145 research outputs found

    The Metallo-β-Lactamase/β-CASP Domain of Artemis Constitutes the Catalytic Core for V(D)J Recombination

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    The V(D)J recombination/DNA repair factor Artemis belongs to the metallo-β-lactamase (β-Lact) superfamily of enzymes. Three regions can be defined within the Artemis protein sequence: (a) the β-Lact homology domain, to which is appended (b) the β-CASP region, specific of members of the β-Lact superfamily acting on nucleic acids, and (c) the COOH-terminal domain. Using in vitro mutagenesis, here we show that the association of the β-Lact and the β-CASP regions suffices for in vivo V(D)J recombination of chromosome-integrated substrates. Single amino acid mutants point to critical catalytic residues for V(D)J recombination activity. The results presented here define the β-Lact/β-CASP domain of Artemis as the minimal core catalytic domain needed for V(D)J recombination and suggest that Artemis uses one or two Zn(II) ions to exert its catalytic activity, like bacterial class B β-Lact enzymes hydrolyzing β-lactam compounds

    An evolutionarily conserved coronin-dependent pathway defines cell population size

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    Maintenance of cell population size is fundamental to the proper functioning of multicellular organisms. Here, we describe a cell-intrinsic cell density-sensing pathway that enabled T cells to reach and maintain an appropriate population size. This pathway operated "kin-to-kin" or between identical or similar T cell populations occupying a niche within a tissue or organ, such as the lymph nodes, spleen, and blood. We showed that this pathway depended on the cell density-dependent abundance of the evolutionarily conserved protein coronin 1, which coordinated prosurvival signaling with the inhibition of cell death until the cell population reached threshold densities. At or above threshold densities, coronin 1 expression peaked and remained stable, thereby resulting in the initiation of apoptosis through kin-to-kin intercellular signaling to return the cell population to the appropriate cell density. This cell population size-controlling pathway was conserved from amoeba to humans, thus providing evidence for the existence of a coronin-regulated, evolutionarily conserved mechanism by which cells are informed of and coordinate their relative population size

    Actin dynamics regulation by TTC7A/PI4KIIIα limits DNA damage and cell death under confinement

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    Background: The actin cytoskeleton has a crucial role in the maintenance of the immune homeostasis by controlling various cellular processes, including cell migration. Mutations in TTC7A have been described as the cause of a primary immunodeficiency associated to different degrees of gut involvement and alterations in the actin cytoskeleton dynamics. Objectives: This study investigates the impact of TTC7A deficiency in immune homeostasis. In particular, the role of the TTC7A/phosphatidylinositol 4 kinase type III α pathway in the control of leukocyte migration and actin dynamics. Methods: Microfabricated devices were leveraged to study cell migration and actin dynamics of murine and patient-derived leukocytes under confinement at the single-cell level. Results: We show that TTC7A-deficient lymphocytes exhibit an altered cell migration and reduced capacity to deform through narrow gaps. Mechanistically, TTC7A-deficient phenotype resulted from impaired phosphoinositide signaling, leading to the downregulation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/AKT/RHOA regulatory axis and imbalanced actin cytoskeleton dynamics. TTC7A-associated phenotype resulted in impaired cell motility, accumulation of DNA damage, and increased cell death in dense 3-dimensional gels in the presence of chemokines. Conclusions: These results highlight a novel role of TTC7A as a critical regulator of lymphocyte migration. Impairment of this cellular function is likely to contribute to the pathophysiology underlying progressive immunodeficiency in patients.</p

    RANK-Dependent Autosomal Recessive Osteopetrosis: Characterization of Five New Cases With Novel Mutations

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    Autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder attributed to reduced bone resorption by osteoclasts. Most human AROs are classified as osteoclast rich, but recently two subsets of osteoclast-poor ARO have been recognized as caused by defects in either TNFSF11 or TNFRSF11A genes, coding the RANKL and RANK proteins, respectively. The RANKL/RANK axis drives osteoclast differentiation and also plays a role in the immune system. In fact, we have recently reported that mutations in the TNFRSF11A gene lead to osteoclast-poor osteopetrosis associated with hypogammaglobulinemia. Here we present the characterization of five additional unpublished patients from four unrelated families in which we found five novel mutations in the TNFRSF11A gene, including two missense and two nonsense mutations and a single-nucleotide insertion. Immunological investigation in three of them showed that the previously described defect in the B cell compartment was present only in some patients and that its severity seemed to increase with age and the progression of the disease. HSCT performed in all five patients almost completely cured the disease even when carried out in late infancy. Hypercalcemia was the most important posttransplant complication. Overall, our results further underline the heterogeneity of human ARO also deriving from the interplay between bone and the immune system, and highlight the prognostic and therapeutic implications of the molecular diagnosis. © 2012 American Society for Bone and Mineral Researc

    Thymus transplantation for complete DiGeorge syndrome: European experience

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    Background: Thymus transplantation is a promising strategy for the treatment of athymic complete DiGeorge syndrome (cDGS). Methods: Twelve patients with cDGS were transplanted with allogeneic cultured thymus. Objective: To confirm and extend the results previously obtained in a single centre. Results: Two patients died of pre-existing viral infections without developing thymopoeisis and one late death occurred from autoimmune thrombocytopaenia. One infant suffered septic shock shortly after transplant resulting in graft loss and the need for a second transplant. Evidence of thymopoeisis developed from 5-6 months after transplantation in ten patients. The median (range) of circulating naïve CD4 counts (x10663 /L) were 44(11-440) and 200(5-310) at twelve and twenty-four months post-transplant and T-cell receptor excision circles were 2238 (320-8807) and 4184 (1582 -24596) per106 65 T-cells. Counts did not usually reach normal levels for age but patients were able to clear pre-existing and later acquired infections. At a median of 49 months (22-80), eight have ceased prophylactic antimicrobials and five immunoglobulin replacement. Histological confirmation of thymopoeisis was seen in seven of eleven patients undergoing biopsy of transplanted tissue including five showing full maturation through to the terminal stage of Hassall body formation. Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) expression was also demonstrated. Autoimmune complications were seen in 7/12 patients. In two, early transient autoimmune haemolysis settled after treatment and did not recur. The other five suffered ongoing autoimmune problems including: thyroiditis (3); haemolysis (1), thrombocytopaenia (4) and neutropenia (1). Conclusions: This study confirms the previous reports that thymus transplantation can reconstitute T cells in cDGS but with frequent autoimmune complications in survivors

    Disruption of Coronin 1 Signaling in T Cells Promotes Allograft Tolerance while Maintaining Anti-Pathogen Immunity

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    The ability of the immune system to discriminate self from non-self is essential for eradicating microbial pathogens but is also responsible for allograft rejection. Whether it is possible to selectively suppress alloresponses while maintaining anti-pathogen immunity remains unknown. We found that mice deficient in coronin 1, a regulator of naive T cell homeostasis, fully retained allografts while maintaining T cell-specific responses against microbial pathogens. Mechanistically, coronin 1-deficiency increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations to suppress allo-specific T cell responses. Costimulation induced on microbe-infected antigen presenting cells was able to overcome cAMP-mediated immunosuppression to maintain anti-pathogen immunity. In vivo pharmacological modulation of this pathway or a prior transfer of coronin 1-deficient T cells actively suppressed allograft rejection. These results define a coronin 1-dependent regulatory axis in T cells important for allograft rejection and suggest that modulation of this pathway may be a promising approach to achieve long-term acceptance of mismatched allografts

    Rubella Virus-Associated Cutaneous Granulomatous Disease : a Unique Complication in Immune-Deficient Patients, Not Limited to DNA Repair Disorders

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    The association of immunodeficiency-related vaccine-derived rubella virus (iVDRV) with cutaneous and visceral granulomatous disease has been reported in patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders (PIDs). The majority of these PID patients with rubella-positive granulomas had DNA repair disorders. To support this line of inquiry, we provide additional descriptive data on seven previously reported patients with Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) (n=3) and ataxia telangiectasia (AT) (n=4) as well as eight previously unreported patients with iVDRV-induced cutaneous granulomas and DNA repair disorders including NBS (n=1), AT (n=5), DNA ligase 4 deficiency (n=1), and Artemis deficiency (n=1). We also provide descriptive data on several previously unreported PID patients with iVDRV-induced cutaneous granulomas including cartilage hair hypoplasia (n=1), warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, immunodeficiency, myelokathexis (WHIM) syndrome (n=1), MHC class II deficiency (n=1), Coronin-1A deficiency (n=1), X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) (n=1), and combined immunodeficiency without a molecular diagnosis (n=1). At the time of this report, the median age of the patients with skin granulomas and DNA repair disorders was 9years (range 3-18). Cutaneous granulomas have been documented in all, while visceral granulomas were observed in six cases (40%). All patients had received rubella virus vaccine. The median duration of time elapsed from vaccination to the development of cutaneous granulomas was 48months (range 2-152). Hematopoietic cell transplantation was reported to result in scarring resolution of cutaneous granulomas in two patients with NBS, one patient with AT, one patient with Artemis deficiency, one patient with DNA Ligase 4 deficiency, one patient with MHC class II deficiency, and one patient with combined immunodeficiency without a known molecular etiology. Of the previously reported and unreported cases, the majority share the diagnosis of a DNA repair disorder. Analysis of additional patients with this complication may clarify determinants of rubella pathogenesis, identify specific immune defects resulting in chronic infection, and may lead to defect-specific therapies.Peer reviewe

    Disease Evolution and Response to Rapamycin in Activated Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase δ Syndrome: The European Society for Immunodeficiencies-Activated Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase δ Syndrome Registry

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    Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) δ Syndrome (APDS), caused by autosomal dominant mutations in PIK3CD (APDS1) or PIK3R1 (APDS2), is a heterogeneous primary immunodeficiency. While initial cohort-descriptions summarized the spectrum of clinical and immunological manifestations, questions about long-term disease evolution and response to therapy remain. The prospective European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID)-APDS registry aims to characterize the disease course, identify outcome predictors, and evaluate treatment responses. So far, 77 patients have been recruited (51 APDS1, 26 APDS2). Analysis of disease evolution in the first 68 patients pinpoints the early occurrence of recurrent respiratory infections followed by chronic lymphoproliferation, gastrointestinal manifestations, and cytopenias. Although most manifestations occur by age 15, adult-onset and asymptomatic courses were documented. Bronchiectasis was observed in 24/40 APDS1 patients who received a CT-scan compared with 4/15 APDS2 patients. By age 20, half of the patients had received at least one immunosuppressant, but 2–3 lines of immunosuppressive therapy were not unusual before age 10. Response to rapamycin was rated by physician visual analog scale as good in 10, moderate in 9, and poor in 7. Lymphoproliferation showed the best response (8 complete, 11 partial, 6 no remission), while bowel inflammation (3 complete, 3 partial, 9 no remission) and cytopenia (3 complete, 2 partial, 9 no remission) responded less well. Hence, non-lymphoproliferative manifestations should be a key target for novel therapies. This report from the ESID-APDS registry provides comprehensive baseline documentation for a growing cohort that will be followed prospectively to establish prognostic factors and identify patients for treatment studies

    Epstein-Barr Virus genome deletions in Epstein-Barr Virus-positive T/NK cell lymphoproliferative diseases

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    The main target cells for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and persistence are B lymphocytes, although T and NK cells can also become infected. In this paper, we characterize the EBV present in 21 pediatric and adult patients who were treated in France for a range of diseases that involve infection of T or NK cells. Of these 21 cases, 5 pediatric patients (21%) and 11 adult patients (52%) were of Caucasian origin. In about 30% of the cases, some of the EBV genomes contain a large deletion. The deletions are different in every patient but tend to cluster near the BART region of the viral genome. Detailed investigation of a family in which several members have persistent T or NK cell infection by EBV indicates that the virus genome deletions arise or are selected independently in each individual patient. Genome sequence polymorphisms in the EBV in these T or NK cell diseases reflect the geographic origin of the patient and not a distinct type of EBV (the 21 cases studied included examples of both type 1 and type 2 EBV infection). Using virus produced from type 1 or type 2 EBV genomes cloned in bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vectors, we demonstrate infection of T cells in cord blood from healthy donors. Our results are consistent with transient infection of some T cells being part of normal asymptomatic infection by EBV in young children. IMPORTANCE EBV contributes to several types of human cancer. Some cancers and nonmalignant lymphoproliferative diseases involving T or NK cells contain EBV. These diseases are relatively frequent in Japan and China and have been shown sometimes to have deletions in the EBV genome in the disease cells. We identify further examples of deletions within the EBV genome associated with T or NK cell diseases, and we provide evidence that the virus genomes with these deletions are most likely selected in the individual cases, rather than being transmitted between people during infection. We demonstrate EBV infection of cord blood T cells by highly characterized, cloned EBV genomes and suggest that transient infection of T cells may be part of normal asymptomatic infection by EBV in young children