1,645 research outputs found

    Góngora and the spanish avant-garde: Attraction and aversion

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    El presente trabajo se propone indagar en la ambigua influencia que ejerce Luis de Góngora sobre los jóvenes artistas españoles de las primeras décadas del siglo XX, quienes al mismo tiempo admiran y repudian la obra del poeta áureo. Así, por un lado se pretende articular un análisis pormenorizado de los motivos que condujeron al reconocimiento de Góngora, y por otro, abordar un estudio detallado de las razones que llevaron a criticarlo y desdeñarlo. Con el fin de profundizar en dicha bipolaridad se prestará especial atención a la corriente surrealista y otras filiales de vanguardia, que difieren de la coetánea Generación del 27, la cual secunda sin reservas la revalorización del autor cordobés. No obstante, en este artículo se aspira a superar la prejuiciada dicotomía “Generación del 27 vs.Vanguardias” con objeto de evaluar fielmente la imbricación de tendencias artísticas en cuyo contexto irrumpe el fenómeno gongorinoThis paper revolves around the ambivalent influence of Luis de Góngora among young Spanish artists during the first half of the 20th century, whose poetry was simultaneously appreciated and repudiated. Thus, on the one hand, we will try to articulate a detailed analysis of the basis which sustains the revitalisation of Góngora, and on the other hand, we will study the reasons for his criticism. Approaching such bipolarity, this article considers the diverse situation of avant-garde movements in the country, quite opposite to the Generation of ‘27, which supports directly the approval of the poet. Overall, this essay seeks to overcome the narrow dichotomy “Generation of ‘27 vs. Vanguards” in order to appraise fully the artistic interrelations within the creative context in which the phenomenon of Góngora took plac

    Cinema: Not Frames But Veils

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    The aim of this paper is to rethink the metaphors of the cinema as window and frame. The first one addresses the cinema as a transparent, open window that faithfully reproduces the world, taking the spectator’s view beyond the screen guided by realism and indexicality. The second one takes the screen as a rectangular surface that focuses the audience’s eye on the images that are produced inside its borders. In these pages I will revisit both notions, adding a third one inspired by the passe-partout of Derrida: the cinema as veil, also theorized as backdrop and decor. Ultimately, this approach explores the idea of simulacrum by analizing two examples: Blue (Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2018) and Decor (Ahmad Abdalla, 2014)

    Rhizomatic Mnemosyne: Warburg, Serres, and the \u3cem\u3eAtlas\u3c/em\u3e of Hermes

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    This essay aims to examine Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas according to two conceptual perspectives that seem deeply interwoven, Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of rhizome and Michel Serres’s metaphor on Hermes. Both theoretical approaches cast light on the epistemological implications of the Mnemosyne Atlas and explore its intriguing composition from an innovative point of view. Specifically, this paper excavates the disrupted nature of the Warburgian Atlas, paying particular attention to the schizophrenic proliferation of unexpected connections. In this scenario, it will be necessary to elucidate the terminological opposition between ‘atlas’ and ‘archive,’ as studied by Boris Groys, Foucault, and Derrida, without leaving aside Didi-Huberman’s pioneering research on Warburg

    Ploidy levels affect phenotype and cytogenetic traits in Zea mays ssp. mays (2n=20 or 40) and Zea mays ssp. parviglumis hybrids

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    The aim of this study was to analyse phenotype and cytogenetic behaviour of Zea mays ssp. mays and Zea mays ssp. parviglumis (Zpa) hybrids with different ploidy levels. Maize 2n=20 (Zm20) and Zpa hybrid plants (MPa20) were obtained naturally, they showed regular meiosis and fertile progeny (+80%). Otherwise, maize 2n=40 (Zm40) and Zpa hybrids (MPa30) were obtained by embryo rescue, they showed irregular meiosis and sterile progeny (0-8%). Meiotic configurations more frequently observed in the species and the hybrids were: Zm20 (10II); Zm40 (3.24II+8.34IV); Zpa (0.46I+9.76II); MPa20 (0.40I+9.54II+0.05III+0.65IV); MPa30 (5.97I+5.93II+4.05III). After colchicine treatment the number of IV increased in Zm20, Zpa and MPa20 and 10III were observed MPa30, because of homoeologous chromosomes pairing. In conclusion, Zm20 (AmAm BmBm) and Zpa (ApaApa BpaBpa) are allotetraploids with 2 homoeologous genomes. Whilst in the hybrids, the homoeologous genomes A pair in all cases, genomes B only do if their homologous competing during pairing, does not exist except in colchicine-treated plants which also show homoeologous genomes B pairing.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Ploidy levels affect phenotype and cytogenetic traits in Zea mays ssp. mays (2n=20 or 40) and Zea mays ssp. parviglumis hybrids

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    The aim of this study was to analyse phenotype and cytogenetic behaviour of Zea mays ssp. mays and Zea mays ssp. parviglumis (Zpa) hybrids with different ploidy levels. Maize 2n=20 (Zm20) and Zpa hybrid plants (MPa20) were obtained naturally, they showed regular meiosis and fertile progeny (+80%). Otherwise, maize 2n=40 (Zm40) and Zpa hybrids (MPa30) were obtained by embryo rescue, they showed irregular meiosis and sterile progeny (0-8%). Meiotic configurations more frequently observed in the species and the hybrids were: Zm20 (10II); Zm40 (3.24II+8.34IV); Zpa (0.46I+9.76II); MPa20 (0.40I+9.54II+0.05III+0.65IV); MPa30 (5.97I+5.93II+4.05III). After colchicine treatment the number of IV increased in Zm20, Zpa and MPa20 and 10III were observed MPa30, because of homoeologous chromosomes pairing. In conclusion, Zm20 (AmAm BmBm) and Zpa (ApaApa BpaBpa) are allotetraploids with 2 homoeologous genomes. Whilst in the hybrids, the homoeologous genomes A pair in all cases, genomes B only do if their homologous competing during pairing, does not exist except in colchicine-treated plants which also show homoeologous genomes B pairing.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Cáncer de pulmón microcítico: revisión

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    Twenty percent of all lung cancers are of small cells (CPCP). More than half occur to people aged 60 and more. Due to its fast dissemination, most of them show symptoms when diagnosed (90%). These symptoms can be derived from its locoregional extension, metastases or can have a paraneoplastical origin. Anamnesis and thorough physical exploration are essential for the initial evaluation and adequate treatment. In addition to a blood analysis with determination of enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase which helps in prognosis, thorax and abdominal computed tomography (CT), bone gammagraphy and cerebral CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allow optimum estadification. Although CPCP is chemo- and radio-sensitive, small progress has been achieved in the last years and its mortality rate is high. The objective of this paper is to revise all these aspects related to CPCP

    Identité et altérité dans la langue de l’autre

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    À la suite du fait migratoire provoqué par la guerre civile, des auteurs nés en Espagne se sont installés en France et écrivent aujourd’hui en français. Les écrits de Jorge Semprun, de Augustin Gomez-Arcos, d’Adélaïde Blasquez et de Michel del Castillo nous offrent un terrain exceptionnel pour étudier la place et l’influence que la langue maternelle et la culture espagnole ont sur la langue d’écriture et sur leurs univers de fiction. Les problèmes d’identité qu’elle crée aussi chez le bilingue, car si l’identité de l’écrivain est à priori de nature pathologique, elle est encore plus menacée lorsqu’il doit la définir entre deux langues, entre deux cultures. Si dans le miroir de l’écriture se reflète une image de soi, celle de l’écrivain qui s’exprime dans la langue d’un autre se trouve confrontée à l’altérité. Quelle est la reflexión linguistique qui se dégage de leurs oeuvres ? Il y a chez ces auteurs un discours extrêmement fin de la langue et de l’identité. Ils possèdent une conscience spécialement aiguë du langage qui est propice à l’écriture de soi. Ils nous offrent une parole littéraire venue simultanément d’ici et d’ailleurs, hantée par la voix de l’autre.Como consecuencia del movimiento migratorio que se produce con la guerra civil, una serie de autores nacidos en España se instalan en Francia y eligen como lengua de escritura el francés. Los escritos de Jorge Semprun, de Agustin Gomez-Arcos, de Adélaïde Blasquez y de Michel del Castillo nos ofrecen un terreno excepcional para medir la influencia y el lugar que ocupan la lengua y la cultura maternas en sus universos de ficción. También para valorar los problemas de identidad que crea en el bilingüe, pues si la identidad del escritor es ya de entrada de naturaleza patológica, ésta se encuentra aún más amenazada cuando debe definirla entre dos lenguas y dos culturas. Si en el espejo de la escritura se refleja la imagen de uno mismo, la del escritor que se expresa en la lengua del otro se encuentra confrontado a la alteridad. ¿Qué reflexión lingüística se destila de sus obras? Estos autores tienen una percepción del lenguaje y de la lengua especialmente aguda que propicia una escritura que habla de la identidad. Nos ofrecen así una palabra literaria que viene simultáneamente de aquí y de allí, habitada por la voz del otro

    Aplicación de índices de tolerancia a la salinidad en plántulas de maíz

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: estudiar la aplicación de diferentes índices de tolerancia en caracteres de plántulas de maíz y evaluar su posible utilidad en la identificación de genotipos tolerantes a la salinidad. Se probaron 68 accesiones en dos ambientes (0 y 100m MClNa). Se midieron: largo de raíz, vástago y 3ª hoja y peso seco de raíz y de parte aérea. Se incluyeron 6 índices de tolerancia: índice de susceptibilidad al estrés (SSI), índice de tolerancia al estrés (STI), tolerancia al estrés (TOL), media geométrica de la productividad (GMP), productividad media (MP) e índice de estabilidad del rendimiento (YSI). Debido a la variación espacial relacionada con la concentración de sal en ambientes salinos, sería importante identificar genotipos estables frente a una gama amplia de suelos salinos. El biplot agrupó las accesiones, caracteres medidos en ambientes con y sin estrés e índices de tolerancia a sal, y demostró que los índices GMP, MP y STI fueron los que permitieron identificar los accesiones estables que se caracterizan por tener una alta expresión de estos caracteres en ambos ambientes. La aplicación del método de Componentes Principales (CP) identificó a los caracteres peso seco aéreo y largo de raíz como los de mayor contribución y ambos estuvieron asociados con dichos indices de tolerancia a salinidad. De esta manera, en este estudio las accesiones 1, 7, 30, 33, 43 y 45 fueron los más estables para los caracteres peso seco aéreo y largo de raíz. Entre ellos las accesiones 30 y 33 fueron superiores (pertenecientes a genotipos del Grupo A) porque mostraron los escores más altos sobre el eje CP1 pero sus aportes al CP2 fueron bastantes pequeños, para la mayoría de las variables.The aims of this research were: to study the application of different tolerance Indices in traits measured in maize seedlings and to assess their possible use in the identification of genotypes tolerant to salinity. Sixty eight accessions were tested in two environments (0 and 100mM NaCl). We recorded length for radicle, shoot and third leaf and dry weight for root and shoot. Six stress tolerance indices were included: stress susceptibility (SSI), stress tolerance index (STI), stress tolerance (TOL), geometric mean productivity (GMP), mean productivity (MP) and yield stability index (YSI. Saline environments show a great spatial variation in relation to the salt concentration, for this reason it would be important to identify genotypes with stable behavior in a variety of saline soils. The biplot method allowed clustering accessions, traits measured in stress and non stress environment and salt tolerance Indexes in a same graphic, and showed that GMP, MP and STI indexes were the ones who helped identify the high yielding (group A genotype) and stable accessions, characterized by a high expression of these characters in both environments. Principal Component method showed that shoot dry weight and root length had the highest contribution and both were associated with these above indices in salinity. Therefore, in this study the accessions: 1, 7, 30, 33, 43 and 45 had stable values for the traits root length and shoot dry weight. Within this group the 30 and 33 entries were superior (bellowing to Group A genotypes) because they had the highest PC1 scores but its PC2 scores were rather small for the most of the variables.Fil: Collado, Mónica B.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; ArgentinaFil: Aulicino, Mónica Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Arturi, Miguel Jacinto. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; ArgentinaFil: Molina, María del Carmen. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Instituto Fitotécnico de "Santa Catalina"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Endophytic Microbes Are Tools to Increase Tolerance in Jasione Plants Against Arsenic Stress

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    Seed microbiota is becoming an emergent area of research. Host plant microbial diversity is increasingly well described, yet relatively little is known about the stressors driving plant endomicrobiota at the metaorganism level. The present work examines the role of horizontal and vertical transmission of bacterial microbiota in response to abiotic stress generated by arsenic. Horizontal transmission is achieved by bioaugmentation with the endophyte Rhodococcus rhodochrous, while vertical transmission comes via maternal inheritance from seeds. To achieve this goal, all experiments were conducted with two Jasione species. J. montana is tolerant to arsenic (As), whereas J. sessiliflora, being phylogenetically close to J. montana, was not previously described as As tolerant. The Jasione core bacterial endophytes are composed of genera Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Undibacterium, Cutibacterium, and Kocuria and family Comamanadaceae across different environmental conditions. All these operational taxonomic units (OTUs) coexisted from seeds to the development of the seedling, independently of As stress, or bioaugmentation treatment and Jasione species. R. rhodochrous colonized efficiently both species, driving the endomicrobiota structure of Jasione with a stronger effect than As stress. Despite the fact that most of the OTUs identified inside Jasione seeds and seedlings belonged to rare microbiota, they represent a large bacterial reservoir offering important physiological and ecological traits to the host. Jasione traits co-regulated with R. rhodochrous, and the associated microbiota improved the host response to As stress. NGS-Illumina tools provided further knowledge about the ecological and functional roles of plant endophytes.This work has been supported by the Research grant from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (AYUDA PUENTE 2019-DRIADES Project). IM-R gratefully acknowledges PEJD-2019-PRE/AMB-16306 from the Madrid Community program. Funding support was also provided by USDA-NIFA Multistate Project W4147 and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.N