14 research outputs found

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells Predict Cardiovascular Events after Atherothrombotic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction. A PROCELL Substudy

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    The aim of this study was to determine prognostic factors for the risk of new vascular events during the first 6 months after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or atherothrombotic stroke (AS). We were interested in the prognostic role of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and circulating endothelial cells (CEC) Between February 2009 and July 2012, 100 AMI and 50 AS patients were consecutively studied in three Spanish centres. Patients with previously documented coronary artery disease or ischemic strokes were excluded. Samples were collected within 24h of onset of symptoms. EPC and CEC were studied using flow cytometry and categorized by quartiles. Patients were followed for up to 6 months. NVE was defined as new acute coronary syndrome, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke, or any hospitalization or death from cardiovascular causes. The variables included in the analysis included: vascular risk factors, carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), atherosclerotic burden and basal EPC and CEC count. Multivariate survival analysis was performed using Cox regression analysis. During follow-up, 19 patients (12.66%) had a new vascular event (5 strokes; 3 TIAs; 4 AMI; 6 hospitalizations; 1 death). Vascular events were associated with age (P = 0.039), carotid IMT≥0.9 (P = 0.044), and EPC count (P = 0.041) in the univariate analysis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed an independent association with EPC in the lowest quartile (HR: 10.33, 95%CI (1.22-87.34), P = 0.032] and IMT≥0.9 [HR: 4.12, 95%CI (1.21-13.95), P = 0.023]. Basal EPC and IMT≥0.9 can predict future vascular events in patients with AMI and AS, but CEC count does not affect cardiovascular risk

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells Predict Cardiovascular Events after Atherothrombotic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction. A PROCELL Substudy.

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to determine prognostic factors for the risk of new vascular events during the first 6 months after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or atherothrombotic stroke (AS). We were interested in the prognostic role of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and circulating endothelial cells (CEC). Methods: Between February 2009 and July 2012, 100 AMI and 50 AS patients were consecutively studied in three Spanish centres. Patients with previously documented coronary artery disease or ischemic strokes were excluded. Samples were collected within 24h of onset of symptoms. EPC and CEC were studied using flow cytometry and categorized by quartiles. Patients were followed for up to 6 months. NVE was defined as new acute coronary syndrome, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke, or any hospitalization or death from cardiovascular causes. The variables included in the analysis included: vascular risk factors, carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), atherosclerotic burden and basal EPC and CEC count. Multivariate survival analysis was performed using Cox regression analysis. Results: During follow-up, 19 patients (12.66%) had a new vascular event (5 strokes; 3 TIAs; 4 AMI; 6 hospitalizations; 1 death). Vascular events were associated with age (P = 0.039), carotid IMT≥0.9 (P = 0.044), and EPC count (P = 0.041) in the univariate analysis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed an independent association with EPC in the lowest quartile (HR: 10.33, 95%CI (1.22-87.34), P = 0.032] and IMT≥0.9 [HR: 4.12, 95%CI (1.21-13.95), P = 0.023]. Conclusions: Basal EPC and IMT≥0.9 can predict future vascular events in patients with AMI and AS, but CEC count does not affect cardiovascular risk

    Observant els pols

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    Presentación del libro Observando los polos : Una visión integral del conocimiento de las zonas polares y sobre las alteraciones que están sufriendo debido al cambio global en la Residència d'InvestigadorsUna visió integral del coneixement de les zones polars i sobre les alteracions que estan patint com a conseqüència del canvi global. Les zones polars, principals responsables del clima del nostre planeta, estan patint canvis dràstics com a conseqüència de la seva alta sensibilitat al canvi global, que afecten directament a la dinàmica climàtica, oceanogràfica i ambiental de latituds extra polars. Aquest llibre pretén donar un punt de vista integral i multidisciplinari de l’estat del coneixement de les zones àrtiques i antàrtiques: la seva evolució geològica, els apressants problemes de contaminació d’aquests territoris, la caracterització dels diversos ecosistemes terrestres i marins, així com l’evolució passada i futura del clima polar. L’objectiu final es explicar, de forma clara i amena, les similituds i diferències entre els dos pols i conscienciar sobre les alteracions que estan patint degut al canvi global. Així mateix, es donen a conèixer les investigacions, de gran rellevància científica i social, realitzades pel personal científic i tècnic del Consell Superior d’Investigacions Científiques (CSIC), apropant-nos a la història i situació actual de la investigació polar a EspanyaPeer reviewe

    Short-term impact of an extreme weather event on the threatened Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti

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    The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events represent a threat for biological diversity and are expected to increase in many regions over the following decades due to climate change. Our current knowledge about the impact of extreme weather events on the population dynamics of bird species is very limited. Here, we evaluated the impact of an extreme winter snowstorm on the abundance of 14 populations of the threatened Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti, a resident bird whose European population is restricted to Spain. We found a drastic and significant population decline in the next reproductive season following the extreme weather event. During the control period (2017–2020) the species suffered an overall annual decline of 19.4% (±5.0, SE). However, the overall annual decline after the storm was 67.6% (±9.4, period 2019–2021), with a mean decline of 66.5% (±15.9) for seven populations monitored both the year before and the year after the snowstorm (period 2020–2021). The snow covered the ground for over 10 days in central and eastern Spain, which together with a subsequent extreme cold wave could have reduced the species ability to find food resources and properly thermoregulate, forcing the species to move to unknown areas. Indeed a few days after the storm, several individuals were reported in areas typically avoided. Such displacements may increase the mortality risk for dispersing individuals, besides the direct effects of the extreme cold event, such as thermal challenges to energy balance or a reduced immune function. We discuss the potential role that extreme weather events may have on the population dynamics and conservation of the species.This study was partially funded by the LIFE Ricoti programme (LIFE15-NAT-ES-000802), supported by the European Commission, Levantina y Asociado de Minerales, S.A., with the project “Estudios de investigación aplicado a la conservación de las poblaciones de alondra ricotí (Chersophilus duponti) en el entorno del municipio de Vallanca”, and by the Dirección General de Política Forestal y Espacios Naturales de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha with the project “SSCC/046/2017 Censo de Alondra ricotí en la provincia de Guadalajara. Año 2017”, Censuses in Catalonia were carried out with the support of the Generalitat of Catalonia. CPG acknowledges the support from the Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional through the Beatriz Galindo Fellowship (Beatriz Galindo – Convocatoria 2020)

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells Predict Cardiovascular Events after Atherothrombotic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction. A PROCELL Substudy.

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine prognostic factors for the risk of new vascular events during the first 6 months after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or atherothrombotic stroke (AS). We were interested in the prognostic role of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) and circulating endothelial cells (CEC). METHODS: Between February 2009 and July 2012, 100 AMI and 50 AS patients were consecutively studied in three Spanish centres. Patients with previously documented coronary artery disease or ischemic strokes were excluded. Samples were collected within 24h of onset of symptoms. EPC and CEC were studied using flow cytometry and categorized by quartiles. Patients were followed for up to 6 months. NVE was defined as new acute coronary syndrome, transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke, or any hospitalization or death from cardiovascular causes. The variables included in the analysis included: vascular risk factors, carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), atherosclerotic burden and basal EPC and CEC count. Multivariate survival analysis was performed using Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: During follow-up, 19 patients (12.66%) had a new vascular event (5 strokes; 3 TIAs; 4 AMI; 6 hospitalizations; 1 death). Vascular events were associated with age (P = 0.039), carotid IMT≥0.9 (P = 0.044), and EPC count (P = 0.041) in the univariate analysis. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed an independent association with EPC in the lowest quartile (HR: 10.33, 95%CI (1.22-87.34), P = 0.032] and IMT≥0.9 [HR: 4.12, 95%CI (1.21-13.95), P = 0.023]. CONCLUSIONS: Basal EPC and IMT≥0.9 can predict future vascular events in patients with AMI and AS, but CEC count does not affect cardiovascular riskThis study was supported in part bySpain’s Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, FONDO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Grant number: PI080459, RED DE INVESTIGACIÓN/nCARDIOVASCULAR (RIC RD12/0042/0010, RIC RD12/0042/0052, RD12/0042/0020)

    Bivariate comparison between study variables and CEC quartiles.

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    <p>BasCEC = Basal count of circulating endothelial cells</p><p>AMI = Acute myocardial infarction</p><p>BMI = Body mass index</p><p>AB = Atherosclerotic Burden</p><p>IMT = Intima media thickness</p><p>NVE = New vascular event</p><p>ACS = Acute coronary syndrome</p><p>ACV = Acute cardiovascular event.</p><p>Bivariate comparison between study variables and CEC quartiles.</p