23 research outputs found

    Tracing Molecular Gas Mass in z ≃ 6 Galaxies with [C ii]

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    We investigate the fine-structure [CII{\rm \scriptsize II}] line at 158μ158\,\mum as a molecular gas tracer by analyzing the relationship between molecular gas mass (MmolM_{\rm mol}) and [CII{\rm \scriptsize II}] line luminosity (L[CII]L_{\rm [CII]}) in 11,125 z6z\simeq 6 star-forming, main sequence galaxies from the SIMBA simulations, with line emission modeled by S\'IGAME. Though most (50100%\sim 50-100\,\%) of the gas mass in our simulations is ionized, the bulk (>50%> 50\,\%) of the [CII{\rm \scriptsize II}] emission comes from the molecular phase. We find a sub-linear (slope 0.78±0.010.78\pm 0.01) logL[CII]logMmol\log L_{\rm [CII]}-\log M_{\rm mol} relation, in contrast with the linear relation derived from observational samples of more massive, metal-rich galaxies at z6z \lesssim 6. We derive a median [CII{\rm \scriptsize II}]-to-MmolM_{\rm mol} conversion factor of α[CII]18M/L\alpha_{\rm [CII]} \simeq 18\,{\rm M_{\rm \odot}/L_{\rm \odot}}. This is lower than the average value of 30M/L\simeq 30\,{\rm M_{\rm \odot}/L_{\rm \odot}} derived from observations, which we attribute to lower gas-phase metallicities in our simulations. Thus, a lower, luminosity-dependent, conversion factor must be applied when inferring molecular gas masses from [CII{\rm \scriptsize II}] observations of low-mass galaxies. For our simulations, [CII{\rm \scriptsize II}] is a better tracer of the molecular gas than CO J=10J=1-0, especially at the lowest metallicities, where much of the gas is 'CO-dark'. We find that L[CII]L_{\rm [CII]} is more tightly correlated with MmolM_{\rm mol} than with star-formation rate (SFR{\rm SFR}), and both the logL[CII]logMmol\log L_{\rm [CII]}-\log M_{\rm mol} and logL[CII]logSFR\log L_{\rm [CII]}-\log {\rm SFR} relations arise from the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. Our findings suggest that L[CII]L_{\rm [CII]} is a promising tracer of the molecular gas at the earliest cosmic epochs.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    CO emission in distant galaxies on and above the main sequence

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    We present the detection of multiple carbon monoxide CO line transitions with ALMA in a few tens of infrared-selected galaxies on and above the main sequence at z = 1.1−1.7. We reliably detected the emission of CO (5−4), CO (2−1), and CO (7−6)+[C I](3P2 − 3P1) in 50, 33, and 13 galaxies, respectively, and we complemented this information with available CO (4 − 3) and [C I](3P1 − 3P0) fluxes for part of the sample, and by modeling of the optical-to-millimeter spectral energy distribution. We retrieve a quasi-linear relation between LIR and CO (5 − 4) or CO (7 − 6) for main-sequence galaxies and starbursts, corroborating the hypothesis that these transitions can be used as star formation rate (SFR) tracers. We find the CO excitation to steadily increase as a function of the star formation efficiency, the mean intensity of the radiation field warming the dust (hUi), the surface density of SFR (ΣSFR), and, less distinctly, with the distance from the main sequence (∆MS). This adds to the tentative evidence for higher excitation of the CO+[C I] spectral line energy distribution (SLED) of starburst galaxies relative to that for main-sequence objects, where the dust opacities play a minor role in shaping the high-J CO transitions in our sample. However, the distinction between the average SLED of upper main-sequence and starburst galaxies is blurred, driven by a wide variety of intrinsic shapes. Large velocity gradient radiative transfer modeling demonstrates the existence of a highly excited component that elevates the CO SLED of high-redshift main-sequence and starbursting galaxies above the typical values observed in the disk of the Milky Way. This excited component is dense and it encloses ∼50% of the total molecular gas mass in main-sequence objects. We interpret the observed trends involving the CO excitation as to be mainly determined by a combination of large SFRs and compact sizes, as a large ΣSFR is naturally connected with enhanced dense molecular gas fractions and higher dust and gas temperatures, due to increasing ultraviolet radiation fields, cosmic ray rates, as well as dust and gas coupling. We release the full data compilation and the ancillary information to the community

    The effect of active galactic nuclei on the cold interstellar medium in distant star-forming galaxies

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    In the framework of a systematic study with the ALMA interferometer of IR-selected main-sequence and starburst galaxies at z ∼ 1 − 1.7 at typical ∼1″ resolution, we report on the effects of mid-IR- and X-ray-detected active galactic nuclei (AGN) on the reservoirs and excitation of molecular gas in a sample of 55 objects. We find widespread detectable nuclear activity in ∼30% of the sample. The presence of dusty tori influences the IR spectral energy distribution of galaxies, as highlighted by the strong correlation among the AGN contribution to the total IR luminosity budget (fAGN = LIR,  AGN/LIR), its hard X-ray emission, and the Rayleigh-Jeans to mid-IR (S1.2 mm/S24 μm) observed color, with evident consequences on the ensuing empirical star formation rate estimates. Nevertheless, we find only marginal effects of the presence and strength of AGN on the carbon monoxide CO (J = 2, 4, 5, 7) or neutral carbon ([C I](3P1  −  3P0), [C I](3P2  −  3P1)) line luminosities and on the derived molecular gas excitation as gauged by line ratios and the full spectral line energy distributions. The [C I] and CO emission up to J = 5, 7 thus primarily traces the properties of the host in typical IR luminous galaxies. However, our analysis highlights the existence of a large variety of line luminosities and ratios despite the homogeneous selection. In particular, we find a sparse group of AGN-dominated sources with the highest LIR,  AGN/LIR,  SFR ratios, ≳3, that are more luminous in CO (5−4) than what is predicted by the L′CO(5-4)−LIR, SFR relation, which might be the result of the nuclear activity. For the general population, our findings translate into AGN having minimal effects on quantities such as gas and dust fractions and star formation efficiencies. If anything, we find hints of a marginal tendency of AGN hosts to be compact at far-IR wavelengths and to display 1.8 times larger dust optical depths. In general, this is consistent with a marginal impact of the nuclear activity on the gas reservoirs and star formation in average star-forming AGN hosts with LIR > 5 × 1011 L⊙, typically underrepresented in surveys of quasars and submillimeter galaxies

    Physical Characterization of an Unlensed, Dusty Star-forming Galaxy at z = 5.85

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    We present a physical characterization of MM J100026.36+021527.9 (a.k.a. "Mambo-9"), a dusty star-forming galaxy (DSFG) at z = 5.850 \ub1 0.001. This is the highest-redshift unlensed DSFG (and fourth most distant overall) found to date and is the first source identified in a new 2 mm blank-field map in the COSMOS field. Though identified in prior samples of DSFGs at 850 \u3bcm to 1.2 mm with unknown redshift, the detection at 2 mm prompted further follow-up as it indicated a much higher probability that the source was likely to sit at z > 4. Deep observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter and submillimeter Array (ALMA) presented here confirm the redshift through the secure detection of 12CO(J = 6\u21925) and p-H2O (21,1 \u2192 20,2). Mambo-9 is composed of a pair of galaxies separated by 6 kpc with corresponding star formation rates of 590 M o\u2d9 yr-1 and 220 M o\u2d9 yr-1, total molecular hydrogen gas mass of (1.7 \ub1 0.4) 7 1011 M o\u2d9, dust mass of (1.3 \ub1 0.3) 7 109 M o\u2d9, and stellar mass of (3.2-1.5+1.0) 7 109 M o\u2d9. The total halo mass, (3.3 \ub1 0.8) 7 1012 M o\u2d9, is predicted to exceed 1015 M o\u2d9 by z = 0. The system is undergoing a merger-driven starburst that will increase the stellar mass of the system tenfold in \u3c4 depl = 40-80 Myr, converting its large molecular gas reservoir (gas fraction of 96-2+1) into stars. Mambo-9 evaded firm spectroscopic identification for a decade, following a pattern that has emerged for some of the highest-redshift DSFGs found. And yet, the systematic identification of unlensed DSFGs like Mambo-9 is key to measuring the global contribution of obscured star formation to the star formation rate density at z \u2a86 4, the formation of the first massive galaxies, and the formation of interstellar dust at early times ( 721 Gyr)

    Discovery of four apparently cold dusty galaxies at z=3.62-5.85 in the COSMOS field: direct evidence of CMB impact on high-redshift galaxy observables

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    We report Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) observations of four high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxy candidates selected from far-Infrared (FIR)/submm observations in the COSMOS field. We securely detect all galaxies in the continuum and spectroscopically confirm them at z=3.62--5.85 using ALMA 3mm line scans, detecting multiple CO and/or [CI] transitions. This includes the most distant dusty galaxy currently known in the COSMOS field, ID85001929 at z=5.847. These redshifts are lower than we had expected as these galaxies have substantially colder dust temperatures (i.e., their SEDs peak at longer rest frame wavelengths) than most literature sources at z>4. The observed cold dust temperatures are best understood as evidence for optically thick dust continuum in the FIR, rather than the result of low star formation efficiency with rapid metal enrichment. We provide direct evidence that, given their cold spectral energy distributions, CMB plays a significant role biasing their observed Rayleigh-Jeans (RJ) slopes to unlikely steep values and, possibly, reducing their CO fluxes by a factor of two. We recover standard RJ slopes when the CMB contribution is taken into account. High resolution ALMA imaging shows compact morphology and evidence for mergers. This work reveals a population of cold dusty star-forming galaxies that were under-represented in current surveys, and are even colder than typical Main Sequence galaxies at the same redshift. High FIR dust optical depth might be a widespread feature of compact starbursts at any redshift

    KROSS: mapping the Hα emission across the star formation sequence at z ≈ 1

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    We present first results from the KMOS (K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph) Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey, an ongoing large kinematical survey of a thousand, z ∼ 1 star-forming galaxies, with VLT KMOS. Out of the targeted galaxies (∼500 so far), we detect and spatially resolve Hα emission in ∼90 and 77 per cent of the sample, respectively. Based on the integrated Hα flux measurements and the spatially resolved maps, we derive a median star formation rate (SFR) of ∼7.0 M⊙ yr−1 and a median physical size of 〈r′1/2r1/2′〉 = 5.1 kpc. We combine the inferred SFRs and effective radii measurements to derive the star formation surface densities (ΣSFR) and present a ‘resolved’ version of the star formation main sequence (MS) that appears to hold at subgalactic scales, with similar slope and scatter as the one inferred from galaxy-integrated properties. Our data also yield a trend between ΣSFR and Δ(sSFR) (distance from the MS) suggesting that galaxies with higher sSFR are characterized by denser star formation activity. Similarly, we find evidence for an anticorrelation between the gas phase metallicity (Z) and the Δ(sSFR), suggesting a 0.2 dex variation in the metal content of galaxies within the MS and significantly lower metallicities for galaxies above it. The origin of the observed trends between ΣSFR–Δ(sSFR) and Z–Δ(sSFR) could be driven by an interplay between variations of the gas fraction or the star formation efficiency of the galaxies along and off the MS. To address this, follow-up observations of our sample that will allow gas mass estimates are necessary

    Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling

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    Detailed studies of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of normal galaxies have increasingly been used to understand the physical mechanism dominating their integrated emission, mainly owing to the availability of high quality multi-wavelength data from the UV to the far-infrared (FIR). However, systems hosting dust-enshrouded nuclear starbursts and/or an accreting supermassive black hole (an active galactic nucleus or AGN) are especially challenging to study. This is due to the complex interplay between the heating by massive stars and the AGN, the absorption and emission of radiation from dust, as well as the presence of the underlying old stellar population. We used the latest release of CIGALE, a fast state-of-the-art galaxy SED-fitting model relying on energy balance, to study the influence of an AGN in a self consistent manner in estimating both the star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass in galaxies, as well as to calculate the contribution of the AGN to the power output of the host. Using the semi-analytical galaxy formation model galform, we created a suite of mock galaxy SEDs using realistic star formation histories (SFH). We also added an AGN of Type-1, Type-2, or intermediate-type whose contribution to the bolometric luminosity can be variable. We performed an SED-fitting of these catalogues with CIGALE, assuming three different SFHs: a single-exponentially-decreasing (1τ-dec), a double-exponentially-decreasing (2τ-dec), and a delayed SFH. Constraining the overall contribution of an AGN to the total infrared luminosity (fracAGN) is very challenging for fracAGN< 20%, with uncertainties of ~5–30% for higher fractions depending on the AGN type, while FIR and sub-mm are essential. The AGN power has an impact on the estimation of M∗ in Type-1 and intermediate-type AGNs but has no effect on galaxies hosting Type-2 AGNs. We find that in the absence of AGN emission, the best estimates of M∗ are obtained using the 2τ-dec model but at the expense of realistic ages of the stellar population. The delayed SFH model provides good estimates of M∗ and SFR, with a maximum offset of 10% as well as better estimates of the age. Our analysis shows that the under-estimation of the SFR increases with fracAGN for Type-1 systems, as well as for low contributions of an intermediate AGN type, but it is quite insensitive to the emission of Type-2 AGNs up to fracAGN ~ 45%. A lack of sampling the FIR, or sub-mm domain systematically over-estimates the SFR (<20%), independent of the contribution of the AGN. Similarly, the UV emission is critical in accurately retrieving both the M∗ for Type-1 and intermediate- type AGN and the SFR of all three AGN types. We show that the presence of AGN emission introduces a scatter to the SFR-M∗ main sequence relation derived from SED-fitting, which is driven by the uncertainties on M∗. Finally, we used our mock catalogues to test the popular IR SED-fitting code DecompIR and show that fracAGN is under-estimated but that the SFR is recovered well for Type-1 and intermediate-types of AGN. The fracAGN, SFR, and LIR estimates of Type-2 AGNs are more problematic owing to a FIR emission disagreement between predicted and observed models

    The energetics of starburst-driven outflows at z ∼ 1 from KMOS

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    We present an analysis of the gas outflow energetics from KMOS observations of 529 main-sequence star-forming galaxies at z 1 using broad, underlying Hα and forbid- den lines of [Nii] and [Sii]. Based on the stacked spectra for a sample with median star- formation rates and stellar masses of SFR=7M⊙ / yr and M⋆ =(1.0±0.1)×1010M⊙ respectively, we derive a typical mass outflow rate of ˙Mwind =1–4M⊙ yr−1 and a mass loading of ˙Mwind / SFR=0.2–0.4. By comparing the kinetic energy in the wind with the energy released by supernovae, we estimate a coupling efficiency between the star formation and wind energetics of ǫ 0.03. The mass loading of the wind does not show a strong trend with star-formation rate over the range 2–20M⊙ yr−1, although we identify a trend with stellar mass such that dM/ dt / SFR/M0.26±0.07 ⋆ . Finally, the line width of the broad Hα increases with disk circular velocity with a sub-linear scal- ing relation FWHMbroad /v0.21±0.05. As a result of this behavior, in the lowest mass galaxies (M⋆ ∼ 1010M⊙) most of the gas will be retained, flowing back on to the galaxy disk at later times