27 research outputs found

    Ocean Surface Trash Collector

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    This paper describes the design of a robot for collecting waste floating on the water surface. Three important issues for designing the aquatic robots are a cost-effective solution along with robustness and durability. Due to the nature of the cleaning work, we designed the robot structure with car like mechanism that can provide high stability, good ability in maneuver and can easily collect all the waste flowing on the water. The plastic pipe container works best for this case and fulfils all structural stability criteria. For collection of waste, a motor-driven conveyor belt has been designed for collecting the wastes and deploy it into a plastic box connected to the platform. This design provides simple and effective waste removal and accommodates large amounts of waste within a little space. This light-weight and tough structure support the total weight of the collected waste, conveyor as well as the hardware components used. The rotating arms system based a differential drive mechanism has been designed, which allows the robots to require a 360 turn on the spot and provides high thrust. Electronic circuit and motors have been placed on the platform, in order to protect them from water. The robot is automatically controlled by Arduino, sensors, motor driver, GPS and GSM modules. The testing of the robot prototype proved to be effective in waste collecting and getting back to the way-point. The maximum trash loads that robot can bear is up 5 kg. The main aim of the project is to optimize time, energy and overall process speed

    Immunomodulatory effects of fruits of Barringtonia racemosa Linn.

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    Background: Barringtonia racemosa (B. racemosa) is used medicinally in treatment of diarrhoea, asthma, coughs, jaundice. It is also used as an analgesic and antipyretic. This plant has also significant anti-tumor activity. However, systematic evaluation of its immunomodulatory effects has not been reported. In present study the hydroalcoholic extract of fruits of B. racemosa has been evaluated for its immunomodulatory properties in animal models.Methods: Extract of Fruits of B. racemosa was prepared from fruit powder and methanol by macerations and filtration. Healthy albino Wistar rats of either sex having 110-160 g body weight were used for this study. 1. Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH) using Sheep red blood cells (SRBCs): After immunization with SRBC effect of cyclophosphamide and hydroalcoholic extract of B. racemosa was seen on paw volume changes in rats challenged with SRBC by using digital Plethysmometer. 2. Humoral antibody response to SRBC: Animas were immunized with SRBC and treated with cyclophosphamide and hydroalcoholic extract of B. racemosa. Serum of these animals was observed for haemagglutination titer.Results: Fruits extract at the dose of 5 mg/kg i.p. showed significant decrease in DTH response as compared to that of control group animals. However, the effect of extract was less potent as compared to that of cyclophosphamide treated group. In haemagglutination titer assay, antibody titer in case naïve control, SRBC treated, cyclophosphamide treated and extract treated groups was 1:1, 1:32, 1:8 and 1:16 respectively.Conclusions: The hydroalcoholic extract of this fruits was found to inhibit SRBCs induced DTH in rats. Similarly, SRBCs induced antibody titer was also reduced

    Optimization of Automotive Part Design by Using Topology Optimization Technique

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    This paper is about to study topology optimization for automotive part design for optimized solution of our design process. Solutions obtained for automotive design or any design is far from exact optimal solution so that increasing the need of use of optimization technique for safety and cost reduction. In this paper we are going to study case of chassis used in automotive component with one of method in topology optimization for safety of design. We are going to use optimality criteria for solution. Results obtained by this are totally based on given constraints to our structure design. Also, we study different method of topology optimization.

    Design and Analysis of Failure Strength of Composite I-Beam

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    Most of the chemical industries, the steel is coated with Polyurethane (PU) on steel sample which is found that some chemical reaction and rusted in acidic bath solution so there is very big problem in industry. The above problem is reduced by using the reinforced epoxy glass fiber composite material. In this investigation the results revealed that, Araldite 2015 have used in this composite material the maximum stress at web-flange junction (WFJ) is 10.797MPA which indicate that maximum stress as compared to Hundstman Araldite, the maximum stress value of 10.363MPA, which is improved the failure strength on the web-flange junction. The numerical analysis results clearly indicate that the emersion of the reinforced epoxy glass fibre in the acidic bath solution for a certain period for no any reaction with acidic bath and improving the behaviour of the specimen

    Development and Valiation of Stability Indicating Chromatographic Methods for Drugs Used in Bacterial Infection Diseases Applying Experimental Design

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    This study was motivated by the fact that certain food poisonings and harmful microorganisms in ethanol and water determine roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris). is to exhibit the capacity to eliminate Least inhibitory focuses (MICs) of different plant extricates against Gram-positive microorganisms (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative microscopic organisms (Escherichia coli, Enteritidis, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and parasites (Candida albicans) and antibacterial impacts were explored. It is dissolved and measured using the agar well dispersion technique. The concentrate showed antimicrobial efficacy against the microorganisms and yeast used in the tests. Both pHint reduction and cell layer hyperpolarization indicated that the plant extract had a profound effect on the membranes of Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Overall, plant extracts have significant potential as unique regular food additives due to their antibacterial properties

    The analog of cGAMP, c-di-AMP, activates STING mediated cell death pathway in estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer cells

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    Immune adaptor protein like STING/MITA regulate innate immune response and plays a critical role in inflammation in the tumor microenvironment and regulation of metastasis including breast cancer. Chromosomal instability in highly metastatic cells releases fragmented chromosomal parts in the cytoplasm, hence the activation of STING via an increased level of cyclic dinucleotides (cDNs) synthesized by cGMP-AMP synthase (cGAS). Cyclic dinucleotides 2’ 3’-cGAMP and it's analog can potentially activate STING mediated pathways leading to nuclear translocation of p65 and IRF-3 and transcription of inflammatory genes. The differential modulation of STING pathway via 2’ 3’-cGAMP and its analog and its implication in breast tumorigenesis is still not well explored. In the current study, we demonstrated that c-di-AMP can activate type-1 IFN response in ER negative breast cancer cell lines which correlate with STING expression. c-di-AMP binds to STING and activates downstream IFN pathways in STING positive metastatic MDA-MB-231/MX-1 cells. Prolonged treatment of c-di-AMP induces cell death in STING positive metastatic MDA-MB-231/MX-1 cells mediated by IRF-3. c-di-AMP induces IRF-3 translocation to mitochondria and initiates Caspase-9 mediated cell death and inhibits clonogenicity of triple-negative breast cancer cells. This study suggests that c-di-AMP can activate and modulates STING pathway to induce mitochondrial mediated apoptosis in estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer cells

    Depth distribution of radiation defects in irradiated diamonds by confocal Raman spectroscopy

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    Five colored diamonds were investigated. According to the results of the study by FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR and Photoluminescence spectroscopy, they are natural type Ia diamonds. The depth distribution of the color intensity was carried out by measuring the intensity of the PL peak at 741 nm (GR1 center) upon excitation by a laser with a wavelength of 633 nm of Raman Confocal microscope. To minimise the perturbation due to geometrical effects, defect distribution profiles were normalised with respect to diamond Raman peak intensity (691 nm) point by point.  For two diamonds, the intensity of the GR1 peak (741 nm) sharply decreased to a depth of 10 µm, and then became equal to the background level, which is typical for irradiation with alpha particles from natural sources like uranium. In other diamonds, the profiles vary slightly with depth, and the color intensity is close to uniform, which is for irradiation with accelerated electrons or neutrons. The source of radiation has not been determined. However, long duration radioactivity measurements of the diamonds suggested that neutrons were not used for colour centers production in the diamonds studied

    H and Cl isotope characteristics of indigenous and late hydrothermal fluids on the differentiated asteroidal parent body of Grave Nunataks 06128

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    The paired achondrites Graves Nunataks (GRA) 06128 and 06129 are samples of an asteroid that underwent partial melting within a few million years after the start of Solar System formation. In order to better constrain the origin and processing of volatiles in the early Solar System, we have investigated the abundance of H, F and Cl and the isotopic composition of H and Cl in phosphates in GRA 06128 using secondary ion mass spectrometry. Indigenous H in GRA 06128, as recorded in magmatic merrillite, is characterised by an average δD of ca. -152 ± 330‰, which is broadly similar to estimates of the H isotope composition of indigenous H in other differentiated asteroidal and planetary bodies such as Mars, the Moon and the angrite and eucrite meteorite parent bodies. The merrillite data thus suggest that early accretion of locally-derived volatiles was widespread for the bodies currently populating the asteroid belt. Apatite formed at the expense of merrillite around 100 million years after the differentiation of the GRA 06128/9 parent body, during hydrothermal alteration, which was probably triggered by an impact event. Apatite in GRA 06128 contains 5.4-5.7 wt.% Cl, 0.6-0.8 wt.% F, and ~20 to 60 ppm H2O, which is similar to the H2O abundance in merrillite from which apatite formed. The apatite δD values range between around +100‰ and +2000‰ and are inversely correlated with apatite H2O contents. The Cl isotope composition of apatite appears to be homogeneous across various grains, with an average δ37 Cl value of 3.2 ± 0.7‰. A possible scenario to account for the apatite chemical and isotopic characteristics involves interaction of GRA 06128/9 with fumarole-like fluids derived from D- and HCl-rich ices delivered to the GRA 06128/9 parent-body by an ice-rich impactor

    Association of thyroid dysfunction and anemia in pregnancy: A cross sectional study

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    Background: Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy is clinically important as insufficient thyroxine is associated with an increased risk of premature birth, low birth weight and miscarriage. This prospective, cross sectional study, single-center study was carried out to identify the thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy in Indian antenatal mothers.                                                                                                            Methods: This prospective, cross sectional study, single-center study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Indian Institute of Medical Science & Research, Warudi, Badnapur, Jalna, India. The study period was of 20 months from January-2018 to August-2019. One hundred and sixty six antenatal mothers with age population in range of 18-35 years were included in the study.  All the study subjects were randomly selected & rendered to serological testing’s like T3, T4, TSH. All The study protocol was performed in accordance with the principle of the declaration of Helsinki and after approval by the Institutional ethical scientific committee. The data was entered and tabulated in MS-Excel 2007, and statistical analysis was performed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 22.0). Data had been summarized as mean for numerical variables and count and percentages for categorical variables

    Evaluation of some objective parameters for Ushna and Sheeta Gunas based on pharmacological study

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    In the formation of a principle, the experimental study plays a pivotal role. After repeated experiments under the same conditions, if one finds the same results, then a principle is formed. Ayurvedic principles which were formulated on the basis of keen observations and through special senses need to be reassessed through contemporary scientific tools. The principles of Ushna (hot) and Sheeta (cold) Gunas (properties) need to be assessed and evaluated through various animal experiments so as to suggest parameters which can be suitable for the evolution of these Gunas. The present study is an attempt to find out the possibility of employing simple experimental parameters to assess these Gunas in selected drug substances and the data generated through this study were analyzed. The obtained results are encouraging to develop the same. All details are presented in this paper