320 research outputs found

    Living Kidney Donation: A Systematic Review of Psychological Impact of Transplantation

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    En la actualidad el trasplante de riñón en vida se ha convertido en el tratamiento óptimo para los pacientes con enfermedad renal en etapa terminal. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión sistemática sobre las publicaciones, el perfil y las consecuencias psicológicas en donantes y/o receptores de riñón vivos tras la donación, variables que influyen en su aparición y manifestación y los principales métodos de evaluación. Para ello, se buscó en las bases de datos PsycInfo y Scopus usando los descriptores “living kidney” OR “living renal” AND don* OR recipient* OR transplant* AND psychol*, con un resultado final de 28 artículos y 2 revisiones sistemáticas. Se obtiene que las principales consecuencias psicológicas experimentadas por donantes y receptores están relacionadas con la calidad de vida, interacción social, satisfacción intrapersonal, depresión, ansiedad, fatiga psicológica y limitaciones en el rol social, evaluadas con una diversidad de instrumentos de medida. Estas consecuencias se ven influidas por variables como tener una edad avanzada, ser mujer o tener una mala relación con el receptor tras la intervención. En conclusión, los donantes y/o receptores de riñón vivos pueden sufrir un conjunto heterogéneo de consecuencias psicológicas. Por tanto, es necesario realizar una evaluación temprana, detectando posibles grupos vulnerables ofreciéndoles una intervención sistemática y exhaustiva tras la donación.Currently, living kidney transplantation has become the optimal treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. The goal of the present study is to carry out a systematic review of publications, the psychological profile and consequences in living kidney donors and/or recipients after donation, variables that influence their appearance and manifestation, and the main methods of assessment. For this purpose, the databases PsycInfo and Scopus were searched using the descriptors “living kidney” OR “living renal” AND don* OR recipient* OR transplant* AND psychol*, with a final result of 28 articles and 2 systematic reviews. It is obtained that the main psychological consequences experienced by donors and recipients are related to quality of life, social interaction, intrapersonal satisfaction, depression, anxiety, psychological fatigue and social role limitations, assessed with a variety of measurement instruments. These consequences are influenced by variables such as advanced age, female or having a poor relationship with the recipient after the intervention. In conclusion, living kidney donors and/or recipients may suffer a heterogeneous set of psychological consequences. Therefore, there is a need for early assessment, detecting possible vulnerable groups by offering them a systematic and comprehensive intervention after donation

    Percepción de los padres de los hábitos físico-deportivos, alimenticios y académicos del alumnado de Educación Primaria

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    Currently, many are the risks stalking the growth and development of the scholar population in different levels of their vital dimension, emphasizing the concerning of the parents in the alimentary, sport and academic aspects. The correct acquisition and support of the positive practices which contribute to create a good habit depend on the work between the two most important agents of collectivization: school and family. From this premise, 276 families coming from educational centers of different kind from a city from Murcia took part in this research. The instrument of data collection was a questionnaire, which included questions about the transmission and acquisition of such habits. The main difficulties found are the lack of time and resources. Besides, the parents consider that both the schools and themselves play an important educational role when working such habits, highlighting the importance of including these topics in the formal education as a transversal element. Nevertheless, it is of great need the creation of routes of communication and work between families and school. En la actualidad, los peligros que acechan el crecimiento y desarrollo de la población escolar en diversos planos de su dimensión vital son múltiples, destacando la preocupación por parte de los padres en el plano alimenticio, físico-deportivo y académico. La correcta adquisición y refuerzo de las prácticas positivas que contribuyan a generar un buen hábito, depende del trabajo conjunto entre los dos agentes de socialización más importantes: escuela y familia. Partiendo de esta premisa, se realizó una investigación que cuenta con la participación 276 familias procedentes de centros educativos de diferente titularidad de un municipio de Murcia, las cuales cumplimentaron un cuestionario como instrumento de recogida de información que incluyen cuestiones acerca de la transmisión y adquisición de dichos hábitos. Se aprecia la falta de tiempo y recursos como las principales dificultades y, además, ellos mismos consideran y valoran su papel educativo y el de la escuela en el trabajo con estos hábitos, realzando la importancia de la incursión de estos temas en la educación formal como elemento transversal. No obstante, se demanda la necesidad de construcción de cauces de comunicación y vías de trabajo entre familias y escuela

    Remote sensing as a tool for the prevention, monitoring and evaluation of fires and floods

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    Los incendios y las inundaciones son dos de los disturbios que más frecuentemente afectan a la población humana y a los recursos naturales. La teledetección, a través de sensores remotos activos y pasivos, constituye una herramienta muy útil para el desarrollo de sistemas de prevención, seguimiento y evaluación a diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales. En este trabajo se reseñan algunos de los principales avances logrados en el campo de la teledetección de áreas quemadas e inundadas, y en el análisis de sus condiciones predisponentes y de su dinámica posterior a la perturbación. Se ha dado especial énfasis en describir los alcances y las limitaciones de algunos productos derivados de la teledetección que ya están disponibles para los usuarios en general.Fires and floods are among the most frequent perturbations that negatively affect human societies and natural resources. The availability of prevention, monitoring and evaluation systems is therefore crucial to diminish their consequences. Active and passive remote sensing instruments are a valuable tool to achieve these goals because they provide information on different spatial and temporal scales. In this article we review the progress experienced in the field of remote sensing of burnt or flooded areas, its predisposing conditions and its post perturbation dynamics. Special emphasis is given to the description of the strengths and weaknesses of some of currently available remote sensing products.Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (CRN-2031 - US NSF GEO-0452325), el INTA (AERN4 y AERN4642) y el MINCyT (PICT 08-13931 y PICT No 32415)

    Testing thymol-based DES for the elimination of 11 textile dyes from water

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    Textile industries release dangerous wastewater that contain dyes into the environment. Due to their toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic nature, they must be removed before the discharge. Liquid–liquid extraction has proven to be an efficient method for the removal of these dyes. As extractants, deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have shown excellent results in recent years, as well as presenting several green properties. Therefore, four different hydrophobic DESs based on natural components were prepared thymol:decanoic acid (T:D (1:1)), thymol:DL-menthol (T:M (1:1)), thymol:DL-menthol (T:M (1:2)) and thymol:coumarin (T:C (2:1)) for the extraction of Malachite Green (MG), Brilliant Blue G (BBG), Acid Yellow 73 (AY73), Reactive Red 29 (RR29), Acid Blue 113 (AB113), Reactive Black 5 (RB5), Remazol Brilliant Blue (RBB), Direct Yellow 27 (DY27), Acid Blue 80 (AB80), Direct Blue 15 (DB15) and Acid Violet 43 (AV43) dyes from water. The operational parameters of the liquid–liquid extraction were selected in order to save time and materials, resulting in 30 min of stirring, 15 min of centrifugation and an aqueous:organic ratio of 5:1. In these conditions, the highest values of extraction obtained were 99% for MG, 89% for BBG and 94% for AY73. Based on these results, the influence of the aqueous:organic phase ratio and the number of necessary stages to achieve water decolorization was studied.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2020/08Agencia estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-107728RB-I00Universidade de Vigo | Ref. 00VI 131H 641.0

    Effects of in utero heat stress on subsequent reproduction performance of first-calf Holstein heifers

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    Aim of study: To determine the reproductive performance of heifers gestated under maternal conditions of heat stress in late gestation.Area of study: Northern Mexico (25° 32’ N, 103° 23’ W).Material and methods: The study included reproductive records of 4976 first-calf Holstein heifers in a hot environment.Main results: Heifers born to cows experiencing no heat stress three months before parturition but with a THI >83 at calving were older (p<0.05) at first calving (743 ± 67 vs. 729 ± 55 days) than heifers gestated under maternal conditions of heat stress. A two-fold increase (p<0.01) in pregnancy rate occurred in heifers gestated under maternal conditions of no heat stress during two or three months before pregnancy and no heat stress at parturition, compared with heifers gestated under maternal conditions of no heat stress. Overall, across in utero heat stress one, two or three months before calving, pregnancy rate to all services was higher (p<0.05) for first-calf heifers gestated under maternal conditions of no heat stress during delivery, compared with heifers gestated under maternal conditions of heat stress (66.7 vs. 51.1%). Median days for getting pregnant was higher (140 d) for heifers whose dams were exposed to THI >83 at calving than heifers whose mothers were exposed to <76 or 76-83 (117 and 114 d) at calving.Research highlights: These data suggest that in utero heat stress during the last three months of gestation negatively affects the reproductive performance of first-calf Holstein heifers

    La extensión universitaria como herramienta de intervención en los conflictos socioambientales

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    La contaminación ambiental se ha instalado en las últimas décadas en distintos ámbitos; sin embargo, las conceptualizaciones, las formas de pensar esta problemática transversal y los matices son diversos según los modelos de desarrollo desde donde se la analice. La universidad pública no está exenta de estas tensiones, ya que coexisten en su interior distintas maneras de considerar los conflictos ambientales y de abordarlos desde sus tres pilares fundamentales (docencia, investigación y extensión).En 2010, la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata creó el Programa Ambiental de Extensión Universitaria como un espacio donde pensar a la Universidad frente a los conflictos ambientales de nuestra región y como un motor en el desarrollo de políticas a través del diálogo con los actores involucrados. Se trabaja en la construcción de posibles propuestas hacia una sociedad más igualitaria, un desarrollo económicamente sustentable, socialmente justo y un ambiente sano.A poluição ambiental foi instalada nas últimas décadas em varios campos; no entanto, os conceitos, as nuances e formas de pensar esta questão transversal, são diferentes, dependendo do modelo de desenvolvimento de onde é analisado. A universidade pública não é isenta destas tensões, por que dentro de ela coexistem diferentes formas de pensar os conflitos ambientais e de resolvê-los através do seus três pilares (ensino, pesquisa e extensão).Em 2010, a faculdade de ciências exatas criou o Programa de Extensão Universitária, como um lugar onde se pensa a universidade frente diferentes conflitos ambientais de nossa região. assim como o motor no desenvolvimento de políticas através do diálogo com diferentes atores envolvidos. Ele trabalha na construção de possíveis propostas para uma sociedade mais igualitária socialmente justa, economicamente desenvolvimento sustentável e um ambiente saudável.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    La extensión universitaria como herramienta de intervención en los conflictos socioambientales

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    La contaminación ambiental se ha instalado en las últimas décadas en distintos ámbitos; sin embargo, las conceptualizaciones, las formas de pensar esta problemática transversal y los matices son diversos según los modelos de desarrollo desde donde se la analice. La universidad pública no está exenta de estas tensiones, ya que coexisten en su interior distintas maneras de considerar los conflictos ambientales y de abordarlos desde sus tres pilares fundamentales (docencia, investigación y extensión).En 2010, la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata creó el Programa Ambiental de Extensión Universitaria como un espacio donde pensar a la Universidad frente a los conflictos ambientales de nuestra región y como un motor en el desarrollo de políticas a través del diálogo con los actores involucrados. Se trabaja en la construcción de posibles propuestas hacia una sociedad más igualitaria, un desarrollo económicamente sustentable, socialmente justo y un ambiente sano.A poluição ambiental foi instalada nas últimas décadas em varios campos; no entanto, os conceitos, as nuances e formas de pensar esta questão transversal, são diferentes, dependendo do modelo de desenvolvimento de onde é analisado. A universidade pública não é isenta destas tensões, por que dentro de ela coexistem diferentes formas de pensar os conflitos ambientais e de resolvê-los através do seus três pilares (ensino, pesquisa e extensão).Em 2010, a faculdade de ciências exatas criou o Programa de Extensão Universitária, como um lugar onde se pensa a universidade frente diferentes conflitos ambientais de nossa região. assim como o motor no desenvolvimento de políticas através do diálogo com diferentes atores envolvidos. Ele trabalha na construção de possíveis propostas para uma sociedade mais igualitária socialmente justa, economicamente desenvolvimento sustentável e um ambiente saudável.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Empleo de dispositivos BCI en alumnos para la evaluación docente

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    At this paper, we aim to offer a methodology for the collection and study of multimodal data through the integration and use of a brain-computer interface system better known as BCI, which facilitate the reading of physiological activity through electroencephalography (EEG) techniques to achieve analyzing cognitive processes that occur in subjects who are within a classroom voluntarily willing to learn. The BCI device of the NeuroSky brand, which is considered a low cost device, was used in conjunction with the free use software neuroexperimenter, where, being used together, it is possible to collect multimodal data in a traditional classroom; the obtained products served as a basis for conducting analysis of learning processes, to understand what happens from a perspective of cognitive neuroscience. The products of this methodology can be used as a reference for building reports to provide teachers feedback, where physiological data on the levels of attention in students open the opportunity to interpret the impacts of teaching activities. The relevance of this paper lies in the opportunity found to use BCI technologies so as to carry out studies within a classroom in an objective manner without using instruments such as a questionnaire.En este artículo se presenta una metodología para la recolección y estudio de datos multimodales por medio de la integración y uso de un sistema de interfaz cerebro-computador mejor conocidos como BCI, los cuales facilitan la lectura de la actividad fisiológica por medio de técnicas de electroencefalografía (EEG) para lograr analizar los procesos cognitivos que se producen en sujetos que se encuentran dentro de un salón de clase de forma voluntaria con disposición para aprender. El dispositivo BCI de la marca NeuroSky, es considerado como un dispositivo de bajo costo, el cual se utilizó en conjunto con el software de uso libre neuroexperimenter, donde al usarse en conjunto se logra la recolección de datos multimodales en un aula tradicional; los productos obtenidos sirvieron como base para realizar analíticas de los procesos de aprendizaje, para comprender que sucede desde una perspectiva de las neurociencias cognitivas. Los productos de esta metodología pueden ser utilizados como referente para construir reportes a fin de retroalimentar a docentes, donde los datos fisiológicos de los niveles de atención en alumnos abren la oportunidad de interpretar los impactos de las actividades docentes. Lo relevante de este artículo radica en la oportunidad encontrada para usar tecnologías BCI para realizar estudios dentro de un salón de clase de manera objetiva sin emplear instrumentos como un cuestionario

    Determinants of highly active antiretroviral therapy duration in HIV-1-infected children and adolescents in Madrid, Spain, from 1996 to 2012

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    Objectives: To investigate the duration of sequential HAART regimens and predictors of first-line regimen discontinuation among HIV-1 vertically infected children and adolescents. Design: Multicentre survey of antiretroviral-naı¨ve patients enrolled in the HIV-Paediatric Cohor,t CoRISpeS-Madrid Cohort, Spain. Methods: Patients with a follow-up of $1 month spent on HAART, with available baseline CD4 count and HIV-viral load (VL) were included. Time spent on sequential HAART regimens was estimated and multivariable regression was used to identify predictors of time to first-line regimen discontinuation. Results: 104 patients were followed for a median 8 years after starting HAART among 1996–2012; baseline %CD4 was 21.5 (12.3–34.0)and viral load was 5.1 (4.6–5.6) log10 copies/mL. Patients received a mean of 1.9 regimens. Median time on firstline HAART (n = 104) was 64.5 months; second HAART (n = 56) 69.8 months; and third HAART (n = 21) 66.5 months. Eleven (11%) patients were lost to follow-up while on first-line HAART and 54% discontinued (cumulative incidence of 16% and 38% by 1 and 3-year, respectively). The main predictor of first-line regimen discontinuation was suboptimal adherence to antiretrovirals (AHR: 2.60; 95% CI: 1.44–4.70). Conclusions: Adherence to therapy was the main determinant of the duration of the first-line HAART regimen in children. It is important to identify patients at high risk for non-adherence, such as very young children and adolescents, in provide special care and support to those patients.This work was supported by grants provided by the Fondo de Investigación de Sanidad en España (FIS) [grant numbers PI11-00888, PS09/02029, and PI13/02016], Red Española de Investigación en SIDA (RIS) [grant numbers RETIC RD06/0006/0035 RD12-0017-0037; RD06/0006/0021, RD12/0017/0029 and RD09/0076/00103], “Fundación para la Investigación y la Prevención del Sida en España” (FIPSE), Comunidad de Madrid [grant numbers, S-2010/BMD-2351, S-2010/BMD-2332], PENTA and Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual and grants PTDC/SAU-FAR/115290/2009 and PTDC/SAU-EPI/122400/2010 from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (http://www.fct.pt), Portugal. Claudia Palladino is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (SFRH/BPD/77448/2011). Verónica Briz is supported by the Spanish Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (Sara Borrell CD09/00433)

    Prevalence and patterns of illicit drug use in people living with HIV in Spain: A cross-sectional study

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    This study assessed the prevalence and patterns of drug use among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Spain. We conducted an observational cross-sectional study including 1401 PLHIV. Data were collected through 33 sites across Spain using an online computer-assisted self-administered interview. The survey measured use of illicit drugs and other substances, treatment adherence and health-related variables. To analyse patterns of drug use we performed cluster analysis in two stages. The most frequently consumed substances were: alcohol (86.7%), tobacco (55.0%), illicit drugs (49.5%), other substances (27.1%). The most prevalent illicit drugs used were cannabis (73.8%), cocaine powder (53.9%), and poppers (45.4%). Results found four clusters of PLHIV who used drugs. Two of them were composed mainly of heterosexuals (HTX): Cluster 1 (n = 172) presented the lowest polydrug use and they were mainly users of cannabis, and Cluster 2 (n = 84) grouped mostly men who used mainly heroin and cocaine; which had the highest percentage of people who inject drugs and presented the lowest level of treatment adherence (79.8±14.2; p < .0001). The other two clusters were composed mainly of men who have sex with men (MSM), who were mostly users of recreational drugs. Cluster 3 (n = 285) reported moderate consumption, both regarding frequency and diversity of drugs used, while Cluster 4 (n = 153) was characterized by the highest drug polyconsumption (7.4±2.2; p < .0001), and 4 grouped MSM who injected recreational drugs, and who reported the highest frequency of use of drugs in a sexual context (2.6±0.8; p < .0001) and rates of sexually transmitted infections (1.8±1.1; p < .01). This is the largest multi-centre cross-sectional study assessing the current prevalence and patterns of drug use among PLHIV in Spain. The highest prevalence of drug use was found among MSM, although HTX who used heroin and cocaine (Cluster 2) had the most problems with adherence to HIV treatment and the worst health status.This study was funded by ViiV Healthcare (grant nº: SEISIDA 001/2016). SC is Medical Manager at ViiV Healthcare. ViiV Healthcare was the promoter of the study but they did not play any role in data collection and analysis.S