3,253 research outputs found

    GNSS in Precision Agricultural Operations

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    Today, there are two Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) that are fully operational and commercially available to provide all-weather guidance virtually 24 h a day anywhere on the surface of the earth. GNSS are the collection of localization systems that use satellites to know the location of a user receiver in a global (Earth-centered) coordinate system and this has become the positioning system of choice for precision agriculture technologies. At present North American Positioning System known as Navigation by Satellite Timing and Ranging Global Position System (NAVSTAR GPS or simply GPS) and Russian Positioning System known as Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) both qualify as GNSS. Two other satellite localization systems, Galileo (European Union) and Compass (Chinese), are expected to achieve full global coverage capability by 2020. Detailed information on GNSS technology is plentiful, and there are many books that provide a complete description of these navigation systems [9- 11]. But the focus of this chapter is on the applications of GPS in agricultural operations. These applications include positioning of operating machines, soil sampling, variable rate application and vehicle guidance.Comisión Europea FP7/2007-201

    Reception of waste in Spanish commercial ports: Trend models

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    In this study, a review of the port services for the collection of MARPOL waste from ships in Spanish commercial ports is carried out. In the first place, a characterization of the different Spanish ports is made in terms of their dimensioning, establishing as indicators the linear kilometres of berthing and the kilometres of railway service available to each port facility. Subsequently, an analysis of the situation of the waste collection service is made, looking for the type profile of the contracting company. Finally, trend models are developed to analyse the nearest future in terms of traffic and amounts of waste to be managed and an analysis is established from the port, considered as the most basic level, to the Autonomous Community, to end the analysis by coastal strips. North-Mediterranean-South differences are recognized

    The MARPOL Convention in scientific literature. Bibliographic review.

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    The objective of this work is to carry out a bibliographic review, in the field of the International Con-vention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. To do this, all the article-type publications thatappear in the Web of Science and Scopus databases until 2017 have been searched using the keywordMARPOL. Subsequently, the abstracts of all the articles are grouped together and a record for each ofthese references. With the data obtained, analyzes are carried out, both quantitative and qualitative. Allthis in order to obtain a global vision of the way in which the scientific literature deals with maritimeenvironmental problems. The work shows the direct relationship between the entry into force of thedifferent Annexes and the increase in scientific production and that the most numerous works are thosethat deal with legal and prevention aspects

    Temporal analysis of natural radionuclides deposition at Málaga(2005-2016)

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    Atmospheric deposition of radionuclides has been investigated in many studies from the aspects of both radiation protection and geochemistry. The present study, carried out in the city of Málaga, in the southeast of Spain, focuses on the assessment of the bulk depositional fluxes of three natural radionuclides: 7Be (cosmogenic origin), and 210Pb and 40K (crustal origin). These three radionuclides are useful markers of particles arising from their respective sources. To obtain fundamental information of atmospheric transportation, sedimentation and geological process of particulate matter, a long-term monitoring of atmospheric deposition has been carried out in Málaga from January 2005-December 2016. Samples of bulk deposition were collected on a monthly basis on a stainless steel tray from January 2005 to December 2016. Afterwards, a volume of 6 L of the bulk deposition was reduced via evaporation to 1 L approximately and transferred to a Marinelli geometry container for gamma counting. Additionally, aerosols samples were collected weekly in cellulose membrane filters of 0.8μm pore size and 47mm diameter with an air sampler lodged in an all-weather sampling station, situated on the roof near the bulk rain collector. Gamma counting of the aerosols and bulk deposition samples was performed using an intrinsic germanium coaxial detector, Re-Ge-type (CANBERRA). This study describes the results and then discusses characteristics of atmospheric deposition of mentioned radionuclides with respect to seasonal variations and dependency on controlling factors. The depositional fluxes of all radionuclides showed a clear seasonal trend with summer minimum and high values in wintertime


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    Strategic planning allows the analysis and design of probable decisions in the environment of Organizations. Technological change has generated a large amount of electronic waste (E-Waste). In the health not only affects people but the entire World. The methodological application of the circular economy in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (R2AE2) is done by defining efficiency indicators through linearization. A recursive decision feedback scheduling strategy for a system of efficient power generation. The competitive advantage of the circular economy through R2AE2 allows to obtain high revenues while providing adequate management in the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R) of waste to avoid contaminating the environment. The proposed methodology aims to obtain similar results when applying EC strategy in South- Southeast of Mexico

    Radionuclides in arctic marine macroalgae from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard)

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    Seaweeds are known to be useful environmental bioindicators since they bioaccumulate radioisotopes at very low environmental concentrations. Levels of natural radionuclides in six ecologically relevant brown and red seaweed species from Arctic coasts (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands) were analysed in the present study, in order to characterise the levels of natural radioactivity in this ecosystem and to compare this with previously published data in coastal areas from other latitudes. Thalli were collected by SCUBA divers at different depths in Hansneset in September 2014 and transported immediately to the laboratory. Young thalli, free from macroscopic epibiota, were dried, powdered and confined in a standard geometry before gamma spectrometry measurements. Then, the radioactivity of 7Be, 40K, 208Tl, 210Pb, 212Pb, 226Ra and 228Ra was measured by high-resolution gamma spectrometry using high-purity germanium detectors for 172800 s. Detectors were calibrated using a traceable multi gamma standard source and results are on a dry weight and fresh weight basis and are decay corrected to the date of sampling. Our results revealed the influence of cosmogenic radionuclides in the intertidal zone, as shown by the unique presence of 7Be in the brown macroalga Fucus distichus, the only analysed species inhabiting the intertidal. High concentrations of 40K were observed in all species, as this is one of the essential elements in biota. Remarkably is the high content of 210Pb in the red seaweeds Phycodrys rubens and Ptilota gunneri, suggesting that these species might possess a higher capacity for heavy metals bioaccumulation than the analysed brown seaweeds


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    Strategic planning allows the analysis and design of probable decisions in the environment of Organizations. Technological change has generated a large amount of electronic waste (E-Waste). In the health not only affects people but the entire World. The methodological application of the circular economy in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (R2AE2) is done by defining efficiency indicators through linearization. A recursive decision feedback scheduling strategy for a system of efficient power generation. The competitive advantage of the circular economy through R2AE2 allows to obtain high revenues while providing adequate management in the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R) of waste to avoid contaminating the environment. The proposed methodology aims to obtain similar results when applying EC strategy in South- Southeast of Mexico


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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento, la composición química y la producción de gas in vitro de 17 variedades de híbridos de maíz (11 híbridos blancos: Aspros 723, Búho, CML 457/458, Cromo, H40, H47E, H51EA, H66, H70, Hit7 y Victoria; 6 híbridos amarillos: HIT13, CML460, PIONER, COBRE, CDMO80001 y CLO80902) y dos criollos locales: un blanco (CLB) y un amarillo (CLA) cultivados en valles altos de México, en fresco, heno y conservados por ensilaje, con tres tratamientos: control (CTR), ácido acético al 1 % (AAC), o enzimas (ENZ), Sil all ® 10g/ton. Para los maíces blancos se encontraron diferencias en el rendimiento (P˂0.05) en fresco y en heno, con rendimientos de 60 a 117 ton/ha para fresco y de 17 a 29 ton/ha para heno respectivamente, en cuanto a su composición química (g/kg MS) mostraron diferencias (P˂0.05) para proteína, donde su concentración vario de 44 a 62 g/kg MS, FND de 581 a 629 g/kg MS y FAD de 297 a 344 g/kg MS; la producción de gas in vitro mostro diferencias (P˂0.05) para las fracciones b, c y lag time. No se encontraron diferencias (P˃0.05) para la materia seca desaparecida (612 a 669 g /kg MS). Se concluye que de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, las variedades H51EA, H47E y CLB son superiores con respecto al resto de las variedades estudiadas. Para las variedades de maíz amarillo el rendimiento en fresco y en seco no mostro diferencias entre tratamientos (P˃0.05), en cuanto a su composición química (g/kg MS) mostraron diferencias (P˂0.05) para proteína, donde su concentración vario de 54 a 74 g/kg MS, FND de 512 a 699 g/kg MS y FAD de 287 a 338 g/kg MS; la producción de gas in vitro mostro diferencias (P˂0.05) en cuanto a tratamientos de las 3 a 18 h de incubación, no así (P>0.05) para las 24 y 30 h, por variedad mostro diferencias (P˂0.05) a las 12 h siendo superior la variedad CLO80902 e inferior la variedad CML460; Se elaboraron micro-silos de diez variedades (n = 90), con tres tratamientos Ácido acético al 1 % (AAC), o enzimas, Sil All®10g/ton(ENZ) y control (CTR); Después de 60 días, se abrieron las micro-silos. Una vez obtenidos los resultados la matriz de datos se analizó utilizando dos técnicas multivariantes ([i] Las variables consideradas para el análisis de componentes Principales y [ ii ] El análisis jerárquico de conglomerados). La primera técnica multivariante se usó parareducir la información y definir los factores importantes. El análisis de conglomerados muestra la presencia de cuatro grupos con características diferentes entre los grupos: G1 como ensilados con energía (variedades H47 y Pioneer), G2 ensiladoscon proteína (variedades Cromo, H66 y Victoria), G3 ensilados de fácil degradabilidad (variedades Cobre y HIT7), y G4 ensilados balanceados (variedades Búho, H40, H70). Los tratamientos AAC y ENZ en G2, y ENZ en G3 fueron más altos en el contenido de proteína cruda (PC) que el resto de los tratamientos. Los tratamientos con ENZ en G1, G2 y G3 tuvieron el contenido más alto de fibra neutro detergente (FND) (P<0,01). Los contenidos de energía metabolizable (ME) y energía neta para lactación (ENl) fueron mayores para G1 tratado con AAC, ENZ y CTR y G2 CTR que el resto de la tratamientos. El pH más bajo (P < 0,01) fue para G2 y G4 tratados con AAC y CTR, en comparación con G1 y G2 tratados con AAC y ENZ.La producción de gas in vitro (ml gas/gMS) fue mayor (P<0,05) para G3 y G4 tratados con ENZ en comparación con G1 CTR y AAC. No hubo diferencias (P > 0,05) en la digestibilidad de la materia seca in vitro, pero la digestibilidad de la FDN fue mayor (P < 0,01) para G1 tratado con CTR, AAC y ENZ , G2 tratado con CTR , y G4 tratado con ENZ que el resto de los tratamientos . Como conclusión, el estudio muestra que tenemos cuatro grupos, dependiendo de su concentración de nutrientes, ensilajes con energía (G1) , ensilajes con proteínas (G2) , ensilajes de fácil degradabilidad (G3) y ensilajes Balanceados (G4) que podemos usar como fuentes de alimentación para el ganado

    Diagnóstico y medidas de remediación por altas concentraciones de radón en vivienda unifamiliar en el sur de España

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    Desde hace años existe una importante preocupación e interés en la comunidad científica por la exposición a altos niveles de radon en el interior de la viviendas, centros de trabajo y colegios. Esta preocupación se está extendiendo al conjunto de la población y son numerosas las referencias en artículos de prensa y medios de comunicación a este gas noble. Es bien sabido que las personas que inhalan altas concentraciones de radón tienen un riesgo mayor de padecer cáncer de pulmón, que es inducido por los descendientes del gas inhalado. En este trabajo presentamos los datos más relevantes obtenidos en una vivienda unifamiliar en la que los propietarios sospechaban de estar sometidos a altas concentraciones de radon. Para realizar el estudio utilizamos sistemas activos, concretamente 6 dispositivos con cámara de difusión con diodo de silicio, modelo Alpha E de Saphimo y un equipo AlphaGuard 2000 Pro, y sistemas pasivos mediante cartuchos de carbón activo para medidas en equipo de espectrometría gamma. Se trata de una vivienda de 550 m2 distribuidos en dos módulos con dos alturas y sótano acondicionado como vivienda del servicio. Tras una evaluación inicial en toda la vivienda, detectamos altos niveles de radon en tres estancias de la casa, registrando valores medios >6000 Bqm-3 con un valor máximo de 25350 Bqm-3. Se realizaron medidas correctoras mediante el uso de materiales impermeabilizantes y sistemas de extracción forzada en la zona no habitada del sótano consiguiendo disminuir los niveles de radon por debajo de los 100 Bqm-3 como valor medio

    Flapless implant surgery: a review of the literature and 3 case reports

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    Since the 1970s, modern Implantology is based on a concept of surgery with flap elevation. Gradually, several clinical trials demonstrated that a mid-crestal incision gives similar success rates compared to those obtained using the classical protocol. However, over the past decade in medicine it has been established the concept of minimally invasive surgery, consisting in taking advantage of advancements experienced in diagnostic techniques and specific surgical instruments, to perform surgical procedures infringing as less damage as possible to the patient The present work aims to produce a thorough review of the literature published on the field of Implantology with flapless surgery, to determine the current scientific evidence of the technique, along with illustrating the results with different clinical cases. After presenting the clinical cases, and the review of literature, we can say that flapless surgeries should be restricted to well-selected cases in which a proper clinical and radiological planning has been made. Patients treated with anticoagulant drugs or medically compromised equally can get benefitted by this minimal invasion technique