2,160 research outputs found

    An approach to the "otherness" in a temple of millions of years of western Thebes, Egypt

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    Se realiza un relevamiento exhaustivo y determinaciones tecno-morfológicas de inscripciones y figuras grabadas en paredes y columnas de un templo de millones de años del antiguo Egipto. Se considera que esta clase de registro arqueológico permite, de manera exploratoria, avanzar sobre una línea complementaria a los estudios de alteridad mediante el reconocimiento de los tratamientos otorgados a ese monumento desde su construcción en el Reino Nuevo y después de su abandono como lugar de culto faraónico, dando muestras del paso de los distintos actores sociales que contribuyeron a la definición de diferentes "nosotros y otros" culturales y sociales.It is proposed to develop from archeology and exploratory manner a complementary analytical study of otherness. For this they were relieved and studied the engravings on the walls and columns of the Ramesseum, a Temple of Millions of years, located in Western Thebes, Egypt. Through the different treatments given to this monument in times of ancient Egypt, from the segregation of spaces and access restrictions, as in later times, after its abandonment as a place of Pharaonic cult, recorded a series of engravings representing the different social actors in the course of time it played in ancient Thebes and contributed to the definition of different "others" cultural and social.Fil: Manzi, Liliana M.. Buenos Aires (Argentina). Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

    A course of study in English related to the hairdressing department for an independent industrial trade school

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University, 1947. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Nevirapine- and efavirenz-associated hepatotoxicity under programmatic conditions in Kenya and Mozambique.

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    To describe the frequency, risk factors, and clinical signs and symptoms associated with hepatotoxicity (HT) in patients on nevirapine- or efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy (ART), we conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of patients attending the ART clinic in Kibera, Kenya, from April 2003 to December 2006 and in Mavalane, Mozambique, from December 2002 to March 2007. Data were collected on 5832 HIV-positive individuals who had initiated nevirapine- or efavirenz-based ART. Median baseline CD4+ count was 125 cells/μL (interquartile range [IQR] 55-196). Over a median follow-up time of 426 (IQR 147-693) days, 124 (2.4%) patients developed HT. Forty-one (54.7%) of 75 patients with grade 3 HT compared with 21 (80.8%) of 26 with grade 4 had associated clinical signs or symptoms (P = 0.018). Four (5.7%) of 124 patients with HT died in the first six months compared with 271 (5.3%) of 5159 patients who did not develop HT (P = 0.315). The proportion of patients developing HT was low and HT was not associated with increased mortality. Clinical signs and symptoms identified 50% of grade 3 HT and most cases of grade 4 HT. This suggests that in settings where alanine aminotransferase measurement is not feasible, nevirapine- and efavirenz-based ART may be given safely without laboratory monitoring

    A Large Cross-Sectional Community-Based Study of Newborn Care Practices in Southern Tanzania

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    Despite recent improvements in child survival in sub-Saharan Africa, neonatal mortality rates remain largely unchanged. This study aimed to determine the frequency of delivery and newborn-care practices in southern Tanzania, where neonatal mortality is higher than the national average. All households in five districts of Southern Tanzania were approached to participate. Of 213,220 female residents aged 13-49 years, 92% participated. Cross-sectional, retrospective data on childbirth and newborn care practices were collected from 22,243 female respondents who had delivered a live baby in the preceding year. Health facility deliveries accounted for 41% of births, with nearly all non-facility deliveries occurring at home (57% of deliveries). Skilled attendants assisted 40% of births. Over half of women reported drying the baby and over a third reported wrapping the baby within 5 minutes of delivery. The majority of mothers delivering at home reported that they had made preparations for delivery, including buying soap (84%) and preparing a cloth for drying the child (85%). Although 95% of these women reported that the cord was cut with a clean razor blade, only half reported that it was tied with a clean thread. Furthermore, out of all respondents 10% reported that their baby was dipped in cold water immediately after delivery, around two-thirds reported bathing their babies within 6 hours of delivery, and 28% reported putting something on the cord to help it dry. Skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby after delivery was rarely practiced. Although 83% of women breastfed within 24 hours of delivery, only 18% did so within an hour. Fewer than half of women exclusively breastfed in the three days after delivery. The findings suggest a need to promote and facilitate health facility deliveries, hygienic delivery practices for home births, delayed bathing and immediate and exclusive breastfeeding in Southern Tanzania to improve newborn health

    The record of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in the Ager Basin (Central Pyrenees, Spain)

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    The sedimentary record straddling the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in the Ager Basin (southern Central Pyrenees) was investigated by combining facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy and stable isotope data, within an interval characterized by a great variability of depositional environments. The occurrence of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) climatic anomaly is tentatively constrained by analogy with its stratigraphic range in the adjacent Tremp-Graus Basin. The main body of the carbon isotope excursion associated with the PETM may be recorded by lacustrine carbonates characterized by a ~ -3‰ shift in d13C with respect to analogous deposits of Thanetian age; a similar shift is recorded between in situ and resedimented pedogenic carbonates, a feature that suggests the partial erosion of the P/E boundary in the Ager Basin

    El fuego en las altas latitudes: Los Selk’nam de Tierra del Fuego como referente etnográfico para el Mesolítico europeo

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    El registro etnográfico de los grupos cazadores-recolectores de Tierra del Fuego, extremo sur de Sudamérica, puede ser aplicado al estudio del mesolítico europeo, tomando como base de comparación las similitudes medioambientales, climáticas y culturales de ambos lugares del planeta. La evidencia de uso de fuegos es ubicua y las interpretaciones otorgadas han sido fundamentalmente de carácter funcional, estructurando las actividades económicas y tecnológicas en los campamentos. La reinterpretación de los registros de excavación de los fogones recuperados en los sitios March Hill Carr y Top, Peninos centrales (Reino Unido), nos lleva a pensar que sus usos pudieron estar relacionados con actividades diferentes a las frecuentemente propuestas, tales como posibles prácticas sociales y simbólicas.The ethnographic record of modern hunter-gatherers in Tierra del Fuego, southern Patagonia, South America, can be applied to Mesolithic Europe. Climates, environments and cultural strategies were similar. Evidence for the use of fires is ubiquitous, though interpretations are almost exclusively functional, as hearths are considered to structure economic and technological activities of hunter-gatherer campsites. By moving away from an exclusively practical and economic interpretation, we can begin to approach a more realistic understanding of the function of hearths within hunter-gatherer societies. The reinterpretation of the hearths excavated at the sites of March Hill Carr and Top, in the central Penines (United Kingdom), lead us to consider social and symbolic practices related to the use of fire

    Gender Balance in Construction Material Research: The Analysis of Alkali-Activated Materials by a Bibliometric Study Using Scopus Database

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    Research in alkali-activated materials (AAMs) is an innovative and dynamic material science topic. This is due to the relevant performances in terms of physico-mechanical properties comparable to traditional construction materials (e.g., ordinary Portland cement). The sustainability of AAMs is often highlighted since they can be developed by using many natural or industrial by-products–based precursors. This leads to challenges with the optimization of AAM production due to their different performances, availability, and costs. However, they are flexible and locally adapted materials. The research interest in AAMs has rapidly increased in the early 2000s. In recent years, about 1,000 international articles have been published each year. This study aims at assessing the gender balance of this specific research topic to investigate the relevance of women’s participation. Author lists of the published articles were analyzed throughout the Scopus database, applying “alkali-activated material” and “geopolymers” as keywords in the titles, abstracts, and keywords search. The last 10 years (2009–2019) were taken into account. The gender of the most prolific authors was analyzed, and a focus of European authors on this topic was considered, as more than 25% of the research in AAMs have been carried out in Europe. The analysis of 5,900 publications in the last decade shows that there is currently a shift toward men in the gender balance in this specific research, and female authors only covered 22% of the most productive authors worldwide. Considering European authors, a more equal gender distribution is reached, when the first author is considered, with a concentration of women in the range of 36–56%, recorded over 1,396 articles