395 research outputs found

    Multi-D magnetohydrodynamic modelling of pulsar wind nebulae: recent progress and open questions

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    In the last decade, the relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modelling of pulsar wind nebulae, and of the Crab nebula in particular, has been highly successful, with many of the observed dynamical and emission properties reproduced down to the finest detail. Here, we critically discuss the results of some of the most recent studies: namely the investigation of the origin of the radio emitting particles and the quest for the acceleration sites of particles of different energies along the termination shock, by using wisps motion as a diagnostic tool; the study of the magnetic dissipation process in high magnetization nebulae by means of new long-term three-dimensional simulations of the pulsar wind nebula evolution; the investigation of the relativistic tearing instability in thinning current sheets, leading to fast reconnection events that might be at the origin of the Crab nebula gamma-ray flares.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Two-component jet simulations: II. Combining analytical disk and stellar MHD outflow solutions

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    Theoretical arguments along with observational data of YSO jets suggest the presence of two steady components: a disk wind type outflow needed to explain the observed high mass loss rates and a stellar wind type outflow probably accounting for the observed stellar spin down. Each component's contribution depends on the intrinsic physical properties of the YSO-disk system and its evolutionary stage. The main goal of this paper is to understand some of the basic features of the evolution, interaction and co-existence of the two jet components over a parameter space and when time variability is enforced. Having studied separately the numerical evolution of each type of the complementary disk and stellar analytical wind solutions in Paper I of this series, we proceed here to mix together the two models inside the computational box. The evolution in time is performed with the PLUTO code, investigating the dynamics of the two-component jets, the modifications each solution undergoes and the potential steady state reached.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Two-component jet simulations: I. Topological stability of analytical MHD outflow solutions

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    Observations of collimated outflows in young stellar objects indicate that several features of the jets can be understood by adopting the picture of a two-component outflow, wherein a central stellar component around the jet axis is surrounded by an extended disk-wind. The precise contribution of each component may depend on the intrinsic physical properties of the YSO-disk system as well as its evolutionary stage. In this context, the present article starts a systematic investigation of two-component jet models via time-dependent simulations of two prototypical and complementary analytical solutions, each closely related to the properties of stellar-outflows and disk-winds. These models describe a meridionally and a radially self-similar exact solution of the steady-state, ideal hydromagnetic equations, respectively. By using the PLUTO code to carry out the simulations, the study focuses on the topological stability of each of the two analytical solutions, which are successfully extended to all space by removing their singularities. In addition, their behavior and robustness over several physical and numerical modifications is extensively examined. It is found that radially self-similar solutions (disk-winds) always reach a final steady-state while maintaining all their well-defined properties. The different ways to replace the singular part of the solution around the symmetry axis, being a first approximation towards a two-component outflow, lead to the appearance of a shock at the super-fast domain corresponding to the fast magnetosonic separatrix surface. Conversely, the asymptotic configuration and the stability of meridionally self-similar models (stellar-winds) is related to the heating processes at the base of the wind.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Models of the circumstellar medium of evolving, massive runaway stars moving through the Galactic plane

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    At least 5 per cent of the massive stars are moving supersonically through the interstellar medium (ISM) and are expected to produce a stellar wind bow shock. We explore how the mass loss and space velocity of massive runaway stars affect the morphology of their bow shocks. We run two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations following the evolution of the circumstellar medium of these stars in the Galactic plane from the main sequence to the red supergiant phase. We find that thermal conduction is an important process governing the shape, size and structure of the bow shocks around hot stars, and that they have an optical luminosity mainly produced by forbidden lines, e.g. [OIII]. The Ha emission of the bow shocks around hot stars originates from near their contact discontinuity. The Hα\alpha emission of bow shocks around cool stars originates from their forward shock, and is too faint to be observed for the bow shocks that we simulate. The emission of optically-thin radiation mainly comes from the shocked ISM material. All bow shock models are brighter in the infrared, i.e. the infrared is the most appropriate waveband to search for bow shocks. Our study suggests that the infrared emission comes from near the contact discontinuity for bow shocks of hot stars and from the inner region of shocked wind for bow shocks around cool stars. We predict that, in the Galactic plane, the brightest, i.e. the most easily detectable bow shocks are produced by high-mass stars moving with small space velocities.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figure

    ECHAD: Embedding-Based Change Detection from Multivariate Time Series in Smart Grids

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    Smart grids are power grids where clients may actively participate in energy production, storage and distribution. Smart grid management raises several challenges, including the possible changes and evolutions in terms of energy consumption and production, that must be taken into account in order to properly regulate the energy distribution. In this context, machine learning methods can be fruitfully adopted to support the analysis and to predict the behavior of smart grids, by exploiting the large amount of streaming data generated by sensor networks. In this article, we propose a novel change detection method, called ECHAD (Embedding-based CHAnge Detection), that leverages embedding techniques, one-class learning, and a dynamic detection approach that incrementally updates the learned model to reflect the new data distribution. Our experiments show that ECHAD achieves optimal performances on synthetic data representing challenging scenarios. Moreover, a qualitative analysis of the results obtained on real data of a real power grid reveals the quality of the change detection of ECHAD. Specifically, a comparison with state-of-the-art approaches shows the ability of ECHAD in identifying additional relevant changes, not detected by competitors, avoiding false positive detections

    Spatially-Aware Autoencoders for Detecting Contextual Anomalies in Geo-Distributed Data

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    The huge amount of data generated by sensor networks enables many potential analyses. However, one important limiting factor for the analyses of sensor data is the possible presence of anomalies, which may affect the validity of any conclusion we could draw. This aspect motivates the adoption of a preliminary anomaly detection method. Existing methods usually do not consider the spatial nature of data generated by sensor networks. Properly modeling the spatial nature of the data, by explicitly considering spatial autocorrelation phenomena, has the potential to highlight the degree of agreement or disagreement of multiple sensor measurements located in different geographical positions. The intuition is that one could improve anomaly detection performance by considering the spatial context. In this paper, we propose a spatially-aware anomaly detection method based on a stacked auto-encoder architecture. Specifically, the proposed architecture includes a specific encoding stage that models the spatial autocorrelation in data observed at different locations. Finally, a distance-based approach leverages the embedding features returned by the auto-encoder to identify possible anomalies. Our experimental evaluation on real-world geo-distributed data collected from renewable energy plants shows the effectiveness of the proposed method, also when compared to state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods

    Young stellar object jet models: From theory to synthetic observations

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    Astronomical observations, analytical solutions and numerical simulations have provided the building blocks to formulate the current theory of young stellar object jets. Although each approach has made great progress independently, it is only during the last decade that significant efforts are being made to bring the separate pieces together. Building on previous work that combined analytical solutions and numerical simulations, we apply a sophisticated cooling function to incorporate optically thin energy losses in the dynamics. On the one hand, this allows a self-consistent treatment of the jet evolution and on the other, it provides the necessary data to generate synthetic emission maps. Firstly, analytical disk and stellar outflow solutions are properly combined to initialize numerical two-component jet models inside the computational box. Secondly, magneto-hydrodynamical simulations are performed in 2.5D, following properly the ionization and recombination of a maximum of 2929 ions. Finally, the outputs are post-processed to produce artificial observational data. The first two-component jet simulations, based on analytical models, that include ionization and optically thin radiation losses demonstrate promising results for modeling specific young stellar object outflows. The generation of synthetic emission maps provides the link to observations, as well as the necessary feedback for the further improvement of the available models.Comment: accepted for publication A&A, 20 pages, 11 figure

    Turbulence and Steady Flows in 3D Global Stratified MHD Simulations of Accretion Disks

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    We present full 2 Pi global 3-D stratified MHD simulations of accretion disks. We interpret our results in the context of proto-planetary disks. We investigate the turbulence driven by the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) using the PLUTO Godunov code in spherical coordinates with the accurate and robust HLLD Riemann solver. We follow the turbulence for more than 1500 orbits at the innermost radius of the domain to measure the overall strength of turbulent motions and the detailed accretion flow pattern. We find that regions within two scale heights of the midplane have a turbulent Mach number of about 0.1 and a magnetic pressure two to three orders of magnitude less than the gas pressure, while outside three scale heights the magnetic pressure equals or exceeds the gas pressure and the turbulence is transonic, leading to large density fluctuations. The strongest large-scale density disturbances are spiral density waves, and the strongest of these waves has m=5. No clear meridional circulation appears in the calculations because fluctuating radial pressure gradients lead to changes in the orbital frequency, comparable in importance to the stress gradients that drive the meridional flows in viscous models. The net mass flow rate is well-reproduced by a viscous model using the mean stress distribution taken from the MHD calculation. The strength of the mean turbulent magnetic field is inversely proportional to the radius, so the fields are approximately force-free on the largest scales. Consequently the accretion stress falls off as the inverse square of the radius.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Velocity asymmetries in YSO jets: Intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms

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    It is a well established fact that some YSO jets (e.g. RW Aur) display different propagation speeds between their blue and red shifted parts, a feature possibly associated with the central engine or the environment in which the jet propagates. In order to understand the origin of asymmetric YSO jet velocities, we investigate the efficiency of two candidate mechanisms, one based on the intrinsic properties of the system and one based on the role of the external medium. In particular, a parallel or anti-parallel configuration between the protostellar magnetosphere and the disk magnetic field is considered and the resulting dynamics are examined both in an ideal and a resistive magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) regime. Moreover, we explore the effects of a potential difference in the pressure of the environment, as a consequence of the non-uniform density distribution of molecular clouds. Ideal and resistive axisymmetric numerical simulations are carried out for a variety of models, all of which are based on a combination of two analytical solutions, a disk wind and a stellar outflow. We find that jet velocity asymmetries can indeed occur both when multipolar magnetic moments are present in the star-disk system as well as when non-uniform environments are considered. The latter case is an external mechanism that can easily explain the large time scale of the phenomenon, whereas the former one naturally relates it to the YSO intrinsic properties. [abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in A&