514 research outputs found

    Si los hombres fueran buenos…: Antropología del antipoema

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    El ensayo trata de examinar en términos dialécticos la relación entre poesía y antipoesía en la obra de Nicanor Parra. Cuando el poeta se despide de la poesía para ingresar a la antipoesía, lo hace después de rendir un último homenaje a una práctica agotada. El enfrentamiento con la modernidad procede de un impulso ético. El rechazo del idilio nace de la comprobación de su imposibilidad. Asimismo se combate la idea de que exista un lenguaje poético ya definido, que garantiza la calidad literaria. La crítica del lenguaje codificado se une al rechazo de toda visión endulzada de la realidad. La desacralización sistemática de todos los valores ha provocado contra el poeta la acusación de cinismo. Pero la imposibilidad de creer en algo no es un capricho, sino una condición dramática vivida con coherencia. De allí la analogía con la amarga consideración de Niccolò Machiavelli, cuando denuncia la maldad del ser humano. Esto no impide, sin embargo, el reconocimiento de que se trata de un ser destinado al sufrimiento y a la muerte. De allí la compasión del hombre y del poeta, que había ingresado con confianza en el mundo de las palabras encantadas, para comprobar su disolución frente al horror de lo moderno

    Natural Killer cells responsiveness to physical esercise: a brief review

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    Natural killer cells (NK) are a group of peripheral blood lymphocytes which display cytotoxic ac- tivity against a wide range of tumour cells. They are a consistent part of the inflammatory re- sponse that is activated when either internal or external injuries occur as they are able to syn- thesize perforins. An important role is played by NK cells in the host defence against tumours without expressing any antigen-binding recap- tor in their membrane which, however, distin- guish T and B lymphocytes. NK activity appears early in the immune response, thus providing immediate protection during the time required for the activation and proliferation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and for their differentiation into functional cells. Even though much research regarding the effects of aerobic training exercise on NK cell numbers and function, there appears to be much controversy regarding its effect. NK cells are rapidly mobilized into circulation in response to acute exercise, most likely by in- creased shear stress and catecholamine-in- duced down-regulation of adhesion molecule expression. However, tissue injury and inflam- mation which often accompanies strenuous ex- ercise have been associated to post-exercise NK cell suppression. Scientific evidence indicates exercise-induced changes in NK cell redistribu- tion and function should be strongly influenced by stress hormones including catecholamines, cortisol and prolactin as well as by soluble me- diators such as cytokines and prostaglandins. The role of exercise therapy in cancer patients and survivors rehabilitation is becoming increasingly important as it is thought to modulate immunity and inflammation. However, more knowledge about the effects of exercise on im-mune function in these patients is needed

    Oxytocin, Erectile Function and Sexual Behavior: Last Discoveries and Possible Advances

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    A continuously increasing amount of research shows that oxytocin is involved in numerous central functions. Among the functions in which oxytocin is thought to be involved are those that play a role in social and sexual behaviors, and the involvement of central oxytocin in erectile function and sexual behavior was indeed one of the first to be discovered in laboratory animals in the 1980s. The first part of this review summarizes the results of studies done in laboratory animals that support a facilitatory role of oxytocin in male and female sexual behavior and reveal mechanisms through which this ancient neuropeptide participates in concert with other neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in this complex function, which is fundamental for the species reproduction. The second part summarizes the results of studies done mainly with intranasal oxytocin in men and women with the aim to translate the results found in laboratory animals to humans. Unexpectedly, the results of these studies do not appear to confirm the facilitatory role of oxytocin found in male and female sexual behavior in animals, both in men and women. Possible explanations for the failure of oxytocin to improve sexual behavior in men and women and strategies to attempt to overcome this impasse are considered

    Modeling the Coupled Mass‐Heat Transport in Lennard–Jones‐Like Binary Mixtures by Approach‐to‐Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics

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    A general theoretical framework to address the coupled heat-mass transport and predict the corresponding Soret and Dufour coefficients is presented. It is shown that by starting from microscopical definitions of heat and mass currents, conservation laws dictate the form of the differential equations governing the time evolution of the temperature and mass density profiles along the sample. The present theoretical device is finally validated using as benchmark system a two-component Lennard–Jones (LJ) liquid system, for which generalized diffusivities are estimated in different reduced temperature and density regions of phase diagram

    Due apocalissi nicaraguensi: Ernesto Cardenal e Julio Cortázar

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    The paper analyses a poem by Ernesto Cardenal, “Apocalipsis”, and a tale by Julio Cortázar, “Apocalipsis in Solentiname”. The first text presents the perspective of a possible nuclear war, the second uses the inexplicable metamorphosis of a serie of slides to denounce the crimes of latin american dictatures

    Un poeta mapuche che scrive in spagnolo

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    The indigenous literature revival in America has continuously increased its importance and impact to become one of the most significant phenomena of the culture of many Latinamerican countries. Besides elements in common, also deep differences emerged, linked to the different historical backgrounds and different literary traditions of the American languages. One of the key issues was the relationship established between the two languages, the indigenous and the hegemonic, especially starting from the self-translation practice commonly used to allow the reading of the texts produced in two different cultural worlds.The indigenous literature revival in America has continuously increased its importance and impact to become one of the most significant phenomena of the culture of many Latinamerican countries. Besides elements in common, also deep differences emerged, linked to the different historical backgrounds and different literary traditions of the American languages. One of the key issues was the relationship established between the two languages, the indigenous and the hegemonic, especially starting from the self-translation practice commonly used to allow the reading of the texts produced in two different cultural worlds.La rinascita della scrittura letteraria nelle lingue indigene d’America ha continuato a manifestarsi impetuosamente negli ultimi anni, fino a diventare uno dei fenomeni più significativi della cultura attuale di numerosi paesi ispanoamericani. Accanto ad elementi comuni, emergevano anche delle profonde differenze, legate ai diversi contesti storici e alle diverse tradizioni letterarie delle lingue americane. Una delle questioni nodali era naturalmente il rapporto stabilito tra le due lingue, quella indigena e quella egemonica, a partire soprattutto dalla pratica dell’autotraduzione, ampiamente diffusa per permettere la lettura dei testi prodotti all’interno di due mondi culturali differenti.The indigenous literature revival in America has continuously increased its importance and impact to become one of the most significant phenomena of the culture of many Latinamerican countries. Besides elements in common, also deep differences emerged, linked to the different historical backgrounds and different literary traditions of the American languages. One of the key issues was the relationship established between the two languages, the indigenous and the hegemonic, especially starting from the self-translation practice commonly used to allow the reading of the texts produced in two different cultural worlds

    Mariátegui frente al estudio de una literatura colonial

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    Dopamine, erectile function and male sexual behavior from the past to the present: a review

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    Early and recent studies show that dopamine through its neuronal systems and receptor subtypes plays different roles in the control of male sexual behavior. These studies show that (i) themmesolimbic/mesocortical dopaminergic system plays a key role in the preparatory phase of sexual behavior, e.g., in sexual arousal, motivation and reward, whereas the nigrostriatal system controls the sensory-motor coordination necessary for copulation, (ii) the incertohypothalamic system is involved in the consummatory aspects of sexual behavior (penile erection and copulation), but evidence for its role in sexual motivation is also available, (iii) the pro-sexual effects of dopamine occur in concertnwith neural systems interconnecting the hypothalamus and preoptic area with the spinal cord, ventral tegmental area and other limbic brain areas and (iv) D2 and D4 receptors play a major role in the pro-sexual effects of dopamine. Despite some controversy, increases or decreases, respectively, of brain dopamine activity induced by drugs or that occur physiologically, usually improves or worsens, respectively, sexual activity. These findings suggest that an altered central dopaminergic tone plays a role in mental pathologies characterized by aberrant sexual behavior, and that pro-erectile D4 receptor agonists may be considered a new strategy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men