23 research outputs found

    Moldando o corpo como uma prática de cuidado: el waltha-chumpi (criança envolvida) entre os imigrantes bolivianos

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    Objetivo: Describir el “chumpi”, una práctica de cuidados a niños de hasta un año de edad propia del ámbito cultural quechua. Método: Diseño cualitativo basado en el método etnográfico y teoría fundamentada. Muestra: 27 inmigrantes bolivianos. Las estrategias para recoger datos fueron las entrevistas en profundidad y la observación participante. Los datos se categorizaron y ordenaron en esquemas lógicos manualmente y a través del programa ATLAS-ti v.5. Resultados: El chumpi facilita el transporte de los recién nacidos y los protege del frío de la cordillera andina mientras la madre los transporta y trabaja, pero descubrimos que esta práctica se sigue desarrollando por inmigrantes bolivianos en el Sureste de España. Discusión y Conclusiones: Motivaciones relacionadas con la cosmovisión quechua llevan a las mujeres bolivianas a seguir practicando el chumpi en los países a los que emigran. El chumpi moldea el cuerpo y el carácter del lactante de forma que un niño envuelto fuerte será fuerte. El chumpi, una práctica de cuidados, se convierte en una práctica cultural identitaria que puede generar situaciones conflictivas en el ámbito sanitario.Objective: To analyze el chumpi, a Quechua baby body care cultural practice during the first year of life. Method: Qualitative study based on ethnography and grounded theory procedures. Muestra: 27 inmigrantes bolivianos. Las estrategias para recoger datos fueron las entrevistas en profundidad y la observación participante. Los datos se categorizaron y ordenaron en esquemas lógicos manualmente y a través del programa ATLAS-ti v.5. Results: El chumpi makes newborns transport easier and protects them from the cold of the Andean region while being carried by their working mothers. However, we found that this practice remains among Bolivian immigrants in southeast Spain. Conclusions: Quechua worldview motivations lead Bolivian women to continue practising el chumpi in destination countries. El chumpi molds the body and the character of the infant so that a strongly wrapped child will be strong. El chumpi, a practice of care, becomes a cultural identity sign. El chumpi generates controversial situations within the health sphere.Objetivo: Analisar o chumpi, uma prática cultural de cuidado corporal do bebê Quechua durante o primeiro ano de vida. Método: Estudo qualitativo baseado em procedimentos de etnografia e teoria fundamentada. Amostra: 27 imigrantes bolivianos. As estratégias para coletar os dados foram entrevistas em profundidade e observação participante. Os dados foram categorizados e ordenados em esquemas lógicos manualmente e através do programa ATLAS-ti v.5. Resultados: O chumpi facilita o transporte de recém-nascidos e protege-os do frio da região andina enquanto são transportados por suas mães trabalhadoras. No entanto, descobrimos que essa prática é mantida entre os imigrantes bolivianos no sudeste da Espanha. Conclusões: As motivações da visão de mundo quechua levam as mulheres bolivianas a continuar praticando o chumpi nos países de destino. O chumpi molda o corpo e o caráter do bebê, de modo que uma criança bem embrulhada é forte. O chumpi, uma prática de cuidado, torna-se um sinal de identidade cultural. O chumpi gera situações controversas dentro da esfera da saúde

    Síndromes vinculadas à cultura nos processos migratórios: o caso dos imigrantes bolivianos

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    Objetivo: descrever as síndromes vinculadas à cultura mantidas pelos imigrantes bolivianos no novo contexto migratório e analisar os processos de cuidado para esses problemas de saúde. Método: projeto de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e com abordagem metodológica etnográfica. Amostra: 27 imigrantes bolivianos. As estratégias para a coleta de dados foram as entrevistas em profundidade e a observação participativa. Os dados foram classificados e categorizados em esquemas lógicos manualmente e por meio do programa ATLAS-ti v.5. Resultados: o susto, os “wayras”, o amartelo (tristeza), o pasmo de sol, o pasmo de lua e o pasmo de sereno são algumas das síndromes de caráter popular que acometem os imigrantes bolivianos, e que eles tratam no novo contexto migratório. Conclusões: no novo ambiente, as síndromes vinculadas à cultura, comuns em seu país de origem, são mantidas pelo grupo estudado. As formas de cuidado para esses problemas de saúde são adaptadas aos recursos do novo contexto e baseadas em interações com o ambiente doméstico, a biomedicina e a medicina tradicional. Foi constatada a necessidade de que os profissionais de saúde reconheçam que a eficácia de determinadas terapias se dá no âmbito das crenças culturais e não no âmbito da comprovação científica.Objetivo: describir los síndromes de filiación cultural que mantienen los inmigrantes bolivianos en el nuevo contexto migratorio y analizar los procesos de atención de estos padecimientos. Método: diseño de investigación de carácter cualitativo con enfoque metodológico etnográfico. Muestra: 27 inmigrantes bolivianos. Las estrategias para recoger datos fueron las entrevistas en profundidad y la observación participante. Los datos se categorizaron y ordenaron en esquemas lógicos manualmente y a través del programa ATLAS-ti v.5. Resultados: el susto, los “wayras”, el amartelo, el pasmo de sol, el pasmo de luna y el pasmo de sereno son algunos de los síndromes de carácter folk que los inmigrantes bolivianos padecen y tratan en el nuevo contexto migratorio. Conclusiones: en el nuevo entorno, el colectivo estudiado mantiene síndromes de filiación cultural comunes en su país de origen. Las formas de atención de éstos padecimientos se adaptan a los recursos del nuevo contexto y se basan en transacciones con el ámbito doméstico, la biomedicina y la medicina tradicional. Se constata la necesidad de que el profesional sanitario reconozca que la efectividad percibida de ciertas terapias opera dentro del ámbito de las creencias culturales y no en el de la evidencia científica.Objective: to describe the culture-bound syndromes maintained by Bolivian immigrants in the new migratory context and analyze the care processes of these health problems. Method: qualitative research with an ethnographic methodological approach. Sample: 27 Bolivian immigrants. In-depth interviews and participatory observation were the strategies used for data collection. Data were classified and categorized into logical schemes manually and using the ATLAS-ti program v.5. Results: susto, “wayras”, amartelo, pasmo de sol, pasmo de luna and pasmo de sereno are some of the folk illnesses that affect the Bolivian immigrants and that they have to treat in the new migratory context. Conclusions: in the new environment, the group under study preserves culture-bound syndromes that are common in their country of origin. The care strategies used for these health problems are adapted to the resources of the new context and based on interactions with the domestic environment, biomedicine and traditional medicine. It was observed the need for the health professionals to realize that the efficacy of certain therapies occurs within the scope of cultural beliefs and not in that of the scientific evidence

    Autoevaluación y evaluación entre iguales en una asignatura de redes de ordenadores

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    Con la llegada del EEES se ha fomentado el uso de la evaluación continuada como un ingrediente de la docencia de calidad que permite al alumno mantenerse puntualmente informado de su progreso en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo se centra en el uso de la autoevaluación y la evaluación entre iguales como base para conseguir esta evaluación continuada. En él detallamos la experiencia, durante los cursos 2008/09 y 2009/10, del uso de estas dos herramientas de aprendizaje en el contexto de una asignatura de redes de ordenadores de tercer curso de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión

    Development of a prediction model for short-term remission of patients with Crohn’s disease treated with anti-TNF drugs

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    Therapy with anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) has dramatically changed the natural history of Crohn’s disease (CD). However, these drugs are not without adverse events, and up to 40% of patients could lose efficacy in the long term. We aimed to identify reliable markers of response to anti-TNF drugs in patients with CD. A consecutive cohort of 113 anti-TNF naive patients with CD was stratified according to clinical response as short-term remission (STR) or non-STR (NSTR) at 12 weeks of treatment. We compared the protein expression profiles of plasma samples in a subset of patients from both groups prior to anti-TNF therapy by SWATH proteomics. We identified 18 differentially expressed proteins (p ≤ 0.01, fold change ≥ 2.4) involved in the organization of the cytoskeleton and cell junction, hemostasis/platelet function, carbohydrate metabolism, and immune response as candidate biomarkers of STR. Among them, vinculin was one of the most deregulated proteins (p < 0.001), whose differential expression was confirmed by ELISA (p = 0.054). In the multivariate analysis, plasma vinculin levels along with basal CD Activity Index, corticosteroids induction, and bowel resection were factors predicting NSTR

    Vitamin C and folate status in hereditary fructose intolerance

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    Background Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is a rare inborn error of fructose metabolism caused by the deficiency of aldolase B. Since treatment consists of a fructose-, sucrose- and sorbitol-restrictive diet for life, patients are at risk of presenting vitamin deficiencies. Although there is no published data on the status of these vitamins in HFI patients, supplementation with vitamin C and folic acid is common. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess vitamin C and folate status and supplementation practices in a nationwide cohort of HFI patients. Methods Vitamin C and folic acid dietary intake, supplementation and circulating levels were assessed in 32 HFI patients and 32 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Results Most of the HFI participants presented vitamin C (96.7%) and folate (90%) dietary intake below the recommended population reference intake. Up to 69% received vitamin C and 50% folic acid supplementation. Among HFI patients, 15.6% presented vitamin C and 3.1% folate deficiency. The amount of vitamin C supplementation and plasma levels correlated positively (R = 0.443; p = 0.011). Interestingly, a higher percentage of non-supplemented HFI patients were vitamin C deficient when compared to supplemented HFI patients (30% vs. 9.1%; p = 0.01) and to healthy controls (30% vs. 3.1%; p < 0.001). Conclusions Our results provide evidence for the first time supporting vitamin C supplementation in HFI. There is great heterogeneity in vitamin supplementation practices and, despite follow-up at specialised centres, vitamin C deficiency is common. Further research is warranted to establish optimal doses of vitamin C and the need for folic acid supplementation in HFI.This work was supported by Exp. No. 2018111095, Basque Government, Health Department; FEDER, the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (FI18053); and Danone-Nutricia-Metabolics, which was not involved in the study hypothesis/design, execution, analysis, or interpretation

    Predictors of Response to Exclusive Enteral Nutrition in Newly Diagnosed Crohn´s Disease in Children: PRESENCE Study from SEGHNP

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    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) has been shown to be more effective than corticosteroids in achieving mucosal healing in children with Crohn´s disease (CD) without the adverse effects of these drugs. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of EEN in terms of inducing clinical remission in children newly diagnosed with CD, to describe the predictive factors of response to EEN and the need for treatment with biological agents during the first 12 months of the disease. We conducted an observational retrospective multicentre study that included paediatric patients newly diagnosed with CD between 2014–2016 who underwent EEN. Two hundred and twenty-two patients (140 males) from 35 paediatric centres were included, with a mean age at diagnosis of 11.6 ± 2.5 years. The median EEN duration was 8 weeks (IQR 6.6–8.5), and 184 of the patients (83%) achieved clinical remission (weighted paediatric Crohn’s Disease activity index [wPCDAI] 15 mg/L and ileal involvement tended to respond better to EEN. EEN administered for 6–8 weeks is effective for inducing clinical remission. Due to the high response rate in our series, EEN should be used as the first-line therapy in luminal paediatric Crohn’s disease regardless of the location of disease and disease activityS

    Self-care promotion amomng inmigrant workers at the construction industry in the Murcia Region.

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    El trabajo que se presenta parte del análisis cualitativo de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a obreros de la construcción de diverso origen, con el objeto de explorar la forma en la que el bagaje sociocultural del trabajador influye en la percepción de los riesgos dentro del ámbito laboral. A partir del análisis realizado, advertimos que en el ámbito de la percepción corporal, apenas existe distanciamiento entre los expertos en prevención y trabajadores inmigrantes, ya que ambos se apoyan en una categoría común: la fragilidad corporal. Un elemento a explorar y explotar por los profesionales de Enfermería, que en su medio laboral han de promocionar el autocuidado de los trabajadores.ABSTRACT: This research was developed from a qualitative study of in-depth interviews with immigrant construction workers from different origins. The aim was to explore the way that the worker's sociocultural baggage influences the risk perception within the occupational area. Through data analysis it was found that there is scarcely any difference about corporal perception between prevention experts and immigrant workers, as they both establish a common category: corporal fragility. That is, therefore, an issue tobe explored and exploited by those professional nurses whose work environment allows the selfcare promotion of the workers

    Algunas reflexiones sobre la enseñanza de la historia en enfermería

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    La opinión de que el conocimiento histórico no es útil (1) equivale a la irrelevancia de las ciencias humanísticas con relación al avance de la humanidad y de la Enfermería. Este paradigma explicativo se reflejaría en la consideración académica de la asignatura Historia de la Enfermería como una asignatura “blanda” frente a otras de carácter técnico-clínico-instrumental. Lo que nos llevaría a identificar lo útil económico-técnico con el progreso, en detrimento de otras áreas de conocimiento que responden a otros criterios de utilidad (1,2,3). Consecuentemente, la consideración prestada por el alumno de Enfermería y su entorno cercano (familia, amigos, compañeros) al conocimiento histórico es un factor importante en el desarrollo de la profesión enfermera como una disciplina intelectual y, por ende, con dimensión especulativa. Nuestra hipótesis primera de investigación intenta mostrar este fenómeno sociocultural en una muestra de alumnos/as de la Diplomatura de Enfermería, matriculados en la Universidad de Murcia, determinando el grado de importancia relativa asignado por los alumnos a la asignatura Historia de la Enfermería

    Efficacy of a high-resolution consultation system in gastroenterology at an Andalusian hospital center

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    Background: By high resolution consultation (HRC) we mean an ambulatory process of assistance fulfilled in a single day, by which treatment and diagnosis are established and recorded. Objective: To assess to which extent patients with digestive conditions may benefit from a single consultation system. Material: A descriptive study of 179 first visit events, randomly selected as high-resolution consultations in gastroenterology. We discuss the percentage of patients who benefited from HRC and the complementary tests performed. Results: Most common conditions included dyspepsia (16%), a family history of colon cancer (16%) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) (16%). Seventy-nine (44%) of all first visits became HRCs and 80 (45%) required a diagnostic test (100% abdominal ultrasound) that was reviewed on the same day. Performing a test on the same day significantly increased the percentage of HRCs (57% vs. 34%, p < 0.002). GERD, dyspepsia, cholelithiasis and chronic liver disease were the subjects most commonly leading to HRC. Conclusions: Gastroenterology consultations may largely benefit from an HRC system with only organizational changes and no additional costs