62 research outputs found

    Breast Cancer Biomarkers with Clinical Relevance Identified by Massively-parallel DNA and RNA Sequencing

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    Women have a 10% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, and the disease has surpassed lung cancer as the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer in the world. Breast cancer originates in the epithelial cells of the mammary gland and tumor cells have undergone a series of genetic and phenotypic changes that confer tumor promoting properties.Genomic rearrangement is a common phenomenon in cancer, involving breakage and dysfunctional repair of chromosomes. With the aim to characterize such variants and their progression from primary to metastatic disease, we performed whole-genome sequencing of paired primary tumors and metastases (study I) and paired contralateral breast cancers (CBC) (study II). Metastasis rearrangement profiles bore a remarkable resemblance to the respective primary tumors (median 89% shared), indicating that the rearrangements were early events in tumor development, remaining stable throughout progression. Our study on CBC (study II) subsequently allowed us to identify 1 in 10 tumor pairs that likely represented metastatic spread rather than a new primary tumor (76% of rearrangements shared). One of the risk factors for breast cancer is high exposure to estrogens; signaling via estrogen receptor (ER) α is considered the most important driver for the 75% of tumors expressing this marker. Mutations in the gene for ERα are known to be common in endocrine therapy-refractory breast cancer and confer resistance to standard anti-hormonal treatment. In study III, we interrogated RNA-seq data from 3217 primary breast tumors from the SCAN-B initiative and found that 1% of tumors were positive for one of the mutations at surgery. For those patients that received adjuvant endocrine therapy, the mutations were associated to worse overall and relapse-free survival. In study IV, we further explored the SCAN-B dataset to investigate the phenotypic properties and prognosis associated to high expression of the much less well studied ERÎČ. We discovered that this receptor was not abundantly expressed, with 1/3 of tumors entirely negative. Further, we saw that patients with high levels of ERÎČ mRNA had slightly improved overall survival and that the expression of ERÎČ was associated to expression of genes involved in immune cell activation.In summary, we have employed sequencing technology to study breast cancer patient material to identify and assess the validity of genomic and transcriptomic changes that may both be of value as potential biomarkers, and in elucidating biological mechanisms that drive or suppress breast cancer progression

    The effect of fertilization on production with varying stems per hectares on Scots pine

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    Studien Ă€r uppbyggd pĂ„ röjningsförsök som lagts ut av Sven-Olof Andersson i början av 1970-talet. Studien handlar om samspelseffekten mellan röjningsförband och gödsling. Försöket Ă€r uppdelat pĂ„ tre olika lokaler i Sverige, Virsbo, Hedeviken och Siljansfors. Alla lokaler har ett antal avdelningar som efter röjning fĂ„tt olika stamantal (600, 1400, resp. 2500 stammar/ha) och man har sedan försökets början mĂ€tt och behandlat avdelningarna med gödsling pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Data frĂ„n de tre lokalerna har sedan anvĂ€nts som underlag till analyser i Excel och Minitab. MĂ„let med arbetet var att se om det fanns nĂ„gon samspelseffekt mellan stamantal/ha och gödslingens effekt pĂ„ total volymproduktion, diametertillvĂ€xt samt höjdtillvĂ€xt. Resultatet visade inte pĂ„ nĂ„gon statistiskt signifikant samspelseffekt. En del brister uppmĂ€rksammades i datamaterialet rörande antalet replikat och med tanke pĂ„ detta skulle man efter ytterligare analyser med bĂ€ttre material och fler replikat kunna komma fram till att det kanske kan finnas ett svagt samspel.The study is built on trials about pre-commercial thinning plots founded by Sven-Olof Andersson in the beginning of the 1970’s. The study is about the interaction effect between pre-commercial thinning and nitrogen fertilization. The trials are dispersed over three different locations in Sweden, in Virsbo, Hedeviken and Siljansfors. Every site has a number of sections, where each section have received a specific number of stems (600-,1400- & 2500- stems per hectare) after pre-commercial thinning. Since the beginning, the sections have been measured and treated with fertilization in different ways. Data from the three sites were used as material for analyses in Excel and Minitab. The purpose of this study was to find an interaction effect between a specific number of stems per hectare and fertilization on the production of tree volume growth, height and diameter. The result of the study showed that there were no significant effect of the interaction effect between the number of stems and fertilization. There were some flaws detected in the material considering replications. Because of this lack in the dataset, further studies and analyses with more replications could possibly show a small interaction effect between the two factors

    Remarkable similarities of chromosomal rearrangements between primary human breast cancers and matched distant metastases as revealed by whole-genome sequencing.

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    To better understand and characterize chromosomal structural variation during breast cancer progression, we enumerated chromosomal rearrangements for 11 patients by performing low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 11 primary breast tumors and their 13 matched distant metastases. The tumor genomes harbored a median of 85 (range 18-404) rearrangements per tumor, with a median of 82 (26-310) in primaries compared to 87 (18-404) in distant metastases. Concordance between paired tumors from the same patient was high with a median of 89% of rearrangements shared (range 61-100%), whereas little overlap was found when comparing all possible pairings of tumors from different patients (median 3%). The tumors exhibited diverse genomic patterns of rearrangements: some carried events distributed throughout the genome while others had events mostly within densely clustered chromothripsis-like foci at a few chromosomal locations. Irrespectively, the patterns were highly conserved between the primary tumor and metastases from the same patient. Rearrangements occurred more frequently in genic areas than expected by chance and among the genes affected there was significant enrichment for cancer-associated genes including disruption of TP53, RB1, PTEN, and ESR1, likely contributing to tumor development. Our findings are most consistent with chromosomal rearrangements being early events in breast cancer progression that remain stable during the development from primary tumor to distant metastasis

    A New Arthritis Therapy with Oxidative Burst Inducers

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    BACKGROUND: Despite recent successes with biological agents as therapy for autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), many patients fail to respond adequately to these treatments, making a continued search for new therapies extremely important. Recently, the prevailing hypothesis that reactive oxygen species (ROS) promote inflammation was challenged when polymorphisms in Ncf1, that decrease oxidative burst, were shown to increase disease severity in mouse and rat arthritis models. Based on these findings we developed a new therapy for arthritis using oxidative burst-inducing substances. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Treatment of rats with phytol (3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecene-1-ol) increased oxidative burst in vivo and thereby corrected the effect of the genetic polymorphism in arthritis-prone Ncf1 (DA) rats. Importantly, phytol treatment also decreased the autoimmune response and ameliorated both the acute and chronic phases of arthritis. When compared to standard therapies for RA, anti-tumour necrosis factor-α and methotrexate, phytol showed equally good or better therapeutic properties. Finally, phytol mediated its effect within hours of administration and involved modulation of T cell activation, as injection prevented adoptive transfer of disease with arthritogenic T cells. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of arthritis with ROS-promoting substances such as phytol targets a newly discovered pathway leading to autoimmune inflammatory disease and introduces a novel class of therapeutics for treatment of RA and possibly other chronic inflammatory diseases

    Identification of Genomic Regions Associated with Phenotypic Variation between Dog Breeds using Selection Mapping

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    Skolklassindelning - under elevernas skolgĂ„ng förskoleklass - SÅ 6

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    Sammanfattning: Syfte: Syftet med vĂ„r studie Ă€r att gĂ„ ut pĂ„ tre olika skolor och se hur de gör sina förskoleklassindelningar. Vi vill Ă€ven gĂ„ ut för att fĂ„ se tre olika metoder pĂ„ hur man kan bevara klasserna mellan förskoleklass till SÅ 6. HuvudfrĂ„ga: VĂ„r huvudfrĂ„ga Ă€r vilken av de tre metoderna som gynnar eleverna, enligt lĂ€rarna. Metod och material: Vi har i studien anvĂ€nt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer dĂ€rför att det var den metoden som var mest givande för oss för att fĂ„ svar vĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer fick vi fram innehĂ„llsrika svar som gav oss mycket. Vid intervjuerna anvĂ€nde vi oss av inspelningsutrustning. Resultat: Processen för förskoleklassindelningen skiljer sig pĂ„ grund av vad rektorerna anser sig vara lĂ€mpligast. Varför man gör klassbyten Ă€r oftast en ekonomisk frĂ„ga. SĂ„ utifrĂ„n detta sĂ„ tror vi att det Ă€r vĂ€ldigt individuell vad man tror skulle vara gynnsammast för eleverna och att det inte gĂ„r att sĂ€ga det rakt ut, utan detta beror vem man frĂ„gar om det. Betydelse för lĂ€raryrket: VĂ„r studie Ă€r betydelsefull för lĂ€raryrket pĂ„ sĂ„ vis att blivande och nyexaminerade lĂ€rare genom studien fĂ„r en förförstĂ„else för hur indelningarna till förskoleklass kan gĂ„ till samt tre metoder pĂ„ hur eleverna kan gĂ„ tillsammans SÅ F-6 och hur dessa eventuella brytningar av klasserna gĂ„r till

    Touch as treatment of behavioral and psychological symtoms of dementia

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    SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund Demenssjukdom innebĂ€r att hjĂ€rnceller skadas och dör vilket leder till att hjĂ€rnans funktioner bryts ned med en kognitiv funktionsnedsĂ€ttning till följd. Vidare försĂ€mras vanligtvis minnet och den drabbades personlighet kan komma att pĂ„verkas. Även förmĂ„gan att kommunicera försĂ€mras och uppfattningen och förstĂ„elsen för omgivningen kan förvanskas. Det berĂ€knas att cirka 90 procent av alla svĂ„rt demenssjuka personer nĂ„gon gĂ„ng drabbas av beteendemĂ€ssiga och psykiska symtom. Exempel pĂ„ dessa symtom kan vara agitation, aggression, Ă„ngest och sömnstörningar. Behandlingen mot beteendemĂ€ssiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom (BPSD) ska inriktas mot en individuell omvĂ„rdnad men kan kombineras med farmakologisk behandling vid behov. Det har dock visat sig att mĂ„nga demenssjuka personer stĂ„r pĂ„ kontinuerlig farmakologisk behandling och att denna saknar ordentlig effekt och leder till allvarliga biverkningar. En alternativ behandlingsmetod till den farmakologiska behandlingen skulle kunna vara fysisk beröring. Syfte Att beskriva effekter av fysisk beröring pĂ„ beteendemĂ€ssiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom (BPSD). Metod För att svara pĂ„ syftet utformades föreliggande uppsats som en litteraturstudie i vilken 16 artiklar har granskats. Resultat Resultatet visar pĂ„ att olika beröringsmetoder har varierande effekter pĂ„ olika beteendemĂ€ssiga och psykiska symtom. En förbĂ€ttring av kommunikation och vĂ€lbefinnande kunde ocksĂ„ ses. Massage i olika former visade överlag pĂ„ de tydligaste effekterna med en minskning av agitation och aggression, reducerade stressnivĂ„er, förbĂ€ttrad sömn, ökad kommunikation samt bĂ€ttre vĂ€lbefinnande som följder av behandling. BĂ„de nĂ€rstĂ„ende samt vĂ„rdpersonal stĂ€llde sig positiva till fysisk beröring som behandlingsmetod och uttryckte bland annat att relationen mellan givare och mottagare förbĂ€ttrades. Slutsats Fysisk beröring visade pĂ„ positiva effekter och skulle kunna utgöra en alternativ eller komplementĂ€r behandlingsmetod till farmakologisk behandling av beteendemĂ€ssiga och psykiska symtom vid demenssjukdom. Vidare skulle beröring kunna anvĂ€ndas i omvĂ„rdnaden av demenssjuka personer för sĂ„vĂ€l direkt symtomlindring som för att öka vĂ€lbefinnande. Beröringen kan ges av sĂ„vĂ€l nĂ€rstĂ„ende som vĂ„rdpersonal. Vidare sĂ„gs inga tydliga bieffekter av behandlingen, dock var reaktionerna pĂ„ beröring individuella vilket bör tas hĂ€nsyn till

    Miljöproblematik i skolans styrdokument : En jÀmförande analys av grundskolans lÀroplan -allmÀnna delen och geografiÀmnet i Ärskurs 7-9, frÄn 60-talet fram till idag

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    Den hÀr uppsatsen analyserar hur miljö och utveckling framstÀlls i de svenska lÀroplanernas allmÀnna del (Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80, Lpo 94, Lgr 11) samt kursplanerna för Àmnet geografi i Ärskur 7-9. Syftet Àr att se de svenska lÀroplanernas framstÀllning av miljöproblematik och förÀndringar över tid. Det empiriska material som anvÀnds för analysen Àr lÀroplanerna för grundskolan och dess kursplaner i geografi för Ärskurs 7-9. Jag har anvÀnt mig av textanalys för att ta fram explicita miljöbegrepp och formuleringar och en diskursanalys för att ta fram de underförstÄdda betydelserna av miljöproblematik och utveckling. Resultatet av studien visar att det skett förÀndringar i hur miljöproblematik framstÀlls och sÀrskilt frÄn att begreppet hÄllbar utveckling myntades 1987 och infördes i lÀroplanerna frÄn Lpo 94. Resultatet visar ocksÄ att FN och UNESCO har varit av stor betydelse för utvecklingen av undervisning i miljövÄrd

    Handling of construction masses as waste : Inventory of a total of 16 waste flows in four different municipalities

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    In the event of construction, trees in the area will be removed and the ground is being prepared. Stumps, litter and earth masses that can be of different variety and quality occurs. Because of the differences of these masses, they have different provisions and their management differs. The purpose of this study was to investigate how construction masses are handled and allocated by various entrepreneurs and the difference between municipalities in Sweden. Problems associated with waste management was identified and suggestions on how these problems can be solved.   Information for this study has been obtained through telephone interviews containing 8 questions. The interviews are made within 15-30 minutes with 16 different entrepreneurs who is handling these masses. These entrepreneurs were seated in Norrbotten, VÀsterbotten, VÀsternorrland and GÀvleborg. First contact with entrepreneurs from different municipalities was taken by e-mail and in some cases, it was necessary to complement these with phone call requests.   Clear differences between entrepreneurs and municipalities handling was not determined because of the few numbers of entrepreneurs. It was also difficult to determine the most usual deposition, but it was clear that the handling of construction masses is problematic. The most usual problems are related to economy and knowledge about why the legislation exists. By giving out more information about the legislation and how to handle their masses some of these problems could decrease. Information is a cheap and simple solution, but problems and limitations are always going to exist if the management is considered too expensive
