255 research outputs found

    European Missile Defense and Russia

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    View the Executive SummaryThis monograph examines the history of missile defense and the current dialogue from a Russian perspective, in order to explain the root causes of Russian alarm. Specific recommendations for managing the Russia relationship in the context of missile defense are given. Important conclusions are also drawn for the purpose of managing the dialogue over missile defense plans not only with Russia as an opponent, but also with European NATO allies as partners and hosts. The latter are especially significant in the light of these partners\u27 heightened hard security concerns following Russian annexation of Crimea and continuing hostile moves against Ukraine. This analysis was completed before the start of Russia\u27s annexation of Crimea in March 2014, but already warned of the prospect of direct military action by Russia in Europe in order to protect Moscow\u27s self-perceived interests.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1487/thumbnail.jp

    Strategic Implications of the Evolving Shanghai Cooperation Organization

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    View the Executive SummaryThe role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in regional politics and the significance of the organization for U.S. interests are widely misunderstood. The organization is emphatically not a military bloc, and yet engages in joint activities which resemble military cooperation to U.S. eyes. It is, in theory, open to new members; but at present is highly unlikely to accept any. Its rhetoric firmly opposes U.S. presence and activity on the territory of member states, and yet individual member states leverage basing agreements with the U.S. to their advantage. The author reviews SCO\u27s history and stated aspirations, and measures these against actual achievements. He concludes that, with the notable exception of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure(RATS), the great majority of SCO accomplishments are of little significance other than to provide an additional multinational vehicle through which China and in particular Russia can seek to counter U.S. and Western activity in Central Asia.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1485/thumbnail.jp

    Growth in fossil and extant deer and implications for body size and life history evolution

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    © Kolb et al.; licensee BioMed Central. 2015 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The attached file is the published version of the article

    Revisiting soliton contributions to perturbative amplitudes

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    Open Access funded by SCOAP3. CP is a Royal Society Research Fellow and partly supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under grants DOE-SC0010008, DOE-ARRA-SC0003883 and DOE-DE-SC0007897. ABR is supported by the Mitchell Family Foundation. We would like to thank the Mitchell Institute at Texas A&M and the NHETC at Rutgers University respectively for hospitality during the course of this work. We would also like to acknowledge the Aspen Center for Physics and NSF grant 1066293 for a stimulating research environment

    Control of triceps surae stimulation based on shank orientation using a uniaxial gyroscope during gait

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    This article presents a stimulation control method using a uniaxial gyroscope measuring angular velocity of the shank in the sagittal plane, to control functional electrical stimulation of the triceps surae to improve push-off of stroke subjects during gait. The algorithm is triggered during each swing phase of gait when the angular velocity of the shank is relatively high. Subsequently, the start of the stance phase is detected by a change of sign of the gyroscope signal at approximately the same time as heel strike. Stimulation is triggered when the shank angle reaches a preset value since the beginning of stance. The change of angle is determined by integrating angular velocity from the moment of change of sign. The results show that the real-time reliability of stimulation control was at least 95% for four of the five stroke subjects tested, two of which were 100% reliable. For the remaining subject, the reliability was increased from 50% found during the experiment, to 99% during offline processing. Our conclusion is that a uniaxial gyroscope on the shank is a simple, more reliable alternative to the heel switch for the purpose of restoring push-off of stroke subjects during gait

    Genes Suggest Ancestral Colour Polymorphisms Are Shared across Morphologically Cryptic Species in Arctic Bumblebees

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    email Suzanne orcd idCopyright: © 2015 Williams et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Differential Effects of Dietary versus Exercise Intervention on Intrahepatic MAIT Cells and Histological Features of NAFLD

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    Background: Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells promote inflammation in obesity and are implicated in the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, as the intrahepatic MAIT cell response to lifestyle intervention in NAFLD has not been investigated, this work aimed to examine circulating and intrahepatic MAIT cell populations in patients with NAFLD, after either 12 weeks of dietary intervention (DI) or aerobic exercise intervention (EI). Methods: Multicolour flow cytometry was used to immunophenotype circulating and intrahepatic MAIT cells and measure MAIT cell expression (median fluorescence intensity, MFI) of the activation marker CD69 and apoptotic marker CD95. Liver histology, clinical parameters, and MAIT cell populations were assessed at baseline (T0) and following completion (T1) of DI or EI. Results: Forty-five patients completed the study. DI participants showed decreased median (interquartile range) expression of the activation marker CD69 on circulating MAIT cells (T0: 104 (134) versus T1 27 (114) MFI; p = 0.0353) and improvements in histological steatosis grade post-intervention. EI participants showed increased expression of the apoptotic marker CD95, both in circulating (T0: 1549 (888) versus T1: 2563 (1371) MFI; p = 0.0043) and intrahepatic MAIT cells (T0: 2724 (862) versus T1: 3117 (1622) MFI; p = 0.0269). Moreover, the percentage of intrahepatic MAIT cells significantly decreased after EI (T0: 11.1 (14.4) versus T1: 5.3 (9.3)%; p = 0.0029), in conjunction with significant improvements in fibrosis stage and hepatocyte ballooning. Conclusions: These data demonstrate independent benefits from dietary and exercise intervention and suggest a role for intrahepatic MAIT cells in the observed histological improvements in NAFLD

    Compensatory Development and Costs of Plasticity: Larval Responses to Desiccated Conspecifics

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    Understanding constraints on phenotypic plasticity is central to explaining its evolution and the evolution of phenotypes in general, yet there is an ongoing debate on the classification and relationships among types of constraints. Since plasticity is often a developmental process, studies that consider the ontogeny of traits and their developmental mechanisms are beneficial. We manipulated the timing and reliability of cues perceived by fire salamander larvae for the future desiccation of their ephemeral pools to determine whether flexibility in developmental rates is constrained to early ontogeny. We hypothesized that higher rates of development, and particularly compensation for contradictory cues, would incur greater endogenous costs. We found that larvae respond early in ontogeny to dried conspecifics as a cue for future desiccation, but can fully compensate for this response in case more reliable but contradictory cues are later perceived. Patterns of mortality suggested that endogenous costs may depend on instantaneous rates of development, and revealed asymmetrical costs of compensatory development between false positive and false negative early information. Based on the results, we suggest a simple model of costs of development that implies a tradeoff between production costs of plasticity and phenotype-environment mismatch costs, which may potentially underlie the phenomenon of ontogenetic windows constraining plasticity

    Формування та розвиток загальної теорії стійкості (середина XVIII ст. — 30-і рр. ХХ ст.)

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    У статті розглянуто історію вивчення стійкості (середина XVIII — початок XX ст., світовий контекст). Досліджено внесок А. Пуанкаре та О.М. Ляпунова в розвиток загальної теорії стійкості. Показано розвиток їх ідей у працях російських та українських учених.В статье рассмотрена история изучения устойчивости (середина XVIII — начало XX в., мировой контекст). Исследован вклад французского ученого А. Пуанкаре и русского ученого А.М. Ляпунова в развитие общей теории устойчивости. Показано дальнейшее развитие их идей в трудах русских и украинских ученых.The history of basic research in stability is given. Contributions from H.Poincaré, a French mathematician, mechanic and physicist, and O. Lapunov, a soviet mathematician and mechanic (working in the Kharkiv university) to development of the general theory of stability are shown. In 1892—1902, O. Lyapunov constructed an original robust mathematical apparatus to study stability of motion. Development of ideas and methods of H.Poincar of H.Poincar³e and O. Lapunov in works of later Ukrainian and Russian scientists is shown

    Actions of a Proline Analogue, L-Thiazolidine-4-Carboxylic Acid (T4C), on Trypanosoma cruzi

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    It is well established that L-proline has several roles in the biology of trypanosomatids. In Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas' disease, this amino acid is involved in energy metabolism, differentiation processes and resistance to osmotic stress. In this study, we analyzed the effects of interfering with L-proline metabolism on the viability and on other aspects of the T. cruzi life cycle using the proline analogue L- thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (T4C). The growth of epimastigotes was evaluated using different concentrations of T4C in standard culture conditions and at high temperature or acidic pH. We also evaluated possible interactions of this analogue with stress conditions such as those produced by nutrient starvation and oxidative stress. T4C showed a dose-response effect on epimastigote growth (IC50 = 0.89±0.02 mM at 28°C), and the inhibitory effect of this analogue was synergistic (p<0.05) with temperature (0.54±0.01 mM at 37°C). T4C significantly diminished parasite survival (p<0.05) in combination with nutrient starvation and oxidative stress conditions. Pre-incubation of the parasites with L-proline resulted in a protective effect against oxidative stress, but this was not seen in the presence of the drug. Finally, the trypomastigote bursting from infected mammalian cells was evaluated and found to be inhibited by up to 56% when cells were treated with non-toxic concentrations of T4C (between 1 and 10 mM). All these data together suggest that T4C could be an interesting therapeutic drug if combined with others that affect, for example, oxidative stress. The data also support the participation of proline metabolism in the resistance to oxidative stress