84 research outputs found

    Ergindi: Tuvan Tradition of Sharing Children’s Clothing and Things Reviewed

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    Introduction. The article discusses an essential upcycling practice to have existed in various local cultures of the past — and still observable in different forms. Goals. The study aims at describing and analyzing a contemporary form of the children’s clothing sharing tradition of Tuvans, indigenous population of the Tyva Republic. The former is viewed as a local traditional variant of upcycling. The tradition proper has no special name in Tuvan culture but there are several Tuvan terms to denote old things. The most common one is ergindi — ‘old stuff’. The paper draws examples to introduce present-day patterns of the tradition and outlines it, since the latter has been totally uninvestigated. Materials and methods. The study comprises autoethnographic observations, employs anthropological methods and data from related academic disciplines, including philology, linguoculturology, and history. Results and conclusions. Tuvan folklore and ethnic literary narratives, 19th and 20th century ethnographic publications do mention the practice, the latter to be confirmed by stories of Tuvan elders about their childhood, family customs. The tradition was not only to save money or instruct people to handle things carefully but also illustrated special attitudes of Tuvans towards children, and furthermore acted as a kinship maintenance mechanism. Similar characteristics are inherent to contemporary patterns. Nevertheless, the paper also lists some innovations, e.g., expanded categories of things involved (children’s clothes proper be added to with clothes for pregnant women, children’s implements, toys, books), sharing not only with relatives, use of national costumes once owned by relatives, etc

    Development and validation of a new instrument to measure perceived risks associated with the use of tobacco and nicotine-containing products

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    Making tobacco products associated with lower risks available to smokers who would otherwise continue smoking is recognized as an important strategy towards addressing smoking-related harm. Predicting use behavior is an important major component of product risk assessment. In this context, risk perception is a possible factor driving tobacco product uptake and use. As prior to market launch real-world actual product use cannot be observed, assessing risk perception can provide predictive information. Considering the lack of suitable validated self-report instruments, the development of a new instrument was undertaken to quantify perceived risks of tobacco and nicotine-containing products by adult smokers, former smokers and never-smokers. Initial items were constructed based on a literature review, focus groups and expert opinion. Data for scale formation and assessment were obtained through two successive US-based web surveys (n=2020 and 1640 completers, respectively). Psychometric evaluation was based on Rasch Measurement Theory and Classical Test Theory. Psychometric evaluation supported the formation of an 18-item Perceived Health Risk scale and a 7-item Perceived Addiction Risk scale: item response option thresholds were ordered correctly for all items; item locations in each scale were spread out (coverage range 75-87%); scale reliability was supported by high person separation indices > 0.93, Cronbach's alpha > 0.98 and Corrected Item-Total Correlations > 0.88; and no differential item functioning was present. Construct validity evaluations met expectations through inter-scale correlations and findings from known-group comparisons. The Perceived Risk Instrument is a psychometrically robust instrument applicable for general and personal risk perception measurement, for use in different types of products (including cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy, potential Modified Risk Tobacco Products), and for different status groups (i.e., current smokers with and without intention to quit, former smokers, never smokers)

    Tuvan Family Photo Album: Social Practices of Creation and Storage

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    The authors analyze the social practices of creating and storing a Tuvan family photo album throughout the XX - early XXI century. The sources of the study are the materials of narrative biographical interviews with ten respondents - indigenous residents of Tuva of different ages which were recorded by the authors in April - May 2023. The appearance of photo albums, the features of their creation and storage reflect the general history of photo albums in the Soviet state, and now in Russia. The authors point out that in the history of photo albums there appear the Tuvan traditions, for example, in photo frames inside the yurt there are photographs of relatives, domestic animals (horses), and elements of national cuisine. But due to the events of the XX century, the issue of loss and theft of photographs and photo albums became relevant for Tuvans. In the XXI century, Tuvans have a wide variety of photo albums on different media, and today family photo albums also represent the ethnicity of people

    Photoelectric panel with equatorial mounting of drive

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    The relevance of the work is determined by the need to create effective models for sunny energy. The article considers a photoelectric panel equipped with a system for tracking the sun. Efficiency of the system is provided by equatorial mounting, which compensates for the rotation of the Earth by rotating the sunny panel in the plane of the celestial equator. The specificity of climatic and geographical conditions of Tomsk is estimated. The dynamics of power variations of photoelectric panels with equatorial mounting during seasonal fluctuations in Tomsk is calculated. A mobile photovoltaic panel with equatorial mounting of the drive has been developed. The methods of design strategy for placing photovoltaic panels in the architectural environment of the city are presented

    Developing fit-for-purpose self-report instruments for assessing consumer responses to tobacco and nicotine products: the ABOUT™ Toolbox initiative [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background. Determining the public health impact of tobacco harm reduction strategies requires the assessment of consumer perception and behavior associated with tobacco and nicotine products (TNPs) with different exposure and risk profiles. In this context, rigorous methods to develop and validate psychometrically sound self-report instruments to measure consumers’ responses to TNPs are needed. Methods. Consistent with best practice guidelines, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s “Guidance for Industry Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: Use in Medical Product Development to Support Labeling Claims,” scientifically designed, fit-for-purpose, reliable, and valid instruments are now being applied to tobacco regulatory research. Results. This brief report presents the ABOUT™ Toolbox (Assessment of Behavioral OUtcomes related to Tobacco and nicotine products) initiative. This communication: (1) describes the methodological steps followed for the development and validation of the measurement instruments included in the ABOUT™ Toolbox, (2) presents a summary of the high-priority tobacco-related domains that are currently covered in the ABOUT™ Toolbox (i.e., risk perception, dependence, product experience, health and functioning, and use history), and (3) details how the measurement instruments are made accessible to the scientific community. Conclusions. By making the ABOUT™ Toolbox available to the tobacco research and public health community, we envision a rapidly expanding knowledge base, with the goals of (1) supporting consumer perception and behavior research to allow comparisons across a wide spectrum of TNPs, (2) enabling public health and regulatory communities to make better-informed decisions for future regulation of TNPs, and (3) enhancing surveillance activities associated with the impact of TNPs on population health

    Distinct Gamma-Band Components Reflect the Short-Term Memory Maintenance of Different Sound Lateralization Angles

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    Oscillatory activity in human electro- or magnetoencephalogram has been related to cortical stimulus representations and their modulation by cognitive processes. Whereas previous work has focused on gamma-band activity (GBA) during attention or maintenance of representations, there is little evidence for GBA reflecting individual stimulus representations. The present study aimed at identifying stimulus-specific GBA components during auditory spatial short-term memory. A total of 28 adults were assigned to 1 of 2 groups who were presented with only right- or left-lateralized sounds, respectively. In each group, 2 sample stimuli were used which differed in their lateralization angles (15° or 45°) with respect to the midsagittal plane. Statistical probability mapping served to identify spectral amplitude differences between 15° versus 45° stimuli. Distinct GBA components were found for each sample stimulus in different sensors over parieto-occipital cortex contralateral to the side of stimulation peaking during the middle 200–300 ms of the delay phase. The differentiation between “preferred” and “nonpreferred” stimuli during the final 100 ms of the delay phase correlated with task performance. These findings suggest that the observed GBA components reflect the activity of distinct networks tuned to spatial sound features which contribute to the maintenance of task-relevant information in short-term memory

    A Blueprint for Real-Time Functional Mapping via Human Intracranial Recordings

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The surgical treatment of patients with intractable epilepsy is preceded by a pre-surgical evaluation period during which intracranial EEG recordings are performed to identify the epileptogenic network and provide a functional map of eloquent cerebral areas that need to be spared to minimize the risk of post-operative deficits. A growing body of research based on such invasive recordings indicates that cortical oscillations at various frequencies, especially in the gamma range (40 to 150 Hz), can provide efficient markers of task-related neural network activity. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we introduce a novel real-time investigation framework for mapping human brain functions based on online visualization of the spectral power of the ongoing intracranial activity. The results obtained with the first two implanted epilepsy patients who used the proposed online system illustrate its feasibility and utility both for clinical applications, as a complementary tool to electrical stimulation for presurgical mapping purposes, and for basic research, as an exploratory tool used to detect correlations between behavior and oscillatory power modulations. Furthermore, our findings suggest a putative role for high gamma oscillations in higher-order auditory processing involved in speech and music perception. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The proposed real-time setup is a promising tool for presurgical mapping, the investigation of functional brain dynamics, and possibly for neurofeedback training and brain computer interfaces

    Effects of Working Memory Load on Oscillatory Power in Human Intracranial EEG

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    Studies of working memory load effects on human EEG power have indicated divergent effects in different frequency bands. Although gamma power typically increases with load, the load dependency of the lower frequency theta and alpha bands is uncertain. We obtained intracranial electroencephalography measurements from 1453 electrode sites in 14 epilepsy patients performing a Sternberg task, in order to characterize the anatomical distribution of load-related changes across the frequency spectrum. Gamma power increases occurred throughout the brain, but were most common in the occipital lobe. In the theta and alpha bands, both increases and decreases were observed, but with different anatomical distributions. Increases in theta and alpha power were most prevalent in frontal midline cortex. Decreases were most commonly observed in occipital cortex, colocalized with increases in the gamma range, but were also detected in lateral frontal and parietal regions. Spatial overlap with group functional magnetic resonance imaging results was minimal except in the precentral gyrus. These findings suggest that power in any given frequency band is not a unitary phenomenon; rather, reactivity in the same frequency band varies in different brain regions, and may relate to the engagement or inhibition of a given area in a cognitive task

    Neuronal correlates of functional magnetic resonance imaging in human temporal cortex

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    The relationship between changes in functional magnetic resonance imaging and neuronal activity remains controversial. Data collected during awake neurosurgical procedures for the treatment of epilepsy provided a rare opportunity to examine this relationship in human temporal association cortex. We obtained functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygen dependent signals, single neuronal activity and local field potentials from 8 to 300 Hz at 13 temporal cortical sites, from nine subjects, during paired associate learning and control measures. The relation between the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal and the electrophysiologic parameters was assessed in two ways: colocalization between significant changes in these signals on the same paired associate-control comparisons and multiple linear regressions of the electrophysiologic measures on the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal, across all tasks. Significant colocalization was present between increased functional magnetic resonance imaging signals and increased local field potentials power in the 50–250 Hz range. Local field potentials power greater than 100 Hz was also a significant regressor for the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal, establishing this local field potentials frequency range as a neuronal correlate of the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal. There was a trend for a relation between power in some low frequency local field potentials frequencies and the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal, for 8–15 Hz increases in the colocalization analysis and 16–23 Hz in the multiple linear regression analysis. Neither analysis provided evidence for an independent relation to frequency of single neuron activity

    Remote Effects of Hippocampal Sclerosis on Effective Connectivity during Working Memory Encoding: A Case of Connectional Diaschisis?

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    Accumulating evidence suggests a role for the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in working memory (WM). However, little is known concerning its functional interactions with other cortical regions in the distributed neural network subserving WM. To reveal these, we availed of subjects with MTL damage and characterized changes in effective connectivity while subjects engaged in WM task. Specifically, we compared dynamic causal models, extracted from magnetoencephalographic recordings during verbal WM encoding, in temporal lobe epilepsy patients (with left hippocampal sclerosis) and controls. Bayesian model comparison indicated that the best model (across subjects) evidenced bilateral, forward, and backward connections, coupling inferior temporal cortex (ITC), inferior frontal cortex (IFC), and MTL. MTL damage weakened backward connections from left MTL to left ITC, a decrease accompanied by strengthening of (bidirectional) connections between IFC and MTL in the contralesional hemisphere. These findings provide novel evidence concerning functional interactions between nodes of this fundamental cognitive network and sheds light on how these interactions are modified as a result of focal damage to MTL. The findings highlight that a reduced (top-down) influence of the MTL on ipsilateral language regions is accompanied by enhanced reciprocal coupling in the undamaged hemisphere providing a first demonstration of “connectional diaschisis.