272 research outputs found

    A disaster risk assessment model for the conservation of cultural heritage sites in Melaka Malaysia

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    There exist ongoing efforts to reduce the exposure of Cultural Heritage Sites (CHSs) to Disaster Risk (DR). However, a complicated issue these efforts face is that of ‘estimation’ whereby no standardised unit exist for assessing the effects of Cultural Heritage (CH) exposed to DR as compared to other exposed items having standardised assessment units such as; ‘number of people’ for deaths, injured and displaced, ‘dollar’ for economic impact, ‘number of units’ for building stock or animals among others. This issue inhibits the effective assessment of CHSs exposed to DR. Although there exist several DR assessment frameworks for conserving CHSs, the conceptualisation of DR in these studies fall short of good practice such as international strategy for disaster reduction by United Nations which expresses DR to being a hollistic interplay of three variables (hazard, vulnerability and capacity). Adopting such good practice, this research seeks to propose a mechanism of DR assessment aimed at reducing the exposure of CHSs to DR. Quantitative method adopted for data collection involved a survey of 365 respondents at CHSs in Melaka using a structured questionnaire. Similarly, data analysis consisted of a two-step Structural Equation Modelling (measurement and structural modelling). The achievement of the recommended thresholds for unidimensionality, validity and reliability by the measurement models is a testimony to the model fitness for all 8 first-order independent variables and 2 first-order dependent variables. While hazard had a ‘small’ but negative effect, vulnerability had a ‘very large’ but negative effect on the exposure of CHSs to DR. Likewise, capacity had a ‘small’ but positive effect on the exposure of CHSs to DR. The outcome of this study is a Disaster Risk Assessment Model (DRAM) aimed at reducing DR to CHSs. The implication of this research is providing insights on decisions for DR assessment to institutions, policymakers and statutory bodies towards their approach to enhancing the conservation of CHSs


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    AbstractThis study discussed that Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions responded to Covid 19 pandemic era through their educational system. This study aimed to examine how Islamic educational institutions responded to the advancement of science in the current Covid-19 era. The method used was the library research method with a qualitative approach by excavating, discovering, reading, explaining, and conveying implicitly or explicitly to literature from the data. The source data came from articles, journals, and books related to Islamic education, Islamic boarding schools, and the response of Islamic education to the Covid-19 pandemic. In analyzing the data, the researcher used data descriptive and content analyses. The findings indicated that Islamic boarding schools applied online learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic era. Therefore, Islamic boarding schools responded by using science technology in the learning process by developing lesson plans based on the current situation.AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang merespon pandemi Covid-19 melalui sistem pendidikannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana lembaga pendidikan Islam menyikapi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan di era Covid-19 saat ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggali, menemukan, membaca, menjelaskan, dan menyampaikan secara implisit atau eksplisit ke literatur dari data. Sumber data berasal dari artikel, jurnal, dan buku terkait pendidikan Islam, pesantren, dan respon pendidikan Islam terhadap pandemi Covid-19. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan deskriptif data dan analisis isi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pesantren menerapkan pembelajaran online selama era Pandemi Covid-19. Oleh karena itu, pondok pesantren meresponnya dengan menggunakan iptek dalam proses pembelajarannya dengan mengembangkan RPP berdasarkan situasi saat ini

    Political Policy Analysis of the National Education Budget In Islamic Education Studies

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    This research reviews about national education budget in the study of Islamic education policy. The federal education budget is part of the political education policy in Indonesia. The politic of education budget can be realized through systems made in a country. Government policy regarding education budget allocation of 20% is by the mandate of the 1945 constitution as included in the Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBN). It is explained explicitly in the Statute of National Education System No.20 Year 2003 in article 49. This policy also becomes a lantern which can ease the economic burden of the poor to send their children to school because they have received funding from the government. However, the realization of the budget education of 20% may not be disbursed according to the benchmark percentage. Besides, there is Islamic education which has its institution in managing educational practices. This research was qualitative by collecting literature data from various primary and secondary references. Politic in education budget can make people more eager if all policy can protect other educational components, especially in the realm of Islamic education.Penelitian ini mengulas tentang anggaran pendidikan nasional dalam studi kebijakan pendidikan Islam. Anggaran pendidikan federal adalah bagian dari kebijakan pendidikan politik di Indonesia. Politik anggaran pendidikan dapat diwujudkan melalui sistem yang dibuat di suatu negara. Kebijakan pemerintah tentang alokasi anggaran pendidikan sebesar 20% adalah dengan mandat UUD 1945 sebagaimana tercantum dalam Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (RAPBN). Hal ini dijelaskan secara eksplisit dalam Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional No.20 Tahun 2003 dalam pasal 49. Kebijakan ini juga menjadi lentera yang dapat meringankan beban ekonomi orang miskin untuk menyekolahkan anak-anak mereka karena mereka telah menerima dana dari pemerintah. Namun, realisasi anggaran pendidikan 20% tidak dapat dicairkan sesuai dengan persentase patokan. Selain itu, ada pendidikan Islam yang memiliki institusi dalam mengelola praktik pendidikan. Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data literatur dari berbagai referensi primer dan sekunder. Politik dalam anggaran pendidikan dapat membuat orang lebih bersemangat jika semua kebijakan dapat melindungi komponen pendidikan lainnya, terutama di bidang pendidikan Islam

    Analisis model-model pembelajaran fikih yang aktual dalam merespons isu sosial di sekolah dan madrasah

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    This study describes the learning of fikih in schools in various models, methods or strategies, and approaches that have a significant role in achieving the goals of learning efforts and responding to various problems in society. Therefore, the method becomes a way and a tool guide in order to achieve learning with a goal that can produce various materials and concepts of fikih that can be arranged in the Islamic religious education curriculum. With the existence of inappropriate fikih learning models, approaches and strategies will be an obstacle to the smooth running of learning at this stage of the process. Thus, an educator needs to have skills in choosing the right model, strategy and approach according to the characteristics of subjects and students. These models, strategies, and approaches will only get optimal results if they can be used to achieve the stated goals. To achieve various learning objectives, one thing that needs to be considered and applied is to consistently use models, strategies and learning approaches that are in accordance with the conditions in schools and madrasa. This research is in the form of literature study, namely research with the source of material from the library. So that, what is, done in making this research is exploration of some data. AbstrakPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang pembelajaran fikih di sekolah dalam berbagai model, metode atau strategi, dan pendekatan yang memiliki andil signifikan dalam tujuan tercapai upaya pembelajaran serta merespons berbagai persoalan di masyarakat. Karena itu metode menjadi jalan dan petunjuk alat agar mencapai pembelajaran dengan tujuan yang dapat menghasilkan berbagai bahan dan konsep fikih yang dapat diatur pada kurikulum Pendidikan agama Islam. Dengan adanya model, pendekatan dan strategi pembelajaran fikih yang tidak sesuai akan menjadi penghambat kelancaran pembelajaran pada tahap prosesnya. Dengan demikian, seorang pendidik perlu memiliki keterampilan dalam memilih model, strategi dan pendekatan yang tepat sesuai dengan karakteristik mata pelajaran dan peserta didik. Model, strategi, dan pendekatan ini hanya akan mendapatkan hasil yang optimal jika dapat digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Untuk meraih berbagai tujuan pembelajaran, maka salah satu yang perlu diperhatikan dan diterapkan adalah dengan konsisten memakai model, strategi dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kondisi di sekolah dan madrasah. Penelitian ini berupa studi kepustakaan, yaitu penelitian dengan sumber bahan dari perpustakaan. Sehingga yang dilakukan dalam pembuatan penelitian ini yaitu eksplorasi terhadap beberapa data


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    That it is necessary to go through the perspective of Islamic education. Realizing quality education is one of the goals of the Indonesian state, as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, paragraph 4. In addition, education is also included in a very important component in order to advance a civilization. improve the quality of education.In writing this article using research based on library research or can be referred to as library research. In this literature research, it means using the media for collecting library materials, such as books, journals, articles, and so on that are able to support this research in solving problems. The method is that after the library materials have been collected, an analysis of the various materials that have been found is then carried out in accordance with the problems raised.In the view of Islam and the study of Islamic Education, both the collaboration of Islamic and Western theories all agree that inclusive education does not conflict with Islamic teachings and values. Because the teachings of Islam itself require obligations and opportunities in studying, and require concern for others without discriminating against ethnicity, skin color, flag color differences and others, as well as different human physical conditions. The existence of inclusive education provides equal opportunities for children with special needs and creates conditions or attitudes that are not discriminatory between normal children and children with special needs under one roof, both in Islamic Education Institutions and in various other communities

    The Application of Health and Safety Plan in Nigerian Construction Firms

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    Construction works all over the world pose serious threat to workers and even non-workers. Health and safety in Nigerian construction firms have long been an issue to reckon with due to the several reports of the occurrence of accidents during construction works. This study investigates the extent of application of Health and Safety Plan in construction firms in Nigeria. A purposive sampling technique was used purposely for convenience sake and data was fetched from three cities with equal representation by the aid of a structured questionnaire. Results reveal that even though most firms studied have been in business for over a decade, one quarter of them hardly comply with any Health and Safety Plan during construction. Furthermore, employees are assets but this study reveals that some firms fully in business neither have Health and Safety insurance for their employees nor do some facilitate payment of Health and Safety insurance for their staff. It was concluded that effective Health and Safety practices for employees in Nigeria are yet to be fully appreciated and implemented among construction firms. As such, it is recommended that relevant authorities should checkmate Health and Safety practices in the Nigerian construction industry

    Peran Pendidikan Islam dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Pendidikan di Indonesia

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    This article describes the role of Islamic education in the implementation of educational autonomy that occurs in Indonesia, both in Islamic educational institutions and in general education institutions. The results of the study indicate that Islamic education plays a major role in the implementation of educational autonomy. This is because Islamic education is a separate part that is able to implement its curriculum in Islamic educational institutions. This research is a literature study so that the data analyzed are sourced from various literature references by using literature analysis in revealing the data. Thus, the implementation of educational autonomy in various Indonesian educational institutions goes well together in accordance with the educational and learning objectives to be achieved. In the context of Islamic education itself, the entire PAI curriculum is able to synergies with other subjects implemented in schools and madrasa


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    The purpose of this study was to find out about the importance of child protection and education from an Islamic perspective. The method in this study uses the method of literature study or literature study sourced from relevant library materials with a focus on research topics. The literature analyzed in this article is obtained from several national journals and several books that are in line with the problem of children's education from an Islamic perspective, then after the required data is deemed sufficient, data analysis is carried out and followed by a conclusion. This study shows that the development of children's potential can be done through an Islamic education approach. Thus, Islamic education in the future needs to focus on and contribute greatly to the protection and education of children. Not only normative with existing arguments but also needs to give a special role so that Indonesian children do not experience trauma and mental decline. This is because the growth and development of children are strongly influenced by the education factor received from an early age.Keywords: Child Protection, Child Education, Islamic Education

    The Humanistic Education Model in Virtual Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Humanistic education conceptually can build peace of mind and body to achieve the virtues of a learner's life. The perfection of this life can be directed to the development of personality that includes thinking, mental strength and creativity of students by developing patterns of individual human development. The concept of humanization and the nature of education is the element that can best distinguish humans by using their thoughts because this is a gift of reason that has been given by the creator. In addition, humans are free to use it through the learning process. This research used a qualitative approach and literature analysis as a method of data analysis. Thus, to respond to virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to prioritize and apply education and methods that are better able to understand the human condition as learners. It is expected that through this process, general educational goals can be achieved and specific learning objectives can be realized. Model Pendidikan Humanis dalam Pembelajaran Virtual di Masa Pandemi Covid-19Pendidikan humanis secara konseptual dapat membangun ketenangan jiwa dan raga untuk mencapai keutamaan kehidupan pembelajar. Kesempurnaan kehidupan ini bisa diarahkan kepada pengembangan kepribadian yang mencakup pemikiran, kekuatan jiwa dan kreativitas peserta didik dengan cara dapat mengembangkan pola pengembangan individual manusia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep humanisasi dan hakikat Pendidikan merupakan unsur yang paling bisa membedakan manusia dengan menggunakan pemikirannya, lantaran ini adalah anugerah nalar yang sudah diberikan sang pencipta dan manusia bebas memanfaatkannya melewati proses pembelajaran khususnya pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisis literatur sebagai metode analisis data. Dengan demikian, untuk merespon pembelajaran virtual di masa pandemi COVID-19 maka perlu mengedepankan dan menerapkan pendidikan serta metode yang lebih mampu memahami kondisi manusia sebagai pembelajar. Diharapkan melalui proses itu, maka tujuan pendidikan secara umum dapat tercapai dan tujuan pembelajaran secara khusus dapat terwujud


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    This research studies about the policy of Islamic teacher education (PAI) about the extent of teacher certification towards the professional attitude they have towards the development of students, especially in the context of the digital age. Teacher certification especially PAI teacher can give professionalism attitude towards students in various learning activities. Meanwhile, the welfare of PAI teachers in Indonesia has increased with the emergence of the certification policy. Furthermore, it has implications for PAI teachers to be able to improve their professionalism in conducting learning obligations. Thus, the process that occurring in the interaction between educators and students can run well. In the end, the goal of Islamic education is to form a muttaqien person realized to the maximum. This research was a library library research that is research sourced from library materials using a qualitative approach. Therefore, it was an exploration of a number of data both primary and secondary data with concrete steps as follows: reading and examining in depth primary data such as books which are the results of research, theses or dissertations related to this topic. Therefore, Teacher education policies in the industrial revolution era 4.0 related to teacher certification especially PAI teachers need to be adjusted to the current context. Thus, teachers in Indonesia are not trapped between policy and reality on the ground faced by students. Our expectation is that there will be no more teachers in Indonesia complaining about their income, no more teachers being victimized by schools or foundations for those who have already been certified. Therefore, the teacher certification policy can make PAI teachers further increase their professionalism and welfare
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