163 research outputs found

    Efecto de las variables del proceso sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del aceite de almendra de yerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) mediante extracción acuosa

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    The fruit from jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) has a kernel which is rich in oil, and has a pleasant smell that reminds one of coconut. It is rich in monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, in addition to bioactive compounds. In this work, the effect of process variables on the yield and quality of jerivá kernel oil from aqueous extraction was evaluated using response surface methodology. The variables pH, time and temperature influenced the yield and the quality of the oil. High pH and time, along with mild temperature were suitable conditions to extract jerivá kernel oil by aqueous extraction, but excessively high pH, temperature and time negatively impacted the oil’s quality. pH was the only variable that significantly influenced free acidity, with a decrease in free acidity with the increase in pH. On the other hand, the increase in pH, time and temperature increased the peroxide value, which limited some conditions for obtaining jerivá kernel oil by aqueous extraction. The optimal conditions were found to be an extraction at pH 12, 25 °C and 60 minutes, which resulted in a yield of 39%, free acidity of 0.2% and a peroxide value of 5.8 meqO2·kg-1. Aqueous extraction yielded more unsaturated oil than that extracted with hexane, in addition to a higher proportion of caproic, oleic and linoleic acids, thus improving its nutritional characteristics and health benefits, despite decreasing its oxidative stability.La fruta de yerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) tiene un grano rico en aceite, que tiene un olor agradable que recuerda al coco, es rico en ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y saturados, además de compuestos bioactivos. En este trabajo, se evaluó el efecto de las variables del proceso sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del aceite de grano de yerivá a partir de la extracción acuosa utilizando la metodología de superficie de respuesta. Las variables pH, tiempo y temperatura influyeron en el rendimiento y la calidad del aceite. pH alto, elevado tiempo y temperatura suave fueron las condiciones adecuadas para extraer el aceite de grano de yerivá mediante extracción acuosa. Sin embargo, el pH, la temperatura y el tiempo excesivamente altos impactaron negativamente en la calidad del aceite. El pH fue la única variable que influyó significativamente en la acidez libre, con una disminución de la acidez con el aumento del pH. Por otra parte, el aumento del pH, el tiempo y la temperatura aumentaron el valor del peróxido, lo que limitó algunas condiciones para obtener aceite de grano de yerivá por extracción acuosa. Se encontró que la condición óptima fue una extracción a pH 12, 25 °C y 60 minutos, lo que resultó en un rendimiento del 39%, una acidez libre del 0,2% y un valor de peróxido de 5,8 meqO2·kg−1. La extracción acuosa produjo más aceite insaturado que el extraído con hexano, además de una mayor proporción de caproico, oleico y linoleico, mejorando sus características nutricionales y beneficios para la salud, a pesar de disminuir su estabilidad oxidativa

    Optimización de superficie de respuesta de múltiples objetivos en la extracción acuosa de aceite de semilla de macauba

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    Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) is a promising tropical palm for the production of vegetable oil for both the food and non-food sectors. In this work, a multi-target response surface optimization of the aqueous extraction of Macauba kernel oil aimed to maximize the oil yield and minimize the free acidy and peroxide value. High yield was achieved at a high pH, long extraction periods and moderate temperatures, but these conditions contributed to elevating the peroxide value of the oil. On the other hand, pH presented the only significant effect on the oil’s acidity, which decreased with the increase in pH in the aqueous medium. Therefore, the multi-target response surface optimization based on a desirability approach showed that pH 11, room temperature (25 °C) and a 60 min agitation time was preferred to obtain high yield and low free acidity and peroxide values. These conditions resulted in 30% yield (63.1% of the yield obtained by solvent extraction), 0.3% free acidity, and a peroxide value of 2.9 meqO2/kg. The oil from the optimized aqueous extraction had a higher saturated fatty acid content compared to that from solvent extraction, especially fatty acids with < 14 carbon atoms, which can make the oil harder and more useful for producing special fats for specific food applications.La macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) es una prometedora palma tropical para la producción de aceite vegetal para los sectores alimenticio y no alimentario. En este trabajo, una optimización de superficie de respuesta de múltiples objetivos en la extracción acuosa de aceite de semilla de macauba tuvo como objetivo maximizar el rendimiento del aceite y minimizar el valor de acidez libre y peróxidos. Se logró un alto rendimiento a pH alto, tiempos prolongados y temperaturas moderadas, pero estas condiciones contribuyeron a elevar el índice de peróxido del aceite. Por otro lado, el pH presentó como único efecto significativo sobre la acidez del aceite, la disminución con el aumento del pH en el medio acuoso. Por lo tanto, la optimización de la superficie de respuesta de múltiples objetivos basada en un enfoque de idoneidad mostró que se prefería pH 11, temperatura ambiente (25 °C) y un tiempo de agitación de 60 minutos para obtener un alto rendimiento y bajos valores de acidez libre y peróxido. Estas condiciones dieron como resultado un rendimiento del 30% (63,1% del rendimiento obtenido por extracción con disolvente), un 0,3% de acidez libre y un índice de peróxido de 2,9 meqO2/kg. El aceite de la extracción acuosa optimizada tenía un mayor contenido de ácidos grasos saturados en comparación con el de la extracción con solventes, especialmente de ácidos grasos con < 14 átomos de carbono, lo que puede hacer que el aceite sea más duro y útil para producir grasas especiales para aplicaciones alimentarias específicas

    Continuous Monitoring of Dynamical Systems and Master Equations

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    We illustrate the equivalence between the non-unitary evolution of an open quantum system governed by a Markovian master equation and a process of continuous measurements involving this system. We investigate a system of two coupled modes, only one of them interacting with external degrees of freedom, represented, in the first case, by a finite number of harmonic oscillators, and, in the second, by a sequence of atoms where each one interacts with a single mode during a limited time. Two distinct regimes appear, one of them corresponding to a Zeno-like behavior in the limit of large dissipation

    Decay rate and decoherence control in coupled dissipative cavities

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    We give a detailed account of the derivation of a master equation for two coupled cavities in the presence of dissipation. The analytical solution is presented and physical limits of interest are discussed. Firstly we show that the decay rate of initial coherent states can be significantly modified if the two cavities have different decay rates and are weakly coupled through a wire. Moreover, we show that also decoherence rates can be substantially altered by manipulation of physical parameters. Conditions for experimental realizations are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, accepted by Physica

    Power spectrum in the Chaplygin gas model: tachyonic, fluid and scalar field representations

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    The Chaplygin gas model, characterized by an equation of state of the type p=Aρp = - \frac{A}{\rho} emerges naturally from the Nambu-Goto action of string theory. This fluid representation can be recast under the form of a tachyonic field given by a Born-Infeld type Lagrangian. At the same time, the Chaplygin gas equation of state can be obtained from a self-interacting scalar field. We show that, from the point of view of the supernova type Ia data, the three representations (fluid, tachyonic, scalar field) lead to the same results. However, concerning the matter power spectra, while the fluid and tachyonic descriptions lead to exactly the same results, the self-interacting scalar field representation implies different statistical estimations for the parameters. In particular, the estimation for the dark matter density parameter in the fluid representation favors a universe dominated almost completely by dark matter, while in the self-interacting scalar field representation the prediction is very closed to that obtained in the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: Latex file, 10 pages, 18 figures in EPS forma

    An MPEG-7 scheme for semantic content modelling and filtering of digital video

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    Abstract Part 5 of the MPEG-7 standard specifies Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS); that is, the format multimedia content models should conform to in order to ensure interoperability across multiple platforms and applications. However, the standard does not specify how the content or the associated model may be filtered. This paper proposes an MPEG-7 scheme which can be deployed for digital video content modelling and filtering. The proposed scheme, COSMOS-7, produces rich and multi-faceted semantic content models and supports a content-based filtering approach that only analyses content relating directly to the preferred content requirements of the user. We present details of the scheme, front-end systems used for content modelling and filtering and experiences with a number of users

    Huygens HASI servo accelerometer: a review and lessons learned

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    The Servo accelerometer constituted a vital part of the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI): flown aboard the Huygens probe, it operated successfully during the probe's entry, descent, and landing on Titan, on 14th January 2005. This paper reviews the Servo accelerometer, starting from its development/assembly in the mid-1990s, to monitoring its technical performance through its seven-year long in-flight (or cruise) journey, and finally its performance in measuring acceleration (or deceleration) upon encountering Titan's atmosphere. The aim of this article is to review the design, ground tests, in-flight tests and operational performance of the Huygens Servo accelerometer. Techniques used for data analysis and lessons learned that may be useful for accelerometry payloads on future planetary missions are also addressed. The main finding of this review is that the conventional approach of having multiple channels to cover a very broad measurement range: from 10-6 g to the order of 10 g (where g = Earth's surface gravity, 9.8 m/s2), with on-board software deciding which of the channels to telemeter depending on the magnitude of the measured acceleration, works well. However, improvements in understanding the potential effects of the sensor drifts and ageing on the measurements can be achieved in future missions by monitoring the 'scale factor' – a measure of such sensors' sensitivity, along with the already implemented monitoring of the sensor's offset during the in-flight phase