396 research outputs found


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    This study presents research about the effectiveness of debate method to improve students speaking skill to the students of second grade of exact of MA in Islamic Boarding School Al-JunaidiyahBiru Bone. In conducting the study, the researcher used quantitative method because the researcher conducted the data in form of numbers. And the way collected data by using pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test and questionnaire. The purpose of this method was to carry out an experiment whether teaching speaking by using debate method if effective to the students speaking skill or not. After the data was collected and the result of the test was obtained to prove the hypothesis and to establish the validity, the researcher analyzed the value of t-observation. It was proved by the result of students test. The table showed that the mean score obtained by the students in the post-test (2.470) was greater than the mean score of the students in pre-test (1.529). The data of score of interest through questionnaire indicated that eight students or 47.058% whose score were in very high, seven students or 41.176% whose score were in high, two students or 11.764% whose score were in moderate. Debate method gave better result to improve the students speaking skill. In other words, debate method was effective and interesting to use in teaching English speaking


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah teknik posse (Predicting, Arranging, Seaching, Summarizing, and Evaluation) ini efeketif atau tidak dalam pengajaran pemahaman bacaan pada Prodi PGSD Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo. Metode penelitian ini yaitu pre experimental yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan, yakni: pre test, treatment dan post test dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 20 orang mahamahasiswa pada program studi  pendidikan bahasa inggris semester 2 menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Adapun instrument yang digunakan yakni berupa tes. Mahasiswa diberikan lembar kerja yang berisi bacaan da beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan bacaan tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknik posse (predicting, arranging, searching, summarizing, and evaluation) efektif dalam mengajar dan meningkatkan pemahaman membaca mahasiswa pada cerita pendek. Pada pre test ditemukan pemahaman membaca mahasiswa nilai rata-rata 49,75. Sedangkan pemahaman membaca mahasiswa pada post test dengan nilai rata-rata 76,45 Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman membaca mahasiswa lebih baik setelah dilakukan penerapan teknik posse in

    The Power of Speech by Medicine Vendor

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    The speech of medicine vendor contains power to convince the costumers. This study is aimed at investigating the linguistics features used in the in the speech of medicine vendor. This study is descriptive qualitative in analyzing and displaying the data. The techniques of analyzing data were transcribing the utterances, translation the data into English by applying morpheme by morpheme translation and idiomatic translation, and identifying the linguistics features of medicine vendors’ speech. The result of this study revealed that parallelism is one of the linguistics features used in the speech to build a power

    Arsenic Exposure to Fish and Shellfish Consumption Among Community in Makassar, Indonesia

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    Fish and shellfish contaminated by Arsenic (As) heavy metals from people activity discharge into the coast. Coastal community was exposure risk by As due to consumption of marine products. This study aimed to determine of human health risks level who consume fish and shellfish that contain As in Kaluku Bodoa and Untia coastal, Makassar. This research designed by observational and Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) approach. Human sample were 49 people and 8 environmental samples that selected based on certain criteria. Data collected through environmental assestment, interview and anthropometric data measurement. Data analyzed with EHRA methods. The results showed that the highest mean As levels found in Leiognatus equulus fish i.e. 1.589 mg/kg and Gafrarium tumidum shellfish i.e. 4.244 mg/kg of Untia coastal. The mean level of the carcinogenic risk for fish and shellfish consumption were unacceptable because they contain As that demonstrated value of more than exponent 4 (ECR > E-4) and non-carcinogenic risk mean level was value of more than 1 (RQ > 1). Fish and shellfish consumption considered unsafe and will impact health problems for the community. Community should be restrict the frequency and amount of fish and shellfish consumption


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    The research aimed at finding out (1) The effectiveness of peer reviewing in enhancing the writing competence of the students of STAIN Watampone. (2) The writing components: content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics in that are mostly affected in the use of peer reviewing technique. This research applied a quasi-experimental method to two groups. The experimental group applied peer reviewing technique while the control group applied self assessment technique. The subjects of this research were the students of the fourth semester English Department of STAIN Watampone. The sample was chosen by applying cluster random sampling technique. In collecting data, the researcher used writing test in pretest and posttest. The data that was used in the form of quantitative data in the form of test results to write argumentative text. Then the results were analyzed by T-Test and ANOVA analysis using SPSS version 20 Program. The results of the analysis of the data showed that (1) peer reviewing techniques can enhance the quality of learning outcomes and process of writing argumentative text. It was proved by the mean score of posttest of experimental group was 75.16 while mean score of post test of control group was 68.85. The mean score of posttest was higher than the mean score of pretest (75.1668.85). (2) The writing component was most affected of the use of peer reviewing was content (M: 22.05)

    Pengendalian Kimia dan Resistensi Vektor Anopheles Dewasa pada Kawasan Endemis Malaria di Dunia

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    Background: Various methods of malaria vector control has been done. Insecticides which using repeatedly impact new problems for the emergence of vector resistance. Hence, optimization  about active ingredient  in the insecticide  product  should take notice  to  the development  of  insecticide resistance  mechanisms for  malaria  vectors. Literature review which  assess and discuss  adult Anopheles sp resistance  for  chemical control programme  were  still limited to certain insecticides. The aim  of  this  literature review is  collecting and  findings  evidence has been produced  by researchers which  associated  with  chemical control of  vector  and   variety  of  adult  Anopheles resistance  as  a  strategy  to eradicate malaria endemic cases. Method: This literature review prepared by systematic review methods.Google database is used as the primary source of search with keyword "adult Anopheles", "resistance", insecticide”, and chemical control".  Inclusion  and  exclusion criteria  applied  to  select  journals  that  are  relevant of  this literature review’s topic. Collected 41 articles and 10 articles are matched with inclusion criteria. Results: Chemical control obtain cause Anopheles sp resistance to certain chemical insecticides. The involvement of  Anopheles sp knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations  as  a  genetic factor in the resistance mechanism, bio-ecological factors  and  operational  factors (insecticide  types, application techniques, dose,  frequency, time and  manner  of  application/intervention)  as  the  primary  cause of  chemical  insecticide  resistances. Conclusion: To maintain  this  programme, we needs  government policies are vector  control  integrated  through  research, assessment, and development  of  vector  resistance mechanisms  with  insecticides to achieve the goals  for  globally  malaria’s free in 2020

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Kanker Serviks di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar

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    Kanker serviks masih menjadi problem kesehatan bagi masyarakat Indonesia,karena kanker ini masih merupakan keganasan yang paling banyak pada wanita. Di Indonesia terjadi peningkatan penyakit kanker serviks dan menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian pada usia produktif. Untuk mengetahui faktor terjadinya peningkatan penyakit kanker serviks telah dilakukan penelitian dengan rancangan Case Control Study terhadap penderita kanker serviks. Sampel diambil pada penderita yang datang berobat dan rawat inap bulan Maret-April di RSUP.Dr.Wahidin Sudirohusodo yang berjumlah 174 pasien.Data primer dikumpulkan dengan teknik menggunakan koesioner. Data dianalisis secara Univariat, Bivariat dan Multivariat.Hasil uji statistik meunjukkan bahwa usia pertama kawin (OR=2,473), paritas (OR=1,971), hygiene rendah (OR=0,665), penggunaan kontrasepsi oral (OR=2,161). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan anatara 2 faktor yang menentukan kejadian kanker serviks yaitu usia pertama kawin (OR=2,473) dan penggunaan kontrasepsi oral (OR = 2,161) dan status suami merokok (OR=1,243). Berdasarkan variabel multivariat melalui uji Regresi Logistik Ganda menunjukkan adanya penggunaan kontrasepsi oral merupakan faktor yang paling berisiko terjadinya serviks. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka usia pertama kawin perlu mendapatkan perhatian dengan memberikan standar umur >20 tahun sebelum melangsungkan perkawinan dan penggunaan kontrasepsi oral yang melalui pengawasan dan pengontrolan yang baik seperti tidak terlalu lama menggunakan alat kontrasepsi dan mencari yang aman seperti melakukan tutup kandungan

    Mappettu Ada in Buginese Culture (Case Study in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi): Semantic Approach

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    There are five kinds of figurative language which were found in the dialogueof mappettu ada (buginese term). The first is hyperbole, for examplemauni si Soppeng maccecce, si Bone temmappuji temmassele tona „although all the citizens of Soppeng and Bone hate me, I will never care.The second is symbol, for examplenaluttuna manu-manu parukkusenna „the man has met his destiny‟. The third is personification, for example nataranak wettuing „guarded by the stars‟. The fourth is metaphor, for example paramata maelo‟e kuewa situdangeng siatting lima, sitonra olak tessibelleang „I have found, the woman who will accompany my life‟.The fifth is litotes, for example engka pasa rilipukku balanca rikampokku nyawami kusappa „a lot of women are around me but I am looking for a kind-hearted one‟

    Pengendalian Kimia dan Resistensi Vektor Anopheles Dewasa pada Kawasan Endemis Malaria di Dunia

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    Background: Various methods of malaria vector control has been done. Insecticides which using repeatedly impact new problems for the emergence of vector resistance. Hence, optimization about active ingredient in the insecticide product should take notice to the development of insecticide resistance mechanisms for malaria vectors. Literature review which assess and discuss adult Anopheles mosquitoes resistance for chemical control programme were still limited to certain insecticides. The aim of this literature review is collecting and findings evidence has been produced by researchers which associated with chemical control of vector and variety of adult Anopheles resistance as a strategy to eradicate malaria endemic cases. Method : This literature review prepared by systematic review methods. Google database is used as the primary source of search with keyword " adult Anopheles", "resistance", insecticide”, and chemical control ". Inclusion and exclusion criteria applied to select journals that are relevant of this literature review\u27s topic. Collected 41 articles and 10 articles are matched with inclusion criteria. Result: Chemical control obtain cause Anopheles resistance to certain chemical insecticides. The involvement of Anopheles knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations as a genetic factor in the resistance mechanism, bio-ecological factors and operational factors (insecticide types, application techniques, dose, frequency, time and manner of application/intervention) as the primary cause of chemical insecticide resistances. To maintain this programme, we needs government policies are vector control integrated through research, assessment, and development of vector resistance mechanisms with insecticides to achieve the goals for globally malaria\u27s free in 2020