1,911 research outputs found

    La pragmática y la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras: una propuesta docente

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    This paper examines the important role that pragmatics is playing nowadays, not only as a young flourishing linguistic discipline, but also as an academic subject in most Spanish universities. Its significant contribution as a complement for foreign language students (particularly for EFL students), who need to consolidate their language learning process and their linguistic tools, justifies the inclusion of pragmatics -one of the latest scientific paradigms in language studies- in the new curricula dealing with languages that are being designed for the forthcoming Common European Framework. After teaching this subject for a number of years, we propose a syllabus for a university subject on pragmatics and offer a brief annotated bibliography that can be of use for the teaching of both the theoretical and practical issues related to the discipline. A selection of some of the supporting comments made by our university students after finishing their course on pragmatics is also included.El presente artículo analiza el importante papel que juega la pragmática en nuestros días, no sólo como una nueva disciplina en auge, sino también como una asignatura del currículum académico de la mayor parte de las universidades españolas. La inclusión de la pragmática (uno de los paradigmas más recientes en los estudios sobre la lengua) en los nuevos grados EEES que incluyen el estudio de lenguas se justifica por la importante contribución que supone como complemento para los estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras (en particular para los estudiantes de EFL) que necesitan consolidar su proceso de aprendizaje lingüístico y sus herramientas lingüísticas.Tras enseñar esta asignatura durante varios años, proponemos un programa para un curso académico de pragmática y ofrecemos una breve bibliografía anotada que puede ser útil para enseñar tanto los aspectos teóricos como los prácticos relacionados con esta disciplina. Se incluye también una selección de los comentarios que nuestros estudiantes universitarios realizaron a final de curso

    Exploring the dynamics of English/Spanish codeswitching in a written corpus

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    This investigation is part of a much larger ongoing research project which approaches a corpus of popular romance fiction novels from a multidisciplinary perspective. The paper focuses on the usage of Spanish words and expressions in the English written discourse of two samples of romances taken from the corpus we are compiling for Research Project FFI2014-53962-P. When analyzing the occurrences of Hispanicisms in the samples, we will specifically address the issues of both their forms and the different socio-pragmatic functions that these cases of language switching seem to play. It is only recently that scholars have studied the patterns of codeswitching in literary writing, but, to the best of the author’s knowledge, no previous research has focused on codeswitching in this particular subgenre, which has always been doubly stigmatized for being both popular and feminine.Funding received from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) for Research Project FFI2014-53962-P, Discursos, género e identidad en un corpus de novella rosa inglesa ambientada en Canarias y otras islas atlánticas, is hereby gratefully acknowledged

    Anglicização do lazer: a presença multimodal do inglês em anúncios televisivos espanhóis

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    This paper examines the presence of English in a corpus of commercials recorded from four Spanish TV channels with high audience shares between 2013 and 2015. We aim to contribute to the study of the dynamics of the usage of anglicisms in Spain. Drawing data from a wider sociolinguistic research project, our analysis will focus on the corpus of adverts related to three specific fields which have to do with recreational activities, namely, technology, entertainment, and food and drinks. In addition to the linguistic level, the audiovisual modes of communication will also be explored. This multimodal analysis will not only provide a record of the different types of lexical anglicisms employed, but will also reveal the significant role of the audiovisual mode in the transfer of linguistic material and socio-cultural values of the English-speaking world.Keywords: anglicisms, TV advertising, sociolinguistics, European Spanish.Este artigo analisa a presença do inglês em um corpus de anúncios comerciais gravados entre 2013 e 2015, a partir de quatro canais de televisão espanhóis com índices de audiência elevados. O nosso objetivo é contribuir para o estudo das dinâmicas de uso de anglicismos em Espanhol. A partir de dados de um projeto de pesquisa sociolinguística mais amplo, a amostra sobre a qual incidirá a nossa análise relaciona-se com três domínios específicos, que estão associadas com atividades de divertimento, a saber: tecnologia, entretenimento, alimentação e bebidas. Além do nível linguístico, serão explorados os modos de comunicação audiovisuais. Esta análise multimodal irá não só pôr em evidência diferentes tipos de anglicismos lexicais utilizados, como também mostrar o papel significativo do modo audiovisual na transferência de material linguístico e de valores socioculturais veiculados pela língua inglesa.Palavras-chave: anglicismos, anúncios comerciais, sociolinguística, Espanhol Europeu

    Attitudes to Language and Culture in the EFL Classroom: British versus American English?

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    The main purpose of this article is to report on the results of an empirical study carried out among the students of English Philology at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University in order to elicit data about their attitudes toward the British and the American varieties of English. In view of the outcome, we try to suggest ways in which we can cope with students’ tendency to put too high a value on British English and to judge the other varieties as inferior. Specifically, we argue that when teaching English in the 21st century, it makes little sense to restrict the limits of the language and the culture to the British sphere. In fact, the evolution of English into an international language requires that all of its speakers, learners, and teachers recognise and reaffirm the diversity of cultures English represents throughout the world today.

    Anglicização do lazer: a presença multimodal do inglês em anúncios televisivos espanhóis

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    This paper examines the presence of English in a corpus of commercials recorded from four Spanish TV channels with high audience shares between 2013 and 2015. We aim to contribute to the study of the dynamics of the usage of anglicisms in Spain. Drawing data from a wider sociolinguistic research project, our analysis will focus on the corpus of adverts related to three specific fields which have to do with recreational activities, namely, technology, entertainment, and food and drinks. In addition to the linguistic level, the audiovisual modes of communication will also be explored. This multimodal analysis will not only provide a record of the different types of lexical anglicisms employed, but will also reveal the significant role of the audiovisual mode in the transfer of linguistic material and socio-cultural values of the English-speaking world.Keywords: anglicisms, TV advertising, sociolinguistics, European Spanish.Este artigo analisa a presença do inglês em um corpus de anúncios comerciais gravados entre 2013 e 2015, a partir de quatro canais de televisão espanhóis com índices de audiência elevados. O nosso objetivo é contribuir para o estudo das dinâmicas de uso de anglicismos em Espanhol. A partir de dados de um projeto de pesquisa sociolinguística mais amplo, a amostra sobre a qual incidirá a nossa análise relaciona-se com três domínios específicos, que estão associadas com atividades de divertimento, a saber: tecnologia, entretenimento, alimentação e bebidas. Além do nível linguístico, serão explorados os modos de comunicação audiovisuais. Esta análise multimodal irá não só pôr em evidência diferentes tipos de anglicismos lexicais utilizados, como também mostrar o papel significativo do modo audiovisual na transferência de material linguístico e de valores socioculturais veiculados pela língua inglesa.Palavras-chave: anglicismos, anúncios comerciais, sociolinguística, Espanhol Europeu

    Approaching lexical loss in Canarian Spanish undergraduates: A preliminary assessment

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    [EN] Canarian Spanish is one of the most widely studied varieties of Spanish. Apart from significant distinguishing phonetic and grammatical features, this variety is notable for a number of characteristics at the lexical level. In their 2009 two-volume Diccionario ejemplificado de canarismos (henceforth DEC), Corrales and Corbella collected a total of 19,000 entries and 25,000 meanings and expressions, with examples taken from about 1,300 written records. All these Canarianisms represent the history, natural resources and popular knowledge in the Canarian dialect, thus showing the richness and variety of its vocabulary. Our aim here is to check whether part of this lexical repertoire is being lost, as previously warned of by Medina (1997). We provide data obtained in a survey completed by 100 young university students of Canarian origin at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on their knowledge and use of a small corpus of Canarianisms taken from the DEC.González Cruz, MI. (2014). Approaching lexical loss in Canarian Spanish undergraduates: A preliminary assessment. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas. 9:33-44. doi:10.4995/rlyla.2014.1554SWORD33449Abercromby, J. (1917). "A study of the ancient speech of the Canary Islands", Harvard African Studies 1, 95–129.Almeida, M. (1994). "Creencias y actitudes lingüísticas en el espa-ol canario", Anuario de Lingüística Hispánica 10, 9–23.Almeida, M. (1999). Sociolingüística. La Laguna: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna.Almeida, M. and Díaz-Alayón, C. (1988). El espa-ol de Canarias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Litografía A. Romero.Bravo-García, E. and Cáceres-Lorenzo, M. T. (2011). La incorporación del indigenismo léxico en los contextos comunicativos canario y americano (1492-1550). Bern: Peter Lang.Bute, J. P. C. (1891). On the ancient language of the natives of Tenerife. London: J. Masters and Co.Cáceres-Lorenzo, M. T. (2007). "New contributions to language contact in the Atlantic: the Lascasian view on the Canaries", Crítica Hispánica 29/1-2, 47–61.CHILDS, B. (2006). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LEXICAL ITEMS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ETHNOLINGUISTIC IDENTITY: A CASE STUDY OF ADOLESCENT SPOKEN AND ONLINE LANGUAGE. American Speech, 81(1), 3-30. doi:10.1215/00031283-2006-001Corrales, C. and Corbella, D. (2001). Diccionario histórico del espa-ol de Canarias. La Laguna: Instituto de Estudios Canarios.Corrales, C. and Corbella, D. (2009). Diccionario ejemplificado de canarismos. La Laguna: Instituto de Estudios Canarios, 2 vols.Crystal, D. (2000). Language death. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139106856Dalby, A. (2002). Language in Danger. London: Allen Lane.García-Mouton, P. and Grijelmo, A. (2011). Palabras moribundas. Madrid: Taurus.Glas, G. (1764). The history of the discovery and conquest of the Canary Islands, translated from a Spanish manuscript lately found in the island of Palma. London: R. and J. Dodsley, and T. Durham.González-Cruz, M.I. and Vera-Cazorla, M.J. (2011). "The Construction of Canarian Identity in the First Telenovela on Canarian Television", in N. Lorenzo-Dus (ed.) Spanish at Work. Analysing Institutional Discourse across the Spanish-Speaking World. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave MacMillan, 16–34.Hernández-Cabrera, C.E. and Samper-Padilla, J.A. (2003). Voces canarias recopiladas por Galdós. Las Palmas: Cabildo de Gran Canaria.Holmes, J. (1992). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York: Longman.Labov, W. (1966). The Social Stratification of English in New York City. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.López-Morales, H. (1989). Sociolingüística. Madrid: Gredos.Lorenzo, A., Morera, M. and Ortega, G. (1995). Diccionario de canarismos. La Laguna: Francisco Lemus Editor.Maffiotte, J. (1993). Glosario de canarismos. Voces, frases y acepciones usuales de las Islas Canarias. La Laguna: Instituto de Estudios Canarios.Morera, M. (1990). Lengua y colonia en Canarias. La Laguna: Editorial Globo.Morera, M. (2006). Diccionario histórico-etimológico del habla canaria. Cabildo de Fuerteventura. Servicio de Publicaciones.Morín, A. and Castellano, A. (1990). "Creencias y actitudes del docente canario hacia su modalidad de habla", El Guiniguada 1, 257–261.Morín, A. (1993). Actitudes sociolingüísticas en el léxico de Vegueta. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.Ortega, G. (1981). "El espa-ol hablado en Canarias: visión sociolingüística", Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna 0, 11–115.Romaine, S. (1994). Language in Society. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Samper, J. A. (2008). "Sociolinguistic aspects of Spanish in the Canary Islands", The International Journal of the Sociology of Language 193/194, 161–176.Trapero, M. and Llamas-Pombo, E. (1998). "Origen, etimología y significado de la palabra guanche", Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos 44, 99–196.Trapero, M. (1999). Pervivencia de la lengua guanche en el habla común de El Hierro. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Dirección General de Patrimonio Histórico. Gobierno de Canarias.Trudgill, P. (1985). Sociolinguistics. An Introduction to Language and Society. Penguin.Wardhaugh, R. (2002 [1986]). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford, UK/Cambridge, USA: Blackwell

    Hispanicisms and canarianisms in the works of two English women travellers of the nineteenth century

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    Buena parte de las publicaciones inglesas sobre Canarias se caracterizan por la inclusión de hispanismos. Este hecho concuerda con la tendencia general de la lengua inglesa a incorporar todo tipo de préstamos de cualquiera de las muchas lenguas con las que ha estado en contacto (Crystal, 2003). En este artículo estudiamos los hispanismos y canarismos empleados en los textos de dos viajeras británicas que visitaron las islas a finales del siglo XIX: Frances Latimer (1888) y Olivia M. Stone (1887). De la larga lista de hispanismos utilizados, las dos autoras coinciden en el uso de 26 vocablos, ocho de los cuales son canarismos. Como hablantes cultas, es posible que conocieran de antemano algunas de estas palabras, pues de hecho muchas de ellas ya estaban registradas en los repertorios léxicos de la lengua inglesa con bastante anterioridad. No obstante, encontramos también indicios de que otras voces y expresiones fueron probablemente aprendidas durante su estancia en el Archipiélago.Most of the texts published in English about the Canary Islands are characterized by their incorporation of Spanish words or hispanicisms. This coincides with the general tendency of the English language to borrow all types of words from any of the many languages it has been in contact with (Crystal, 2003). This paper studies the hispanicisms and canarianisms used by two women travel writers who visited the archipelago at the end of the XIXth century: Frances Latimer (1888) and Olivia M. Stone (1887). The long list of words registered includes 26 hispanicisms which both authors happen to use, eight of them being canarianisms. As members of the upper social class and educated speakers, both writers may have previously known some of these words, since many of the terms had already been recorded in the English dictionaries. However, we have found some clues which seem to indicate that other words and expressions were probably learned during their stay in the islands

    Travel and Romance in the Canaries: Paradise Discourse in two Novels Published in the United States

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    Reconocidas como uno de los destinos favoritos de una gran variedad de viajeros, las Islas Canarias han inspirado un considerable número de publicaciones. Aunque la amplia bibliografía inglesa sobre Canarias recoge sobre todo escritos de autores británicos, se han detectado también algunas obras publicadas en los Estados Unidos, tanto por novelistas como por científicos norteamericanos. La reciente localización y posterior estudio interdisciplinar de un corpus de novela rosa inglesa ambientada en Canarias nos ha permitido confirmar que en este tipo de textos las islas suelen representarse como un marco paradisíaco, ideal para el romance. En este artículo examinaremos el discurso del paraíso que desarrollan dos textos cuyos protagonistas son estadounidenses que visitan y describen las islas, donde viven sus historias de amor. Son las novelas de Nancy Kennedy (1979) y Robin Jones Gunn (2011), dos obras de ficción, si bien la última proporciona evidencias de varias visitas reales a Gran Canaria realizadas por la autora.The Canary Islands, a favorite destination for a wide range of travelers, have inspired a considerable number of publications. Texts by British authors abound in the numerous English bibliography on the Canaries, but some works published in the United States, both by American novelists and scientists, have also been detected. After compiling and studying a corpus of English popular romance fiction novels set in the Canaries, we have been able to confirm that this type of text tends to portray the islands as a paradise, an ideal location for romance. This paradise discourse will be our focus of attention in this paper. The protagonists of the two texts analyzed here are Americans who visit and describe the island where they live their romances. Nancy Kennedy’s (1979) and Robin Jones Gunn’s (2011) novels are works of fiction, though the latter includes aspects from the real trips the author made to Gran Canaria
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