Rumah Jurnal Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bone
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    1238 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Maharah Kalam Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan maharah kalam mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab pada Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Bone. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian deskriptif  kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah ketua Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Bone, Dosen mata kuliah Muhadatsah, dan Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisa data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian: 1) Bentuk strategi pengembangan maharah kalam mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab pada Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Bone: Penerapan Metode Mubasyarah, Kemah Bahasa Arab (KBA), Program Biah Al-Arabiyah, Bimbingan Debat Bahasa Arab. 2) Problematika  Pengembangan Maharah Kalam  Mahasiswa Prodi PENDIDIKAN BAHASA ARAB Fakultas Tarbiyah IAI, yaitu: Mahasiswa kurang antusias dalam praktikum kalam, Lingkungan bahasa masih rendah


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    There is a prohibition of rotating property on people (Q.S. 59:7) so that the discussion of sharia maqasid on distribution becomes essential to research. This paper aims to know the definition and function of the maqasid of shari'ah in concluding the law. Second, to understand the thoughts of scholars towards maqasid shari'ah. Third, to know the implementation of the shari'ah maqasid on the distribution of property. This article uses a qualitative approach. This article is library research. The results showed that sharia maqasid is an important concept in the study of Islamic law  by paying attention in maintaining faith (din), soul (nafs), mind ('aql), progeny (nasl) and wealth (maal) for humankind. Thoughts of scholars toward sharia maqasid were the main goal (universal value) to be achieved from legal provisions both in general and in particular. Sharia maqasid on the distribution of property creates a turnover of wealth among humans fairly and evenly. Distribution of property can be done through various means including nafaqah, zakat, inheritance, will, waqf, infak, alms, qardul Hasan, feeding the poor, qurban, aqiqah, helping others, fulfilling the rights of neighbours, fulfilling guest rights and Profit, and Loss Sharing (PLS), in addition, the distribution of property can also be done through the delivery of state property to citizens who are considered in need

    Effectiveness of the Free Trade Zone Policy as a Solution to Improve the Economy in Batam

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    This research aims to explore and analyze the regulations and implementation of the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) policy in the context of improving the economy in Batam City, Indonesia. This research uses non-doctrinal or empirical research. The applied problem approach involves three main approaches: a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a sociological or empirical approach. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis with a deductive data presentation pattern. Researchers will explore the regulations related to FTZs in Batam City and analyze the economic implications of these policies. Research findings show that in 2022 after the publication of PP No. 41 of 2021 has had an impact on improving the economy in Batam, including increasing export and import transactions so that Batam City's trade balance recorded a surplus of USD 2,262.24 million. Increase in the number of industrial and investment areas. It is hoped that the analysis of these findings will provide better insight into the contribution of FTZ policies to economic development at the local leve

    Penggunaan Google Classroom dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan Google Classroom dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwasanya penggunaan Google Classroom dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab sebagai memberikan manfaat yang siknifikan. Diantara, akses yang mudah dan fleksibel terhadap materi pembelajaran, yang dapat diakses oleh Mahasiswa kapan saja dan di mana saja dengan bantuan perangkat yang terhubung ke internet. Hal ini memudahkanMahasiswa untuk belajar secara mandiri, menyesuaikan kecepatan pembelajaran mereka, dan mengembangkan keterampilan Bahasa Arab mereka dengan lebih efektif. Penelitian ini mendapatkan tanggapan yang sangat positif dari mahasiswa, tanggapan positif ini didasarkan pada beberapa alasan: penggunaannya mudah, fleksibel, praktis, dan ekonomi

    What Is The Process Of Resolving Disputes In International Business Law?

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    The complex global business landscape often creates conflict between entities, highlighting the need for efficient dispute-resolution mechanisms. Increased competition between countries can result in disputes that require immediate attention and require careful consideration of the structure of international and national communities. The importance of dispute resolution mechanisms is visible in the complexity of international business activities. This research aims to deepen a more essential understanding of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in international business law. This objective is achieved by stating two research questions: the scope of resolving trade disputes and the alternative resolutions for international trade disputes. This is comparative qualitative research carried out in the literature concerning a normative juridical approach. Data was collected by searching relevant literature and legal materials for normative qualitative analysis. This research found that two types of disputes are commonly encountered in the legal process: disputes that are legal or can be resolved and conflicts that are political or cannot be resolved. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) stands out for its effectiveness and efficiency in dispute resolution law. ADR aligns with the evolving dynamics of global trade, providing a valuable tool for managing disputes between business entities. Alternative. At least three alternative dispute resolution options can be chosen: (i) Resolving international trade disputes through mediation; (ii) Resolving international trade disputes through the World Trade Organization (WTO); Resolving disputes in international business through arbitration. This research suggests that it would be best to consider alternatives for resolving trade disputes according to the case's complexity level

    The Absorptive Capacity of Fatwa Institutions in Indonesia on Contemporary Issues

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    The existence of fatwa institutions is very important because it can provide a roadmap for resolving contemporary legal problems. This research aims to examine the nature and importance of fatwas, the existence of fatwa institutions in Indonesia and their mandate and the absorption capacity of fatwa institutions in Indonesia in responding to current problems. Research was carried out in the literature using a normative-historical approach in analyzing the absorption capacity of fatwa institutions in responding to contemporary issues. The fatwa institutions in question are centered on the Majlis Tarjih Muhammadiyah, Bahtsul Masa'il Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and by fatwa institutions such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The results show that a fatwa is a form of answer from a mufti to a question asked by a mustafti which is based on a compelling case. Remembering that the mufti is the person chosen to be the caliph and successor of the Prophet, as stated by Imam Syatibi. Therefore, fatwas have a strategic and important position in social life to answer contemporary problems. Fatwa plays an important role in answering contemporary problems, especially problems in the era of modernization. One reason is because the majority of Muslims need legal answers that can solve problems. Based on the number of fatwas that have been issued, it shows that fatwa institutions in Indonesia have responded to contemporary legal issues

    TV Broadcast Piracy Through Illegal Live Streaming Applications: Challenges and Legal Protection for Copyright Holders

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    The copyright infringement that is currently on the rise is the emergence of illegal TV streaming apps. The application is now very annoying to official broadcasting rights holders because the presence of such illegal streaming applications will cause losses. This paper aims to find out the form of legal protection as well as legal action for television stations that suffer losses from the piracy of such broadcasting activities.This study is a normative legal study with normative jurisprudence approach to critically analyse the criminal and civil law norms against piracy TV broadcasts through the Live Streaming application aimed at digging and revealing the protection and enforcement of the law for TV stations suffered losses as a result of such piracy.If a person is found to conduct broadcasting or distribution without the permission of the owner who violates the provisions of Article 25 paragraph (2) of the Copyright Act with the criminal punishment of Article 118 of the copyright Act. Whereas the perpetrator of illegal live streaming application that violates Article 32 paragraph (1) of the ITE Act, can be subject to criminal sanctions as referred to in Article 48 paragraph 1 of the Act. The resolution of copyright disputes can be carried out through litigation and non-litigation. It would be better for the public to choose to watch legally and subscribe through an official service despite having to pay for the safety and convenience of the user

    Integrasi Aplikasi Wondershare Filmora dan Youtube dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab: Upaya Peningkatan Penguasaan Mufradat Mahasiswa UIAD Sinjai

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    Perkembangan teknologi digital saat ini hamper enyentul semua lini kehidupan, terutama Pendidikan. Proses pembelajaran klasikal mulai beralih menjadi pembelajarn modern yang berbasis pada pemanfaatan aplikasi-aplikasi terkait. Hal ini menjadikan penyajian materi pembelajaran juga harus berubah mengikuti model pembelajaran yang digunakan, tak terkecuali materi ajar Bahasa Arab, seperti mufradat. Penggunaan buku cetak sudah mulai ditinggalkan, dan digantikan dengan materi pembelajaran digital, baik berupa video pembelajaran, slide presentasi ataupun e-book. Banyak aplikasi digital yang dapat digunakan untuk menyusun materi dalam bentuk digital, salah satunya adalah wondershare filmora dan youtube. Kedua aplikasi ini, akan menghasilkan video pembelajaran interaktif untuk berbagai kalangan peserta didik, mulai dari tingkat dasar sampai perguruan tinggi

    Parliamentary Systems in Continental European Countries and its Relationship to the Effectiveness of Legislative Institutions

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    Every country has a unique style regarding the parliamentary system they follow. This parliamentary system may experience changes or developments that differ from the initial concept. It is expected because each country has other political, cultural, social, and economic conditions. It is normative legal research with a historical and conceptual approach, then conducted in a comparative study. The results of this study found that the French parliamentary system is included in the category of Medium-Strength bicameralism with asymmetrical and incongruent characteristics. The Dutch parliament belongs to medium-strength bicameralism with symmetrical and harmonious features. The Austrian legislature, known as the Bundesrat, does not have the same power as the Nationalrat, so the management of the two chambers of parliament is asymmetrical. Meanwhile, the parliamentary system in Indonesia can be classified as medium-strength bicameralism with asymmetrical and incongruent buildings. The parliamentary system can indirectly affect the effectiveness of the legislature's performance. Sometimes, the system adopted can make parliament an effective and efficient institution or vice versa. A small example is France, which can complete over 50% of proposed legislation in one year. Meanwhile, from 2020-2024, only 17 draft laws were constructed in Indonesia out of 215 registered. This figure is only 7.9% of the total proposed bill. Suppose the parliamentary system adopted has yet to bring parliament into a better, transparent, efficient, and open legislative body. In that case, the system can be re-evaluated by considering the existing ideal parliamentary concept

    Penerapan Manajemen Peserta Didik Berbasis Pesantren di Pondok Pesantren Al Ma'arif Bilae Kab. Bone

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    This research was conducted in order to find out the Implementation of Learner Management in a boarding school (pondok pesantren). This article aims to find out about the Implementation of Pesantren-Based Learner Management at Al Ma'arif Bilae Boarding School in Bone Regency. The type of research used is qualitative research with data collection techniques using observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of learner management at Pondok Pesantren Al Ma'arif Bilae Boarding School in Bone Regency has been carried out quite well. The interesting thing about the implementation of pesantren-based learner management is that in the admission of students, the learner data base has been inputted in an EMIS (Education Management Information System) application, including if there are participants who want to mutate/move from or to another madrasah, this EMIS application can be used to mutate/move through communication between madrasah operators. On the other hand, certain parts still need improvement, especially in the planning of students where the boarding school needs to make careful preparations, especially in preparing better socialization by socializing superior programs such as the Quran tahfiz program, other things regarding the code of ethics, discipline of students Some who do not implement the rules or norms that apply in the boarding school even come not on time. On the other hand, some teachers sometimes come late, and some do not even come at all when it is time to teach, so the class is empty. This certainly shows a poor performance, so it is necessary to improve and collaborate with all parties so that the management of students in the future will be much better. Keywords: Learner Management, Boarding School


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