cheap hostels are frequently used as lodging for the homeless. Next a profile of the position that these hostels occupy in talking about the homeless in relation to other accommodations. Finally, the characteristics and way of life supported by these hostels are described. The results of the study seem to indicate that the way of life of the cheap hostels tends to exercise a desocializing function in the homelessEste artículo trata de describir y analizan las características y los servicios que ofrecen las pensiones baratas donde se alojan muchas PSH. Así como la función que estos establecimientos cumplen en los procesos de inserción social que se realizan con estas personas. Para ello se hace una breve introducción que sitúa al sinhogarismo como la exclusión social más extrema, y se indica el frecuente uso de las pensiones como forma de alojamiento para PSH. Posteriormente se hace un encuadre del lugar que ocupan las pensiones en el discurso de las PSH en relación con otras formas de alojamiento. Y finalmente se describen las características y el modo de vida que propician las pensiones. Los resultados de la investigación parecen indicar que el modo de vida de las pensiones baratas tiende a ejercer una función des-socializadora en las PS

    The role of psychological capital and intragroup conflict on employees' burnout and quality of service: A multilevel approach

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    Previous studies have found a negative association between intragroup conflict and both employees' health and performance, including the quality of service that employees provide. However, some authors have indicated that such negative effects of intragroup conflict depend on how conflict is managed. In addition, at individual level, research is increasingly emphasizing the role of psychological strengths (i.e., psychological capital) as predictors of health and performance. Thus, this research addresses both a main effect at individual level (psychological capital on burnout/quality of service) and a moderated cross-level model (2-2-1: intragroup conflict, conflict management climate and burnout/quality of service) in a cross-sectional survey study (N = 798 workers nested in 55 units/facilities). Results revealed a main effect of psychological capital on both burnout (r = −0.50) and quality of service (r = 0.28). Also, there was an association between intragroup relationship conflict and burnout (r = 0.33). Finally, there was an interaction effect in which conflict management climate buffers the negative association between intragroup conflict and quality of service. Practical implications of these results for developing positive and healthy organizations that prevent potential psychosocial risks at group level while promote individual strengths are discussed

    Steps to ensure a successful implementation of occupational health and safety: Interventions at an organizational level

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    There is increasing meta-analytic evidence that addresses the positive impact of evidence-based occupational health and safety interventions on employee health and well-being. However, such evidence is less clear when interventions are approached at an organizational level and are aimed at changing organizational policies and processes. Given that occupational health and safety interventions are usually tailored to specific organizational contexts, generalizing and transferring such interventions to other organizations is a complex endeavor. In response, several authors have argued that an evaluation of the implementation process is crucial for assessing the intervention’s effectiveness and for understanding how and why the intervention has been (un)successful. Thus, this paper focuses on the implementation process and attempts to move this field forward by identifying the main factors that contribute toward ensuring a greater success of occupational health and safety interventions conducted at the organizational level. In doing so, we propose some steps that can guide a successful implementation. These implementation steps are illustrated using examples of evidence-based best practices reported in the literature that have described and systematically evaluated the implementation process behind their interventions during the last decade