17 research outputs found

    Radioactivity control strategy for the JUNO detector

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    602siopenJUNO is a massive liquid scintillator detector with a primary scientific goal of determining the neutrino mass ordering by studying the oscillated anti-neutrino flux coming from two nuclear power plants at 53 km distance. The expected signal anti-neutrino interaction rate is only 60 counts per day (cpd), therefore a careful control of the background sources due to radioactivity is critical. In particular, natural radioactivity present in all materials and in the environment represents a serious issue that could impair the sensitivity of the experiment if appropriate countermeasures were not foreseen. In this paper we discuss the background reduction strategies undertaken by the JUNO collaboration to reduce at minimum the impact of natural radioactivity. We describe our efforts for an optimized experimental design, a careful material screening and accurate detector production handling, and a constant control of the expected results through a meticulous Monte Carlo simulation program. We show that all these actions should allow us to keep the background count rate safely below the target value of 10 Hz (i.e. ∼1 cpd accidental background) in the default fiducial volume, above an energy threshold of 0.7 MeV. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]openAbusleme A.; Adam T.; Ahmad S.; Ahmed R.; Aiello S.; Akram M.; An F.; An Q.; Andronico G.; Anfimov N.; Antonelli V.; Antoshkina T.; Asavapibhop B.; de Andre J.P.A.M.; Auguste D.; Babic A.; Baldini W.; Barresi A.; Basilico D.; Baussan E.; Bellato M.; Bergnoli A.; Birkenfeld T.; Blin S.; Blum D.; Blyth S.; Bolshakova A.; Bongrand M.; Bordereau C.; Breton D.; Brigatti A.; Brugnera R.; Bruno R.; Budano A.; Buscemi M.; Busto J.; Butorov I.; Cabrera A.; Cai H.; Cai X.; Cai Y.; Cai Z.; Cammi A.; Campeny A.; Cao C.; Cao G.; Cao J.; Caruso R.; Cerna C.; Chang J.; Chang Y.; Chen P.; Chen P.-A.; Chen S.; Chen X.; Chen Y.-W.; Chen Y.; Chen Y.; Chen Z.; Cheng J.; Cheng Y.; Chetverikov A.; Chiesa D.; Chimenti P.; Chukanov A.; Claverie G.; Clementi C.; Clerbaux B.; Conforti Di Lorenzo S.; Corti D.; Cremonesi O.; Dal Corso F.; Dalager O.; De La Taille C.; Deng J.; Deng Z.; Deng Z.; Depnering W.; Diaz M.; Ding X.; Ding Y.; Dirgantara B.; Dmitrievsky S.; Dohnal T.; Dolzhikov D.; Donchenko G.; Dong J.; Doroshkevich E.; Dracos M.; Druillole F.; Du S.; Dusini S.; Dvorak M.; Enqvist T.; Enzmann H.; Fabbri A.; Fajt L.; Fan D.; Fan L.; Fang J.; Fang W.; Fargetta M.; Fedoseev D.; Fekete V.; Feng L.-C.; Feng Q.; Ford R.; Formozov A.; Fournier A.; Gan H.; Gao F.; Garfagnini A.; Giammarchi M.; Giaz A.; Giudice N.; Gonchar M.; Gong G.; Gong H.; Gornushkin Y.; Gottel A.; Grassi M.; Grewing C.; Gromov V.; Gu M.; Gu X.; Gu Y.; Guan M.; Guardone N.; Gul M.; Guo C.; Guo J.; Guo W.; Guo X.; Guo Y.; Hackspacher P.; Hagner C.; Han R.; Han Y.; Hassan M.S.; He M.; He W.; Heinz T.; Hellmuth P.; Heng Y.; Herrera R.; Hor Y.K.; Hou S.; Hsiung Y.; Hu B.-Z.; Hu H.; Hu J.; Hu J.; Hu S.; Hu T.; Hu Z.; Huang C.; Huang G.; Huang H.; Huang W.; Huang X.; Huang X.; Huang Y.; Hui J.; Huo L.; Huo W.; Huss C.; Hussain S.; Ioannisian A.; Isocrate R.; Jelmini B.; Jen K.-L.; Jeria I.; Ji X.; Ji X.; Jia H.; Jia J.; Jian S.; Jiang D.; Jiang X.; Jin R.; Jing X.; Jollet C.; Joutsenvaara J.; Jungthawan S.; Kalousis L.; Kampmann P.; Kang L.; Karaparambil R.; Kazarian N.; Khan W.; Khosonthongkee K.; Korablev D.; Kouzakov K.; Krasnoperov A.; Kruth A.; Kutovskiy N.; Kuusiniemi P.; Lachenmaier T.; Landini C.; Leblanc S.; Lebrin V.; Lefevre F.; Lei R.; Leitner R.; Leung J.; Li D.; Li F.; Li F.; Li H.; Li H.; Li J.; Li M.; Li M.; Li N.; Li N.; Li Q.; Li R.; Li S.; Li T.; Li W.; Li W.; Li X.; Li X.; Li X.; Li Y.; Li Y.; Li Z.; Li Z.; Li Z.; Liang H.; Liang H.; Liao J.; Liebau D.; Limphirat A.; Limpijumnong S.; Lin G.-L.; Lin S.; Lin T.; Ling J.; Lippi I.; Liu F.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu H.; Liu J.; Liu J.; Liu M.; Liu Q.; Liu Q.; Liu R.; Liu S.; Liu S.; Liu S.; Liu X.; Liu X.; Liu Y.; Liu Y.; Lokhov A.; Lombardi P.; Lombardo C.; Loo K.; Lu C.; Lu H.; Lu J.; Lu J.; Lu S.; Lu X.; Lubsandorzhiev B.; Lubsandorzhiev S.; Ludhova L.; Luo F.; Luo G.; Luo P.; Luo S.; Luo W.; Lyashuk V.; Ma B.; Ma Q.; Ma S.; Ma X.; Ma X.; Maalmi J.; Malyshkin Y.; Mantovani F.; Manzali F.; Mao X.; Mao Y.; Mari S.M.; Marini F.; Marium S.; Martellini C.; Martin-Chassard G.; Martini A.; Mayer M.; Mayilyan D.; Mednieks I.; Meng Y.; Meregaglia A.; Meroni E.; Meyhofer D.; Mezzetto M.; Miller J.; Miramonti L.; Montini P.; Montuschi M.; Muller A.; Nastasi M.; Naumov D.V.; Naumova E.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nemchenok I.; Nguyen Thi M.T.; Ning F.; Ning Z.; Nunokawa H.; Oberauer L.; Ochoa-Ricoux J.P.; Olshevskiy A.; Orestano D.; Ortica F.; Othegraven R.; Pan H.-R.; Paoloni A.; Parmeggiano S.; Pei Y.; Pelliccia N.; Peng A.; Peng H.; Perrot F.; Petitjean P.-A.; Petrucci F.; Pilarczyk O.; Pineres Rico L.F.; Popov A.; Poussot P.; Pratumwan W.; Previtali E.; Qi F.; Qi M.; Qian S.; Qian X.; Qian Z.; Qiao H.; Qin Z.; Qiu S.; Rajput M.U.; Ranucci G.; Raper N.; Re A.; Rebber H.; Rebii A.; Ren B.; Ren J.; Ricci B.; Robens M.; Roche M.; Rodphai N.; Romani A.; Roskovec B.; Roth C.; Ruan X.; Ruan X.; Rujirawat S.; Rybnikov A.; Sadovsky A.; Saggese P.; Sanfilippo S.; Sangka A.; Sanguansak N.; Sawangwit U.; Sawatzki J.; Sawy F.; Schever M.; Schwab C.; Schweizer K.; Selyunin A.; Serafini A.; Settanta G.; Settimo M.; Shao Z.; Sharov V.; Shaydurova A.; Shi J.; Shi Y.; Shutov V.; Sidorenkov A.; Simkovic F.; Sirignano C.; Siripak J.; Sisti M.; Slupecki M.; Smirnov M.; Smirnov O.; Sogo-Bezerra T.; Sokolov S.; Songwadhana J.; Soonthornthum B.; Sotnikov A.; Sramek O.; Sreethawong W.; Stahl A.; Stanco L.; Stankevich K.; Stefanik D.; Steiger H.; Steinmann J.; Sterr T.; Stock M.R.; Strati V.; Studenikin A.; Sun S.; Sun X.; Sun Y.; Sun Y.; Suwonjandee N.; Szelezniak M.; Tang J.; Tang Q.; Tang Q.; Tang X.; Tietzsch A.; Tkachev I.; Tmej T.; Treskov K.; Triossi A.; Troni G.; Trzaska W.; Tuve C.; Ushakov N.; van den Boom J.; van Waasen S.; Vanroyen G.; Vassilopoulos N.; Vedin V.; Verde G.; Vialkov M.; Viaud B.; Vollbrecht M.C.; Volpe C.; Vorobel V.; Voronin D.; Votano L.; Walker P.; Wang C.; Wang C.-H.; Wang E.; Wang G.; Wang J.; Wang J.; Wang K.; Wang L.; Wang M.; Wang M.; Wang M.; Wang R.; Wang S.; Wang W.; Wang W.; Wang W.; Wang X.; Wang X.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.; Waqas M.; Watcharangkool A.; Wei L.; Wei W.; Wei W.; Wei Y.; Wen L.; Wiebusch C.; Wong S.C.-F.; Wonsak B.; Wu D.; Wu F.; Wu Q.; Wu Z.; Wurm M.; Wurtz J.; Wysotzki C.; Xi Y.; Xia D.; Xie X.; Xie Y.; Xie Z.; Xing Z.; Xu B.; Xu C.; Xu D.; Xu F.; Xu H.; Xu J.; Xu J.; Xu M.; Xu Y.; Xu Y.; Yan B.; Yan T.; Yan W.; Yan X.; Yan Y.; Yang A.; Yang C.; Yang C.; Yang H.; Yang J.; Yang L.; Yang X.; Yang Y.; Yang Y.; Yao H.; Yasin Z.; Ye J.; Ye M.; Ye Z.; Yegin U.; Yermia F.; Yi P.; Yin N.; Yin X.; You Z.; Yu B.; Yu C.; Yu C.; Yu H.; Yu M.; Yu X.; Yu Z.; Yu Z.; Yuan C.; Yuan Y.; Yuan Z.; Yuan Z.; Yue B.; Zafar N.; Zambanini A.; Zavadskyi V.; Zeng S.; Zeng T.; Zeng Y.; Zhan L.; Zhang A.; Zhang F.; Zhang G.; Zhang H.; Zhang H.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang J.; Zhang P.; Zhang Q.; Zhang S.; Zhang S.; Zhang T.; Zhang X.; Zhang X.; Zhang X.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Z.; Zhang Z.; Zhao F.; Zhao J.; Zhao R.; Zhao S.; Zhao T.; Zheng D.; Zheng H.; Zheng M.; Zheng Y.; Zhong W.; Zhou J.; Zhou L.; Zhou N.; Zhou S.; Zhou T.; Zhou X.; Zhu J.; Zhu K.; Zhu K.; Zhu Z.; Zhuang B.; Zhuang H.; Zong L.; Zou J.Abusleme, A.; Adam, T.; Ahmad, S.; Ahmed, R.; Aiello, S.; Akram, M.; An, F.; An, Q.; Andronico, G.; Anfimov, N.; Antonelli, V.; Antoshkina, T.; Asavapibhop, B.; de Andre, J. P. A. M.; Auguste, D.; Babic, A.; Baldini, W.; Barresi, A.; Basilico, D.; Baussan, E.; Bellato, M.; Bergnoli, A.; Birkenfeld, T.; Blin, S.; Blum, D.; Blyth, S.; Bolshakova, A.; Bongrand, M.; Bordereau, C.; Breton, D.; Brigatti, A.; Brugnera, R.; Bruno, R.; Budano, A.; Buscemi, M.; Busto, J.; Butorov, I.; Cabrera, A.; Cai, H.; Cai, X.; Cai, Y.; Cai, Z.; Cammi, A.; Campeny, A.; Cao, C.; Cao, G.; Cao, J.; Caruso, R.; Cerna, C.; Chang, J.; Chang, Y.; Chen, P.; Chen, P. -A.; Chen, S.; Chen, X.; Chen, Y. -W.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Z.; Cheng, J.; Cheng, Y.; Chetverikov, A.; Chiesa, D.; Chimenti, P.; Chukanov, A.; Claverie, G.; Clementi, C.; Clerbaux, B.; Conforti Di Lorenzo, S.; Corti, D.; Cremonesi, O.; Dal Corso, F.; Dalager, O.; De La Taille, C.; Deng, J.; Deng, Z.; Deng, Z.; Depnering, W.; Diaz, M.; Ding, X.; Ding, Y.; Dirgantara, B.; Dmitrievsky, S.; Dohnal, T.; Dolzhikov, D.; Donchenko, G.; Dong, J.; Doroshkevich, E.; Dracos, M.; Druillole, F.; Du, S.; Dusini, S.; Dvorak, M.; Enqvist, T.; Enzmann, H.; Fabbri, A.; Fajt, L.; Fan, D.; Fan, L.; Fang, J.; Fang, W.; Fargetta, M.; Fedoseev, D.; Fekete, V.; Feng, L. -C.; Feng, Q.; Ford, R.; Formozov, A.; Fournier, A.; Gan, H.; Gao, F.; Garfagnini, A.; Giammarchi, M.; Giaz, A.; Giudice, N.; Gonchar, M.; Gong, G.; Gong, H.; Gornushkin, Y.; Gottel, A.; Grassi, M.; Grewing, C.; Gromov, V.; Gu, M.; Gu, X.; Gu, Y.; Guan, M.; Guardone, N.; Gul, M.; Guo, C.; Guo, J.; Guo, W.; Guo, X.; Guo, Y.; Hackspacher, P.; Hagner, C.; Han, R.; Han, Y.; Hassan, M. S.; He, M.; He, W.; Heinz, T.; Hellmuth, P.; Heng, Y.; Herrera, R.; Hor, Y. K.; Hou, S.; Hsiung, Y.; Hu, B. -Z.; Hu, H.; Hu, J.; Hu, J.; Hu, S.; Hu, T.; Hu, Z.; Huang, C.; Huang, G.; Huang, H.; Huang, W.; Huang, X.; Huang, X.; Huang, Y.; Hui, J.; Huo, L.; Huo, W.; Huss, C.; Hussain, S.; Ioannisian, A.; Isocrate, R.; Jelmini, B.; Jen, K. -L.; Jeria, I.; Ji, X.; Ji, X.; Jia, H.; Jia, J.; Jian, S.; Jiang, D.; Jiang, X.; Jin, R.; Jing, X.; Jollet, C.; Joutsenvaara, J.; Jungthawan, S.; Kalousis, L.; Kampmann, P.; Kang, L.; Karaparambil, R.; Kazarian, N.; Khan, W.; Khosonthongkee, K.; Korablev, D.; Kouzakov, K.; Krasnoperov, A.; Kruth, A.; Kutovskiy, N.; Kuusiniemi, P.; Lachenmaier, T.; Landini, C.; Leblanc, S.; Lebrin, V.; Lefevre, F.; Lei, R.; Leitner, R.; Leung, J.; Li, D.; Li, F.; Li, F.; Li, H.; Li, H.; Li, J.; Li, M.; Li, M.; Li, N.; Li, N.; Li, Q.; Li, R.; Li, S.; Li, T.; Li, W.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, X.; Li, Y.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.; Li, Z.; Li, Z.; Liang, H.; Liang, H.; Liao, J.; Liebau, D.; Limphirat, A.; Limpijumnong, S.; Lin, G. -L.; Lin, S.; Lin, T.; Ling, J.; Lippi, I.; Liu, F.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, H.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Liu, M.; Liu, Q.; Liu, Q.; Liu, R.; Liu, S.; Liu, S.; Liu, S.; Liu, X.; Liu, X.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Lokhov, A.; Lombardi, P.; Lombardo, C.; Loo, K.; Lu, C.; Lu, H.; Lu, J.; Lu, J.; Lu, S.; Lu, X.; Lubsandorzhiev, B.; Lubsandorzhiev, S.; Ludhova, L.; Luo, F.; Luo, G.; Luo, P.; Luo, S.; Luo, W.; Lyashuk, V.; Ma, B.; Ma, Q.; Ma, S.; Ma, X.; Ma, X.; Maalmi, J.; Malyshkin, Y.; Mantovani, F.; Manzali, F.; Mao, X.; Mao, Y.; Mari, S. M.; Marini, F.; Marium, S.; Martellini, C.; Martin-Chassard, G.; Martini, A.; Mayer, M.; Mayilyan, D.; Mednieks, I.; Meng, Y.; Meregaglia, A.; Meroni, E.; Meyhofer, D.; Mezzetto, M.; Miller, J.; Miramonti, L.; Montini, P.; Montuschi, M.; Muller, A.; Nastasi, M.; Naumov, D. V.; Naumova, E.; Navas-Nicolas, D.; Nemchenok, I.; Nguyen Thi, M. T.; Ning, F.; Ning, Z.; Nunokawa, H.; Oberauer, L.; Ochoa-Ricoux, J. P.; Olshevskiy, A.; Orestano, D.; Ortica, F.; Othegraven, R.; Pan, H. -R.; Paoloni, A.; Parmeggiano, S.; Pei, Y.; Pelliccia, N.; Peng, A.; Peng, H.; Perrot, F.; Petitjean, P. -A.; Petrucci, F.; Pilarczyk, O.; Pineres Rico, L. F.; Popov, A.; Poussot, P.; Pratumwan, W.; Previtali, E.; Qi, F.; Qi, M.; Qian, S.; Qian, X.; Qian, Z.; Qiao, H.; Qin, Z.; Qiu, S.; Rajput, M. U.; Ranucci, G.; Raper, N.; Re, A.; Rebber, H.; Rebii, A.; Ren, B.; Ren, J.; Ricci, B.; Robens, M.; Roche, M.; Rodphai, N.; Romani, A.; Roskovec, B.; Roth, C.; Ruan, X.; Ruan, X.; Rujirawat, S.; Rybnikov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Saggese, P.; Sanfilippo, S.; Sangka, A.; Sanguansak, N.; Sawangwit, U.; Sawatzki, J.; Sawy, F.; Schever, M.; Schwab, C.; Schweizer, K.; Selyunin, A.; Serafini, A.; Settanta, G.; Settimo, M.; Shao, Z.; Sharov, V.; Shaydurova, A.; Shi, J.; Shi, Y.; Shutov, V.; Sidorenkov, A.; Simkovic, F.; Sirignano, C.; Siripak, J.; Sisti, M.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, M.; Smirnov, O.; Sogo-Bezerra, T.; Sokolov, S.; Songwadhana, J.; Soonthornthum, B.; Sotnikov, A.; Sramek, O.; Sreethawong, W.; Stahl, A.; Stanco, L.; Stankevich, K.; Stefanik, D.; Steiger, H.; Steinmann, J.; Sterr, T.; Stock, M. R.; Strati, V.; Studenikin, A.; Sun, S.; Sun, X.; Sun, Y.; Sun, Y.; Suwonjandee, N.; Szelezniak, M.; Tang, J.; Tang, Q.; Tang, Q.; Tang, X.; Tietzsch, A.; Tkachev, I.; Tmej, T.; Treskov, K.; Triossi, A.; Troni, G.; Trzaska, W.; Tuve, C.; Ushakov, N.; van den Boom, J.; van Waasen, S.; Vanroyen, G.; Vassilopoulos, N.; Vedin, V.; Verde, G.; Vialkov, M.; Viaud, B.; Vollbrecht, M. C.; Volpe, C.; Vorobel, V.; Voronin, D.; Votano, L.; Walker, P.; Wang, C.; Wang, C. -H.; Wang, E.; Wang, G.; Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, K.; Wang, L.; Wang, M.; Wang, M.; Wang, M.; Wang, R.; Wang, S.; Wang, W.; Wang, W.; Wang, W.; Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Waqas, M.; Watcharangkool, A.; Wei, L.; Wei, W.; Wei, W.; Wei, Y.; Wen, L.; Wiebusch, C.; Wong, S. C. -F.; Wonsak, B.; Wu, D.; Wu, F.; Wu, Q.; Wu, Z.; Wurm, M.; Wurtz, J.; Wysotzki, C.; Xi, Y.; Xia, D.; Xie, X.; Xie, Y.; Xie, Z.; Xing, Z.; Xu, B.; Xu, C.; Xu, D.; Xu, F.; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Xu, J.; Xu, M.; Xu, Y.; Xu, Y.; Yan, B.; Yan, T.; Yan, W.; Yan, X.; Yan, Y.; Yang, A.; Yang, C.; Yang, C.; Yang, H.; Yang, J.; Yang, L.; Yang, X.; Yang, Y.; Yang, Y.; Yao, H.; Yasin, Z.; Ye, J.; Ye, M.; Ye, Z.; Yegin, U.; Yermia, F.; Yi, P.; Yin, N.; Yin, X.; You, Z.; Yu, B.; Yu, C.; Yu, C.; Yu, H.; Yu, M.; Yu, X.; Yu, Z.; Yu, Z.; Yuan, C.; Yuan, Y.; Yuan, Z.; Yuan, Z.; Yue, B.; Zafar, N.; Zambanini, A.; Zavadskyi, V.; Zeng, S.; Zeng, T.; Zeng, Y.; Zhan, L.; Zhang, A.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, T.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, F.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, R.; Zhao, S.; Zhao, T.; Zheng, D.; Zheng, H.; Zheng, M.; Zheng, Y.; Zhong, W.; Zhou, J.; Zhou, L.; Zhou, N.; Zhou, S.; Zhou, T.; Zhou, X.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, K.; Zhu, Z.; Zhuang, B.; Zhuang, H.; Zong, L.; Zou, J

    Definition, diagnosis and management of fetal lower urinary tract obstruction: consensus of the ERKNet CAKUT-Obstructive Uropathy Work Group

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    Fetal lower urinary tract obstruction (LUTO) is associated with high mortality and postnatal morbidity caused by lung hypoplasia and impaired kidney function. Specific diagnostic features that can guide clinical approach and decisions are lacking; thus, the European Reference Network for Rare Kidney Diseases established a work group to develop recommendations regarding the clinical definition, diagnosis and management of prenatally detected LUTO. The work group recommends the use of antero-posterior diameter of renal pelvis as the most reliable parameter for suspecting obstructive uropathies and for suspecting prenatal LUTO in the presence of fetal megacystis. Regarding prenatal and postnatal prognosis of fetuses with LUTO, the risk of fetal and neonatal death depends on the presence of oligohydramnios or anhydramnios before 20 weeks' gestation, whereas the risk of kidney replacement therapy cannot be reliably foreseen before birth. Parents of fetuses with LUTO must be referred to a tertiary obstetric centre with multidisciplinary expertise in prenatal and postnatal management of obstructive uropathies, and vesico-amniotic shunt placement should be offered in selected instances, as it increases perinatal survival of fetuses with LUTO

    Immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome : Secondary analysis of the LUNG SAFE database

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    The aim of this study was to describe data on epidemiology, ventilatory management, and outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in immunocompromised patients. Methods: We performed a post hoc analysis on the cohort of immunocompromised patients enrolled in the Large Observational Study to Understand the Global Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Failure (LUNG SAFE) study. The LUNG SAFE study was an international, prospective study including hypoxemic patients in 459 ICUs from 50 countries across 5 continents. Results: Of 2813 patients with ARDS, 584 (20.8%) were immunocompromised, 38.9% of whom had an unspecified cause. Pneumonia, nonpulmonary sepsis, and noncardiogenic shock were their most common risk factors for ARDS. Hospital mortality was higher in immunocompromised than in immunocompetent patients (52.4% vs 36.2%; p < 0.0001), despite similar severity of ARDS. Decisions regarding limiting life-sustaining measures were significantly more frequent in immunocompromised patients (27.1% vs 18.6%; p < 0.0001). Use of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) as first-line treatment was higher in immunocompromised patients (20.9% vs 15.9%; p = 0.0048), and immunodeficiency remained independently associated with the use of NIV after adjustment for confounders. Forty-eight percent of the patients treated with NIV were intubated, and their mortality was not different from that of the patients invasively ventilated ab initio. Conclusions: Immunosuppression is frequent in patients with ARDS, and infections are the main risk factors for ARDS in these immunocompromised patients. Their management differs from that of immunocompetent patients, particularly the greater use of NIV as first-line ventilation strategy. Compared with immunocompetent subjects, they have higher mortality regardless of ARDS severity as well as a higher frequency of limitation of life-sustaining measures. Nonetheless, nearly half of these patients survive to hospital discharge. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02010073. Registered on 12 December 2013

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade

    High Energy Physics Opportunities Using Reactor Antineutrinos

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    Nuclear reactors are uniquely powerful, abundant, and flavor-pure sources of antineutrinos that continue to play a vital role in the US neutrino physics program. The US reactor antineutrino physics community is a diverse interest group encompassing many detection technologies and many particle physics topics, including Standard Model and short-baseline oscillations, BSM physics searches, and reactor flux and spectrum modeling. The community's aims offer strong complimentary with numerous aspects of the wider US neutrino program and have direct relevance to most of the topical sub-groups composing the Snowmass 2021 Neutrino Frontier. Reactor neutrino experiments also have a direct societal impact and have become a strong workforce and technology development pipeline for DOE National Laboratories and universities. This white paper, prepared as a submission to the Snowmass 2021 community organizing exercise, will survey the state of the reactor antineutrino physics field and summarize the ways in which current and future reactor antineutrino experiments can play a critical role in advancing the field of particle physics in the next decade