397 research outputs found

    The credibility of the Venezuela crawling-band system

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    This paper studies the credibility of the Venezuela crawling-band exchange rate regime during the period July, 1996-February, 2002. We show that, introducing some modifications, the credibility analysis widely applied to target zone regimes can also be used in studying the credibility of crawling- band regimes. In analyzing the credibility of the Venezuela crawling band, first we use the so-called simple credibility tests developed by Svensson (1991). Additionally, we estimate the expected rate of realignment using the drift- adjustment method. Both the credibility tests and the drift-adjustment method give similar results, showing that the crawling-band system was highly credible during the period.crawling band exchange rate system, credibility, realignments

    Riesgo psicosocial percibido y salud mental en profesores de colegios vulnerables de la Región del Maule

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    87 p.El estudio, de diseño no experimental y corte transversal, tiene como objetivos identificar el nivel de percepción de riesgos psicosociales y la percepción de salud mental y determinar su relación, en los 90 profesores rurales y urbanos de colegios vulnerables de la muestra. Para evaluar los riesgos psicosociales se aplicó el cuestionario SUSESO-ISTAS 21 versión breve, validado en Chile por Alvarado et al. (2012) y para evaluar salud mental se utilizaron las escalas de sintomatología de estrés de Setterlind, Hallman, Burell, Odén y Lisspers (2001) y tres escalas del cuestionario SF-36 de Ware y Sherbourne (1992). Se hizo un análisis descriptivo y correlacional y una comparación de medias de las variables incluidas en esta investigación. Los resultados evidencian un riesgo alto para los factores psicosociales compensaciones y doble presencia, una percepción baja de salud general y una presencia baja de síntomas de estrés. Existe una relación negativa estadísticamente significativa entre exigencias psicológicas con salud mental, vitalidad, síntomas cognitivos y conductuales de estrés; compensaciones con salud mental y síntomas conductuales; doble presencia con salud general, salud mental, vitalidad, síntomas conductuales y cognitivos. Hay medias significativamente mayores para el contexto urbano en trabajo activo y desarrollo de habilidades (U de Mann-Whitney= 492,500; Z=-3,715; p=0,000), apoyo social y calidad de liderazgo (t=-3,291;gl=88;p=0,001) y compensaciones (t=-2,052;gl=88;p=0,043). El contexto rural tiene una media significativamente mayor en la dimensión salud mental (t=2,467;gl=88;p=0,016). A partir de los resultados se discuten las implicancias en el contexto docente y se proponen sugerencias para futuras investigaciones. Palabras clave: docentes, salud mental, factores de riesgos psicosociales,sintomatología de estrés

    Prognostic Value of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Refractory Hypertension : A Prospective Study

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    The objective of this study was to establish whether ambulatory blood pressure offers a better estimate of cardiovascular risk than does its clinical blood pressure counterpart in refractory hypertension. This prospective study assessed the incidence of cardiovascular events over time during an average follow-up of 49 months (range, 6 to 96). Patients were referred to specialized hypertension clinics (86 essential hypertension patients who had diastolic blood pressure >100 mm Hg during antihypertensive treatment that included three or more antihypertensive drugs, one being a diuretic). Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed at the time of entrance. End-organ damage was monitored yearly, and the incidence of cardiovascular events was recorded. Patients were divided into tertiles of average diastolic blood pressure during activity according to the ABPM, with the lowest tertile 97 mm Hg (HT, n=28). While significant differences in systolic and diastolic ambulatory blood pressures were observed among groups, no differences were observed at either the beginning or at the time of the last evaluation for office blood pressure. During the last evaluation, a progression in the end-organ damage score was observed for the HT group but not for the two other groups. Twenty-one of the patients had a new cardiovascular event; the incidence of events was significantly lower for the LT group (2.2 per 100 patient-years) than it was for the MT group (9.5 per 100 patient-years) or for the HT group (13.6 per 100 patient-years). The probability of event-free survival was also significantly different when comparing the LT group with the other two groups (LT versus MT log-rank, P<.04; LT versus HT log-rank, P<.006). The HT group was an independent risk factor for the incidence of cardiovascular events (relative risk, 6.20; 95% confidence interval, 1.38 to 28.1, P<.02). Higher values of ambulatory blood pressure result in a worse prognosis in patients with refractory hypertension, supporting the recommendation that ABPM is useful in stratifying the cardiovascular risk in patients with refractory hypertension.Redon Mas, Josep, [email protected]

    Acute stress assessment using infrared thermography in fattening rabbits reacting to handling under winter and summer conditions

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    Aim of study: This study assesses acute stress by measuring, through infrared thermography in summer and winter, the temperature of the eye, outer ear, inner ear and nose in 40 fattening rabbits before and after handling.Area of study: Seville (Spain).Material and methods: Body thermographic temperatures were recorded during a 38-day fattening period twice weekly and twice a day, before and after the handler held the rabbits in their arms for one minute. Ambient temperature and relative humidity were also recorded, and their influence on body temperatures was assessed. For each anatomical part, the variation of the temperature between the handled and undisturbed rabbit, and the differential temperature between the anatomical part in the undisturbed rabbit and the ambient temperature were calculated.Main results: The variation in temperatures between handled and undisturbed rabbits ranged from 0.25±0.041 ºC for eye to 3.09±0.221 ºC for outer ear in summer and -0.41±0.182 ºC for nose to 2.09±0.178 ºC for outer ear in winter. The day of the fattening period influenced all the temperature traits during summer and winter, except for the inner ear in winter. In summer, unlike winter, the temperature variation at the end of fattening period between handled and undisturbed rabbits was lower than at weaning (-0.04 to 1.94 ºC vs. 0.54 to 5.52 ºC, respectively). The temperatures in undisturbed rabbits were correlated with ambient temperature.Research highlights: Measuring body temperature with infrared thermography is a useful tool to evaluate acute stress in handled rabbits, with the inner ear and eye the most reliable body parts for measuring it

    Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 antibodies in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires in Argentina

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    SummaryObjectiveTo estimate the infection prevalence in Buenos Aires during the outbreak of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 virus (A(H1N1)pdm09).MethodsA(H1N1)pdm09-specific antibodies were measured by hemagglutination inhibition assay in human serum samples collected 6 months after the outbreak and before the introduction of the A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine in Argentina. Baseline levels of cross-reactive antibodies to A(H1N1)pdm09 were determined by testing 162 serum samples collected before 2009.ResultsThe overall seroprevalence of A(H1N1)pdm09 in 150 children and 427 adults was 28.9% (95% confidence interval (CI) 25–33%), with a 58.0% prevalence in children <19 years of age and an 18.7% prevalence in adults ≥19 years of age (p<0.001). The prevalence was 43.5% in children <5 years old and 60.6% among children aged 5–18 years. The prevalence in adults declined with increasing age: 24.9% in 19–39-year-olds, 9.7% in 40–59-year-olds, and 8.1% in those ≥60 years old. The prevalence of specific A(H1N1)pdm09 antibodies was higher compared with the baseline in children (p=0.014), adolescents (p<0.001), and adults <40 years old (p=0.017). Seroprevalence in health care workers was not different from the rest of the population (13.6% vs. 19.3%, respectively; p=0.421).ConclusionsThe prevalence of specific A(H1N1)pdm09 antibodies was high at 28.9%. The highest prevalence was observed in children, adolescents, and young adults

    An altered hydrotropic response (ahr1) mutant of Arabidopsis recovers root hydrotropism with cytokinin

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    Roots are highly plastic and can acclimate to heterogeneous and stressful conditions. However, there is little knowledge of the effect of moisture gradients on the mechanisms controlling root growth orientation and branching, and how this mechanism may help plants to avoid drought responses. The aim of this study was to isolate mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana with altered hydrotropic responses. Here, altered hydrotropic response 1 (ahr1), a semi-dominant allele segregating as a single gene mutation, was characterized. ahr1 directed the growth of its primary root towards the source of higher water availability and developed an extensive root system over time. This phenotype was intensified in the presence of abscisic acid and was not observed if ahr1 seedlings were grown in a water stress medium without a water potential gradient. In normal growth conditions, primary root growth and root branching of ahr1 were indistinguishable from those of the wild type (wt). The altered hydrotropic growth of ahr1 roots was confirmed when the water-rich source was placed at an angle of 45° from the gravity vector. In this system, roots of ahr1 seedlings grew downward and did not display hydrotropism; however, in the presence of cytokinins, they exhibited hydrotropism like those of the wt, indicating that cytokinins play a critical role in root hydrotropism. The ahr1 mutant represents a valuable genetic resource for the study of the effects of cytokinins in the differential growth of hydrotropism and control of lateral root formation during the hydrotropic response

    In search of the desired sustainable tourism: a review of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tourism studies

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    Sustainable tourism should be promoted as a new system for the sustainable management of resources from a socioeconomic and environmental point of view. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a tool capable of assessing the impacts associated with each of the stages of the sector and to identify which actions are currently being addressed in the tourism sector in order to achieve the desired sustainability in the sector. This timely study aims to describe the current framework of life cycle assessment (LCA) and its application to the tourism sector. To address these questions, the geographical distribution, the temporal evolution of the publications, as well as the most relevant characteristics of the tourism industry articles were evaluated such as the functional unit and system boundaries considered. The study identifies key recommendations on the progression of LCA for this increasingly important sustaining tourism sector. As important results, it stands out that 94% of articles focused on LCA methodology were from the last decade and almost 26% of the articles reviewed cover sustainable tourism term, considering environmental, social and economic aspects. Specifically, LCA is a highly effective tool capable of assessing direct and indirect carbon emissions at all stages of the activity as well as the socioeconomic and environmental impacts generated in the tourism sector. This review showed that the most common environmental indicator in the LCA methodology is the carbon footprint. COVID-19 pandemic is also an object of discussion in the framework of the sustainable tourism together with advocating support for the eco-labelling and digitalisation of the tourism experiences as valuable tools to minimize environmental negativities, to promote mechanisms to access green markets and to frame successful synergies.This research was funded by the INTERREG SUDOE Programme, grant number GREENTOUR: Circular Economy and Sustainable Tourism in Destinations of the SUDOE space (SOE4/P5/E1089). Furthermore, the authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers whose comments and corrections have significantly improved the quality of this contribution

    List of Medicines to Avoid in Primary Care Health and Their Application In Polymedicated Patients

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    [Resumen] Introduction: La alta prevalencia del uso de medicación inadecuada y sus importantes consecuencias para la salud requieren herramientas específicas y ágiles que ayuden a detectarla y evitarla. Objetivo de este trabajo fue elaborar un listado de medicamentos a evitar en AP y aplicarlo en pacientes polimedicados de un servicio asistencial de Atención Primaria (AP). Métodos: En la Base de datos del Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos español (BOT-Plus) se comprobó el estado y disponibilidad de cada uno de los 93 medicamentos del Listado Prescrire 2019. Se elaboró el Listado de medicamentos a evitar en AP con aquellos que estaban comercializados en España y se excluyeron los que no estaban financiados y los de uso exclusivo hospitalario. 2 2 Con el listado de medicamentos a evitar en AP se hizo un análisis retrospectivo de todos (N=262) los informes de prescripción de polimedicados >10 medicamentos del año 2017 en un servicio asistencial de AP (5 centros de salud). Se realizó análisis de frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central y dispersión; se estimaron (IC 95%) y se utilizó X o exacta de Fisher para determinar la asociación entre variables y análisis de regresión logística. Resultados: Se observó una prevalencia de polimedicados de 1,2%, con una media de edad de 71,7 ± 12,4 años y una media de prescripciones de 12 ±1,7 medicamentos. El listado de medicamentos a evitar en AP incluyó 45 principios activos. Los fármacos a evitar más usados han sido: duloxetina, sitagliptina y olmesartán. El 50,4% de los polimedicados tenían al menos un medicamento a evitar y una edad media de 68,5±11,8 años. El sexo fue un factor de riesgo de prescripción inadecuada, el hecho de ser mujer incrementa con un OR=1,8 (IC 95%=1,3-3,0) la probabilidad de medicamentos a evitar. Conclusiones: Un alto porcentaje de pacientes polimedicados tienen prescripto al menos un medicamento a evitar. El listado de medicamentos a evitar en AP es una herramienta útil para identificar la medicación inadecuada y para uso de los profesionales de AP.[Abstract] Introduction: The high prevalence of inappropriate medication use and its important health consequences for health require specific and agile tools to detect and avoid it. The objective of this work was to elaborate a list of medications to avoid in Primary Care and to apply it on the polymedicated patients of a Primary Care assistance service. Methods: In the Database of the Spanish General Council of Official Associations of Pharmacists (BOT-Plus) the status and availability of each of the 93 MAE of the Prescrire 2019 List was checked. The list of medications to be avoided in Primary Care was drawn up with those that were marketed in Spain and excluded those that were not financed and those for exclusive hospital use. With the list of medicines to avoid in Primary Care, a retrospective analysis was made of all the prescription reports of polimedicated >10 medications for 2017 in a Primary Care services (N=262) in 5 health centers. Frequency analysis, central tendency measures and dispersion were carried out; they were estimated [CI: 95%] and X or Fisher’s exact was used to determine the association between variables and logistic regression analysis. Results: A prevalence of polymedicated drugs of 1.2% was observed, with a mean age of 71.7 years (DT± 12.4) and a mean prescription of 12 drugs (DT±1.7). The list of medications to be avoided in PC included 45 active ingredients. The 50.4% of the polymedicated had at least one drug to avoid and an average age of 68.5 years (DT±11.8). Sex was a risk factor for inappropriate prescription, the fact of being a woman increases with an OR=1.8 (IC95%=1, 3-3.0) the probability of having some medicines to avoid. The most commonly used drugs to avoid were: duloxetine, sitagliptin and olmesartan. Conclusions: A high percentage of polymedicated patients are prescribed at least one drug to avoid. The Primary Care medication avoidance list is a useful tool for identifying inappropriate medication and for the use by Primary Care professionals

    Relationship between Physical Activity, Oxidative Stress, and Total Plasma Antioxidant Capacity in Spanish Children from the GENOBOX Study

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    The World Health Organization has recommended performing at least 60 min a day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and reducing sedentarism in children and adolescents to offer significant health benefits and mitigate health risks. Physical fitness and sports practice seem to improve oxidative stress (OS) status during childhood. However, to our knowledge, there are no data regarding the influence of objectively-measured physical activity (PA) and sedentarism on OS status in children and adolescents. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of moderate and vigorous PA and sedentarism on OS and plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in a selected Spanish population of 216 children and adolescents from the GENOBOX study. PA (light, moderate, and vigorous) and sedentarism (i.e., sedentary time (ST)) were measured by accelerometry. A Physical Activity-Sedentarism Score (PASS) was developed integrating moderate and vigorous PA and ST levels. Urinary 8-hydroxy-20-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and isoprostane F2 (F2-IsoPs), as markers of OS, were determined by ELISA; and TAC was estimated by colorimetry using an antioxidant kit. A higher PASS was associated with lower plasma TAC and urinary 8-OHdG and F2-IsoPs, showing a better redox profile. Reduced OS markers (8-OHdG and F2-IsoPs) in children with higher PASS may diminish the need of maintaining high concentrations of antioxidants in plasma during rest to achieve redox homeostasis.Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I + D + I), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Health Research Funding (FONDOS FEDER) PI11/02042 PI11/02059 PI11/01425 PI16/00871 PI16/01301 PI16/01205RETIC (Redes temáticas de investigación cooperativa) Red SAMID RD12/0026/0015Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commission IFI17/00048Research Plan of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spai

    Institutional Challenges of university teacher training

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    El Grupo Interuniversitario de Formación Docente (GIFD) está formado por las unidades y centros de formación (ICE-UB, IDES-UAB, ICE-UPC, CQUID-UPF, ICE-UdG, ICE-UdL, ICE-URV y eLC-UOC) de las ocho universidades públicas catalanas. Estas unidades actualmente se encuentran en un proceso de reformulación de las actividades y planes de formación que están ofreciendo al profesorado universitario para facilitar el desarrollo de su actividad docente. El replanteamiento de sus actuaciones nace de un interés común vinculado a la calidad de la formación docente del profesorado universitario, coherente con los planteamientos promulgados por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Este interés y preocupación conduce al desarrollo de un estudio de identificación de las competencias docentes que debe poseer el profesorado universitario para abordar con éxito el desarrollo de las nuevas titulaciones de grado acordes con el EEES. Además este trabajo recoge un cuestionamiento y reflexión en relación a las principales características que deberían tener las actividades y programas de formación dirigidas al profesorado para facilitar su tarea docente; apelando a la labor que, tanto las unidades o centros de formación, las instituciones universitarias a las que pertenecen y los organismos vinculados a la acción docente, deberían replantearse para dar respuesta a las nuevas exigencias docentes requeridas al profesorado. El objetivo del trabajo es provocar la reflexión y generar el debate sobre el camino que debe seguir la formación docente del profesorado universitario, como elemento estratégico de la institución, para contribuir a alcanzar los objetivos de calidad a los que las universidades se han comprometido en el proceso de verificación de los nuevos títulos.The units or training centers (ICE IDES CQUID, ELC) of the eight public universities in Catalonia, constituted as Interuniversity Group on Teacher Education (GIFD), are currently undergoing a reformulation process concerning the training activities and plans being offered to university teachers, in order to facilitate the development of their teaching activity. The rethinking of their actions is born from a common interest linking the quality of university teachers’ training with coherent approaches in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This interest and concern has led the group to conduct a research study with the objective of establishing a set of standard teaching skills for the faculty staff to master, with the purpose of successfully undertaking the development of the new degree courses in line with the directives of the European Higher Education Area. This paper contains a thorough examination and analysis regarding the main features that activities and training programs aimed at teachers should include, in order to facilitate the performance of the teaching activity itself, by focusing at the work of training units or training centers, at the academic institutions where they belong, and at the related agencies, and by requesting them to update their educational tasks in order to meet the new requirements that the role of teachers demand. The aim of this work is to stimulate thought and to generate a debate on the direction that university teachers’ training must follow, not only as a strategic element of the institution, but also contributing to achieve the quality objectives to which universities have committed themselves in the process of validating the new degree