26 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTA project entitled the Extension and Communication in Integrated Management Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Konawe District has been implemented at western part of Konawe coastal area. lt was started as a pilot project from March 20OZ to March 2004. The goal of the project are to improve ecological and economic function of land, coral reef and mangrove forest at Konawe coastal zone, so that the productivity of agriculture, fish and other marine biota as well as community income are increased. The out put achieved are (1) A preperation of Document of Sustainable Development of Westem Coastal of Konawe District, (2) rehabilitation of 200 ha of degraded mangrove forest, (3) establishment of Local Economic lnstitution (called ELKAM) to provide capital for local community. The membership had been growing fast, from 50 members in 2002 and increased to about 750 members in 2004. The initial results are that by practicing a good extension with appropriate communication tools is the best approach for integrated coastal management strategy of Konawe District. ABSTRAKSebuah proyek berjudul Peranan penyuluhan dan komunikasi dalam strategi pengelolaan terpadu mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Konawe telah dilaksanakan dari Maret 2002 sampai Maret 2004. Tujuan proyek adalah memperbaiki fungsi ekologi dan ekonomi terhadap lahan, hutan bakau, terumbu karang, sehingga produktivitas pertanian, ikan dan biota laut lainnya serta pendapatan masyarakat meningkat. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah (1) telah disusun dokumen Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Wilayah Pesisir bagian Barat Kabupaten Konawe, (2) Seluas 200 kawasan hutan bakau telah direhabilitasi, (3) telah dibentuk Lembaga Keuangan Masyarakat (ELKAM), anggotanya berkembang pesat yaitu dari 50 anggota tahun 2002 menjadi 750 anggota tahun 2004. Kesimpulan awal menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan yang baik dengan komunikasi yang sesuai merupakan pendekatan yang tepat dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir terpadu di Kabupaten Konawe.ABSTRACTA project entitled the Extension and Communication in Integrated Management Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Konawe District has been implemented at western part of Konawe coastal area. lt was started as a pilot project from March 20OZ to March 2004. The goal of the project are to improve ecological and economic function of land, coral reef and mangrove forest at Konawe coastal zone, so that the productivity of agriculture, fish and other marine biota as well as community income are increased. The out put achieved are (1) A preperation of Document of Sustainable Development of Westem Coastal of Konawe District, (2) rehabilitation of 200 ha of degraded mangrove forest, (3) establishment of Local Economic lnstitution (called ELKAM) to provide capital for local community. The membership had been growing fast, from 50 members in 2002 and increased to about 750 members in 2004. The initial results are that by practicing a good extension with appropriate communication tools is the best approach for integrated coastal management strategy of Konawe District.ABSTRAKSebuah proyek berjudul Peranan penyuluhan dan komunikasi dalam strategi pengelolaan terpadu mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Konawe telah dilaksanakan dari Maret 2002 sampai Maret 2004. Tujuan proyek adalah memperbaiki fungsi ekologi dan ekonomi terhadap lahan, hutan bakau, terumbu karang, sehingga produktivitas pertanian, ikan dan biota laut lainnya serta pendapatan masyarakat meningkat. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah (1) telah disusun dokumen Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Wilayah Pesisir bagian Barat Kabupaten Konawe, (2) Seluas 200 kawasan hutan bakau telah direhabilitasi, (3) telah dibentuk Lembaga Keuangan Masyarakat (ELKAM), anggotanya berkembang pesat yaitu dari 50 anggota tahun 2002 menjadi 750 anggota tahun 2004. Kesimpulan awal menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan yang baik dengan komunikasi yang sesuai merupakan pendekatan yang tepat dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir terpadu di Kabupaten Konawe

    Extension And Communication In The Integrated

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    ABSTRAK Sebuah proyek berjudul Peranan penyuluhan dan komunkasi dalam strategi pengelolaan terpadu mewujudkan Pentbangunan Berkelanjutan di Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Konawe telah dilaksanakan dari Maret 2002 sampai Maret 2004. Trepan proeyek adalah memperbaiki fungsi ekologi dan ekonomi terhadap lahan, hutan bakau, terumbu karang, sehingga produktivitas pertanian, ikan dan biota lard lainnya serta pendapatan masyarakat meningkat. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah (1) telah disusun dokumen Pernbangunan Berkelanjutan Wilayah Pesisir bagian Barat Kabupaten Konawe, (2) Seluas 200 kawasan hutan bakau telah direhabilitasi, (3) telah diberztuk Lembaga Keuangan Masyarakat (ELKAM), anggotanya berkembang pesat yaitu dari 50 anggota tahun 2002 menjadi 750 anggota tahun 2004. Kesimpulan awal menunjukan bahwa penyuluhan yang baik dengan, komunikasi yang sesuai merupakan pendekatan yang tepat dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir terpadu di Kabupaten Konawe. Kata kunci: penyuluhan, komunikasi, terpadu, pesisir

    The effect of skin orientation on biomechanical properties / Nor Fazli Adull Manan and Jamaluddin Mahmud

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    Skin technology has become a world interest recently and further investigations could improve the current application of skin and leather. Aligning to this, a biomechanical analysis of animal skin is carried out, where the sheepskins are investigated thoroughly using uniaxial tensile tests. The main aim of this study is to compare the biomechanical properties of sheepskin in means of hair effect and orientation layout between horizontal and vertical orientation. The testing specimens are taken from the fresh slaughtered Boer sheepskin and they are prepared into four categories; horizontal (unshaved), horizontal (shaved), vertical (unshaved) and vertical (shaved) according to ASTM International Standard test method for tensile strength of leather (D2209). As a result, the characterisation techniques show that the Ogden s coefficient, μ and Ogden s exponent, α, are 0.369 (MPa) and 7.604 respectively for horizontal (unshaved). However, μ and a for horizontal (shaved) are 0.512 (MPa) and 8.930. In contrast, the value of μ and a for vertical (unshaved) are 0.444 (MPa) and 9.928 and for vertical (shaved) are 0.539 (MPa) and 10.617. This study has contributed to the knowledge of biomechanics especially biomechanical properties of sheepskin. This could be useful for future investigation and analysis of softtissues, hyperelastic modeling and animal dermatology

    Effectiveness and comfort assessment of the novel intra-oral bisecting angle bisector© and paralleling rinn® digital imaging receptor holders in low palatal height patients / Afaf Syahira Ahmad Satmi … [et al.]

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    This study was performed to assess the effectiveness and comfort of two intraoral imaging techniques using respective digital radiograph receptor devices/holder in obtaining digital intraoral images. Methods: A total of 60 patients undergoing anterior intraoral periapical radiographs were single-blindly recruited. The imaging procedure was performed by two calibrated researchers where the novel holder group (Bisector©) was prospectively compared to the paralleling technique group, RINN® by performing thirty radiographic examinations, respectively. All patients were randomly segregated into different groups using block randomization method. The effectiveness of both holders was quantified based on the repeat rate percentage and quality of the images. The comfort study was enumerated using the Horizontal Visual Analogue Scale 100mm (HVAS). The Wilcoxon test (alpha = 0.05) was applied to compare the comfort score of different types of imaging receptor device reported by the patients. Results: The repeat rate percentage for Bisector© and RINN® holder devices were 8.9% and 18.6%, respectively (p<0.05). The median range of the "comfort data" according to conventional and novel intraoral radiographic receptor holder was 16 mm to 57 mm and 15 mm to 58 mm, respectively. No patients scored more than 74 mm. Conclusion: The Bisector© holder exhibited lower percentage of repeat as compared to the RINN® holder. Both groups did not cause major discomfort (mild-moderate pain). The use of novel intraoral bisecting angle radiographic receptor holder is however recommended to optimize the repeat rate in low palatal height patients

    Analysis of Dryness Effect on Skin by Adapting Hyperelastic Constitutive Model / Nor Fazli Adull Manan ...[et al.]

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    The El Nino phenomenon can damage the skin and cause sickness such as skin cancer, heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Due to this phenomenon, an analysis on mechanical properties on animal skin is carried out, where sheepskin is used for investigation through uniaxial tensile test. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of varied temperature on mechanical properties of animal skin. The process consists of an integration between experimental and numerical approach. A uniaxial tensile test is performed first to measure the basic mechanical parameter of stress-stretch by following the ASTM D2209-00 International testing standard. Next, the hyperelastic constitutive model Arruda and Boyce (A&B) equation is simplified via numerical approach for finding the material parameter. Then, a graph of Stress – Stretch (σ-λ) is plotted for a curve fit with the experimental data to obtain the mechanical properties of the material parameter. As a result, the material parameter which are Arruda and Boyce coefficient, μ and Arruda and Boyce exponent, N are 4.967(MPa) and 3.116, respectively, for SL Temp 33. However, μ and N for SNL Temp 33 are 5.134 (MPa) and 2.357. In contrast, the value of the value of μ and N for SL Temp 36 are 4.943(MPa) and 2.728 and for SNL Temp 36 are 5.199(MPa) and 2.209 .Therefore, this study could be useful for future studies in analysis of skin by adapting hyperelastic constitutive model

    Differentiation of ripe and unripe fruit flour using mineral composition data—Statistical assessment

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    Data on the mineral composition and content of one heavy metal measured in three different fruit flours prepared from ripe and unripe fruits (pulp and peel) are presented. The mineral composition (sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn)) and content of one heavy metal (lead (Pb)) of the flours were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The analysis showed that the data can be used for differentiation between different fruits and stages of ripeness, as revealed by discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. The data provided can be used by researchers and scientists in the differentiation of fruits based on major and minor mineral elements

    iWorksafe: Towards Healthy Workplaces During COVID-19 With an Intelligent Phealth App for Industrial Settings

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    The recent outbreak of the novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has given rise to diverse health issues due to its high transmission rate and limited treatment options. Almost the whole world, at some point of time, was placed in lock-down in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus, with resulting psychological and economic sequela. As countries start to ease lock-down measures and reopen industries, ensuring a healthy workplace for employees has become imperative. Thus, this paper presents a mobile app-based intelligent portable healthcare (pHealth) tool, called i WorkSafe, to assist industries in detecting possible suspects for COVID-19 infection among their employees who may need primary care. Developed mainly for low-end Android devices, the i WorkSafe app hosts a fuzzy neural network model that integrates data of employees’ health status from the industry’s database, proximity and contact tracing data from the mobile devices, and user-reported COVID-19 self-test data. Using the built-in Bluetooth low energy sensing technology and K Nearest Neighbor and K-means techniques, the app is capable of tracking users’ proximity and trace contact with other employees. Additionally, it uses a logistic regression model to calculate the COVID-19 self-test score and a Bayesian Decision Tree model for checking real-time health condition from an intelligent e-health platform for further clinical attention of the employees. Rolled out in an apparel factory on 12 employees as a test case, the pHealth tool generates an alert to maintain social distancing among employees inside the industry. In addition, the app helps employees to estimate risk with possible COVID-19 infection based on the collected data and found that the score is effective in estimating personal health condition of the app user

    Transformasi Budaya Unsur-unsur HINDUISME DAN ISLAM PADA AKHIR MAJA PAHIT (ABAD XV-XVI M) :Dalam Hubungan dengan Relief Penciptaan Manusia di Candi Sukuh Karanganyar Jawa Tengah.

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    Aspek keagamaan yang menatrik untuk di teliti secara mendalam dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dan antropologi adalah konsep penciptaan manusia menurut agam Hindu d Islam serta proses transformasi budaya dari Hindu ke Islam