30 research outputs found

    The Periotest Method: Implant-Supported Framework Precision of Fit Evaluation

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    : In this study, the Periotest instrument was used to measure the precision of fit between cast high noble-metal frameworks and the supporting implants in a patient-simulation model. Three framework conditions and three implant-location variables were used to evaluate the rigidity of the assembly as measured by the Periotest method. The framework variables were (1) one-piece castings (OPC); (2) sectioned-soldered inaccurate castings (SSIC); and (3) sectioned-soldered accurate castings (SSAC). The implant-location variables were right anterior (RA), center (C), and left anterior (LA). Materials and Methods : The patient simulation model used consisted of three self-tapping BrÅnemark implants in a reasonable arch curvature in bovine bone. Three working casts were fabricated from the patient-simulation model using polyvinyl siloxane and tapered impression copings. From the working casts, three sets of three frameworks were fabricated as OPCs, SSICs, and SSACs using type 3 high noble alloy. The SSICs were fabricated with a quantitative misfit of 101.6 Μm at the facial surface, between the abutment-to-gold cylinder interface at the C implant location. Periotest value (PTV) measurements were made at the midfacial surface of the frameworks directly above each abutment-to-gold cylinder interface. Three measurements were made for each test condition. The data were analyzed to compare framework condition(s) and implant location(s) using ANOVA and Fisher's Protected Least Significant Difference Comparison Test. Results : The ANOVA showed that significant differences exist between the mean PTV data for framework condition and for implant location (p < .01). Significant differences were shown between the mean PTV data for the SSAC assemblies and the OPC and SSIC assemblies. The SSICs displayed a more positive (+) mean PTV than the OPCs. The OPC assemblies had a more positive mean PTV than the SSAC assemblies. The mean PTV data for the SSAC assemblies had a significantly different PTV (p < .01) than the other two framework condition assemblies. The OPC and the SSIC assemblies had PTVs that were not significantly different. The C implant location was significantly different from the RA and the LA implant locations (p < .01). The RA and the LA implant locations were not significantly different from each other. The C implant location always demonstrated the most positive mean PTV regardless of the framework condition being tested. Conclusions : The Periotest instrument quantified differences in the precision of fit between three framework conditions. The SSAC assemblies were significantly more rigid than the OPC and SSIC assemblies. The OPC and SSIC assemblies' mean PTVs were not significantly different. The mean PTVs for the C implant location and the RA and LA implant locations were significantly different (p < .01). The mean PTVs of the RA and LA implant locations were not significantly different. The implant-location PTVs followed the same rank order for all three framework conditions. The procedures used to fabricate a more precise fit between the framework and the supporting implants is influenced by the skill of the clinician and technician.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75096/1/j.1532-849X.1996.tb00298.x.pd

    The Role of Gender in Descriptive Representation

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    This article broadens consideration of the gender gap from voting differ ences to the larger question of affective preferences for descriptive represen tation (Pitkin 1967). The results, based on a 1993 survey of 416 individuals, suggest that women are far more likely than men to be "gender conscious" in their evaluation of a candidate or a preferred representative. Differences among the 224 women in the sample can be traced to at least four sources. Group interests and feminist attitudes are positive sources of women's preferences for descriptive representation. Conversely, conservative political views deter some women from supporting women in politics. The results also provide partial support for Carroll's (1987) psychological and economic autonomy thesis. Finally, the results suggest that in part the "gender gap" may be a generational gap most prevalent among "baby boomers."Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Codi de Conducta en Competicions Esportives de Petanca

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    Aquest Codi de Conducta sistematitza tot un conjunt d'elements que pretenen ser una referència en la promoció i el desenvolupament de les competicions esportives de petanca. És un instrument que l'Àrea de Formació de la Federació Catalana de Petanca (FCP) posa a l'abast dels clubs i de les entitats que volen millorar el bon fer esportiu. I que també volen impulsar les conductes, els comportaments, les actituds i els valors positius i desitjables del nostre esport (inclusió, convivència, cooperació, participació, socialització, compromís, organització, democràcia, etc.). Com a eina pedagògica incideix en aspectes positius, reforça les bones conductes i evita les visions exclusives més centrades en les sancions. Per tant, des d'una perspectiva clarament educativa, no pretén substituir altres normatives i reglaments vigents. Tampoc té l'objectiu de rellevar la tasca que puguin realitzar altres òrgans de l'organigrama de la FCP, com per exemple el seu Comitè de Competició i Disciplina o el Comitè d'Àrbitres. La idea és oferir als clubs i les entitats un material útil i profitós, perquè el puguin emprar en les seves comunitats esportives, així com en les competicions esportives de petanca que organitzen

    An Ontological Approach to Inform HMI Designs for Minimizing Driver Distractions with ADAS

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    ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are in-vehicle systems designed to enhance driving safety and efficiency as well as comfort for drivers in the driving process. Recent studies have noticed that when Human Machine Interface (HMI) is not designed properly, an ADAS can cause distraction which would affect its usage and even lead to safety issues. Current understanding of these issues is limited to the context-dependent nature of such systems. This paper reports the development of a holistic conceptualisation of how drivers interact with ADAS and how such interaction could lead to potential distraction. This is done taking an ontological approach to contextualise the potential distraction, driving tasks and user interactions centred on the use of ADAS. Example scenarios are also given to demonstrate how the developed ontology can be used to deduce rules for identifying distraction from ADAS and informing future designs