59 research outputs found
Changes In Liver Cell Dna Methylation Status In Diabetic Mice Affect Its Ft-ir Characteristics.
Lower levels of cytosine methylation have been found in the liver cell DNA from non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice under hyperglycemic conditions. Because the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) profiles of dry DNA samples are differently affected by DNA base composition, single-stranded form and histone binding, it is expected that the methylation status in the DNA could also affect its FT-IR profile. The DNA FT-IR signatures obtained from the liver cell nuclei of hyperglycemic and normoglycemic NOD mice of the same age were compared. Dried DNA samples were examined in an IR microspectroscope equipped with an all-reflecting objective (ARO) and adequate software. Changes in DNA cytosine methylation levels induced by hyperglycemia in mouse liver cells produced changes in the respective DNA FT-IR profiles, revealing modifications to the vibrational intensities and frequencies of several chemical markers, including νas -CH3 stretching vibrations in the 5-methylcytosine methyl group. A smaller band area reflecting lower energy absorbed in the DNA was found in the hyperglycemic mice and assumed to be related to the lower levels of -CH3 groups. Other spectral differences were found at 1700-1500 cm(-1) and in the fingerprint region, and a slight change in the DNA conformation at the lower DNA methylation levels was suggested for the hyperglycemic mice. The changes that affect cytosine methylation levels certainly affect the DNA-protein interactions and, consequently, gene expression in liver cells from the hyperglycemic NOD mice.9e10229
O processo de acessão do Brasil à OCDE ao final do governo Bolsonaro
The article seeks to assess the present stage of the Brazilian accession process to the OECD by the end of 2022, looking at its systemic and domestic determinants. The first part covers the history of the enlargement of the OECD members and agenda, in order to highlight the Brazilian accession process in the context of the diffusion of liberal economic reforms advanced by the organization. The second section argues that the OECD expansion must also be understood, nowadays, as a crucial dimension of great power competition, as the organization is part of the commitment from its member countries to the Western alliance. The third section examines specifically the domestic dimension of the accession process in recent years and the conclusion looks briefly at the future prospects for Brazil-OECD relations.Este artigo procura analisar o estágio do processo de acessão do Brasil à Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE) ao final de 2022, sintetizando seus determinantes sistêmicos e domésticos. A primeira parte recupera a trajetória histórica da ampliação dos membros e da agenda da OCDE para caracterizar o processo de acessão do Brasil nos marcos da difusão das normas e reformas econômicas liberalizantes promovida pela organização. A segunda seção argumenta que a expansão da OCDE deve também ser compreendida, na atualidade, no contexto da rivalidade crescente entre os principais polos de poder mundial, na qual a organização é parte do compromisso de seus membros com o bloco ocidental. A terceira seção examina especificamente a dimensão doméstica do processo de acessão do Brasil nos últimos anos, enfatizando o papel central da área econômica do governo e o forte engajamento do setor privado, especialmente da Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI). Por fim, a conclusão aponta algumas considerações quanto às perspectivas futuras do relacionamento do país com a OCDE a partir de 2023
The novel p.Cys65Tyr mutation in NR5A1gene in three 46,XY siblings with normal testosterone levels and their mother with primary ovarian insufficiency
Disorders of sex development (DSD) is the term used for congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or phenotypic sex is atypical. Nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1 gene (NR5A1) encodes steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1), a transcription factor that is involved in gonadal development and regulates adrenal steroidogenesis. Mutations in the NR5A1 gene may lead to different 46,XX or 46,XY DSD phenotypes with or without adrenal failure. We report a Brazilian family with a novel NR5A1 mutation causing ambiguous genitalia in 46,XY affected individuals without Müllerian derivatives and apparently normal Leydig function after birth and at puberty, respectively. Their mother, who is also heterozygous for the mutation, presents evidence of primary ovarian insufficiency. Three siblings with 46,XY DSD, ambiguous genitalia and normal testosterone production were included in the study. Molecular analyses for AR, SRD5A2 genes did not reveal any mutation. However, NR5A2 sequence analysis indicated that all three siblings were heterozygous for the p.Cys65Tyr mutation which was inherited from their mother. In silico analysis was carried out to elucidate the role of the amino acid change on the protein function. After the mutation was identified, all sibs and the mother had been reevaluated. Basal hormone concentrations were normal except that ACTH levels were slightly elevated. After 1 mcg ACTH stimulation test, only the older sib showed subnormal cortisol response. The p.Cys65Tyr mutation located within the second zinc finger of DNA binding domain was considered deleterious upon analysis with predictive algorithms. The identification of heterozygous individuals with this novel mutation may bring additional knowledge on structural modifications that may influence NR5A1 DNA-binding ability, and may also contribute to genotype-phenotype correlations in DSD. The slightly elevated ACTH basal levels in all three patients with 46,XY DSD and the subnormal cortisol response after 1 mcg ACTH stimulation in the older sib indicate that a long-term follow-up for adrenal function is important for these patients. Our data reinforce that NR5A1 analysis must also be performed in 46,XY DSD patients with normal testosterone levels without AR mutations.15
A influência da gordura visceral e subcutânea na densidade mineral óssea de adolescentes obesos
OBJECTIVE: To verify the influence of visceral and subcutaneous fat, as well adipokines in bone mineral density (BMD) in obese adolescents. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study involved 125 postpubertal obese adolescents (45 boys and 80 girls). Anthropometric measurements, body composition, visceral and subcutaneous fat, and BMD were determined. Leptin, adiponectin, and insulin levels also analyzed. RESULTS: Data demonstrated a negative relationship between BMD with insulin resistance, visceral fat and leptin concentration; and bone mineral content with visceral/subcutaneous ratio. Positive association between BMD and subcutaneous fat was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Visceral fat and insulin resistance, as well as visceral/subcutaneous ratio and leptin concentration, were negative predictors of BMD in boys and girls, respectively. However, subcutaneous fat had a protective influence in BMD only in boys.OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da gordura visceral e subcutânea, assim como das adipocinas na densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em adolescentes obesos. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: O estudo envolveu 125 adolescentes obesos pós-púberes. Medidas antropométricas, composição corporal, gordura visceral e subcutânea e DMO foram determinadas. Níveis de leptina, adiponectina e insulina foram analisados. RESULTADOS:Os dados demonstraram associação negativa entre DMO com resistência insulínica, gordura visceral e concentração de leptina; e conteúdo mineral ósseo com a razão visceral/subcutânea. Associação positiva entre DMO e gordura subcutânea foi observada. CONCLUSÕES: Gordura visceral, resistência insulínica, razão visceral/subcutânea e concentração de leptina foram preditores negativos da DMO em meninos e meninas, respectivamente. Entretanto, a gordura subcutânea demonstrou exercer influência positivamente na DMO somente nos meninos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Graduate Studies Program in NutritionUNIFESP Endocrinology DepartmentUNIFESP Psychobiology DepartmentUNIFESP Graduate Studies Program in Interdisciplinary Health SciencesUNIFESP Biosciences DepartmentUNIFESP, Graduate Studies Program in NutritionUNIFESP, Endocrinology DepartmentUNIFESP, Psychobiology DepartmentUNIFESP, Graduate Studies Program in Interdisciplinary Health SciencesUNIFESP, Biosciences DepartmentSciEL
Effect of two sources of zinc on the physiological quality of seed and nutrition of rice (Oriza sativa) seedlings
Rice seeds coating with microparticulate zinc oxide can maximize the absorption of this micronutrient by the seedling and favor seeds vigor when compared with zinc sulfate. This work aimed to evaluate the sources and doses of zinc in seed quality and in the nutrition of rice seedlings. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replications, five doses of zinc in the form of oxide (0; 20; 40, 80 and 160 g kg-1), and a control treatment of zinc in the form of sulfate (40 g kg-1). The following parameters were evaluated: germination, accelerated aging, seedlings emergence, emergence speed index, cold test, dry matter, and zinc concentration in the root and shoot of the seedlings. Seed coating with zinc, regardless of the source, improved seed physiological quality and seedling nutrition of the rice cultivar. Zinc sources did not change the germination; however, the oxide form provided better seed vigor, except for the highest dose (160 g kg-1). The increase in the dose of zinc oxide increased the concentration of this nutrient in rice seedlings dry matter. Zinc coating of rice seeds in the form of microparticulate, depending on the dose, can maximize the seeds vigor and increase the concentration of this micronutrient in the seedlings when compared with zinc sulfate, which is the traditional source used by producers.
Zinc (Zn) coating does not affect germination, but influences the vigor of rice seeds.
The Zn sources affect the Zn concentration in the shoot dry matter.
Both ZnO and ZnSO 4 showed higher shoot dry matter, when compared with the absence of Zn in rice seeds.
Oxide zinc (ZnO) promotes greater root dry matter of rice when compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO 4 ).Rice seeds coating with microparticulate zinc oxide can maximize the absorption of this micronutrient by the seedling and favor seeds vigor when compared with zinc sulfate. This work aimed to evaluate the sources and doses of zinc in seed quality and in the nutrition of rice seedlings. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replications, five doses of zinc in the form of oxide (0; 20; 40, 80 and 160 g kg-1), and a control treatment of zinc in the form of sulfate (40 g kg-1). The following parameters were evaluated: germination, accelerated aging, seedlings emergence, emergence speed index, cold test, dry matter, and zinc concentration in the root and shoot of the seedlings. Seed coating with zinc, regardless of the source, improved seed physiological quality and seedling nutrition of the rice cultivar. Zinc sources did not change the germination; however, the oxide form provided better seed vigor, except for the highest dose (160 g kg-1). The increase in the dose of zinc oxide increased the concentration of this nutrient in rice seedlings dry matter. Zinc coating of rice seeds in the form of microparticulate, depending on the dose, can maximize the seeds vigor and increase the concentration of this micronutrient in the seedlings when compared with zinc sulfate, which is the traditional source used by producers.
Zinc (Zn) coating does not affect germination, but influences the vigor of rice seeds.
The Zn sources affect the Zn concentration in the shoot dry matter.
Both ZnO and ZnSO 4 showed higher shoot dry matter, when compared with the absence of Zn in rice seeds.
Oxide zinc (ZnO) promotes greater root dry matter of rice when compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO 4 )
Uso de substâncias psicoativas, contexto familiar e saúde mental em adolescentes brasileiros, Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde dos Escolares (PeNSE 2012)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação entre o consumo de substâncias psicoativas (tabaco, bebidas alcoólicas e drogas ilícitas) e variáveis demográficas, saúde mental e o contexto familiar em escolares. MÉTODOS: A Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar foi realizada em uma amostra nacional de 109.104 alunos. Foram coletadas informações referentes às variáveis demográficas, contexto familiar e saúde mental. A regressão logística múltipla foi utilizada para avaliar as associações de interesse. RESULTADOS: As análises multivariadas mostraram que o consumo de álcool foi mais elevado entre as meninas, experimentação de drogas foi mais elevada entre os meninos e não houve diferença entre os sexos para tabagismo. Idade mais jovem e ser da cor parda estiveram associados negativamente ao uso do tabaco, bebidas alcoólicas e drogas ilícitas. Também estiveram associadas negativamente a tais comportamentos de risco as características do contexto familiar representadas por: morar com os pais, fazer refeição em conjunto e supervisão parental (os pais saberem o que o filho faz no tempo livre). Por outro lado, características da saúde mental como a solidão e insônia estiveram associadas positivamente ao uso do tabaco, bebidas alcoólicas e drogas ilícitas. Não ter amigos associou-se positivamente ao uso do tabaco e drogas ilícitas, e negativamente ao uso do álcool. CONCLUSÕES: O estudo aponta o efeito protetor da supervisão familiar no uso de tabaco, álcool e drogas, e, ao contrário, o aumento do consumo em função de aspectos relacionados à saúde mental, como solidão, insônia e não ter amigos. Os achados do estudo podem apoiar ações dos profissionais de saúde, educação, famílias e governo na prevenção contra o uso destas substâncias junto aos adolescentes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the consumption of psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs) and demographic variables, mental health and family context among school-aged children. METHODS: The National Adolescent School-based Health Survey was held with a national sample of 109,104 students. Data regarding demographic variables, family background and mental health were collected. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the associations of interest. RESULTS: Multivariate analyses showed that alcohol consumption was higher among girls, drug experimentation was more frequent among boys and that there was no difference between sexes for smoking. Being younger and mulatto were negatively associated with the use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. Also negatively associated with such risk behaviors were characteristics of the family context represented by: living with parents, having meals together and parental supervision (when parents know what the child does in their free time). Moreover, characteristics of mental health such as loneliness and insomnia were positively associated with use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. Not having friends was positively associated with use of tobacco and illicit drugs and negatively associated with alcohol use. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows the protective effect of family supervision in the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs and, on the contrary, the increasing use of substances according to aspects of mental health, such as loneliness, insomnia and the fact of not having friends. The study's findings may support actions from health and education professionals, as well as from the government and families in order to prevent the use of these substances by adolescents
Construção de cartilha com foco em saúde mental do idoso na pandemia pelo Covid-19 / Construction of a booklet focusing on mental health of the elderly in the pandemic by Covid-19
Introdução: Durante muito tempo, o conceito de saúde era entendido apenas como o estado de ausência de doença. Depois de muitos anos, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) modificou esse conceito para um estado completo de bem-estar físico, mental e social, permitindo uma visão mais abrangente. Principalmente no contexto de isolamento social provocado pela Pandemia do COVID-19, os idosos são um grupo etário prejudicado quando se trata de saúde mental. Objetivo: Construir uma cartilha sobre a saúde mental para idosos no contexto da pandemia pelo COVID-19. Método: Por meio de matérias educacionais médicos e matérias do Ministério da Saúde e Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (OPAS), foram construídos resumos sobre a importância da vacinação e posteriormente sedimentados por discussões em grupos e finalizados com a editoração de uma cartilha contendo as informações. O material foi enviado para diversas unidades de saúde a fim de serem estratégias de conscientização. Resultados: O manual foi construído em capítulos como a definição do coronavirus, transmissão, isolamento social e saúde mental, sintomas de alerta de prejuízo mental e medidas de melhoria (como atividade física) sendo uma estratégia importante para a sedimentação de conhecimentos em educação em saúde de unidades básicas. Conclusão: Dessa forma, a construção da cartilha obteve resultados positivos para os discentes que a construíram e para a sociedade haja vista ter ocorrido o desenvolvimento de um material de educação em saúde disponível na atenção primária.
Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research
Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4
While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge
of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In
the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of
Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus
crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced
environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian
Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by
2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status,
much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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