Mappettu Ada in Buginese Culture (Case Study in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi): Semantic Approach


There are five kinds of figurative language which were found in the dialogueof mappettu ada (buginese term). The first is hyperbole, for examplemauni si Soppeng maccecce, si Bone temmappuji temmassele tona „although all the citizens of Soppeng and Bone hate me, I will never care.The second is symbol, for examplenaluttuna manu-manu parukkusenna „the man has met his destiny‟. The third is personification, for example nataranak wettuing „guarded by the stars‟. The fourth is metaphor, for example paramata maelo‟e kuewa situdangeng siatting lima, sitonra olak tessibelleang „I have found, the woman who will accompany my life‟.The fifth is litotes, for example engka pasa rilipukku balanca rikampokku nyawami kusappa „a lot of women are around me but I am looking for a kind-hearted one‟

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