640 research outputs found

    Social Network Analysis and Resilience in University Students: An Approach from Cohesiveness

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    13 p.The Social Network Analysis offers a view of social phenomena based on interactions. The aim of this study is to compare social reality through the cohesion variable and analyse its relationship with the resilience of university students. This information is useful to work with the students academically and to optimise the properties of the network that have an influence in academic performance. This is a descriptive transversal study with 90 students from the first and third year of the Nursing Degree. Cohesion variables from the support and friendship networks and the level of resilience were gathered. The UCINET programme was used for network analysis and the SPSS programme for statistical analysis. The students’ friendship and support networks show high intra-classroom cohesion although there are no differences between the support networks and friendship or minimal contact networks in both of the courses used for the study. The network cohesion indicators show less cohesion in the third year. No correlations were found between cohesion and resilience. Resilience does not appear to be an attribute related to cohesion or vice versa.S

    Calidad e innovación en docencia en la USC: integración de las competencias informacionales en la guía docente. La experiencia en la asignatura de Biología

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    Within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, as Transversal competences that students should possess at the end of their Degree studies, there is training in informational competences (IC). The IC main objective is the acquisition of skills and abilities for access and use of information. An online IC Course taught in collaboration with the University Library as part of the Teaching Program of a 1st course discipline, was very well followed by the students. Students participation was high, and a big percentage of them passed the examinations. A substantial improvement in the presentation of the works and the bibliography was observed

    Efficacy of cefepime and imipenem in experimental murine pneumonia caused by porin-deficient Klebsiella pneumoniae producing CMY-2 β-lactamase

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    Previous studies have shown decreased in vitro activity of zwitterionic cephalosporins and carbapenems against porin-deficient Klebsiella pneumoniae expressing a plasmid-mediated AmpC-type β-lactamase (PACBL). The in vitro and in vivo activities of cefepime and imipenem were evaluated against the porin-deficient strain K. pneumoniae C2 and its CMY-2-producing derivative [K. pneumoniae C2(pMG248)]. The MICs (in micrograms/milliliter) of cefepime and imipenem against K. pneumoniae C2 were 0.125 and 0.25, respectively, while the corresponding values against K. pneumoniae C2(pMG248) were 8 and 16. Cefepime showed a greater inoculum effect than imipenem against both strains. Imipenem showed a significant post-antibiotic effect (> 2 h) against K. pneumoniae C2(pMG248) at 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, and 8x MIC. The maximum concentrations of drug in serum of cefepime and imipenem in a pneumonia model using mice were 124.1 and 16.9 μg/ml, respectively. ΔT/MIC for K. pneumoniae C2 and C2(pMG248) were 1.29 h and 0.34 h for imipenem and 2.96 h and 1.27 h for cefepime. Both imipenem (30 mg/kg of body weight every 3 h) and cefepime (60 mg/kg every 4 h), administered for 72 h, increased the survival rate (86.6% and 100%) compared with untreated control animals (26.6%, P < 0.003) infected with K. pneumoniae C2. For the CMY-2-producing strain, imipenem, but not cefepime, increased the survival rate compared to the controls (86.6% and 40% versus 40%, P < 0.01). Bacterial concentration of the lungs was significantly decreased by both antimicrobials. In conclusion, imipenem was more active in terms of survival than cefepime for the treatment of murine pneumonia caused by a porin-deficient K. pneumoniae expressing PACBL CMY-2.Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía 00/153Red Española para la Investigación en Patología Infecciosa REIPI-ISCIII-C03/1

    The combination of crop diversification and no tillage enhances key soil quality parameters related to soil functioning without compromising crop yields in a low-input rainfed almond orchard under semiarid Mediterranean conditions

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    Soils provide key ecosystem services and are crucial to combat climate change. Agriculture provides important ecosystem services but also causes negative environmental effects depending on agricultural management. In this regard, crop diversification is a promising sustainable land management strategy to combat soil erosion and degradation, mitigate climate change and ensure food security. Here, we assess the combined short-term effects of crop diversification and no tillage on several key soil physico-chemical parameters related to soil functioning as well as on crop yields in a rainfed almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) orchard under semiarid Mediterranean conditions. Almond trees were inter-cropped with Capparis spinosa L. (caper) or Thymus hyemalis Lange (winter thyme) and compared with the almond monocrop system. The experimental design consisted of three plots in a randomized-block design, with three replicates for each crop management treatment (almond monocrop, almond inter-cropped with caper, and almond inter-cropped with winter thyme). Along with crop yields, the combined effects of crop diversification and no tillage on a range of soil quality and health indicators including soil physical (bulk density, aggregate stability, water retention and availability) and chemical (total and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate content, available macro- and micro-nutrients) properties were monitored in the topsoil and subsoil (at 0–10 and 10–30 cm depth, respectively) one and three years from establishment.EEA Delta del ParanáFil: Almagro, María. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura; EspañaFil: Díaz-Pereira, Elvira. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura; EspañaFil: Boix-Fayos, Carolina. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura; EspañaFil: Zornoza, Raúl. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Departamento de Ingeniería Agronómica; EspañaFil: Sánchez-Navarro, Virginia. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Departamento de Ingeniería Agronómica; EspañaFil: Re, Paula. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Delta del Paraná; ArgentinaFil: Re, Paula. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Cristina. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura; EspañaFil: Martínez-Mena, María. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura; Españ

    Social Networks, Engagement and Resilience in University Students

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    16 p.Analysis of social networks may be a useful tool for understanding the relationship between resilience and engagement, and this could be applied to educational methodologies, not only to improve academic performance, but also to create emotionally sustainable networks. This descriptive study was carried out on 134 university students. We collected the network structural variables, degree of resilience (CD-RISC 10), and engagement (UWES-S). The computer programs used were excel, UCINET for network analysis, and SPSS for statistical analysis. The analysis revealed results of means of 28.61 for resilience, 2.98 for absorption, 4.82 for dedication, and 3.13 for vigour. The students had two preferred places for sharing information: the classroom and WhatsApp. The greater the value for engagement, the greater the degree of centrality in the friendship network among students who are beginning their university studies. This relationship becomes reversed as the students move to later academic years. In terms of resilience, the highest values correspond to greater centrality in the friendship networks. The variables of engagement and resilience influenced the university students’ support networks.S

    Spanish validation of the self-evaluation of negative symptoms scale SNS in an adolescent population

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    Background: Negative symptoms (NS) may be observed in the general population in an attenuated form and in high-risk mental states. However, they have been less studied in the general population than positive symptoms, in spite of their importance at the insidious onset of schizophrenia and their appearance before positive symptoms. This study aimed to analyze the empirical structure of the Spanish version of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS) Scale and find its psychometric properties and invariance of measurement across sex and age in a sample of adolescents. Methods: The sample consisted of 4521 adolescents (53.6% female) from 11 to 18 years of age. Results: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the SNS confirmed an internal structure of five first-order factors by the characteristic dimensions of NS: avolition, social withdrawal, diminished emotional range, anhedonia, alogia, and one second-order factor which includes the total NS score. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale was invariant across sex and age. Total scale reliability was adequate. A strong relationship was found between the SNS with depressive symptomatology, moderate with ideas of reference and low with aberrant salience. Conclusion: The results back use of the Spanish version of the SNS scale for detection of NS in the general population of adolescents

    La disminución de errores como evidencia del avance en la adquisición de la lectura

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Método Invariante para la Enseñanza de la Lectura, analyzing the types of errors that improve or remain after the application of the method. 54 children from second-grade of primary school were divided into a control group of 28 children with appropriate performance in literacy and an experimental group of 26 children with low reading performance. The experimental group was intervened with the Método Invariante. The first stage of the Method was applied for four months; the control group only received the reading training that takes place in the school. Both groups were evaluated with the Protocol for Assessment of School Success, which was applied in two moments: one before and one after the intervention. The results showed improvement in reading performance and reduction of errors in reading, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the Método Invariante as alternative proposal for teaching of reading in children with low reading performance, through of the strengthening of the phonemic and phonological awareness, symbolic codification and creative production of oral words.En el presente estudio se planteó evaluar la eficacia del Método Innovador para la Enseñanza de la Lectura, analizando los tipos de error que mejoran o permanecen después de la aplicación del método. Se conformó una muestra de 54 niños de segundo grado de primaria divididos en dos grupos: grupo control de 28 niños con un rendimiento pedagógico alto en lectoescritura y un grupo experimental de 26 niños con un rendimiento lector bajo. El grupo experimental fue intervenido con el Método Innovador, del cual se aplicó la primera fase durante cuatro meses; el grupo control solo recibió la instrucción que se imparte en la escuela regular. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados con la prueba Verificación del Éxito Escolar, que se aplicó en dos momentos: uno previo y otro posterior a la intervención. Los resultados mostraron mejoría en el desempeño lector por reducción de los errores presentes en la lectura, poniendo en evidencia la eficacia del Método como apoyo para la enseñanza de la lectura en los niños con bajo rendimiento lector, a través del fortalecimiento de las premisas del proceso lecto-escritor, tales como de conciencia fonética y fonológica, codificación simbólica y producción creativa de palabras orales

    NOTAS MICOLOGICAS VI. Pleurophomopsis lignicola Y Cladophialophora bantiana DOS NUEVOS AGENTES DE MICOSIS OPORTUNISTAS EN CHILE

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    Se comentan los aspectos ecológicos, morfológicos y taxonómicos de 2 interesantes agentes etiológicos de micosis oportunistas no descritos en el país. El primero, un paciente de sexo masculino de 50 años, con lupuseritematoso diseminado y multiples infecciones bacterianas, donde desde un absceso cutáneo del dedo indice se aisló repetidamente Pleurophomopsis lignicola. El segundo, un paciente de sexo masculino 68 años, agricultor conabscesos cerebrales múltiples donde se aisló el agente fúngico neurotrópico Cladophialophora bantiana

    NOTAS MICOLOGICAS VI. Pleurophomopsis lignicola Y Cladophialophora bantiana DOS NUEVOS AGENTES DE MICOSIS OPORTUNISTAS EN CHILE

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    Se comentan los aspectos ecológicos, morfológicos y taxonómicos de 2 interesantes agentes etiológicos de micosis oportunistas no descritos en el país. El primero, un paciente de sexo masculino de 50 años, con lupuseritematoso diseminado y multiples infecciones bacterianas, donde desde un absceso cutáneo del dedo indice se aisló repetidamente Pleurophomopsis lignicola. El segundo, un paciente de sexo masculino 68 años, agricultor conabscesos cerebrales múltiples donde se aisló el agente fúngico neurotrópico Cladophialophora bantiana

    Biodiversity in a university campus in the sabana de Bogotá: plants and tethrapods inventory

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    Los ecosistemas urbanos incluyen áreas suburbanas y asentamientos conectados por corredores de conmutación y tierras afectadas por la energía y materiales del núcleo urbano. Estos ecosistemas presentan enormes retos para la conservación de la biodiversidad por la alta concentración de humanos, las marcadas perturbaciones, y en Colombia la información sobre la biodiversidad allí es limitada. Se hizo un inventario de las plantas vasculares, anfibios, reptiles sin plumas y con ellas (aves), y mamíferos en el campus de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Sabana de Bogotá, cordillera Oriental colombiana, ~2550 m snm. El campus se ubica entre dos centros urbanos, Cajicá y Zipaquirá, y es un mosaico de ambientes urbanizados, de uso agropecuario, y con remanentes de ecosistemas naturales asociados al río Bogotá. Se registraron 205 especies de plantas, una especie de rana, una de serpiente, 80 especies de aves y 10 de mamíferos. La mayoría de los árboles del campus son plantados; una considerable proporción de plantas son exóticas y algunas son invasoras. Aves residentes y migratorias usan el campus, y representan casi el 40% de las especies conocidas para la Sabana. Entre los mamíferos hay seis especies no voladoras y posiblemente tres murciélagos, y también hay una especie exótica e invasiva, el ratón casero&amp;nbsp;Mus musculus. El campus es refugio para especies amenazadas (e.g.,&amp;nbsp;Porphyriops melanops) y especies poco conocidas (e.g.,&amp;nbsp;Akodon&amp;nbsp;sp.). Deben hacerse esfuerzos en el manejo adecuado del campus, e idealmente alrededor de él, manteniendo suficientes espacios verdes y humedales para conservar las especies silvestres.Urban ecosystems include suburban and settlements connected by commuting corridors and lands affected by the energy and materials from the urban core. These ecosystems present enormous challenges for the conservation of biodiversity given their high concentration of human beings and the marked disturbances and, in Colombia, the little information about biodiversity in these environments. An inventory of vascular plants, amphibians, feathered and non-feathered reptiles, and mammals was carried out at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, in the Sabana de Bogotá, Andes Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, 2,550 m.a.s.l. The campus is located between two urban cores, Cajicá and Zipaquirá, and it is a mosaic of urbanized environments, lands for agriculture and livestock, and remnants of natural ecosystems associated to the Bogotá River. Two hundred-five (205) plant species, one frog species, one snake species, 80 birds species and 10 mammal species were recorded. Most trees on campus have been planted; a considerable proportion of plants are exotic and some of them are recognized as invasive species. Resident and migratory birds use the campus and represent almost 40% of the known species for the Sabana de Bogotá. Among the mammals there are six non-flying mammals and possibly three bat species, and also an exotic and invasive species, the house mouse&amp;nbsp;Mus musculus, was found on campus. The campus serves as refuge for threatened (e.g.,&amp;nbsp;Porphyriops melanops) and poorly known species (e.g.,&amp;nbsp;Akodon&amp;nbsp;sp.). Efforts must be done to properly manage the campus, and ideally its surroundings, preserving enough green spaces and wetlands to allow the conservation of the wildlife that still survives there