788 research outputs found

    The Local Group Census: planetary nebulae in Sextans B

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    Five planetary nebulae (PNe) have been discovered in the nearby dwarf irregular galaxy. Emission line images were obtained using the Wide Field Camera of the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) at La Palma (Spain). The candidate PNe were identified by their point-like appearance and relatively strong [OIII] emission-line fluxes. They are located within a galactocentric distance of 2.8 arcmin, corresponding to 1.1 kpc at the distance of Sextans B. Luminosities are in the range 1800--5600Lsolar. Sextans B is one of the smallest dwarf irregular galaxies with a PN population. The number of PNe detected suggest an enhanced star formation rate between 1 and 5 Gyr ago.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    The chemistry of planetary nebulae and HII regions in the dwarf galaxies Sextans A and B from deep VLT spectra

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    Spectroscopic observations obtained with the VLT of one planetary nebula (PN) in Sextans A and of five PNe in Sextans B and of several HII regions (HII) in these two dwarf irregular galaxies are presented. The extended spectral coverage, from 320.0 to 1000.0nm, and the large telescope aperture allowed us to detect a number of emission lines, covering more than one ionization stage for several elements (He, O, S, Ar). The electron temperature (Te) diagnostic [OIII] line at 436.3 nm was measured in all six PNe and in several HII allowing for an accurate determination of the ionic and total chemical abundances by means of the Ionization Correction Factors method. For the time being, these PNe are the farthest ones where such a direct measurement of the Te is obtained. In addition, all PNe and HII were also modelled using the photoionization code CLOUDY. The physico-chemical properties of PNe and HII are presented and discussed. A small dispersion in the oxygen abundance of HII was found in both galaxies: 12 + log\log(O/H)=7.6±\pm0.2 in SextansA, and 7.8±\pm0.2 in SextansB. For the five PNe of SextansA, we find that 12 + log\log(O/H)=8.0±\pm0.3, with a mean abundance consistent with that of HII. The only PN known in SextansA appears to have been produced by a quite massive progenitor, and has a significant nitrogen overabundance. In addition, its oxygen abundance is 0.4 dex larger than the mean abundance of HII, possibly indicating an efficient third dredge-up for massive, low-metallicity PN progenitors. The metal enrichment of both galaxies is analyzed using these new data.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by A&

    Atomic and Molecular Data for Optical Stellar Spectroscopy

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    High-precision spectroscopy of large stellar samples plays a crucial role for several topical issues in astrophysics. Examples include studying the chemical structure and evolution of the Milky Way galaxy, tracing the origin of chemical elements, and characterizing planetary host stars. Data are accumulating from instruments that obtain high-quality spectra of stars in the ultraviolet, optical and infrared wavelength regions on a routine basis. These instruments are located at ground-based 2- to 10-m class telescopes around the world, in addition to the spectrographs with unique capabilities available at the Hubble Space Telescope. The interpretation of these spectra requires high-quality transition data for numerous species, in particular neutral and singly ionized atoms, and di- or triatomic molecules. We rely heavily on the continuous efforts of laboratory astrophysics groups that produce and improve the relevant experimental and theoretical atomic and molecular data. The compilation of the best available data is facilitated by databases and electronic infrastructures such as the NIST Atomic Spectra Database, the VALD database, or the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC). We illustrate the current status of atomic data for optical stellar spectra with the example of the Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey. Data sources for 35 chemical elements were reviewed in an effort to construct a line list for a homogeneous abundance analysis of up to 100000 stars.Comment: Published 30 April 2015 in Physica Script

    Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea Latreille, 1802: New continent record and distribution extension in Brazil

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    Terrestrial Isopods were sampled in four protected Atlantic Forest areas located in Serra do Mar, state of SãoPaulo, southeastern Brazil. A total of 2,217 individuals of six species (Atlantoscia sp., Benthana werneri, Pseudodiploexochustabularis, Pudeoniscus obscurus, Styloniscus spinosus and Trichorhina sp.) were captured in pitfall traps. The exotic speciesS. spinosus is recorded for the first time for the Americas. Another introduced species, P. tabularis, previously recorded onlyfrom the state of Rio Grande do Sul, had its geographic distribution extended to the state of São Paulo. The most abundantisopods in this study belong to an undescribed species of Atlantoscia

    The metallicity gradient of M 33: chemical abundances of HII regions

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    We present spectroscopic observations of a sample of 72 emission-line objects, including mainly HII regions, in the spiral galaxy M 33. Spectra were obtained with the multi-object, wide field spectrograph AF2/WYFFOS at the 4.2m WHT telescope. Line intensities, extinction, and electron density were determined for the whole sample of objects. The aim of the present work was to derive chemical and physical parameters of a set of HII regions, and from them the metallicity gradient. Electron temperatures and chemical abundances were derived for the 14 HII regions where both [OII] and [OIII] emission line fluxes were measured, including the electron temperature sensitive emission line [OIII] 436.3 nm and in a few cases [NII] 575.5 nm. The ionization correction factor (ICF) method was used to derive the total chemical abundances. The presence of abundance gradients was inferred from the radial behaviour of several emission-line ratios, and accurately measured from chemical abundances directly derived in 14 HII regions. The oxygen abundances of our HII regions, located in the radial region from ~2 to ~7.2 kpc, gave an oxygen gradient -0.054+/-0.011 dex/kpc The overall oxygen gradient for M 33 obtained using ours and previous oxygen determinations in a large number of HII regions with direct electron temperature determination as well as abundance in young stars presented a two slope shape: -0.19 dex/kpc for the central regions (R<3kpc), and -0.038dex/kpc for the outer regions (R>=3kpc).Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, A&A accepted 10/05/200

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: pre-main-sequence stars in the young open cluster NGC 3293

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    Delgado, Antonio J. et. al.The young open cluster NGC3293 is included in the observing program of the Gaia-ESO survey (GES). The radial velocity values provided have been used to assign cluster membership probabilities by means of a single-variable parametric analysis. These membership probabilities are compared to the results of the photometric membership assignment of NGC3293, based on UBVRI photometry. The agreement of the photometric and kinematic member samples amounts to 65 per cent, and could increase to 70 per cent as suggested by the analysis of the differences between both samples. A number of photometric PMS candidate members of spectral type F are found, which are confirmed by the results from VPHAS photometry and SED fitting for the stars in common with VPHAS and GES data sets. Excesses at mid- and near-infrared wavelengths, and signs of H alpha emission, are investigated for them. Marginal presence of H alpha emission or infilling is detected for the candidate members. Several of them exhibit moderate signs of U excess and weak excesses at mid-IR wavelengths. We suggest that these features originate from accretion discs in their last stages of evolution.This work was partly supported by the European Union FP7 programme through ERC grant number 320360 and by the Leverhulme Trust through grant RPG-2012-541. We acknowledge the support from INAF and Ministero dell' Istruzione, dell' Universita' e della Ricerca (MIUR) in the form of the grant 'Premiale VLT 2012'. The results presented here benefit from discussions held during the Gaia-ESO workshops and conferences supported by the ESF (European Science Foundation) through the GREAT Research Network Programme. AJD, LS, EJA and MTC acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, through grant AYA2013-40611-P. JLY acknowledges support from FCT (SFRH/BSAB/1423/2014 and UID/FIS/04434/2013). TM acknowledges financial support from Belspo for contract PRODEX GAIA-DPAC.Peer reviewe

    Isoëtes sabatina (Isoëtaceae, Lycopodiopsida): Taxonomic distinctness and preliminary ecological insights

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    Isoëtes sabatina is the rarest aquatic quillwort in Europe. Although recently found (2013) in Lake Bracciano (central Italy), the species is just one step away from extinction with an estimated population not exceeding 400 individuals and a spatial range of a few hundred square metres. Lake Bracciano is a deep, oligo-mesotrophic Mediterranean volcanic lake that has been subjected to human activities. From January to October 2017, the lake experienced a dramatic water level decrease (up to −1.50&nbsp;m), which significantly affected the littoral zone and the habitat of I.&nbsp;sabatina. To improve the chances of survival of I.&nbsp;sabatina, the first eco-taxonomic investigation on this species was carried out to describe its genetic distinctness, physical and chemical requirements and companion species. The phylogenetic position of I.&nbsp;sabatina was investigated by applying standard DNA barcoding methods. Simultaneously, during summer 2019, the physical and chemical features of water and sediments of the I.&nbsp;sabatina population and five small Alpine lakes colonized by Isoëtes echinospora – a supposed close relative – were characterized. These data were then compared with the available data on the trophic requirements of the target obligate aquatic Isoëtes, together with Isoëtes lacustris and Isoëtes&nbsp;malinverniana. The present survey confirmed the taxonomic and ecological distinctness of I.&nbsp;sabatina – providing the first evidence of genetic differentiation from I. echinospora. Isoëtes sabatina grows in waters with temperature, conductivity and total alkalinity up to 30°C, 561&nbsp;μS&nbsp;cm−1 and 3.45&nbsp;meq&nbsp;L−1, respectively. The edaphic requirements of I.&nbsp;sabatina confirm its outstanding conservation value, and this study offers a basic understanding of how to prevent its extinction. Now, all possible actions must be taken immediately to save this species

    Planetary nebulae in M33: probes of AGB nucleosynthesis and ISM abundances

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    We have obtained deep optical spectrophotometry of 16 planetary nebulae in M33, mostly located in the central two kpc of the galaxy, with the Subaru and Keck telescopes. We have derived electron temperatures and chemical abundances from the detection of the [OIII]4363 line for the whole sample. We have found one object with an extreme nitrogen abundance, 12+log(N/H)=9.20, accompanied by a large helium content. After combining our data with those available in the literature for PNe and HII regions, we have examined the behavior of nitrogen, neon, oxygen and argon in relation to each other, and as a function of galactocentric distance. We confirm the good correlation between Ne/H and O/H for PNe in M33. Ar/H is also found to correlate with O/H. This strengthens the idea that at the metallicity of the bright PNe analyzed in M33, which is similar to that found in the LMC, these elements have not been significantly modified during the dredge-up processes that take place during the AGB phase of their progenitor stars. We find no significant oxygen abundance offset between PNe and HII regions at any given galactocentric distance, despite the fact that these objects represent different age groups in the evolution of the galaxy. Combining the results from PNe and HII regions, we obtain a representative slope of the ISM alpha-element (O, Ar, Ne) abundance gradient in M33 of -0.025 +/- 0.006 dex/kpc. Both PNe and HII regions display a large abundance dispersion at any given distance from the galactic center. We find that the N/O ratio in PNe is enhanced, relative to the HII regions, by approximately 0.8 dex.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A catalog of planetary nebula candidates in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC 300

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    [OIII]5007 on-band off-band images, obtained with the VLT and FORS2 spectrograph in two zones (center and outskirts) of the spiral galaxy NGC300, are analyzed searching for emission line objects. In particular we search for planetary nebula (PN) candidates to analyze their distribution and luminosity properties, to perform follow-up spectroscopy, and to study the planetary nebula luminosity function, PNLF. In the continuum-subtracted images, a large number of emission line objects were detected. From this sample we selected as PN candidates those objects with stellar appearance and no detectable central star. [OIII]5007 instrumental magnitudes were measured and calibrated by using spectrophotometric data from the follow-up spectroscopy. We identified more than a hundred PN candidates and a number of compact HII regions. The PN sample is the largest one reported for this galaxy so far. For all the objects we present coordinates, instrumental [OIII]5007 magnitudes and apparent nebular [OIII]5007 fluxes and magnitudes. The [OIII]5007 observed luminosity function for PNe (PNLF) was calculated for the whole sample and for the central and outskirts samples. The three PNLF are similar within uncertainties. We fit the empirical PNLF to the observed PNLF for all the samples. From our best fit for the whole sample we derived a maximum value for the apparent magnitudes of m*(5007)=22.019\pm0.022 and we obtained a tentative estimate of the distance modulus m(5007)-M(5007)= 26.29 {+0.12} {-0.22} mag, which agrees well with the recent value derived from Cepheid stars.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, one long table. Accepted by A&