69 research outputs found
Masyarakat Baduy merupakan salah satu masyarakat terasing yang bertempat
tinggal menetap di Desa Kanekes Kecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak Jawa Barat.
Kehidupan masyarakatnya sangat terikat dengan pola pikukuh adat yang diberlakukan
sepanjang jaman.
Khusus dalam bidang pendidikan, masyarakat yang bersangkutan tidak mengenal
kehadiran pendidikan sekolah. Namun demikian, meskipun secara adat tidak menerima
kehadiran pendidikan sekolah, ternyata telah ada sekelompok masyarakat yang telah
melek huruf Studi ini mencoba mengungkap proses pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan
masyarakat dalam upaya mengentaskan diri dari kebutahurufan. Untuk kepentingan
penelitian, studi ini dibatasi ke dalam beberapa pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu sebagai berikut
: (a) apakah masyarakat Baduy telah memiliki kebutuhan belajar, kalau memang telah
memilikinya, apakah jenisnya ?, (b) bagaimana gaya belajar yang telah dilakukan oleh
masyarakat Baduy ?, (c) apakah ada relevansi antara pikukuh adat masyarakat Baduy
dengan kebutuhan pendidikan dan gaya belajar yang dilakukannya, (d) faktor-faktor
apakah yang mempengaruhi masyarakat Baduy untuk mau dan mampu membelajarkan
dirinya ?, (e) apakah ada perbedaan proses pembelajaran antara masyarakat Baduy luar
dengan Baduy dalam ?, dan (f) kebutuhan belajar apalagikah yang diperlukan masyarakat
Baduy setelah mereka melek huruf?
Studi ini pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk : (a) mengkaji kebutuhan belajar
masyarakat Baduy, terutama dalam bidang pendidikan luar sekolah, (b) mengkaji model
pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan masyarakat Baduy dalam mengentaskan dirinya dari
kebutahurufan, (c) mengkaji berbagai faktor penyebab munculnya kemauan dan
kemampuan masyarakat untuk membelajarkan dirinya, (d) mengamati proses pembelajaran
yang telah dilakukan, (f) mengkaji jenis-jenis kebutuhan belajr lain setelah mereka melek
Studi ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif Tehnik
penelitian yang digunakan berupa wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitiannya
ditentukan secara purposif. Para informan dari studi ini terdiri atas carik desa (sekretaris)
Kanekes dan sejumlah anggotaMasyarakat Baduy yangtelah melek huruf.
Topik studi di atas pada dasarnya didukung oleh teori perubahan sosial dan proses
pemberdayaan masyarakat. Teori perubahan sosial pada intinya menyatakan bahwa tidak
ada masyarakat yang statis, mengingat kehidupan itu sendiri merupakan gerak maju. Pada
sisi lain teori perubahan sosial memandang bahwa terjadinya perubahan dalam masyarakat
merupakan suatu peristiwa yang wajar terjadi. Terjadinya perubahan sosial didukung oleh
faktor-faktor sebagai berikut : (a) kontak budaya lain, (b) sistem pendidikan formal yang
maju, (c) keinginan untuk maju, (d) toleransi terhadap perbuatan yang menyimpang, (e)
sistem pelapisan masyarakat yang terbuka, dan (f) heterogenitas penduduk. Konsep kedua
yang melandasi topik studi ini adalah pemberdayaan. Pendidikan luar sekolah dianggap
sebagai proses pemberdayaan, diharapkan dapat memberikan pengertian dan kesadaran
kepada individu/kelompok guna memahami dan mengontrol kekuatan sosial, ekonomi dan
politik sehingga dapat memperbaiki kehidupannya di masyarakat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Masyarakat Baduy : (a) secara adat dituntut
untuk terus menjalankan pikukuhnya, (b) telah memiliki kebutuhan belajar, (c) gaya
pembelajarannya dilakukan secara individual, (d) sebagian warga masyarakat yang telah
melek huruf berasal dariKampung BaduyPanamping dan berusia muda, (e) ada dua faktor
utama yang mendorong masyarakat untuk mau dan mampu membelajarkan dirinya, yaitu
internal dan eksternal, (f) carik (sekretaris) desa telah berperan sebagai fasilitator dan
sumber belajar, (g) pendidikan anak sepenuhnya merupakan tanggung jawab para orang
tua, serta (h) memiliki etika lingkungan yang tinggi.
Bertitik tolak dari hasil studi di atas, penulis merekomendasikan : (a)
pemberdayaan masyarakat Baduy hendaknya disesuaikan dengan referensi nilai-nilai
budaya masyarakat yang bersangkutan, (b) perlunya identifikasi kebutuhan belajar aktual,
yang benar-benar fungsional bagi kehidupan masyarakat setempat (c) memperbanyak
bahan-bahan bacaan yang berkaitan langsung dengan kegiatan hidup mereka sehari-hari,
(d) carik perlu secara aktif membelajarkan masyarakat, tetapi tetap memperhatikan
referensi adat masyarakat yang bersangkutan sehingga mereka tidak merasa sedang
diintervensi fihak luar, (e) bagi fihak-fihak terkait seperti seksi Dikmas Depdikbud
hendaknya mengambil peran aktif dalam membelajarkan masyarakat Baduy, seperti
menyediakan bahan-bahan belajar dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan cara
mengadakan pelatihan khusus bagi carik sebagai ujung tombak dalam proses pembelajaran
Masyarakat Baduy.
The Baduy's community is one of many locked communities in Indonesia. They
live permanently in Desa Kanekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak - West
Java. Actually, their lives are deeply involved by "pola pikukuh adat" (Local tradition)
that has been grown up over and over sinceThey lived in The area.
Especially in education, They don't know a kind of scholarship education.
Nevertherless, although they don't know about it, there are many peolples of the member
of Baduy's community have been able to read. This study is going to try to explain and
prove some learning processes that have been done, in order to get out from the condition
that they couldn't read. In order to get any explanation of the problems, the study is
limited by some research questions, as follows : (a) has The Baduy community had a kind
of learning need, and what kind of learning process that has been done ?, (b) what kind of
learning style that has been done by the Baduy's, (c) is there any relevancies between
Pikukuh adat of TheBafiiy's with their learning need and also with learning style that has
been done ?, (d) what kind of factors those determine the Baduy's to be able to learn
themselves, and (e) are there any differences between Baduy Luar and Baduy Dalam
especially in learning process ?, and (f) are any other learning needs for the Baduy's after
they are able to read ?
The objectives of the research are : (a) to study the Baduy's learning need,
especially in out of school education, (b) to study a model of learning process that has
been done bythem, inorder to get out from the condition where they couldn't read, (c) to
find out many factors those motivate them to learn, (d) to study a learning process that has
been done, and also (e) to find out any other kinds of learning needs those rise after they
are able to read.
Descriptively, this research use a qualitative approach with interview and
documentation methods. In the research, the writer tries to use a purposive sample by
handing out from the research population. The method is used in order to get a
maximized result. To get an accurate data, the writer researches the condition of Baduy's
lives directly for many times. Beside of it, the writer also gets many data and informations
from some informen. They are "Carik Desa Kanekes" (Secretary Officer of Kanekes
Village) and some peoples of a member of The Baduy's community who have been able to
The study is based on two grand theories. Those are social changing theory and
the concept of community empowering. The first theory expalin that there is no a static
community in the world because life is a kind of social mobility time by time. Onthe other
hand, the theory is also explain that social change is a natural process. There are many
factors those determine of the process, as follows : (a) a process of social contact with
another culture, (b) delevoping in a system of formal education, (c) communities need to
improve themselves, (d) the tolerance to many distortion of behaviors, (e) opened social
stratifications, and (f) the heterogenity of the member of community. The second concept
is community empowering. Trough the concept, we can see that the out of school
education is said as a process of empowering. The process is hoped to be able to give a
conciuousness to anyindividu or clan to understand a social, economic and plotical power
so that they can improve their lives.
Through the research, we can see that : (a) traditionly, the members of Baduy's
community have to behave the same as their live style that has strongly handed time by
time, (b) they have had learning needs, (c) their learnig style is done individual, (d) many
peoples of the Baduy's community who have been able to read come from "Kampung
Baduv Panampins? (Outer Baduy Village) and are especially youngers, (e) there are two
main factros that motivate many peoples to learn themselves. They are internal and
external factors, (f) Carik Desa has become as a facilitator and a learning resource in the
process, (g) Parents have a fully resposibilities to their Children Education process, and
(h) the Baduys have a deeply environmental ethics.
Based on the research, a writer has some recomendations, as follows : (a) a
process of Baduy's empowering has to match by a set of local references, especially any
habitual culture, (b)we need to identify an actual learning needs, (c) wehave to give them
more books or meny references those link to their habitual life, (d) The Carik has to give a
learning process actively to the Baduy's, (e) The instancies those involved in the
programm (e.g. Seksi Dikmas Depdikbud) has to take an active role in the programm, for
examples in offering many books (or learning materials), in improving Carik's
knowledges, and so on
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kemampuan guru IPS Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kota Bandung dalam membuat alat ukur hasil belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur bentuk tes lebih dominan digunakan dibandingkan bentuk non tes, baik pada Ulangan Harian, Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) maupun Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS). Selain itu, hanya sebagian kecil responden guru yang membuat soal dengan mengacu pada kisi-kisi, bahkan ada guru yang tidak membuat kisi-kisi. Alat ukur tes yang dibuat pun tidak melalui tahap uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Responden guru belum menunjukkan peningkatan kualitas dalam pengembangan alat ukur hasil belajar peserta didik. Peneliti merekomendasikan kepada semua pihak terkait untuk melakukan peningkatan, pembiasaan dan pengawasan terhadap guru untuk membuat alat ukur hasil belajar, khususnya bagi guru-guru IPS.
This study aimed to analyze the ability of the Social Studies Teachers of Junior High School of Bandung city in creating instruments to measure the students’ learning outcomes. This research used survey method. The result of this study showed that the test form was more dominant than non-test forms, both on Daily Tests and Middle or Final Semester Exams. In addition, only a few teachers made questions referring to the question framework, and several teachers did not even use it. The instrument also did not pass the validity and reliability test. Teachers had not indicated the quality improvement in developing instrument to measure the students’ learning outcomes. Researcher recommended to all relevant parties to improve, habituate and supervise teachers to make learning outcome instruments, especially for Social Studies teachers
AbstrakHukum Islam tidak mengenal aturan percampuran antara harta suami dan harta istri karena perkawinan. Aturan percampuran antara harta suami dan harta istri karena perkawinan muncul dalam hukum Positif di Indonesia melalui Pasal 35, 36 dan 37 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Adapun Kepemilikan bersama dalam hukum Islam diatur dalam Hukum Syirkah. Pembagian harta bersama dalam perkawinan memunculkan persoalan perihal jumlah prosentase pemÂbagian dari harta bersama. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari putusan Mahkamah Agung tentang pembagian harta bersama terhadap suami yang tidak memberi nafkah terhadap anak dan istri berdasarkan putusan Nomor 266K/ÂAG/2010. Berdasarkan putusan tersebut, penggugat (istri) berÂhak mendapat tiga perempat dan tergugat (suami) berhak memiliki seÂperempat bagian dari harta bersama. Harta bersama dalam hukum Islam merujuk pada teori syirkah dengan tujuan memelihara keÂmasÂlaÂhatan dan dalam hukum positif merujuk kepada KUH Perdata, Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan Pasal Pasal 35-37 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 85-97.Kata Kunci:Â Syirkah, Harta Bersama, Pengadilan Agam
Arus cincin yang mengalir di ionosfer sekitar ekuator dapat diketahui keberadaannya pada kejadian gangguan geomagnet. Dalam peristiwa rekoneksi magnet terjadi transfer energi dari angin surya menuju magnetosfer bagian dalam. Energi ini diteruskan hingga terekam di permukaan Bumi dan menyebabkan adanya penurunan intensitas medan geomagnet yang dikenal dengan gangguan geomagnet. Dengan menggunakan data angin surya dan medan magnet antarplanet, dapat diperkirakan besarnya energi kopling angin surya magnetosfer, medan listrik merger, dan energi injeksi untuk arus cincin. Dari tiga kejadian yang dianalisis, dua di antaranya yaitu pada 3 Mei 2010 dan 29 Mei 2010 memiliki energi injeksi untuk arus cincin masing-masing Q =14,8 nT/jam dan 21,4 nT/jam. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan gangguan geomagnet di wilayah Indonesia terlihat adanya pergeseran gangguan geomagnet dari Timur ke Barat. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya aliran arus cincin yang mengalir dari Timur ke arah Barat. Sedangkan kejadian 12 Juni 2010 menghasilkan energi injeksi yang rendah Q = 2,9 nT/jam, dan tidak menunjukan adanya arus cincin.Kata Kunci: Gangguan geomagnet, Magnetosfer, Angin surya, Transfer energi, Arus cinci
Geography Teachers' Skills in Developing HOTS-Oriented Assessment Instruments in Metro City
HOTS-oriented assessment is to improve students' high-level thinking skills in the classroom. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the skills of geography teachers in developing HOTS-oriented questions both theoretically and practically. The results show that their skills are theoretically and practically low. Teachers’ training to improve their competence in developing HOTS-oriented assessment instruments is necessary
Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Pada Pembelajaran IPS di MTs Islamiyah
The research background was the low ability condition on students’ critical thinking. A PBL model was used in the learning process to overcome the problem. PBL is one of the learning approaches that can stimulate students’ critical thinking. The research objective was intended to describe a learning process that used a PBL model to analyze students’ ability to do critical thinking and the influence of the PBL model on students’ ability to do critical thinking. The method used for this research was Quasi Experimental Nonequivalent Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research was conducted in grade VII-B as the experiment class that obtained the PBL model treatment, as well as grade VII-C as the control class that obtained cooperative learning type TGT model treatment. The research instrument was a learning plan, an essay question that consisted of fifteen questions, followed by a validity test, reliability test, difficulty test, and difference of power test. The hypothesis testing result shows 0,043 < 0,05, and N-Gain test shows 1,142 > 1, the conclusion from this research shows that PBL model have influence on increasing the students’ ability to do critical thinking in social science learnin
Building National Character Through Social Studies Based on Society 4.0 Values Post-Pandemic COVID-19
This paper’s fundamental problem is building national character through social studies based on Society 4.0 in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic takes place online using a platform to support learning. The use of the platform is a problem that has not been touched on, namely, the formation of student character. This study uses a qualitative approach to produce an overview of social studies learning methods based on the national character to improve teacher professional competence. A total of 35 social studies teachers were taken as samples. The results obtained in this study, namely the solution in the form of developing learning methods that tend to be monotonous, which so far have been carried out, must be combined with methods that provide more space for students to develop their potential. In this connection, national character is interpreted as a way of thinking and behaving that shows the differences of everyone to live and work together for a better life for society and the nation. The 2013 curriculum on social studies subjects was developed as an integrative social studies subject, not as separate disciplines. Social studies subjects are, of course, applicative-oriented education, as the development of inquiry abilities, learning abilities, and character education such as curiosity, creativity, honesty, and the development of a caring and responsible attitude towards the surrounding environment and social relations.
Keywords: building national character, social studies learning, community values 4.
Social Literacy in Social Studies Learning for Junior High School Students in Lahat City
Social literacy is a competency that every person needs to master. Social literacy can be developed in social studies subjects in junior high schools so that it can equip students with knowledge, attitudes, and skills to interact with and contribute to their environment. This research aims to describe the level of social literacy achievement of students in social studies. The data collection method was carried out using a questionnaire instrument on Google Forms related to social literacy, totaling 21 items. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis. This research involved the research subjects of junior high school students in the city of Lahat. The number of samples taken was 206. The results of the research show that the social literacy level of junior high school students in Lahat City obtained different percentages: the intellectual skills indicator was 28.94, social skills was 16.33, cooperation skills were obtained on average 11.97, and attitudes and social values were obtained on average. became the indicator that obtained the highest percentage of 30.86. The conclusions of this research show that the social literacy abilities of junior high school students in Lahat City are the lowest on the cooperation skills indicator. The implication of the results of this research is that teachers can find out the social literacy level of their students, so they can design appropriate learning models and increase students' curiosity, so that students' social literacy levels become better
Teaching Model for Disaster Preparedness School Based Earthquake Prone Earthquake in Lombok
The problem in this research is that the teaching of school-based earthquake disaster preparedness in Lombok has not been optimal. In fact, the island of Lombok is an area with a high level of vulnerability to earthquakes. This is because one of them is the Flores Thrust which stretches from the eastern tip of the Flores Sea to the north of Bali. Thus in this study the main objective is to develop a preparedness teaching model for earthquake-prone schools. Where earthquake disaster preparedness is all efforts and activities carried out before a natural disaster occurs, during a disaster and immediately after a disaster to quickly and effectively respond to the situation or situation. The research method used is a research and development approach (Research & Development). The results showed several results including; First, the use of this preparedness teaching model shows that schools have more knowledge as a result of modeling in learning; Second, the exposure of the functions and responsibilities of one of the main leading sectors in disaster management; and The three resulting teaching models have simplified disaster management in schools because they are integrated with Social Science learning so that they are easily realized. So with the model of teaching student preparedness it will be more effective and efficient in order to improve their ability to face earthquakes that can occur at any time
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