601 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential of commercial language apps to meet students’ learning needs when studying English at High School and University

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    Nowadays, it is not difficult to see people with smartphones. They are part of our daily life and we use them all day for almost everything. Thanks to this, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is gaining popularity. The purpose of this study is to analyze the 15 most downloaded commercial apps from Google Play in order to identify first, whether these apps meet students’ learning needs and second, whether they explore the full potential of smartphones to support students’ in their learning process. Considering this, in this work a literary review has been done in order to identify the different types of learning that are supported by MALL. Besides, an analysis of the most downloaded apps for learning languages has been carried out to gather information on what is offered on Google Play. Apart from this, a questionnaire for students from High School and University has been designed in order to know students’ needs when learning English as a foreign language. The results obtained from the analysis of the questionnaires are highly revealing regarding students’ learning needs when using apps

    Estudio de la influencia de los profesores y los padres en la eficacia de un programa de habilidades de vida en la enseñanza primaria

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    [Resumen] El estudio de la influencia de los profesores y padres sobre la eficacia del programa de habilidades de vida en la Enseñanza Primaria se ha llevado a cabo comparando todas las puntuaciones tanto del BAS-1 como las obtenidas en el BAS-2 en relación con el grupo experimental. Se comprueba que la efectividad del programa se pone de manifiesto en la valoración positiva de las variables analizadas, tanto a nivel de curso como de evolución del nivel escolar. Respecto a las habilidades perturbadoras, se constata que el grupo experimental presenta una disminución significativa en todas ellas. De ahí que no solo se favorece el clima de la clase, sino también se potencia el desarrollo de la personalidad de los niños. La valoración positiva por parte de profesores y padres de los cambios producidos en el grupo experimental vienen a apoyar la eficacia del programa.[Abstract] The study was carried out by comparing all the scores obtained both on BAS-1 and on BAS-2 (Socialisation Battery) with those obtained by the experimental group. The programme is shown to be effective by the positive valuation of the variables analysed both within a school year andfrom one school year to the next. The experimental group was found to show a significant reduction in all the disturbing abilities. Therefore, not only the classroom atmosphere is improved, but the development of the children's personality is also strengthened. Teachers' and parents' positive evaluation of the changes that took place in the experimental group also supports the programme's efficacy

    Análisis de la precisión en la colocación de implantes dentales osteointegrados con guías estereolitográficas basado en la experiencia del cirujano

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    OBJETIVOS: El propósito de este estudio es evaluar si existen diferencias en la precisión de la colocación del implante guiado según el nivel de experiencia del cirujano. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: 15 cirujanos, divididos en tres grupos según el nivel de experiencia (I - Experto, II - Intermedio, III -Inexpertos). Estos cirujanos colocaron seis implantes en cinco mandíbulas idénticas (un total de 75 mandíbulas y 450 implantes). Se utilizó la misma planificación y guía estereolitográfica en todos los casos, generada por las imágenes CBCT y el software de planificación de implantes (NemoscanTM, Nemotec). Después de la colocación del implante en cada mandíbula, se tomó otro escáner y las imágenes en 3D de cada escaneo se combinaron con las imágenes en la planificación para evaluar cualquier desviación. Se midieron las diferencias en la posición de la plataforma, en el ápice y el ángulo del implante. Las diferencias entre cada cirujano y cada grupo se compararon mediante el análisis Manova. RESULTADOS: Hubo diferencias significativas en el ángulo del implante en los tres grupos. El grupo III (inexperto) presentó la mayor desviación de ángulo. El Grupo III (inexperto) mostró la mayor precisión de posición de la plataforma. No hubo diferencias significativas en los grupos en cuanto a la posición del ápice. Las diferencias, aunque estadísticamente significativas, son clínicamente irrelevantes. CONCLUSIONES: El uso de guías estereolitográficas generadas por ordenador en implantología dental es un sistema preciso sin diferencias clínicas relevantes según la experiencia previa del cirujano en cirugía guiada o implantología convencional.OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether or not there are any differences in the accuracy of guided implant placement depending on the surgeon's experience level. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 15 surgeons, divided into three groups based on experience level (I – Expert, II – Intermediate, III Novice). These surgeons set six implants in five identical mandibles (for a total of 75 mandibles and 450 implants). The same planning and stereolithographic guide were used in all cases - as generated by CBCT images and implant planning software (NemoscanTM, Nemotec). After the implant placement in each mandible, another scan was taken, and the 3D images of each scan were blended with the images in the planning in order to evaluate any deviation. Any differences in platform position, apex position and angle of the implant were measured. The differences between each surgeon and each group were compared using Manova analysis. RESULTS: There were significant differences in the angle of the implant in the three groups. Group III (novice) presented the greatest angle deviation. Group III (novice) showed the greatest platform position accuracy. There were no significant differences in the groups as far as apex position. The differences, although statistically significant, are clinically irrelevant. CONCLUSIONS: The use of computer-generated stereolithographic guides in dental implantology is an accurate system with no relevant clinical differences in the surgeon's previous experience in either guided surgery or conventional implantology

    Máscaras de animales e indumentaria pastoril en los carnavales gallegos como ritos de purificación previos a la Cuaresma

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    Carnival in Galicia is a celebration with its own identity and with different manifestations in many places. The masks represent the anonymity and the way of expression of what cannot be said in life in society, while establishing a new social order in force during those days prior to the time of recollection that Lent supposes. After a journey through the generic sense of Carnival, the meanings of this Galician fiesta have been explored in depth, through animal masks, shepherd's attires and expulsion rites, such as fertility rites, purification and protection of the flocks.El Carnaval en Galicia es una celebración con identidad propia y con distintas manifestaciones en muchos lugares. Las máscaras representan el anonimato y la vía de expresión de aquello que no se puede decir en la vida en sociedad, al tiempo que instauran un nuevo orden social vigente durante esos días previos al tiempo de recogimiento que supone la Cuaresma. Después de un recorrido por el sentido genérico del Carnaval, se ha profundizado en los significados particulares de esta fiesta gallega, a través las máscaras animales, atavíos pastoriles y ritos de expulsión, como ritos de fertilidad, purificación y protección de los rebaño

    Tout démarre par des chansons

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    Intensification of methanol steam reforming process using Cu-modified Ni-based supported catalysts

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    Hydrogen is conventionally manufactured in large scale by the steam reforming of methane or naphthas. The perspective of using hydrogen as a fuel depends of finding alternatives to the existing production technologies and feedstock. Oxygenated compounds are an interesting alternative and are been investigated extensively. The process of steam reforming of mixtures of oxygenated hydrocarbons does not contribute to a net increase in atmospheric CO2, as oxygenated obtained from renewable resources are considered to be CO2 neutral. In previous works has been demonstrate that Steam Reforming of oxygenated compounds is a complex reactions network where in a previous step, decomposition reaction take place followed by the reforming of decomposition products. Its known that DME (or methanol) receives particular attention due to its properties similar to those of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)and it can be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel. In other way, it has been demonstrate that DME-SR to produce H2 occurs through two main reactions in series, DME-Hydrolysis and MeOH-Steam Reforming. Therefore, bifunctional catalysts are necessary, with and acid funcion active in DME-HYD and a redox for reforming step. On the other hand, methanol is also regarded as an important feedstock for hydrogen production due to its high energy density and superior transportability, especially for small-scaled and portable fuel cell applications. In comparison with CH4-SR, the reaction temperature of methanol steam reforming is much lower and the gas off contains typically 60%-70% H2. In this contribution the Steam Reforming of MeOH has been studied using a Ni-based supported catalysts modified with copper and an optimized formulation was considered to incorporate in a microreformer, as an intensification of process to direct hydrogen supply on board.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El espacio en La habitación de Nona, obra de Cristina Fernández Cubas

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    Resumen: Cristina Fernández Cubas es una escritora que ha cultivado fundamentalmente el cuento fantástico. En este trabajo vamos a desarrollar un análisis del espacio en su última producción: La habitación de Nona. Para ello, partiremos de la modalidad fantástica como causa directa de que las descripciones de los espacios sean semejantes a las de las producciones realistas. Asimismo se explicará que los espacios adquieren un cariz ominoso determinado por la subjetividad del protagonista. De este modo, se mostrará que el espacio, en esta colección de cinco cuentos, está ligado a la subjetividad del personaje, que encontrará en la casa un refugio para su inconsciente y umbrales para pasar al otro lado de lo sobrenatural. Abstract: Cristina Fernández Cubas is a writer who has cultivated mainly the fantastic tale. In this project we are going to developpe an analysis of space in her last production: La habitación de Nona. For that, we will start from the fantastic mode as a direct cause of the kind of descriptions that we can find in the book; that is, they are realistic descriptions. Furthermore, we will explain that the spaces get an uncanny appearance because of the main character’s subjectivity. Thereby, we will show that the space, in this five story collection, is connected to the character’s subjectivity, who will find that the house is a refuge for his unconscious and that there are thresholds to go to the other side of the supernatural