1,894 research outputs found
Valor taxonómico de la morfología de las semillas en las especies del género "Erica" presentes en el NO de España
Se estudia la morfología de las semillas en 1as 10 especies de1 género Erica que e forma espontánea se desarrollan en Galicia (N.O. de España). Para su observación, encaminada a comprobar el valor taxonómico de los caracteres morfológicos seminales, se han utiliado microscopio óptico y electrónico de barrido.El resultado de este estudio es el reconocimiento de diferencias dentro del género. e incluye además una clave para las especies estudiadas, basada en la morfología de las semillas.The seed morphology of 10 species of the genus Erica L. from Galicia (NW of Spain) gas studied, utilizing the optical microscope and scanning electron microscope, to determine the significance of seed coat features as taxonomic characters.The result of this study was the reconigtion of differences in seed morphology within the genus. A key to galician taxa of Erica based on seed morphology is included
El rompecabezas AF-PAK: la necesidad de una nueva estrategia europea con una reflexión sobre el papel de España
El incremento y la extensión de los combates en Afganistán y la ofensiva para-talibán y yihadista en Pakistán nos obligan a reformular nuestras estrategias en el escenario AF-PAK en esta nueva fase de la intervención occidental e internacional. Además, el cambio de la estrategia de EEUU con la Administración Obama pone de manifiesto la ausencia de una política europea común, sin olvidar que la revisión de las carencias estadounidenses hace salir a la luz las nuestras.
El replanteamiento de la estrategia occidental ha tenido como resultado la creación de un consenso sobre el escenario AF-PAK que se determina por la inclusión de Pakistán en el escenario de actuación internacional en tanto que pieza clave para la contención de la insurgencia talibán y la lucha contra al-Qaeda y el narcotráfico. Los otros elementos principales del replanteamiento estratégico son, hasta la fecha, la afganización de la seguridad mediante la creación de unas fuerzas armadas y una policía afganas formadas por instructores occidentales, un aumento de las fuerzas europeas y estadounidenses desplegadas en Afganistán y la búsqueda de tácticas anti-insurgentes más eficaces y con menos daños colaterales. Este análisis propone que la nueva estrategia europea colme sus vacíos y lagunas, tanto en cuanto a tropas y material como a tácticas y reglas de enfrentamiento, y que se asuma en su integridad ese espacio estratégico y por tanto se establezca a Pakistán como prioridad de la política europea en la región. Así, los líderes europeos deberán dotar a estas políticas de los instrumentos institucionales y los medios y recursos necesarios con el objetivo principal que sigue siendo el de impedir que esta parte del mundo sea una base para la actuación del terrorismo global y el narcotráfico
Publicaciones cervantinas de autoría femenina (1905-1916)
La aportación de la mujer al ensayo cervantino de principios del siglo XX apenas ha merecido atención. En este trabajo se analizan las diferentes perspectivas desde las que las mujeres intelectuales enfocan tanto la obra de Cervantes como a su autor, al hilo de los centenarios cervantinos (1905-1916). La crítica literaria estricta convive con la recreación de los personajes principales del Quijote en los ensayos de María Lejárraga, Matilde Ras, Concha Espina y Carmen de Burgos. Varias de las autoras estudiadas incluyen en sus textos sus preocupaciones sociales, como el feminismo, y dejan su opinión sobre los conflictos políticos y doctrinales que marcaron el fin de siglo.Women's participation in Cervantine criticism at the beginning of the twentieth century (1905-1906) has barely received recognition. This paper analyses the different perspectives women authors used to approach both Cervantes and his work. Strict literary criticism coexists with the exploration of Don Quixote's main characters in the philosophical and literary essays of María Lejárraga, Matilde Ras, Concha Espina and Carmen de Burgos. The authors studied include intheirs texts their social concerns and feminist ideology and give their opinion about key political and intellectual debates affecting society at the beginning of the twentieth century
SIMNET: simulation-based exercises for computer net-work curriculum through gamification and augmented reality
Gamification and Augmented Reality techniques, in recent years, have tackled many subjects and environments. Its implementation can, in particular, strengthen teaching and learning processes in schools and universities. Therefore, new forms of knowledge, based on interactions with objects, contributing game, experimentation and collaborative work. Through the technologies mentioned above, we intend to develop an application that serves as a didactic tool, giving support in the area of Computer Networks. This application aims to stand out in simulated controlled environments to create computer networks, taking into ac-count the necessary physical devices and the different physical and logical topologies. The main goal is to enrich the students’ learning experiences and contrib-ute to teacher-student interaction, through collaborative learning provided by the tool, minimizing the need for expensive equipment in learning environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Comparative Study on Speaking Assessment Rubrics in Trinity and Cambridge Language Certificates: Adaptation to the Common European Framework Guidelines
[Abstract] The European Council has been instrumental in the standardization of language competence levels and certifications with the guidelines provided in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) published in 2001 and later reviewed in 2020 with the Companion Volume with New Descriptors (CEFRCV). Cambridge Assessment English and Trinity College are two of the highest regarded institutions at the international level that grant their language certificates following the language competence levels provided by the CEFR. For this reason, the current study is grounded on the conviction that those certificates should meet certain principles of the Framework as a form of guarantee that they are assessing the CEFR level correctly. In particular, this paper focuses on the speaking skill and the rubrics of assessment used by the two afore-mentioned institutions. The rubrics of Trinity and Cambridge for the assessment of the oral production at the B2 CEFR level were considered for the purposes of this study – in particular, the rubrics that assess the oral production in the Integrated Skills in English (ISE-II) exam and in the First Certificate in English (B2 First). With a qualitative document research approach, this study analyses these rubrics in order to determine to what extent they respect the criteria established by the CEFR
La huella de lo esotérico en la novela La sirena negra de Emilia Pardo Bazán
El espiritismo y la teosofía son, entre las doctrinas esotéricas, las de mayor implantación en la sociedad española de fin de siglo. Ambas influyeron en las manifestaciones literarias de la época, como lo prueba su amplia presencia en la prensa y la frecuencia con la que los escritores incorporan lo sobrenatural en sus obras. Emilia Pardo Bazán integra en La sirena negra, numerosos rasgos estilísticos tomados de la estética esotérica: visión de espectros, auras, vida en objetos inanimados, sueños premonitorios, trasmigración de espíritus… Su protagonista, de perfiles satánicos, está dominado por un ansia de aniquilamiento que remite al nirvana budista. Ello no significa que la autora comulgue con tales doctrinas; por el contrario la crítica ha señalado unánimemente la marcada orientación cristiana de sus últimas novelas.Amongst the esoteric doctrines both, spiritism and theosophia, are the most firmly settled in the late 19th century Spanish society. Their influence on literary production of those days is reflected by press wide diffusion as well as frequent use of supernatural subjects by writers. In La sirena negra, Emilia Pardo Bazán incorporates for stylistic purposes a great number of esoteric aesthetics features: spectra, auras, premonitory dreams, spirit transmigration and perception of life in inanimate objects. The protagonist, that shows some Satanist character types, is seduced by a desire of self-annihilation that reminds of Buddhist Nirvana. This fact does not indicate that the author shares these doctrines; on the contrary her deep Christian orientation in her late novels has been unanimously emphasized by critics
Frequency gating to isolate single attosecond pulses with overdense plasmas using particle-in-cell simulations
We present the isolation of single attosecond pulses for multi-cycle and few-cycle
laser pulses from high harmonic generation in overdense plasmas, calculated with particle-incell
simulations. By the combination of two laser pulses of equal amplitude and a small frequency
shift between them, we demonstrate that it is possible to shorten the region in which the
laser pulse is most intense, therefore restricting the generation of high harmonic orders in the
form of attosecond pulses to a narrower time window. The creation of this window is achieved
due to the combination of the laser pulse envelope and the slow oscillating wave obtained from
the coherent sum of the two pulses. A parametric scan, performed with particle-in-cell simulations,
reveals how the pulse isolation behaves for different input laser pulse lengths and which
are the optimal frequency shifts between the two laser pulses in each case, giving the conditions
for having a good isolation of an attosecond pulse when working with laser-plasma interaction
in overdense targets.European Union and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO)
(MAT2015-71119-R AEI/FEDER); Xunta de Galicia/FEDER (Agrup2015/11 (PC034)); Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (MECD) (FPU14/00289)S
Noticia sobre dos nuevas estelas decoradas: las estelas de La Pedrona y del Mesto (Almadén, Ciudad Real)
Damos a conocer dos estelas decoradas halladas en el término municipal de Almadén (Ciudad Real). Aparecieron en sendos majanos, dentro del ámbito de yacimientos arqueológicos romanos, en ambos casos. Se trata de una zona donde tradicionalmente se ha practicado una economía basada en la agricultura (cultivo cerealístico) y la ganadería, además de la explotación de la gran riqueza minera de su subsuelo. Este territorio está surcado por varias vías pecuarias y comerciales. Todo ello está asociado a la presencia de diversos asentamientos humanos desde antiguo. Estos dos ejemplares amplían el conjunto de estelas decoradas hasta ahora conocidas en esta área geográfica, poniendo de manifiesto su relación con las corrientes culturales de la Edad del Bronce y, quizás, del Hierro I.We present two decorated steles found in the municipal term of Almadén (Ciudad Real). They appeared in individual majanos, within the scope of Roman archaeological sites, in both cases. One is a zone where traditionally it's practiced an economy based on agriculture (cerealístico culture) and the cattle ranch, besides the operation of the great mining wealth of its subsoil. This territory is furrowed by several cattle and commercial channels. All this is associate to the presence of diverse settlements from ancient. These two pieces extend the collection of decorated steles until now known in this geographic area, showing their relation with the cultural currents of the Age of Bronze and, perhaps, the Age of Iron I
Biofilter performance and characterization of a biocatalyst degrading alkylbenzene gases
A biofilter treating alkylbenzene vapors was characterized for its optimal running conditions and kinetic parame-ters. Kinetics of the continuous biofilter were compared to batch kinetic data obtained with biofilm samples as well as with defined microbial consortia and with pure culture isolates from the biofilter. Both bacteria and fungi were present in the bioreactor. Five strains were isolated. Two bacteria, Bacillus and Pseudomonas, were shown to be dominant, as well as a Trichosporon strain which could, however, hardly grow on alkylbenzenes in pure culture. The remaining two strains were most often overgrown by the other three organisms in liquid phase batch cultures μ max, KS, KI values and biodegradation rates were calculated and compared for the difterent mixed and pure cultures. Since filter bed acidification was observed during biofiltration studies reaching a pH of about 4, experiments were also undertaken to study the influence of pH on performance of the different cultures. Biodegradation and growth were possible in all cases, over the pH range 3.5–7.0 at appreciable rates, both with mixed cultures and with pure bacterial cultures. Under certain conditions, microbial activity was even observed in the presence of alkylbenzenes down to pH 2.5 with mixed cultures, which is quite unusual and explains the ability of the present biocatalyst to remove alkylbenzenes with high efficiency in biofilters under acidic conditions
Study of the potential of two plant extracts for the control of two pepper pathogens and the effect on plant growth
[Resumo]: O pemento de Padrón (Capsicum annuum cv. Padrón) é unha planta de gran
importancia económica en Galicia, aínda que posúe unha alta susceptibilidade a diversas
enfermidades que producen grandes perdas no seu cultivo. Algúns dos patóxenos que
atacan a este cultivo son o oomicete (pseudofungo) Phytophthora capsici e o fungo
Botrytis cinerea. No presente traballo estudamos se os extractos vexetais de Ginkgo
biloba e Urtica dioica teñen efecto antimicrobiano sobre estes patóxenos, e os resultados
indican que non é así. Ademais, estudouse se os extractos eran eficaces fronte a
Phytophthora capsici nun ensaio en planta e se o extracto de ortiga causaba un efecto
sobre o crecemento da planta. Os resultados obtidos suxiren que ambos extractos poden
ter efectos sobre a indución da resistencia, mais non presentan actividade funxicida in
vitro.[Resumen]: El pimiento de Padrón (Capsicum annuum cv. Padrón) es una planta de gran
importancia económica en Galicia, aunque posee una alta susceptibilidad a diversas
enfermedades que producen grandes pérdidas en su cultivo. Algunos de los patógenos
que atacan a este cultivo son el oomiceto (pseudohongo) Phytophthora capsici y el hongo
Botrytis cinerea. En el presente trabajo estudiamos si los extractos vegetales de Ginkgo
biloba y Urtica dioica tienen efecto antimicrobiano sobre estos patógenos, y los
resultados indican que no es así. Además, se estudió si los extractos eran eficaces frente
a Phytophthora capsici en un ensayo en planta y si el extracto de ortiga causaba un efecto
sobre el crecimiento de la planta. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que ambos extractos
pueden tener efectos sobre la inducción de la resistencia, pero no presentan actividad
fungicida in vitro.[Abstract]: Padrón pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. Padrón) is a plant of great economic importance in Galicia, despite it has a high susceptibility to various diseases that cause large losses in this crop. Some of the pathogens that attack this crop are the oomycete (fungal-like
organism) Phytophthora capsici and the fungus Botrytis cinerea. In the present work we
studied if the plant extracts of Ginkgo biloba and Urtica dioica have an antimicrobial
effect on these pathogens, and the results indicate that this is not the case. In addition, it
was studied whether the extracts were effective against Phytophthora capsici in a plant
assay and whether nettle extract caused an effect on plant growth. The results obtained
suggest that both extracts may have effects on induced resistance, but they do not present
antifungal activity in vitro.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2019/202
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