1,587 research outputs found

    Mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes during thermal decomposition of divalent metal carbonates: Crystallographic influence, potential mechanism and cosmochemical significance

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    Few physical or chemical processes defy well-established laws of mass-dependent isotopic fractionation. A surprising example, discovered two decades ago, is that thermal decomposition of calcium and magnesium carbonate minerals (conducted in vacuo, to minimise back-reaction and isotopic exchange) causes the oxygen triple-isotope compositions of the resulting solid oxide and CO2 to fit on parallel mass-dependent fractionation lines in ln(1 + δ17O) versus ln(1 + δ18O) space, with anomalous depletion of 17O in the solid and equivalent enrichment of 17O in the CO2. By investigating the thermal decomposition of other natural divalent metal carbonates and one synthetic example, under similar conditions, we find that the unusual isotope effect occurs in all cases and that the magnitude of the anomaly (Δ′17O) seems to depend on the room temperature crystallographic structure of the carbonate. A lower cation coordination number (as associated with smaller cation radius) correlates with a Δ′17O value closer to zero. Local symmetry considerations may therefore be influential. Relative to a reference fractionation line of slope 0.524 and passing through VSMOW, solid oxides produced by thermal decomposition of orthorhombic carbonates were characterised by Δ′17O = −0.367 ± 0.004‰ (standard error). The comparable figure from rhombohedral examples was −0.317 ± 0.010‰, whereas from the sole monoclinic (synthesised) specimen it was −0.219 ± 0.011‰. The numerical values are, to some extent, dependent on details of the experimental procedure. We discuss potential origins of the isotopic anomaly, including the possibility of hyperfine coupling between 17O nuclei and unpaired electrons of transient radicals (the ‘magnetic isotope effect’). A new mechanism based on the latter process is proposed. The associated transition state is compatible with that suggested by recent quantum chemical and kinetic studies of the thermal decompositions of calcite and magnesite. An earlier suggestion based on the magnetic isotope effect is shown to be incompatible with the generation of a 17O anomaly, regardless of the identity of the carbonate. We cannot exclude the possibility that a Fermi resonance between states leading to dissociation may additionally affect the magnitude of Δ′17O in some cases. Our findings have cosmochemical implications, with thermal processing of carbonates providing a potential mechanism for the mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes in protoplanetary systems

    Protein profiling in hepatocellular carcinoma by label-free quantitative proteomics in two west african populations.

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    Background Hepatocellular Carcinoma is the third most common cause of cancer related death worldwide, often diagnosed by measuring serum AFP; a poor performance stand-alone biomarker. With the aim of improving on this, our study focuses on plasma proteins identified by Mass Spectrometry in order to investigate and validate differences seen in the respective proteomes of controls and subjects with LC and HCC. Methods Mass Spectrometry analysis using liquid chromatography electro spray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight was conducted on 339 subjects using a pooled expression profiling approach. ELISA assays were performed on four significantly differentially expressed proteins to validate their expression profiles in subjects from the Gambia and a pilot group from Nigeria. Results from this were collated for statistical multiplexing using logistic regression analysis. Results Twenty-six proteins were identified as differentially expressed between the three subject groups. Direct measurements of four; hemopexin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, apolipoprotein A1 and complement component 3 confirmed their change in abundance in LC and HCC versus control patients. These trends were independently replicated in the pilot validation subjects from Nigeria. The statistical multiplexing of these proteins demonstrated performance comparable to or greater than ALT in identifying liver cirrhosis or carcinogenesis. This exercise also proposed preliminary cut offs with achievable sensitivity, specificity and AUC statistics greater than reported AFP averages. Conclusions The validated changes of expression in these proteins have the potential for development into high-performance tests usable in the diagnosis and or monitoring of HCC and LC patients. The identification of sustained expression trends strengthens the suggestion of these four proteins as worthy candidates for further investigation in the context of liver disease. The statistical combinations also provide a novel inroad of analyses able to propose definitive cut-offs and combinations for evaluation of performance

    Distinguishing G_2-manifolds

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    In this survey, we describe invariants that can be used to distinguish connected components of the moduli space of holonomy G_2 metrics on a closed 7-manifold, or to distinguish G_2-manifolds that are homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic. We also describe the twisted connected sum and extra-twisted connected sum constructions used to realise G_2-manifolds for which the above invariants differ.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. To appear in a forthcoming volume of the Fields Institute Communications, entitled "Lectures and Surveys on G2 manifolds and related topics

    Localization of supersymmetric field theories on non-compact hyperbolic three-manifolds

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    We study supersymmetric gauge theories with an R-symmetry, defined on non-compact, hyperbolic, Riemannian three-manifolds, focusing on the case of a supersymmetry-preserving quotient of Euclidean AdS3_3. We compute the exact partition function in these theories, using the method of localization, thus reducing the problem to the computation of one-loop determinants around a supersymmetric locus. We evaluate the one-loop determinants employing three different techniques: an index theorem, the method of pairing of eigenvalues, and the heat kernel method. Along the way, we discuss aspects of supersymmetry in manifolds with a conformal boundary, including supersymmetric actions and boundary conditions.Comment: v3:79p, minor clarifications and references adde

    MHD models of Pulsar Wind Nebulae

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    Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWNe) are bubbles or relativistic plasma that form when the pulsar wind is confined by the SNR or the ISM. Recent observations have shown a richness of emission features that has driven a renewed interest in the theoretical modeling of these objects. In recent years a MHD paradigm has been developed, capable of reproducing almost all of the observed properties of PWNe, shedding new light on many old issues. Given that PWNe are perhaps the nearest systems where processes related to relativistic dynamics can be investigated with high accuracy, a reliable model of their behavior is paramount for a correct understanding of high energy astrophysics in general. I will review the present status of MHD models: what are the key ingredients, their successes, and open questions that still need further investigation.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, Invited Review, Proceedings of the "ICREA Workshop on The High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and their Systems", Sant Cugat, Spain, April 12-16, 201

    Potential climatic transitions with profound impact on Europe

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    We discuss potential transitions of six climatic subsystems with large-scale impact on Europe, sometimes denoted as tipping elements. These are the ice sheets on Greenland and West Antarctica, the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, Arctic sea ice, Alpine glaciers and northern hemisphere stratospheric ozone. Each system is represented by co-authors actively publishing in the corresponding field. For each subsystem we summarize the mechanism of a potential transition in a warmer climate along with its impact on Europe and assess the likelihood for such a transition based on published scientific literature. As a summary, the ‘tipping’ potential for each system is provided as a function of global mean temperature increase which required some subjective interpretation of scientific facts by the authors and should be considered as a snapshot of our current understanding. <br/

    The theory of brain-sign: a physical alternative to consciousness

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    Consciousness and the mind are prescientific concepts that begin with Greek theorizing. They suppose human rationality and reasoning placed in the human head by (in Christian terms) God, who structured the universe he created with the same kind of underlying characteristics. Descartes' development of the model included scientific objectivity by placing the mind outside the physical universe. In its failure under evidential scrutiny and without physical explanation, this model is destined for terminal decline. Instead, a genuine biological and physical function for the brain phenomenon can be developed. This is the theory of brain-sign. It accepts the causality of the brain as its physical characteristics, already under scientific scrutiny. What is needed is a new neurophysiological mapping language that specifies the relation of the structure and operation of the brain to organismic action in the world. Still what is lacking is an account of how neurophysiologies in different organisms communicate on dynamic, i.e. unpredictable, tasks. It is this evolved capacity that has emerged as brain-sign. Thus rather than mentality being an inner epistemological parallel world suddenly appearing in the head, brain-sign, as the neural sign of the causal status of the brain, facilitates the communicative medium of otherwise isolated organisms. The biogenesis of the phenomenon emerges directly from the account of the physical brain, and functions as a monistic feature of organisms in the physical world. This new paradigm offers disciplinary compatibility, and genuine development in behavioral and brain sciences

    Pre-Diagnostic Circulating Vitamin D and Risk of Melanoma in Men

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    PURPOSE: Various studies have examined the association between serum vitamin D levels and different cancers; however, this is the first prospective study of this association with melanoma risk. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between serum vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and melanoma in a cohort of older, middle-aged Finnish male smokers. METHODS: We conducted a nested case-control study within the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study. From the ATBC cohort, 368 subjects were chosen for our study; 92 participants that developed melanoma and 276 matched control subjects. At study baseline, lifestyle questionnaires and blood samples were collected. Serum 25(OH)D was modeled as three sets of categorical variables: clinically-defined categories, season-specific quartiles and season-adjusted residual quartiles. Conditional logistic regression was used to obtain odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) to estimate the association between circulating vitamin D and melanoma risk. RESULTS: Overall no association of serum 25(OH)D and melanoma risk was observed. A decreased risk of developing melanoma was observed in the middle categories compared to the lowest category, albeit not significant. CONCLUSION: Results indicate no association between serum 25(OH)D levels and melanoma. Additional studies, including possibly consortium efforts, are needed to investigate the association between serum 25(OH)D levels and risk of melanoma in larger, more diverse study populations

    Patients' experiences of the quality of long-term care among the elderly: comparing scores over time

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    Contains fulltext : 108999.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Every two years, long-term care organizations for the elderly are obliged to evaluate and publish the experiences of residents, representatives of psychogeriatric patients, and/or assisted-living clients with regard to quality of care. Our hypotheses are that publication of this quality information leads to improved performance, and that organizations with substandard performance will improve more than those whose performance is relatively good. METHODS: The analyses included organizational units that measured experiences twice between 2007 (t(0)) and 2009 (t(1)). Experiences with quality of care were measured with Consumer Quality Index (CQI) questionnaires. Besides descriptive analyses (i.e. mean, 5(th) and 95(th) percentile, and 90% central range) of the 19 CQI indicators and change scores of these indicators were calculated. Differences across five performance groups (ranging from 'worst' to 'best') were tested using an ANOVA test and effect sizes were measured with omega squared (omega(2)). RESULTS: At t0 experiences of residents, representatives, and assisted-living clients were positive on all indicators. Nevertheless, most CQI indicators had improved scores (up to 0.37 change score) at t(1). Only three indicators showed a minor decline (up to -0.08 change score). Change scores varied between indicators and questionnaires, e.g. they were more profound for the face-to-face interview questionnaire for residents in nursing homes than for the other two mail questionnaires (0.15 vs. 0.05 and 0.04, respectively), possibly due to more variation between nursing homes on the first measurement, perhaps indicating more potential for improvement. A negative relationship was found between prior performance and change, particularly with respect to the experiences of residents (omega(2) = 0.16) and assisted-living clients (omega(2) = 0.15). However, the relation between prior performance and improvement could also be demonstrated with respect to the experiences reported by representatives of psychogeriatric patients and by assisted-living clients. For representatives of psychogeriatric patients, the performance groups 1 and 2 ([much] below average) improved significantly more than the other three groups (omega(2) = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Both hypotheses were confirmed: almost all indicator scores improved over time and long-term care organizations for the elderly with substandard performance improved more than those with a performance which was already relatively good

    A simple approach to ranking differentially expressed gene expression time courses through Gaussian process regression.

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    BACKGROUND: The analysis of gene expression from time series underpins many biological studies. Two basic forms of analysis recur for data of this type: removing inactive (quiet) genes from the study and determining which genes are differentially expressed. Often these analysis stages are applied disregarding the fact that the data is drawn from a time series. In this paper we propose a simple model for accounting for the underlying temporal nature of the data based on a Gaussian process. RESULTS: We review Gaussian process (GP) regression for estimating the continuous trajectories underlying in gene expression time-series. We present a simple approach which can be used to filter quiet genes, or for the case of time series in the form of expression ratios, quantify differential expression. We assess via ROC curves the rankings produced by our regression framework and compare them to a recently proposed hierarchical Bayesian model for the analysis of gene expression time-series (BATS). We compare on both simulated and experimental data showing that the proposed approach considerably outperforms the current state of the art. CONCLUSIONS: Gaussian processes offer an attractive trade-off between efficiency and usability for the analysis of microarray time series. The Gaussian process framework offers a natural way of handling biological replicates and missing values and provides confidence intervals along the estimated curves of gene expression. Therefore, we believe Gaussian processes should be a standard tool in the analysis of gene expression time series