1,263 research outputs found

    The 47 Percent: U.S. Trends in Income Maintenance and Medicaid Spending, 1990-2011

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    We analyze trends and variations in state-level expenditure growth for Medicaid, SSI, SNAP, and TANF. We explore three areas of interest: (1) How program structure impacts growth; (2) How programs responded to the 2008/2009 recession; and (3) How state preference for limited government, measured by Right- To-Work (RTW) status and political affiliation, impacts program expenditure growth. Findings show that program structure impacts expenditure growth: the state-matched programs like TANF and Medicaid grew slower from 1990-2011 than did open-ended federal programs like SNAP. OLS models found states with RTW policies and large Hispanic populations positively associated with higher income maintenance and Medicaid expenditure growth

    A re-examination of the anatomy and systematics of the tomistomine crocodylians from the Miocene of Italy and Malta

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    Once a much more globally widespread crocodylian clade, Tomistominae is today represented by just one species, Tomistoma schlegelii (the false gharial), restricted to south-east Asia. Although tomistomine fossil occurrences are recognized from the early Eocene (∼55 Ma) onwards, their remains are often incomplete, making appropriate taxonomic classification within the group problematic. This is especially pertinent to several taxa from the Miocene of Europe, which were historically erected from fragmentary remains. Here we re-examine and describe four approximately contemporaneous taxa from Malta and Italy to determine their taxonomy and phylogenetic affinities: Melitosaurus champsoides, Tomistoma calaritanum, Tomistoma gaudense and Tomistoma lyceense. We place them into a phylogenetic analysis for the first time, comprising 70 taxa scored for 244 characters, several of which are revised or novel, and apply a number of character weighting strategies. Whereas ‘Tomistoma lyceense’ is deemed to be an indeterminate tomistomine, a unique combination of features confirms Melitosaurus champsoides, Tomistoma calaritanum and Tomistoma gaudense as three distinct species. These three taxa are recovered as derived tomistomines, with characters such as a posterior maxillary process between the lacrimal and nasal, large supratemporal fenestrae that are wider than long, and the posteromedial alignment of the last three premaxillary teeth, suggesting a close relationship with the approximately contemporaneous European taxa, Tomistoma lusitanica and Gavialosuchus eggenburgensis. It is unlikely that any of these species belong to Tomistoma, with the possibility that they can all be classified under Melitosaurus and Gavialosuchus. However, we retain them in open nomenclature pending reassessment of the remaining European Miocene tomistomines. Our taxonomic and phylogenetic revision helps to elucidate past tomistomine diversity in the Miocene of the Mediterranean region, prior to the group’s extirpation, and is an important first step in resolving the complicated history of European tomistomine systematics

    The efficacy of cleaning and disinfection on pig farms

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    Little is known about the effectiveness of the cleaning and disinfection methods in use on commercial pig farms either in Ireland or worldwide. A National Salmonella Control Programme was implemented in Ireland in August 2002 to monitor and control infection with Salmonella spp. in pigs

    Temporal and phylogenetic evolution of the sauropod dinosaur body plan

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    The colossal size and body plan of sauropod dinosaurs are unparalleled in terrestrial vertebrates. However, to date, there have been only limited attempts to examine temporal and phylogenetic patterns in the sauropod bauplan. Here, we combine three-dimensional computational models with phylogenetic reconstructions to quantify the evolution of whole-body shape and body segment properties across the sauropod radiation. Limitations associated with the absence of soft tissue preservation in fossils result in large error bars about mean absolute body shape predictions. However, applying any consistent skeleton : body volume ratio to all taxa does yield changes in body shape that appear concurrent with major macroevolutionary events in sauropod history. A caudad shift in centre-of-mass (CoM) in Middle Triassic Saurischia, associated with the evolution of bipedalism in various dinosaur lineages, was reversed in Late Triassic sauropodomorphs. A craniad CoM shift coincided with the evolution of quadrupedalism in the Late Triassic, followed by a more striking craniad shift in Late Jurassic–Cretaceous titanosauriforms, which included the largest sauropods. These craniad CoM shifts are strongly correlated with neck enlargement, a key innovation in sauropod evolution and pivotal to their gigantism. By creating a much larger feeding envelope, neck elongation is thought to have increased feeding efficiency and opened up trophic niches that were inaccessible to other herbivores. However, we find that relative neck size and CoM position are not strongly correlated with inferred feeding habits. Instead the craniad CoM positions of titanosauriforms appear closely linked with locomotion and environmental distributions, potentially contributing to the continued success of this group until the end-Cretaceous, with all other sauropods having gone extinct by the early Late Cretaceous

    The Role of Legal Services in the Antipoverty Program

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    Large-scale adaptive radiations might explain the runaway success of a minority of extant vertebrate clades. This hypothesis predicts, among other things, rapid rates of morphological evolution during the early history of major groups, as lineages invade disparate ecological niches. However, few studies of adaptive radiation have included deep time data, so the links between extant diversity and major extinct radiations are unclear. The intensively studied Mesozoic dinosaur record provides a model system for such investigation, representing an ecologically diverse group that dominated terrestrial ecosystems for 170 million years. Furthermore, with 10,000 species, extant dinosaurs (birds) are the most speciose living tetrapod clade. We assembled composite trees of 614-622 Mesozoic dinosaurs/birds, and a comprehensive body mass dataset using the scaling relationship of limb bone robustness. Maximum-likelihood modelling and the node height test reveal rapid evolutionary rates and a predominance of rapid shifts among size classes in early (Triassic) dinosaurs. This indicates an early burst niche-filling pattern and contrasts with previous studies that favoured gradualistic rates. Subsequently, rates declined in most lineages, which rarely exploited new ecological niches. However, feathered maniraptoran dinosaurs (including Mesozoic birds) sustained rapid evolution from at least the Middle Jurassic, suggesting that these taxa evaded the effects of niche saturation. This indicates that a long evolutionary history of continuing ecological innovation paved the way for a second great radiation of dinosaurs, in birds. We therefore demonstrate links between the predominantly extinct deep time adaptive radiation of non-avian dinosaurs and the phenomenal diversification of birds, via continuing rapid rates of evolution along the phylogenetic stem lineage. This raises the possibility that the uneven distribution of biodiversity results not just from large-scale extrapolation of the process of adaptive radiation in a few extant clades, but also from the maintenance of evolvability on vast time scales across the history of life, in key lineages

    Spatial sampling heterogeneity limits the detectability of deep time latitudinal biodiversity gradients

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    The latitudinal biodiversity gradient (LBG), in which species richness decreases from tropical to polar regions, is a pervasive pattern of the modern biosphere. Although the distribution of fossil occurrences suggests this pattern has varied through deep time, the recognition of palaeobiogeographic patterns is hampered by geological and anthropogenic biases. In particular, spatial sampling heterogeneity has the capacity to impact upon the reconstruction of deep time LBGs. Here we use a simulation framework to test the detectability of three different types of LBG (flat, unimodal and bimodal) over the last 300 Myr. We show that heterogeneity in spatial sampling significantly impacts upon the detectability of genuine LBGs, with known biodiversity patterns regularly obscured after applying the spatial sampling window of fossil collections. Sampling-standardization aids the reconstruction of relative biodiversity gradients, but cannot account for artefactual absences introduced by geological and anthropogenic biases. Therefore, we argue that some previous studies might have failed to recover the ‘true’ LBG type owing to incomplete and heterogeneous sampling, particularly between 200 and 20 Ma. Furthermore, these issues also have the potential to bias global estimates of past biodiversity, as well as inhibit the recognition of extinction and radiation events

    SSE Spine Tango - content, workflow, set-up: www.eurospine.org - Spine Tango

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    The Spine Tango registry is now accessible via the SSE webpage under www.eurospine.org - Spine Tango. Links to the Swiss/International, German and Austrian modules are provided as well as information about the philosophy, methodology and content. Following the links, the users are taken to the respective national modules for registration or log-in and data entry. The Swiss/International module, also accessible under www.spinetango.com, is used by all Swiss and international users, who do not have a separate national module. The physician administered forms for surgery, staged surgery and follow-up can be downloaded as PDFs.The officially recommended Spine Tango patient forms are also available. All forms were implemented in an online version and as scannable optical mark reader forms which can be ordered from the corresponding autho

    An investigation into the efficacy of washing trucks following the transportation of pigs - a Salmonella perspective

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    A National Salmonella Control Program is in place in the Republic of Ireland, which requires the categorisation of all pigs according to their Salmonella status. Herds in Categories 1, 2, and 3 have a serological prevalence of infection with Salmonella serotypes of \u3c10%, \u3e10-\u3c50% and \u3e50-\u3c100%, respectively. Transport of animals constitutes a stress which may induce shedding of salmonellae by carrier pigs. Although washing of trucks before leaving the abattoir is mandatory in the Republic of Ireland, little is known about the efficacy of the cleaning methods in use on trucks following the transportation of live pigs
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